Krasnayafleur's training

LOL Ohh man, What a coincidence. I was reading your post while I was sucking some cock through a sucking straw!! :smiley: :smiley:

Ohh and by the way Kra, I was just asking no more. Cause my girlfriend was a very good track athlete as well ( notional Champ! ) but then she was always, always pissed when I mention anything to do with training. SO it just seemed a little different to see a GIRL crazy about track. While my GF was a notional champs and really never cared about it. Was just wondering. Not offencive.

national champ and she didn’t care?! seems like there is something fundamentally wrong with that :mad:

ahgchile- thanks… :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, meet today was pretty good:
-LJ was frustrating… I had two jumps in the high 16’s but fouled them, so I moved my mark waaaaay back to get a fair jump on the last one, ended up being a foot behind the board and didn’t make the final. Oh well… sometimes things like that happen.
-100 hurdles was great, considering the WIND. anyone who was there can tell you that there were freakin constant gusts of wind bombing down the straight at us, it was brutal. HOWEVER, the girl who outleaned me at the league meet was next to me in trials. And semis. And finals. Aaaaand I beat her in trials. And semis. And finals. :smiley: I ended up beating my seed and coming in second to the defending new england champion by 2/10ths at 15.5. The FAT made it a little slow, but it was mostly the wind… this girl has run 14.6’s consistently this season, and she ran a 15.3. Even if the 14.6 was a handtime, that’s still half a second of wind resistance. So I could make the stretch and say me at 15.0 without wind, and 14.8 handtimed :cool: The girl with the BS entry came in 6th… haha.
-4x1 was ok, this time both of us were in the right place for the handoff, but my teammate got brushed by another girl and stumbled so it was still a little rocky. We took 4th, I’m not sure of the time, but definitely not a PR for us.
-made sure to cool down properly and stretch a lot. I was limping around like an idiot all day because my ankle is so bad, but the shins held up without a problem. I iced the ankle all the way home, but I’m not sure what else I can do with it. At first I was favoring it just to save it, but by the end the limping was real. :rolleyes: It doesn’t hurt when I’m actually doing things, it is right afterwards when I take pressure off it.

In any event, I’m headed to All-States next week in hurdles and 4x1, maybe we will get lucky with the weather for once.

And as a team we were 2nd by 11 points. We were pretty proud, considering that we graduated 36 points last year, and the team who won didn’t graduate anyone.

I woke up during the night and couldn’t fall back asleep because my ankle hurt so much. I don’t think I will even do tempo today. :frowning:

silly rabit…tempo can be any low intensity exercise…go to a pool and do deep water running or even a large core session. General blood flow will help all areas.

Tommorow I might do something like that, but for today- no movement… :mad:

Your technique is fine…save your energy for the hurdles and have fun with the 4 x 1!

If you have any problems feel free to contact us at

To be honest, I think the technique has gone downhill considerably since last year and even since indoor. The leading arm isn’t tight and the trail leg is sluggish… sometimes the knee is even behind the hip so that I am not square coming off the hurdle.

Probably a little late to be trying to re-work it all now, since All-states is in 5 days. I will do blocks and take advantage of all the lifting I did early on to pick up speed.

If we can have a clean handoff FOR ONCE, 4x1 will be fun.

Not sure yet which day to take off this week for my ankle, but I know I’m going to need at least one. I will be on my ankle all night on wednesday- might have to go light thurs and fri both. :rolleyes:

Some errors are due to fatigue…rest up (you are a senior so that should be better) and do it.

Another day off… taking two days in a row means BUSINESS for me. I can’t even remember the last time that happened. But I had really intense dreams last night and slept until almost 1pm which is EXTREMELY unusual, so I didn’t do much all day. Elevated and iced the ankle, I might do some hot and cold stuff later.

Due to some factors with other kids on the team, we won’t be running 4x1 at All-states- just hurdles. Another first… :rolleyes:

I’m at 116 lbs. and a fourth month has gone by with no period… hmmmmm :confused:

I’m trying to remember from bio class but it could have something to do with the fact tbat your training has elevated the amount of androgens (estrogen I think) in your bloodstream and so the gland (thyroid) that controls the release of the egg has a negative feedback mechanism that prevents the release of another egg which equals no period. Sorry for the long sentence.

Of course I could just be totally off base with this one and someone more knowledgable that me will come along and tell me everything that is wrong with what I’m saying. I knew I should’ve studied harder…but I’m pretty sure that could be it.

Thanks, I had never heard that proposal… it is usually written off as not enough food and too much exercise + stress. I’m not really sure which one i believe since this is actually pretty normal for me. :rolleyes:

-did my warmup outside then went in the do hurdles: 3x1, 3x2, 3x3 all out of blocks. I left it at that- I am saving heptathlon throws stuff for later this week.
-My ankle did not feel 100% so it does hurt, but it feels a lot better than it did over the weekend. I didn’t do any other running purposely. Unfortunately tommorow is the prom so I will be in heels all night, but I will be careful…

It was really hard to focus today, so my form was still a little sloppy. I am distracted by hating my team and my team hating me… I can’t be concerned about it because I know for myself that I have done the right things all season… I am just so disgusted and fed up with people not owning up to their mistakes and always trying to blame someone else. Everyone is kicked out of all-states and their seasons are ending now except for me, our guy’s captain, and a boys 4x8. Too much drama and BS, it makes me so f-ing angry. I am so glad to be getting the hell out.

Stay off your feet…

Didn’t sleep very well and woke up sore. I was supposed to try to do some 800 pacing and a little quick hurdle work today, but I’m not sure I can get to it. I figure I might as well stay off my ankle as much as I can, be careful tonight, and get a good practice in tommorow.

I hate to miss practice so I might still get something done, but my motivation is sort of failing. :confused:

a little sore…
I stayed out all night at the prom, slept from 5-2, and I am still tired enough to sleep tonight. My ankle held up surprisingly well, it ached only after I took off the heels and walked around some more. I had it elevated and I will ice it, but I really don’t think it’s going to heal before the end of the season so I am expecting to have to work through it until then. I felt around in there for a while and it is all crunchy like burned toast… tendinitis I am guessing :rolleyes:

Because of all the craziness with my team lately, I don’t even know when the end of my season is going to be and I don’t know if I am going to go to nationals as in individual since the rest of the team is no longer going. My coach was speculating on entering me in the 400 hurdles, but if I qualify for junior nationals in heptathlon I might rather do that. But that is at the end of june, and depending on my ankle I might decide to shut down after new england’s (assuming I qualify) and look towards getting ready for college.

Training the past couple days has been kind of disjointed and it’s actually more distracting not to have my team there. I’ve been losing focus worrying about what’s going on (I rarely cry but I was crying about this) and I don’t know how well prepared I feel to go into saturday. Things seem to be blowing over now so hopefully I can devote tommorow to getting loose and visualizing.

Today I was coachless:
-long warmup and strides
-hurdle mobility
-3x1, 3x3 hurdles out of blocks- I was doing starts with a couple guys and my starts were sluggish, but by the end I was beating them out :cool:
-looong stretching

and now hydration and sleep!

couldn’t sign on yesterday, but I didn’t do too much of excitement- I warmed up well, and did jav and shot for heptath.

Today was All-states, which went sort of ok. My college coach for next year was there watching, so i really wanted to do well, but I couldn’t really get into it. My prelim was 15.6, semi was around 15.4 (I didn’t see the time for sure) and final was 15.5.

I can’t be disappointed because last year I didn’t even make the final, and this year I came in 5th. I was sort of annoyed though because I ran 4/10ths off my PR and I really think I would be capable of sub-15 if I had trained for it during the season. Considering I can count the number of short hurdle workouts I did on one hand… oh well, no excuses. I had to train for other things too I guess, even though now all my 400 training is wasted because we are not taking our 4x4 to nationals. I have a couple more chances at heptathlon and at new england’s next weekend for the hurdles.

I felt ok about the races, they just felt a little off. Sometimes I can feel myself really get into a rhythm and get moving in the middle stretch, and today I felt like I was struggling a bit. When I got home I watched the video of my races and was shocked- I look like I’m asleep! Sluggish starts, not aggressive and attacking the hurdles… I don’t know. :confused:

Indoor has always been my glory season- I think by this point in outdoor I have been going for so long that I either start to break down or lose focus. My ankle was not happy today and if it keeps up I might shut it down after new england’s and focus on summer stuff to get ready for college.

The rounds in HS are tough…you did a great job today…DarthMode!

I must be getting sick… a lot of people around me have been sickish and I slept until 12:40 today… I NEVER sleep that much. I always seem to come down with something around the end of the school year- last year it was freakin chicken pox which knocked me out for more than two weeks. Between that and needing to stand up all afternoon at work on my ankle, I’m taking today off…

I was so right! I went to work and my heart rate was almost 100 just standing quietly folding shirts. I wrapped my ankle and was getting by ok, but slowly I just started to feel crappy and thought why suffer? Heptathlon is tommorow and I have wanted to be state champ in it since I first did it freshman year. So I got someone to cover and came home to ice, eat soup, and watch movies woooooooooooooo :smiley:

All my PRs add up to 4,542. Junior national qualifying is 4,200. I’m not sure if thats what I really want anymore though…

First day of heptath…
It went ok, the times were not great, but they were pretty bad for everyone because of a headwind and also the low-key quality of the meet. A lot of people come just to have fun, so it can be hard to get psyched up and get focused. I picked out my closest competitors and we picked into heats together for hurdles and 200 which helped out a bit.

I am in an all-out dual with another girl- I am sitting in first or second coming into the 2nd day tommorow, we are so close that I don’t even know. Tommorow should be interesting…

My one PR of the day was in shotput :stuck_out_tongue:

I tossed and turned all night last night and couldn’t sleep- I had some caffeine around 5 yesterday, it was a very small amount but I guess it could have kept me up. Despite no sleep, I don’t really feel sick today, I’m just starting to feel a little worn out or burned out. I haven’t had an off-season for the past four years.

My ankle hurts so f-ing bad. :frowning: I don’t know what I’m going to do for the rest of the post-season. Should I just shut down?? I don’t know.