Joe's Journal

Please break it down for me… Z?

I got some suggestions that I need to digest… we got a few days of rest yet.

ok day 7 after injury;

-heat pad hamstring

  • bending ham stretch (mild)

  • 3x 10 standing leg curl (flexion) no wt.

  • 3x 10 prone straight leg raise

  • 3x 10 prone leg curl no wt.

  • 5 prone leg curl with light resistance
    -15 pushups

  • light ham massage

  • ice

ho hummm…

look joesdad, here’s wat ive done (or still doing) for my hamstring to get well back into full shape.

  1. for first 48hrs ice only, to stop any internal bleeding (no stretches wat so ever until 48hrs)

  2. anti inflammatory pills, good daily dose, should go for up to a week (again to take swelling down)

  3. cold/hot therapy 30min before bed after first 48hrs of cold therapy

  4. begin doing gentle stretching as of now, very gradually and easily

  5. EMS in a light pulsing mode on the injured muscle, to supply blood and nutrients to muscle and remove waste products, wat charlie has also done with one of his injured athlete is he had her go with the high pulsing / strengthening mode on all other muscles as to provide CNS stimulation, and after three week period of therapy she was well back in shape after couple of days

  6. supply with a lot of vitamins esp C, B6 and B12 and a lot of calcium as well

  7. then you can gradually build up on strengthening the muscle very gradually and slowly through single leg curls and reverse leg press (with pulley or cable).

  8. running on beach water provides gentle resistance and is a very good conditioning means for the hurt leg. also drills in water provides some resistance as well for the muscle, and you can work your cardio in the pool as well so your not really just sitting down and waiting for it to heal. get thinking. other cardio stuff could be like rowing, bike (gently) etc

Sorry to hear about Joe, good luck and all the best

Yeah thanks Komy;
we do live in Hawaii; got a beach right down the road with shallow water and a nice current…

-this week we will do water work at home, and light jogging at practice.

-it is still early and we can still make this a great season, barring more injury.

We’re on 10th day since injury.
-practice meets start in 2 weeks. I figure Joe will be ready to race in 3 weeks (Mar. 11) or 4 weeks (Mar 18); … will play it one day at a time though.

Thanks to CF, we will capitalize on what we got.

sunday 2/20:
-heat, stretches and ice as all last week.
-plus we are adding more leg stretches
-went to the beach for a water walk against the light current; beautiful conditions, low tide, sunny, but bottom was rocky and uneven, so we chucked it.
-there is a better beach a few minutes away; will try it during the week.


  • no school
  • full body massage, semi deep but lighter on ham, with some joint manipulations, and assisted stretch.

Hammy feels smooth.

  • same side ankle tender from slight injury Joe hid from me… possible added to cause of injury if he was favoring it or compensating.
    -hip a little torqued.
  • hip rotators on right (glute medius and minimus) tender (same side as ankle an ham); (compensating?).

Wed: 2/23
2 weeks since ham injury

  • 3.5x 400m jog (on grass) and stretch after each rep.
  • ice

slightly sore on last jog so quit at 200.

Yahhy! Running… that’s a big STEP on the way to recovery.

Go joe I love you :smiley: (but not enough to stop with the puns)

what puns?
what are you doing up so late young man?

3x 300m jog and stretch after each

comments on tone in latisimuss, erectors (lower thoracics, upper lumbars) due to head forward posture - including nerve compresion in cerv. affecting hip and thus hams, including how L3,4,5, affect semitendinosis hamstring tone.
-hip torqued some: high on left psis; right ilium rotated back (low right psis).

Ham good tone and texture though.

Keep shoulders and head back over center of gravity.

Missed first practice qualifying meet today… no biggee.
It was cloudy, cold and windy at meet too. didnt go.

what is your sons height weight and PB in track as well as in the weight room? Also if he did squats could you elaborate ways that you helped stimulate his cns so that he would not plateu and manage to get to a PB…Man it sucks to have to go through injuries i hope he gets well. Cheers

6’1", 155lbs, 10.78hand, 21.90fat, 49.63fat.
no access to weight room this yr.
as far as cns, we’re just transitioning from gpp and his coach hit him with too much SE and too little recovery.
hmmm, havent thought of plateau… want to elaborate?

oh, the 10.78h was 3 weeks before state meet, where he dq’d at trials…
and it was on dirt track. we figured he would have gotten the same 10.75 or so electronic, since it was a synthetic track.

well if he reached a limit and weights became harder, i usually thought you would mix it up to not stagnate your progress you know.

Sat: Spent couple hours at the beach. Friends bodyboarded and Joe did around an hour total in water, walking , jogging, swimming… is this training?

Monday 2/28
2.5 weeks after ham injury…

  • warm ups with team
  • some drills; strides, butt kicks, skips, etc.
    10x 10m low intensity
  • light jog 200
  • ice

I always make sure to record any kind of activity; it’s good for reference, but I usually don’t count it into my milage/volume etc, unless I make a habit of it.

3/2/05 Wednesday
(3 weeks since injury)

  • jog 10min.
  • stretch
  • 2x10x15-20m sprint 50%
  • jog 5 min.
  • stretch
  • ice

(3 weeks since injury)

2x 600m jog - 30 min rec.

Went Swimming.

Monday 2/7
3.5 wks since inj.

1 mile jog -
rest 1/2 hr
light 1 on 1 bball.

have been getting in heat/stretch/ham curls/
push ups

some swimming.

If we take it nice we are looking at 3 to 4 meets before state comp…
dont know which smilie to use…

I’m hoping for Apr 1 and 2 : trials and finals; maybe 100 and 200…
Consecutive days might be a prob… but we can play with number of events; i.e. 1-2 or just 1 on trials night ; same next night - we can do 2 on trials and just 1 on finals nite.

If we dont do this meet, we will still have 3 meets, starting april 9, before states. Safer?
Its a waiting game. We havent even started back with sprints at all yet.
Hopefully soon.

light running (10-50m)intervals, total 1/2 mile or so.

warm up and drills with team.