Joe's Journal

this is wht we are doing now, just 1 month prior to pre comp.

concurrent speed and endurance (short and long)

day1: off
day2: speed 80s (accel/flight/relax) w/full recov.btwn. sets
day3: tempo (recovery-flush) total 1 mile
day4: power 200 reps (speed endurance) (target back end 200 of 400 pr) full recovery.
or - 200 hills (10-15 degrees) 90-95%
day5: off
day6: max 300(or 350), 200(250), 180(120) full recovery
day7: tempo total 1 mile

we are on a day 4 of above sched:

power 200s

-tailored it down to :
1x 200 max - 23.5sec 10 min. recovery
1x 120 max - 14. 5sec 10 min rec
1x 150 max - 17.5sec

We do less this week but will add one each next 2 weeks.
Track team takes over on the 28th where I bow out of training and just observe the team work.

tomorrow off

test post to see if i can restart posts

since last post we did try to stay somewhat on pattern.

wed: 1/12
1 mile steadystate recovery easy run
thur: 1/13
1 mile as tue

fri: 1/ 14
max 300/ 150 ; speed end

Mon: 1/ 17
2x2 speed 80’s

tue: 1/18
2x 1 mile easy run

wed: 1/19
200/150/120 speed end

thurs: 1/20
1x 1 mile easy run

fri:1/21 off

sat: 1/22
hills: 2x 150m
1x 120m max full recovery

team starts pre comp practice monday.

Team first practice:
Mon. 1/24

meeting and equiptment r&r;
5 laps in and out ;
(tempo straights, jog turns)

tempo: 1 mile steady

10x 100m hill stride tempo


7x 25m block starts

  • pull sleds/and chutes

Looks good!

How is he reacting to all this?

What is his 200PR?

The goal with the power reps is to hit the 200s consistently with low recovery. (sub 3 minutes)

I was just curious as to what your intention is for that workout.

Cheers and good luck with the upcoming comps!

thanks Chris30,
Oh my … I actually overlooked that we (Kitkat) are talking about under 2min. recovery for the power 200m —specific endurance.

If you look back in our journal, on our first go at power 200s, Joe did 2 reps and got sore glutes, nausea… in flats on dirt track he got 27 and 29 sec… we are looking at a 48 sec. 400 for this year so I was looking for 25-26 sec.
(which he can do in spikes.)
Anyway we went on and did the speed end later that week and I saw that he could do a few reps with full rec.
When we went back to the power 200s, I was so impressioned with his hitting a wall of sorts that I forgot the “specific” part of the exercise, and started to treat it like a speed end with shorter distance; 200,150,120 with full rec. thanks for helping me see that…

Now that he is back with his team this week, 3 days a week for a month, where they will be doing a lot of short speed, block starts, I will be looking at what they do and try to fill in the holes… I have 2 days a week to insert stuff… yet the short speed will probably be the bulk of what they are doing, and inserting tempo might be the best I can do… (short of inserting speed end and specific end)
what do youthink?

– I might have to have him workout a 6 day week.

Well in spite of the somewhat hit and miss, I still think he will have a better season, and I look for a mid 48sec 400 pr, mid 21sec 200 pr and a mid10sec 100.


1.5 mile steady state flush.

if you get him down under 22 he should eaisly be able to runa sub 48. How have the speed workouts been latetly?

he will have hand timed races starting last week of feb. and we can see what his “race setting” time will be (early comp).
I dont expect a 22 or sub 22 so early in the season.
If I can get him to run a few 25sec repeats, and some 300 speed end in the next few weeks, and fit that into his training sched, we might be able to get close to a 48 come apr 1, on a track with elect. timing. on Maui. theyre going to hold a trials night and then finals the next nite. in trials there is enough time in between events to get in a good recovery and hit PRs.

OH, what i have learned about him is that he always does much better in showtime under the lights than in practice… but I know that some of that is his immaturity.

What’s wrong with a little healthy immaturity? :stuck_out_tongue:

I still have to kick his butt to get out and train so he will really have something to wow the world with.
If he only worked as hard as the likes of you… who knows.

I was refering to his late season outdoor times, i’d hope he’s not peaking already lol. Whats his training going to look like for the next block/cycle?

yeah, this is my first and probably last year training Joe; I take things literaly…

OK, we are in second week of team practice; a pre-comp gpp of sorts; 3 days a week for the next few weeks. Tme enough for me to insert tempo if the work is all speed and strength, and also some spec. endurance and speed endurance if there is no long speed work.

same as last monday, unfortunately,

  • 5 laps, slow jog turns, stride straights…
  • before that , good warmup and drills session.

Tues. off -weather has been heavy rain and thunderstorms for last couple days

Wed: no practice - rained all night and day

  • at home ;
    We did our hill circuit: aprox.100m, 200m,100m x 4 at a tempo pace
    (since tomorrow team will be on speedwork if not rained out.)

Why are u doing “tempo hills” before a speed session? Espically at this point in the season?, most ppl do there hill work pre indoors I do beleive, we havent touched any sort of incline since november. Even if you can’t go outside and do anything those are the days u could really attack the weights and do core work possible. As charlie pointed out too just go do 85 steps in your garage couple sets for some sort of tempo.

Just outa curiosity, like how rained out are we talkin’ about here? Like “Lago de Tracko” or what :stuck_out_tongue:

remember, I’m working off of what I could understand from cfts just this off season, and dang I missed getting the gpp dvd early enough to study.
-well actually this hill workout in my mind is like a strength and tempo thing.
-we didnt do any weights this year (no access), and hills is our leg strengthening.
-the tempo pace is because I dont want to burn him if he is to do speed work tomorrow.

  • if practice is called off tomorrow, we will do long hill sprints, since track washed out.
    this way i keep the cns and tempo alternate.

“lago dirto tracko” and landslides too; our hills are paved - adjacent to our house.

I like the warmup and drills coach is doing with the team, although the skipping and bounding is too much for inexperienced kids without any strengthening whatsoever, btw Joe picked up some shin splints right away, but I see coach is not concerned about weights or core work…
soooo… will have to get joe on crunches and situps.
start counting…

hey by the way, btw, how do we keep track of our meet results here? should we ask to make a results area just for us to check on each others results, or do we just check in on the training journal area?

aloha -still beats winter in the northeast or n/west!