joesixpack's log

Lifting followed 20min elliptical
45x5,5, 95x5,135x5, 185x5,5, 225x3,3
Hypers w/25 4x10
Sit-ups w/25 3x10

I have some resiudual soreness from yesterday’s squats. I have some free guest passes for the local Golds, going to go check it out. There is a football game, but I didn’t buy tickets - had to pay car insurance.
I figure gold’s should be relatively empty - which will be nice to explore. I’ll take my time warming up and just go nice and light on the bike, do some abs, see what other freebies I could try and then get drunk tonite.
My new obsession is LOST - my friend got it on DVD and I’ve been watching it more or less non-stop. I finally did laundry today, so yay for clothing.

Basically what’s happened to me is I’ve gotten smaller, weaker, and have less pop. the top end stuff seems to still be there, it just seems to be harder to get to. The LI stuff is tending to beat me up more than the HI stuff - I think I can handle more. My body has been more or less non-responsive to LI, so you’ll start to see a shift away from it. I am marginally more fit, but it isn’t making much of a difference.
Part of it is my fault, I’m sure, but I’ve never trained like this before so I am sure that with a course correction and a lil more discipline on my part, things should get rolling soon.

Here’s what I was thinking.

Classic Ladder Workout 1-2-3-4-3-2-1
lifting after - DLs, bulgarians, hypers and abs

Big Circuit on grass

Shorter Speed Work i.e. flying work
lifting - Benching (probably start with floor presses - these don’t bother my shoulder as much), push-ups, Pull-ups, abs

“flushing workout” - 2-3-4-5-4-3-2

Jumps and Starts
Lifting: Squats, RDLs, abs

lots of regen stuff

20-30 min on grass
some beach lifting - DB rows, DB mils, curls, abs.

Today at golds
got in a really nice warm-up
Close Grip Board Press 3x5x135 - actually felt great.
DB rows 3x8x55 each side
Shrugs 1x amap plus hold at the top
1 arm curls 1 x 10 each arm
Swiss ball abs alternating with neck, rotator cuff, and plank work 3x20

20 mins on the bike
NICE LONG STRETCH… felt so nice.

today just confirms to me that I should pile on the HI stuff during the week and do the LI stuff on the weekend

at the stadium - I am just “sneaking” in and using it.
Ladder 1-2-3-4-3-2-1, walk the distance you just ran.
didn’t time anything per-se, but just felt it… the 1s and 2s were sharp, the 3s werent bad but the 4 was really awful i feel.
now some quick lunch and then lifting in about an hour and a half.
DLs 3x5x185
Bulgarians 2x10x35s
Hypers 3x10x25plate
Side Bends with 55s 3x10

only real problem is that I ran in the shoes I lift in ( a no-no) and now my arches hurt. Shin is doing better. the track, different shoes, and staying off it this weekend helped


glutes better after this… shin is touch and go, adn we have the most beautiful late summer storm tonite

half an hour on the treadmill, random intervals. some really fast (this bad boy gets up to a 12.5 mph pace, which, for tempo, Id consider pushing it.), some really slow, some on inclines, some flat.

lots of abs and stretching and some curls just cuz.

interesting story tonight… ran into (almost literally) a girl I fooled around with I havent seen or heard from in a year and ahalf… fun, but awkward… she just started running on the treadmill right next to me and after about 5 minutes we realized who each other were. weird.

G-damn shins!
left one is still bruised, right one now is splinting… grrr.

had more planned, all I got through was…
And lifting right after I get done posting…
Floor Press 3x5x135
Weighted Push-ups 5x10w/25 lb plate
Pull-ups 5x5
HLRs 3x5

Yay for it finally feeling like fall around here. Fall is my favorite time of year, even more than spring. the next few weeks will be crazy.
It is unfortunately raining and cold outside - I might venture inside for another treadmill bout.
more later.
Stay tuned to your emergency news network KRCG.

didnt go hop on the hamster killer last night - OC, Lost, and an interview took up my night quite alright.
Bout to go hit the weights after some light short sprints and jumps. I finally feel like I have some pop back.

Cambered Bar Squats 2x5x185, 3x2x225
RDLs 3x10x135
Weighted Sit-ups 3x30

One more thing - what does it mean when the girl pays for lunch?

Just some mobility work on Gameday…

Double Whammy -
Sick and massively hungover.
Have had trouble staying awake for longer than 2-3 hours today, let alone training.
I have case briefs, meetings, and a lot of reading to do all before i kick the can tonight.

its official. My circadian rhythms and mutant healing factor make me a realized Weapon X.
I feel like I’m on cloud nine
Extensive Warm-up
Barefoot flying 40s (30 build, 30 cool) x4
30m accelsx4
Snatch Grip DL on 3 inch box 3x4x185
45 deg Hypers with cambered bar 3x8
Car Crashes 3x5 w/25 pound plate

Might be the best workout I’ve had yet

Sorry for my ignorance, but what the heck are “circadian rythmns and mutant healing factors”? Or is this some kind of joke that I’m not gettting?

circadian rhythms are bio -rhythms… I think they are junk too but I can’t think of anything else that would explain the variation in sleeping behavior…

“mutant healing factor” is a reference to Wolverine of the X-men… sure he’s strong, agile, and has a surly disposition (not to mention adamantium reinforced skeletal structure, replete with claws, natch) but with the rapid healing, he’s darn near unkillable.

I’m just really not sleeping much these next few weeks… 5 midterms, two philanthropies, a job and some long distance planning…
might hop on an elliptical later -we’ll see

got on a bike last night - all the ellipticals were taken… half an hour followed by lots of ABS

Today - real quick work out
5x5x135 Bench superset 5x5 pull-ups
3 sets of HLRs
might get in some short sprints later — unlikely…
shin feels better, but still not 100%

habonim is in town for dinner… yay

back home, and doing fine
10x10m starts
Squats wu… 135,175,205x5 225,235x3
RDL 2x10
Swiss ball crunch 2x25… picture is from my cousin’s wedding

Yesterday -
DB Bench Super set DB Row 3x10
DB Curl super set DB Ext 2x10
One giant set of 15 face pulls, 12 military press, 10 upright row, 25 shrugs, 20 sec iso hold for shrugs
6x15 decline sit-ups

Today - 20 accel -20 easy -20 fastx2sets of 4
sumo DL 3x3x225
hypers w/ iso hold at top 3x10

yesterday - good 40 min lance armstrong impresenation… just set it so it was the highest resistance where I wouldn’t drop below 90rpm. Push-up sit-up circuit after

today - the “Lost” Workout
10x3 Pull-ups
2x300m in 40 sec, 300m walk rest in between
5x3 Bench
3x3min Heavy Bag Rounds (mainly straight rights and lefts, some round house kicks for good measure)