Krasnayafleur's training

Another meet down in the marathon stretch this week-
PR’d in 300 hurdles by a second and ran 47.4, stuttering two hurdles.
Season’s best in 100m hurdles of 15.6. I focused on the swimming arm, which was a bit better, but I definitely will have a pretty bruise on my trail knee tommorow. I need to put all these pieces together.

Also did long and high jump which did not go so well, but I did what I needed to do to help my team to its 8th undefeated regular season (indoor and outdoor… I think XC lost once last year.)

My body feels good, I was careful to stretch afterwards and remember to eat something :slight_smile: My hamstrings are behaving, and the bruising on my neck and spine is going away, I’m not really sure where that came from.

Now studying for my final AP… strangely at the same time that I’m feeling really good about PRing I still feel kind of sad. I’m so frustrated with not having proper hurdle coaching and never practicing jumps at all… I am so much stronger this year, I feel like I could go a lot further. There is still a lot of the season left, so I will have to wait and see… but I do miss the hurdle coach I had last year.

congrats!! second PR is awesome!!

Took my last AP EVER, :smiley: went outside and nearly died of heat stroke…
-4x40 strides, 4x75 build-ups, 4x blocks over 1 hurdle
-upper and lower lift… with a meet tommorow, don’t ask me why!

came home, feel flat and tired. My coach gave me the choice of what events I want to do tommorow, and I was really tempted to not double the hurdles, run just the 100’s, and do some other running event for fun. I told him I would double hurdles just to make it a clean sweep of the league, but I might still change my mind. We have a state relays meet on saturday, and we already had meets last saturday and yesterday.

I am only doing one of the jumps, which makes me very happy. I’m ready for a break… when is the last time I had a day off? I didn’t even rest over the summer, then went straight from field hockey to indoor to outdoor with no rest! :eek:

Doesn’t ur coach like u :confused:

apparently my coach knows what’s best!!!
3 PRs out of four events today is not bad :smiley:

first let me establish: we had meets on saturday and monday, and we have only just started “phase 3” which includes meet preparation. I lifted upper AND lower yesterday, it was very sunny and extremely hot to the point of feeling dizzy before racing.


I ran another second PR in 300 hurdles of 46.5 with no one around me, which is HUGE and puts me in the top 3 or 4 in the state.

I long-jumped which was not so good, and then last-minute my coach threw me in the javelin to practice for heptathlon; I have not TOUCHED javelin since last year, but I PRed by a foot and threw 89+, which is less than 3 feet from qualifying for states.

THEN, I went over the 100 hurdles feeling a little flat and a little tired, but this must have been just nerves because I ran a half-second faster than my fastest time this season, and PRed by 2/10ths running 15.1. :eek: My goal for all of high school has been to break 15 (this time also seats me at 3rd in the state) and now the question is which hurdle event to do at states? I wish I could do both :mad:

A huge part of this has been cooling down and stretching properly- I have been paying special attention to that lately, and my body has been feeling so much stronger, and no tweakiness at all. I have had the same sleep patterns before both of these PRs, and the same foods… and now that school is not giving me any stress, it is so much easier to focus!

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :smiley:

Keep doing the low intensity stuff…this can be medball circuits and other similar methods. Great job and the state meet should be intense.

Lately including tempo has been key… after I’m done competing, 10 minutes of 30 on 30 off does a lot to flush out the system. Simple as it is, many are too lazy to bother…

warm up, 2x150 over hurdles, a couple 4x100 handoffs, upper and lower phase 3 lift.
getting ready for state relays meet on saturday.

assasin has started, don’t trust anyone… :cool:

warm up, a couple 5-step drills over hurdles, a couple handoffs…
still felt stiff, so did 6 minutes of tempo 30 on 30 off and still felt a little off…
stretched well and left it at that- preparing for a 100 and a 400 and high jump at relays meet tommorow, taking a break from hurdles :cool:

sad, bad mood… lots of ice for the ol’ ankle.

what am I doing differently??? whatever it is, I hope I keep doing it… after having one disastrous meet last week, I have had big PRs in the four or five meets we have had since then. The amazing thing is that we had all these meets within the space of ONE WEEK, and I still feel awesome…

Today was a relays meet, it was at least 90 degrees and BURNING sun- I tried to stay in the shade as much as possible, but the heat was putting me to sleep and I was overheating starting at 8:30 when we got there, and lasting until we left around 4:30 or 5. LONG day.

So- did high jump which was a little better than it has been lately, and a 4x100 which had a PR for the season without our fastest girl running, and me feeling like I ran slow. Then I waited a few hours and got nervous for 4x400, which manifested itself by making me really hot and dizzy and tired. BUT, I ran a 2-second PR of 59, accomplishing one of my high school goals of breaking 60 :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

The best thing is, I didn’t die, and it didn’t feel THAT HARD, so I think I have something more there. I don’t know if we will run it at states, but we will probably go to nationals, because my team set a new school record by 5 seconds, running 4:01.9. :cool:

I think I could run at least a 58 flat. I have never EVER been so excited about a 400 before :slight_smile:

taking today off…
my ankle is getting worse and seems like it is losing some mobility.
all the usual problem spots feel fine though.

argh frustrating…
The ankle seemed like one of those weird tweaky feelings from twisting it slightly cooling down last week, and I thought it would go away by itself. However, it felt worse than ever today and it is spreading to my shin. It doesn’t keep me from running, but it is just one more thing to worry about.

workout today sucked:
-2x300: first 150 over hurdles, 2nd 150 flat
-I got long recovery on these, but somehow I felt stiff and slow and pretty much like crap. I guess I would rather have a bad day today than at the league championship wednesday though. I should have done tempo yesterday… :frowning:
-upper and lower phase 3 lift

Hamstrings, quads, knee, and back have all felt great lately. I tweaked a small area of my groin on the right today during the workout, I’m not exactly sure where it came from. (Actually that is a lie… some “vigorous activity” earlier in the day might have done it :o ) I didn’t feel it at all during warmup, but after the first 300 it felt like it tightened up or cramped, and now it’s just sore somehow. I finished the workout and went ahead with the lift in spite of it, because I need to keep having peak performances until the end of june/beginning of july. I hate icing right up there though :mad:

Ummmmm I’m a little slow!! What exactly do you mean by “vigorous activity”???

sorry, I didn’t know if I should be explicit…
vigorous activity= sex :cool:

ahhh I am such a mess!
I usually am not conscious of feeling nervous, and I think it all comes out in me feeling tweaky and tired instead.
My legs did feel better today- I opted for 8 minutes of tempo instead of 1x150… I needed to get loosened up. Other than that, I did blocks: 2x1 hurdle, 2x2 hurdles, 2x30 flat. Then good stretch and visualization for championship tommorow.

My throat feels a little weird and I am tired… hopefully I am not getting sick. Luckily I can sleep a lot tonight because circumstances have combined themselves so that I don’t have school tommorow.
More out-of-training activity has wreaked havoc on my back- the muscles up and down my spine are really sore. My groin is still sore, and I twisted my ankle (the same one) slightly during tempo. That problem has spread up my shin to my knee. Shins aren’t too happy in general.

This all sounds very grim, but I hope at least in part it is just nerves. My body tends to do stupid things like that, so I guess I just have to deal with it. :rolleyes: I literally make myself sick (or injured) with worry, and it is always worst before league meets and this meet, the league championship. It’s a small meet compared to the ones that are coming up for me, but the more limited the scale, the more I feel the pressure of everyone’s expectations for me to win, and the more I feel like I have a reputation to uphold. It sucks.

On another note, I am praying that I am not getting mono. My “special friend” is home from school for a week before he leaves for his summer job, and he chose to tell me AFTER the fact that he had been really sick (maybe mono) and didn’t get tested for it. arghhh

(i just slept for an hour and ate something and decided i am not getting mono… :smiley: )

Such a bad meet… and by bad I mean weird more than I mean poor, although it was that too.

I’m not really sure what the problem was because I felt fine, I ate well, my legs felt great… I think the problem was actually that I WASN’T nervous. I didn’t feel up for competing really. I long-jumped extra-bad, made the final, and jumped better but had to rush to make it to 300 hurdles. In those I won with a 47 flat, but was still disappointed because I broke my PRing streak from last week- I wanted to run in the 45’s.

Then the 100 hurdles was a disaster, I ran a fairly slow trial but easily won my heat. I realized that we didn’t have a lot of time in between trials and finals, so I sat and worried about having run a 300h, a 100h, and 6 long-jumps before this final. So in the final, I didn’t get out of blocks as well as usual and I got beaten by not more than a 1/10th at the line by a horrible girl who I hate and who I just killed in our dual meet last week and who I beat last year. She ran a 15.3 so I must have run a 15.4.

I am not one to harp on the negative at meets, I let the long-jump go easily enough, but this race holds a special place for me and I started to cry and kept on crying for the next hour. It was a tough loss just considering the girl, and because I have not lost a 100 hurdles race in the league for 3 years up until today. But I guess I should be happy that my bad day today was as good as or better than my best day last year.

After PRing so much last week, I just worry that I messed up somewhere and that I peaked too early, or I start to wonder if I actually am someone who cracks under pressure… I never thought so. sigh I hate bad days… why did it have to be one of the days that really matters? I will MURDER that girl at states. There is no way that she has worked harder than I have and she doesn’t deserve to beat me. :mad:

My ankle feels pretty good… a lot of the tweakiness is gone, so I must have been right about the nerves. Our girls team was league champions for the 8th straight season which put me in a better mood.

Even though I was crying, I still did a proper cooldown and stretch, because how I handle loss is more telling than how I handle victory. I will be ready for the next race and I’m willing to bet that this girl didn’t cool down properly and she won’t be ready for me. :cool:

and P.S. I hate all high school/college boys for being rude and cowardly…
I need to think positive- these kinds of things always make me worried and down on myself, which is when I go on hunger strikes or some other kind of relapse. no no no that would not be good… :confused:


The article about our meet starts off: “Something M.O. (me) has not had to deal with much in the past four years is losing. But yesterday…” etc etc. GREAT start to my day. :rolleyes:

My heart was racing and I felt short of breath on and off all day- couldn’t really deal with writing things down and sitting in class and whatnot. You know that feeling in the back of your throat and in your chest when you’re overtraining or you’re REALLY out of breath? It was a lot like that. I was really irritated at practice and just really wanted to go home and cry. (Partly I am still freaked out from yesterday, but there is something else bothering me too, I am not THAT crazy…)

-4x300 @ 70-80%, 2-4 min. rest between
-upper and lower phase 3 lift: timed bench, cleans, jump squats, speed squats, push press, step-ups + some pushups and ab/core work
-my body feels ok, I did the 300’s on the track instead of on grass so I wouldn’t twist my ankle for the 5th time in a week. Getting ready for 300h (possibly my last of the season if I don’t do it at states), long jump, and 4x100 (also maybe my last? i don’t know) on saturday.

Honestly sometimes I want to just take a break and have a day away from track… I love it but it’s driving me crazy lately. sadly that will never happen, because even on sundays I know I have to go and do tempo, it never ends…

Remember 1992 (MJ was in lane 8 or olympic trials) and he was in a totally different situation then he was use to. Since you lost for the first time in years this change of pace will add some flair to the mix. Maybe the loss can kickstart some anger…maybe you ran not to loose?

we’ll see… I HAVE lost quite a bit, just not in the league. It turns out that the times were exactly the same at 15.3, but there is a cute little ‘J’ for ‘judgement’ next to my name… what the hell? Why call a tie in another event but not in mine? whatever… I would rather be a gracious loser than an obnoxious victor, especially in this case. It’s bad enough that this girl saw me cry.

I am refusing to even look at my ankle because if it is swollen, I don’t want to know.

Talk about anger… I am FURIOUS.