Krasnayafleur's training

Revenge should be sweet?

This is a completely unrelated story but I hope the immaturity and humor in this story cheer you up a bit!!

I had a meet in high school where one guy apparently thought he could stay with me in the 800-meters (i had the best time going into this meet by nearly 15 seconds) so I kind’ve pointed at him as we came around the first lap so everyone could see (my immature attempt at humor) and proceeded to smoke him (and everyone else) bad on the 2nd lap. Well, later on in the mile relay, this guy’s coach had put him on the anchor leg to try and run against me to get some revenge. Well, I’m warming up and his whole damn team is yelling at me and talking smack!! So I am getting ready for the anchor leg and his team has about 30 meters on my team, and I proceed to walk his turtle-a$$ down and when I finish, I run over to his whole team and give them a little bit of love in the form of two middle digit fingers!!

The moral of this story, you’re only a loser if you’re a loser!! And you ain’t no loser, honey!! You can’t let a loss beat you twice, so get rid of those feelings and focus. Have you ever read Michael Johnson’s “Slaying the Dragon”. He talks a lot about how his experience in Barcelona made his performance in Atlanta possible. Check it out!

Dont get down on yourself you have had some great PRs and ran very well.

Be proud of your accomplishments :slight_smile:

that is interesting what you wrote about the tempo after competing to flush everything out. That is a very good idea.


Thanks guys… I am feeling a bit better :cool:

today was pre-comp mode again…
-good WU, 6-8 4x1 handoffs in spikes (between 30 and 70 meters for different purposes)

We are going to a random invitational tommorow to give some kids a last chance to qualify for states. I am doing 300h (I had to make this decision a while ago because I can’t do both hurdles, and now I wish I was doing the 100’s :mad: )

My coach entered me at 44.9. He is cracked, but it would be be nice if I could prove him right. I’m also long-jumping and running on a 4x1. The top seed in the 100h is 16.6… my best is 15.1. There is a girl in the 47’s in the 300’s, I guess it will be good to run that one and have some decent competition. The school record is 44.76; tommorow might be my last chance to try for it. I have already held the 100’s for 3 years.

Iced my ankle… it isn’t really swollen, probably just tendinitis, pshhh

This girl is fit! I was at the meet and she was all in black! She was in Vader-Mode.

this meet was possibly the worst idea ever.
When we got there, it was in the 40’s, windy, and drizzling. This did not change for 8 hours… it was FREEZING and ridiculous to think about PRing.

The 300’s was its own disaster on top of this- I went out harder than usual and was close to the first hurdle, so I MURDERED it and almost fell on my face. I had a nice save, but when I landed I jammed my lead quad (I say jammed because it felt like that feeling when you jam your finger, not like I pulled anything) soooooooo that hurt a lot and threw off my steps for the entire race and I was really embarrassed. I still ran under 50, but I mean… big deal.

Long jump was better than it has been for most of the season, but I need to get back up to where I was during indoor in the next week for states. Then, it seemed like even without practicing I could easily jump a 16 high/17 low without even thinking about it, but lately I have been in the 15’s and that does not even approach good enough.

4x100 was better; we were the #2 seed but ended up in lane 8 :confused: And I almost ran out of the zone again and had to stop (I SWEAR I took off from the mark…) BUT we still won and beat last year’s All-State runner-up team… excellent.

I cooled down and iced my quad and ankle, hopefully nothing will come of it.

I wear all black to every meet :cool:

Maybe I will do tempo today as I should…
I’m just kind of sad and don’t want to drag myself outside. :o It is still really cold here, and it’s going to be cold all week, at least until thursday. I need 80 degree weather and sun on saturday!
Finally got a good night’s sleep, need to gear up for my last week of classes when all my papers which I haven’t started yet are due.

My quad seems like it’s ok. The hamstring on the other side hurts a bit, but it’s my lead leg, and no matter how many strides I did I couldn’t get properly warm yesterday. I guess it could be stress of a certain variety as well. :frowning: just for the record, I am swearing off boys within 5 years of my age.
Ankle still being stupid.

Quick tempo then…

did 10 min. of 30 on 30 off and stretched my hamstring but it is still being problematic.

The final decision will be made tommorow on which hurdle I will do at states… I hope it is the 100’s. I want to break 15, beat that girl, and be able to do all short speed training for the next couple of weeks instead of worrying about longer work for the 300’s. At the same time, i came to enjoy the 300’s and I doubt I will do the 400’s next year. Of course when asked, I said I would prefer the short ones, but also said that i would do whatever I need to points-wise. I will almost certainly not win the 100’s as the defending new england champ is in our class, but the 300’s I might have a chance to be state class champ. I don’t know.

I just realized that heptathlon is in a week as well… how did that happen? My hamstring and ankle will NOT like this.

It’s official- I am doing the 100 hurdles at states! I’m a little worried now that this was not the better choice, even though it probably was… I don’t know, I can’t change it now anyway.
This will work out well, because now I can train down this week and do short speed work for hurdles, 4x1, and long jump. After the class meet I will have to train back up to be ready for the 800 of heptathlon and a couple 400’s at nationals. But All-States and new england’s in hurdles and maybe 4x1 come first.

It got a little warmer in the afternoon today after raining all morning, and our coaches told us some awesome news which got me in a good mood. I trained with the 100/200 group:
-1x250 full recovery, 4x150, 4x40
-upper and lower phase 3 lift–> stretching
-All the runs felt good, but my legs felt TERRIBLE. My hamstring got loosened up and the tweakiness in my quad is still there but not bad. Instead it was my ankle, both shins, and to an extent my knees. I’m sure I need new shoes and this is the reason why, I should stop being lazy and go out and get a new pair- mine have been dead for a while. :o

One of the people causing me a lot of stress and distraction left for the summer today, so perhaps my mind will stop making me tweaky now. :cool:

Mu ankle hurts so f-ing bad.
Warmed up outside and did 3x50 @90% and 1x150 @80%.

It is still really cold here, so we headed inside to do other stuff…
-some fast handoffs
-4-step drills off a box for LJ

  • some short hurdles with my coach watching and timing (finally, yay!) : 4x1, 4x2.

I haven’t worked on starts to the first in a while, so the steps to the first hurdle feel a little shaky. I am lifting my head up right away so that I can look at the first hurdle- I am hitting correct angles out of blocks but I need to keep my head down for another couple of steps. From watching video of myself, I have also decided that my trail leg is sluggish coming around… probably caused by the swimming arm.

In workouts before nationals when I set a big PR in the short hurdles, my best reps were around 2.1 to 2.2 touchdown over the first hurdle, and 1.1 in between. Today was 2.4 and 1.2… more starts…

I have made a list of the biggest pain areas. My hamstring was tight, but that seems to have gone away. The glaring issues right now are the left shin, and even worse is the right ankle. I got new shoes this morning which helped, but what I really want is a shin massage. Our trainer is gone for the summer and left an incompetent replacement who I don’t trust and who doesn’t even bother to stay until the end of our practice anyway. Even though I won’t be able to stand to go as deep, I will probably just do it myself, better than nothing!

biofoam roller and roll both shins by placing yourself in a push-up position and shins on the roller. As for the LJ training…yikes!

Why not rest big wednesday by doing hurldle mobility and go heavy on thursday. This will allow you to gage what to tweak at all-states.

what a day…
I struggled and agonized because I HATE the feeling of taking time off right before a championship… I just imagine what my competitors must be doing right at that moment while I am doing nothing.
I needed the time, so I did as recommended:
-easy WU
-long hurdle mobility
-2x block starts in shoes (coach insisted, he wanted a whole workout of it but my shins and ankle were not going to go for that) for 4 steps just to check angles
-bench, incline press, push press w/light weights, low reps, working for speed
-core work
-thorough stretching, ICE, and that was it!
What a weird feeling.
My shins are sore from the massage, when they are stiff it always gives me a weird feeling in my teeth and my sternum…? :stuck_out_tongue: not painful, just weird. Quad feels good. Ankle didn’t hurt until the end of strides during warmup. Can’t breath, but maybe I just need to sleep through the night for once.

Tommorow I have to do some LJ steps, hurdles and blocks, and handoffs… not a lot of meterage, but plenty of pounding.

AWESOME practice today…
Took me longer than usual to get warm and loose, but once I got there things felt good. My ankle and shins are not going to go away by saturday, but it’s going to be tolerable, and I don’t think I will make it particularly worse.
-6x40m handoffs
-some quick javelin stuff for heptath
-LJ: 3x4 step, 3x full approach. Jumping has not gone well for me this season, but in practice today I jumped only 7 inches under my PR, instead of 2 feet under it as I have been doing in meets lately. If I could pull of a 17+ on Saturday, that would be huge for us.

Still need to stretch properly and ice- was in a rush of doing stuff after practice.

After tommorow, I am done with school and will be a college freshman :cool:

you know what? I thought you were a male at start!!! I was wondering :rolleyes: why a guy like you would talk so much about such poor preformance. I only read a few posts of your before and nothing much was mentioned on what I saw!! But then I FOUND out that you’re a girl. I’m not really used to girls so crazy about sports like you??!! In fact. It doesn’t fit!! I might be wrong but thats what I really see. It really doesn’t fit! Why are you so crazy for sports? I mean you’re a “Girl” ( sorry if you got the bad meaning )but come on girls like “other” things while at the same time they take sports just for the sake of something I really don’t know. At least these are all the girls I’ve seen and met. And strangley they pop up some amazing stuff. But thats usually what happens with girls. You never know what rules guide their lives. But then I see you are so much interested !! It just doesn’t fit. Thats how I see it!! No offence. It just doesn’t fit. Is there anyone else here who’s female, who I think is male!! I don’t know.

But after all I have to say that the sport would loose its taste without all these chick around on the track! I guess that may be their drive. :smiley:

OMG Kras is a girl - shouldn’t u be flower arranging or something ? :rolleyes:

for your funeral… :mad:

someone’s asking for a smack upside his head from kra!!!

Wow, seems like you really hit the nail on the head there! You’ve uncovered my secert… I am really just a ditzy little girl who likes to go shopping and make boys carry my bags because I’m too weak to do it myself, and of course I only run because I want to be eye candy for all the guys out there who REALLY care about what they’re doing. :confused:

Actually, allow me to shock you… My girls team just finished our 8th consecutive undefeated season- (indoor and outdoor both) we have been league champions every year, and we have won three state titles in the past three seasons, while the boys have struggled recently to finish with a winning record in the league. This past indoor season, I was undefeated in hurdles among girls AND boys both.

I’m going to the #1 college in the US on a scholarship where I will be a three-season athlete. Clearly, I care quite a lot about what I’m doing, and I probably wouldn’t be posting on this forum if I didn’t! Perhaps girls aren’t driven like this where you are from and that’s very sad.

That was sarcasm Clemson … hence sarcasm smiley … :rolleyes: - lol that was sarcasm too :wink:

state class meet tommorow… oh lord.
I have gone over the seeds a couple times, there is a girl seeded with a BS TIME- I KILLED her in indoor. Either the time is suspect or I am ready to go sub 14.9. I think both are true. I have never seen such a strong year for hurdles in our class… two years ago if I hadn’t false-started, I would have been second with a 15.9. This year, 15.9 barely makes the top 10. In every other class I would be seeded first or second, but here… yikes. I must do better than third. :cool: The competition is real close, our girls are going in as underdogs for the first time in 3 seasons. It would take a phenomenal day to pull off a 4th straight state class win.

Anyway, did some pre-meet prep:
-WU, 4x40 strides, 3x75 build-ups
-2x2 hurdles out of blocks plus some jog-overs
-5 4x1 handoffs
-stretch, will ice later…

Shin pain is bad, back is tweaky, and ankle is unbearable :mad: It hurts most when I take weight off of it, so in other words once I stop running, or when I’m going up stairs, things like that. It’s the worst it has ever been, but I’m pretty confident that a lot of it is about nerves so there is no way it will keep me from running tommorow. This is the most annoying nervous habit ever.

I need to: jump 17+, hurdle sub-15, and not run out of the zone.
Tonight will be big for sleep, I am DONE WITH HS, I should sleep like a rock- if I can stop worrying.

to be perfectly honest with ya kras, after keeping up to date with your training diary, and I am absolutely sure that you are a machine… a freakin XX cromosome track machine!!!

I think I’m in love… :smiley:

Anyway, you have all our support, even when someone stands up and dorks out!!

