hey 100th reply! yay.
anyways… here’s what I done and did today.
Push-up pyramid 1 to 12 to 1
Chin-ups ladder 1-6,1-5,1-4,1-3,1-2,1 = 55
Dumbbell Military 3x10 followed by db curl 3x10 followed by tri push-downs 3x10
4 way neck and abs
hey 100th reply! yay.
anyways… here’s what I done and did today.
Push-up pyramid 1 to 12 to 1
Chin-ups ladder 1-6,1-5,1-4,1-3,1-2,1 = 55
Dumbbell Military 3x10 followed by db curl 3x10 followed by tri push-downs 3x10
4 way neck and abs
Squat o-rama later…
45x5,5 95x5, 135x5 155x2x5,175x3,185x3,195x3,205x3,225x3,245x1,265x1
Leg Curls 3x10
Farmer’s Walk
great weekend!
got a job!
verygood workout! oh my!
Bench 45x? 135x1, 155x3x3,135x3x3, 145x3x3
DB Bench 4x6x50s
T-bar row 4x8x65 superset with rear lateral raises 4x8
barbell curl 6,8,6with 70
HLRs 2x5
another great workout… chalk it up to squabbles with an ex.
DL 5x5x225… beastly
Bulgarians 3x6 each leg with 55’s —> I used straps to keep a hold of the weight
hypers b/w 4x10 with hammie emphasis and slow tempo
hlrs — 3 sets. only ab move worth my time anymore…
pinch grip hold 1 set … 2 minutes! (2 10pound plates each hand)
sorry if I may have missed it earlier, but what are hlrs?
hanging leg raises… i prefer to bring my legs up to the bar. L sits are nice. basically any variation is fun/ good.
full warm-up taking my time here has made all the difference
chins 5 sets of 5
Dips 3x12
military press 2x10
lat pulldown 4x12
cable row 4x8
db curl 2x10
triceps push down 3x10
had to make this very efficient…
squats 5x5x205 w/1-2 mins rest
“patience intelligence speed! the powers of the quail!” - from my halloween costume
Hey Joe, that’s ok, sometimes squats are all you need…If I only have time to do ONE exercise in the weightroom, it is overhead squats.
thats what I figured… anycase… gonna go back to sleep now, and maybe hop on the treadmill/elliptical/rower/bike for some quick fun later
did not go on any of the hamster machines, instead had a rough night of boozin.
another really hard week - I will pushing this week, and then back off before pushing again.
goals for the week —
25 reps with BW in the BP
40 reps with 55s in db bp
70 on the t-bar row
70 on bb curls
255x5 DL
45 pound plate with hypers
3x8 hlr
60 pull-ups
50 push-upsx2
215x5x5 squat
135x10x1( 10 singles, rather) power clean
went out for a fun trail run… it was around a 5k… just hard enough to get a runners high:)… i forgot how good that feels
pretty good… had to adjust on the fly
Incline 10x3x115
Incline DB 4x10x35s
T-bar row 4x8x70
rear delt machine 4x8x25s
biceps 2x10x60, 1 really controlled tempo set with 40
HLRs 3 sets
berserker agilty… I found my rec center’s Martial arts room and having used to dabble (ok, I was really really good) I toyed around hard for 10 minutes continuous, trying things I havent done in years, or at least trying to do the things I haven’t in years. I twas good, clean fun
fan frickin tastic
DL 135,155,175x5 185,205,225x3 245,275,295,315 (PR!)x1
Bulgarians 2x6x55s
Hypers 3x8w/45 pound plate
L-sits 2 sets
meanwhile, a real close friend of mine is going through some really rough times right now. Im completely uncertain if things are actually going to work out, but all I want to do is hold her tight and lie to her…
despite everything that’s going on, I got a really good nights sleep (exhaustion?), particularly b/c my first two classes were cancelled. I slept in to 1030 ish, one class lunch then napped from 1230 to about 4… glorious. Shower dinner work, and probably more sleep.
I planned on doing speed today, but I can just fold it in to tomorrow.
these were really good!
Pull-ups 4x6
Push-ups 4xa lot
DB Shoulders 3x10x35s
Lat pulldown 3x8x120, 1x10x105
Cable Row 4x8x105
Triceps 3x10x80
Biceps 2x12x20s
Ab machine 3 sets
two things…
first - on what I said on Kra’s journal. Yes, it was late and I was drunk, but I stand by my statement. IMHO what you said realdeal was completely inappropiate and kicking someone when they are down. No, you didn’t explicitly say anything wrong, but the implication was obvious - she made a “wrong” decision and you were pointing out consequences she is painfully aware of. It doesn’t matter if this is a public forum, that’s just not considerate.
second, tonight’s lifting will be…
Squat 3x5x215
leg press 3x10x135
RDL 3x10x135
You’re entitled to your opinion; nevertheless, you came at me in a combative manner accusing me of “slander.” It’s obviously easy to get drunk and go on the Internet and type inflammatory BS! Furthermore, If you truly gave a damn about my lack of consideration, you would’ve PM me and told me your opinion in a civil “CONSIDERATE” manner. Instead you chose to show your ass! I doubt when you’re drunk you go out in the street accusing people of crap! Chances are you’ll have consequences of your own to deal with… Trust me, quit while you’re behind and LET IT GO!
This is juevenille. Why you would even respond to this is beyond me. Why I’m responding is important, so listen up everybody.
Yes, in fact realdeal, what you did was call her a whore in as many words. That’d be considered slander. I should know, I’m a law student, and a damned good one, and I would be able to find cause in your words.
The only point I made in response to your post was that it is not your place, or anyone’s, to judge Kra. YOU sir are entitled to your opinion, nevertheless, it was not solicited (as far as I know) nor prudent. My words were not an ad hominem attack, rather, you opened your mouth first, and I pointed out what a creton you are.
To take your example of my inibriation, you wouldn’t go up to someone on the street (sober or otherwise) and say “You know, your dressed like a slut, you might want to consider the consequences of your actions.”
The last thing I have to say is this. I have neither the time nor the inclination for a flame war, but if it involves Kra, who is a close personal friend of mine, then I see my self as taking needed action to end it.
My account be damned, no one will impugn her without me saying something about it.
She is a far better person than you, I assure you, and I won’t see her be taken down by some small fraction of a man. (note, that is ad hominem)
She is stuck in a hostile environment under duress from multiple forces 2,000 miles away from her family. If anyone can’t see that what Kra needs now is our compassion and not our judgement, they are wired wrong.
That’s the end of this discussion.
Anyone have a problem with it, pm me or the moderators.
"Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.”
I also know something about the law… And what you are engaging in is “Unwarranted Assumptions.” I never made a judgement implicitly or explicitly that Kra was a “whore.”
You took it on yourself to spin this into some screwed up conclusion. You can’t even quote anything I wrote that even implies I am callling her a “whore.” Plus, notice you are the only one griping about my comment about consequences!?! This is because any reasonable person would read it for what it is/was… A factual statement… There ARE consequences!!!
No I would not… However, if someone said in a general conversation, “I like dressing like a slut.” If I was concerned enough about the person, I might mention to just be aware of the possible consequences that comes along with dressing that way… The difference is: I am not calling that person a “slut.” This is a big difference! Your example is a harsh judgement; mine is good advice! BTW, I always stay sober to prevent doing dumb crap like typing incoherent nonsense like you did…
Look man! You are creating enemies that aren’t there… Kra is cool IMO, I have nothing to gain by insulting her… Of course you have a different opinion about my comment, which is completely off base… Trust me, you’re the only one bitching about this…
It’s this type of unnecessary attack that makes you look like an ass and takes away any little credibility you would have otherwise…
Look! All I said was there are consequences for choosing a career in the porn. And all of a sudden you come out of left field with your panties in a wad. Get some perspective man… Save your indignation for the people that deserve it…
Now show me how above this you are by either letting it go or PM’ing me like you SHOULD’VE done in the first place!