Joe's Journal

i dont really think tempo hills will help leg strenght. if anything with that amount of distance he’ll lengthen his stride and put needless stress on his hamstrings. Could even cause a injruy. Even if you dont have access to weights getting a medball and doing a bunch of throws from CFTS would work well to, u could almost do all throws and get away with it fine along with crunches of course and situps.

Well, I record my meet days just like I would any regular training day. Except I’ve got a really huge title with lots of exclamation marks at the begining of the post next to the date.

I’m going to ask CF and RUpert anyway…

warm ups
8x block starts, on grass, spikes, 25m
relay drills; baton hand off

Hills generally reduce the risk of hamstring injuries and overstriding, because the range of motion is not full (the hill meets you before you complete your stride.

But thats changing the natural stride pattern that u use, and cause unessecary stress on the muscles

If that’s the case would that not apply to short and long hills?

Also, which muscles would be placed under “unessecary stress” during hill running?

this reminds me of Z’s experience with his “the coach from Hell”…
but that aint me.

1 mile steady state flush run… dats all.

Im very hesitant about long hills. My old coach and a local university coach around here loves long steep hills for all out reps. W3 used a 30m light incline hill during GPP and that was about it, once pre comp comp etc started infact we even stoped it after the first block of training.
THe negetives and posotive dont really relalate.
but thast imo
Instead of a hill tempo i’d just do 2200 of grass tempo.

after a soft week and off weekend the team practice was a little brutal today… am a litle perturbed at coach’s lack of balance.

  • Joe handled the first 2/300 fine, but blew out after first 200… and after the first 100.
  • the coach doesnt understand that you should run either fast or just tempo. He was going in between and not enough recovery.


  • warmups, drills,
  • 2/300m 1 min rec. hand timed 40 sec/ 39sec
  • 2/200m 1 min rec. hand 25.8/ 38 or so!
  • 2/100m 1 min. rec. hand 12sec/22 sec.

guys were cramping up, etc.
this is guys (other than Joe and a couple football players) who are not in shape.

fuck looks like there not doing anything in the 95% or above range. Of course the intensity is goingafuckup the system. TO much lactic work.!

-actually for the other guys, it was pretty high speed range, since they are not really competitive with Joe. (They would be about 55 sec 400m, 24sec 200, and 12sec 100.) Still that being the case, for them, they needed full or close to full recovery for long and short speed work no?

For Joe the 300 at 40 sec is around 85%… too high for tempo and too little recovery for speed.

The 200 at 25 was a good 400 speed pace (back end) but he couldnt recover in time after the 300s.

And the 100 he did in around 12 sec. (all hand, and not clearly marked) and with 2 min rec. he was only able to hold form and do around 22 sec. on the second 100.

All in all its ok. I guess I can consider it a heavy speed endurance (?) workout.
Joe went jacuzzi tonite.
I’ll have him do tempo tomorrow.
He does 60m block starts on Wed.


Wow that workout with those paces looks like something El Guruj or Legat would do. Much too fast w/too little recov for anyone but a world-class mid distance runner.

Yeah, but remember we’re talking sprinters here.
I told joe that it was at best a speed end workout of sorts.
Next time, do the first one fast… 95% or better. On the second, if there is no full recovery, just stride it and tell coach, thats the best I can do. This way he can keep his speed end quality, and just weedle his way into some kind of recovery. It would look like this (for next week);
1x300m max 35-38sec
1x300m stride 50-55sec
1x200 max 23-26 sec
1x200 stride 30-35sec
1x100 max 11 sec
1x100 stride 17-20sec


1 mile steady state flush


3x60m block starts from 200m start line
3x60m block starts from 100m start line

Pulled right hamstring on last from 100m start line. Looks like a grade 2 strain…

Will do the usual therapy.
This is a first time ham injury.

Oh no! Damn, that’s too bad… Sorry to hear about that. Check into ART in your area if you want to go that extra step, it helped me out alot… Mine was grade 1 strain… but either way, it would probably be of help for him… sorry to hear again.

Uh oh… That’s very bad. Tell Joe we love him here at CF, and to get well soon :frowning:

OK, almost down for the count there…
took Joe to see Clayton our physio mentor and chiro…
Joe should be up and running by about a month. The strain, although grade 2, is a mild grade 2. :wink:

He did some ultrasound and massage. Apparantly some low back tightness contributes to the tight hams, but seems like main cause was fatigue and possible stress from previous over-workout… speed end, 1 min. recovery 2 days before.

Once we’re back up to speed, 3-4 weeks, We will:
Watch out for those gung ho speed workouts without sufficient recovery.
Listen to your body… if in doubt, dont.

what rehab work in the way of training are u going to do? Plz don’t tell me your just goinga do massage and rest.