thursday - huge bender
squats 4x4x185
sprinter sit-ups 3x20
So the past few weeks have been trying times. Lots of alcohol and stress and little sleep… Its just gotta get better soon
Busy day, shana tova to any other members of the tribe tonight, and here’s what I done.
4x40m Barefoot accels
4x20m Barefoot accels
Deadlifts 3x5x205
Hypers 3x10 + iso hold at the top for last one each set
Abs - 200
5 min warm -up on treadmill
12x1 intervals, 1 min hard, 1 min easy
6 min cool down
400 abs
Inclines superset with pull-ups 3x8
Weighted sit-ups 3x10
half an hour of pick -up basketball
Normally I don’t do much on thursdays but since yesterday was so easy I have to do something… its nice and cool outside…I want to something epically hard. hmmm
time to get creative
Damn the lake effect… damn my crappy track and shoes
Was going to do another direct pirate of Kra’s journal and the 10x200m, albeit, try it at a more conservative pace.
instead, got in 5x250 (track is 500m) the first four were all in the 32-35 sec range. good… and i took my time walking the other 250. the last one I was tired, bored and most importantly cold. So I blazed it… in 28-29. I’m in a good place. for the indoor 2s my starts are still shaky, and my finishes past 250 are horrendus. BUT i’m fine for the 2.
I feel RE: lifting I’m not getting enough High-intensity stimuli… so were going to alter things there a little too.
In general I’m in good general shape, so the low intensity stuff will prolly gradually be pulled back.
I feel with some tweaks we’ll be there. But I’m gonna start working on my starts 5 days a week for a few weeks and then do none for a week. that trick always works. I still have Jewish Jeremy Warnier syndrome - I have chicken legs… grr. alterations will reflect that reality.
so close…
“Immortality - take it! Its Yours!”
-From prolly the worst adapatation of the Illiad ever…
corners x10
Squat 2x5x185 2x4x205 3x225 2x245 205x2x5
RDL 3x10x135
that was brutal… basically I had an under the bar epiphany.
- I have a formal coming up in 8 weeks roughly.
- I really want to impress my date - she hasn’t seen me since this summer. Meaning… I gotta look good nekkid.
- Im too smart for my own good when it comes to training.
I will just be adjusting (tweaking, not overhauling) WSFSB; watching my diet closely and training like a mad man. Trust me, if yall really knew this girl, you’d be driven too. Starts monday!
53 days to go before formal.
Finally had time for a full warm-up. I’m not going to retype the whole thing from defrancos website, so you can refer there. pretty much, straight out of the program. Why? well, why not?
Bench 155x4,4,3,3,3
Incline DB Bench 4x10x35s
T-bar row 45x8,70x8, 45x8, 55x8
Face Pulls 12,12,10,9x50 superset with pulldown abs
Barbell Curls 3x10x40
on a related note…
- pigging out and binge drinking all of this weekend was a bad idea
- trying to do this on a half full stomach of junk and with no caffeniene was a bad idea.
Oh… forgot to post the COD drills from today…
3 pro agilitys each way (6 total)
5 5 yd ins each side (10 total)
3 out and ups each side (6 total)
Maybe it’s the case of “seeing the lesson you need to learn”, but just in the last week I’ve encountered the same opinion from Dan John, Mark Rippetoe, and damn someone else I forgot.
We look for the perfect program and forget that the halfway decent program ya bust ass on is better than the secret Bulgarian supersystem you don’t go all out on.
Plus, it’s nice to see you have your priorities in order
thanks juggler -
one aspect of it is the concept of a superordinate goal - if you have one, you will do everything in your power to try to reach it… since I have one now, things are easier to get myself to do
FUN workout! at least thats what I’m telling myself.
Snatch Grip DL off 3" box 5x5x185
Reverse Lunge off 3" box 45,65,95,115x6 each leg
Hypers 4x10 w/ 25 pound plate
Shrugs 3x10x135 w/ hold
HLRs 3x5
coffee made all the difference here… It was fun and exciting and challenging. good night sleep last night, but the extra energy helps. these are taking about 40 minutes total, so t-levels should be good, and I’m back to having a protein shake after, which should help.
Had breakfast too… so perfect storm today… we should be able to repeat for the next 51 days.
May you all be inscribed in the book of life for blessing, and may your fast be easy!
tonight and tomorrow off for obvious reasons
I juggled some stuff around… will fit in all the workouts this week!
3x3xhurdles hops
Whip Snatch 45x5,5 65x3,95x1,115xX
Power Clean 115x1,135x1,155x1,165xX, 155x1 135x1,1,1,1,1,1
Squat 205x4x4
Farmers Walk - 1 trip (about a minute) 2x75 pound DBs
Chin-ups alternated with Dips for 50 total reps apiece
Standing Military Press 4x6
Face Pulls 4x12
DB Curls and Triceps Pushdowns superset 3x10
4 way neck and abs
20 minutes easy on the elliptical
another COD session, just like last week
inclines 45,65,95,115,135x5 155x3, 135x4
DB Bench 4x10x45s
T-Bar Row 4x8x55
Face Pull 4x12x50
Barbell curls 3x10x60
today’s lifting…
Snatch grip DL 205x5,5, 225x5 245x5
Bulgarians 3x6 w/ 35s
Hypers w/ 25 4x10
shrugs + hold 3 sets
ok warm-up
crappy 4x100m… they got better/smoother, but really ugly. My right hip is really not stable/weak/i don’t know what and it drops like a rock. I doubt I broke 12 secs today. it was bad.