Joe's Journal


did 10x 25 m starts with coach:

from 4 point, on grass.

as i mentioned on another thread, the coach ws giving the cue : keep your head down…
unless a highschool kid intuitively keeps his head aligned with his spine as he is forward of his center, it is an aberation.

waiting for dvd to correct start and 100 technique.


fartlek: 21 minutes total.

Nice journal, keep up the work J&D

mahalo Rupert,
waiting for gpp dvd to break from “pending” mode…

  • did hills routine sat.
  • tues: 3 school p. e. periods of soccer

just updating:
wed, thurs, fri,:
3 p. e. periods of soccer per day. (40 min each)

2 periods of p.e. soccer

2 periods p.e. soccer

10 x 20m sprints
5 x 4 point starts; on grass, w/out blocks; 20 meters.

wed. off

our hill sessions are actually longer than I estimated.
we have 3 hills:
1 @ approx.100meters @around 30 degrees.
1 @ approx.130 meters @around 25 degrees.
1 @ approx. 100 meters @ aound 40 degrees.

  • we run these 3-4 times at around 70%. walkdown recoveries.

sat: tempo
4x 200 @70% (33-35 sec)
800 jog.

2-3 p.e. periods of soccer/ day - mon. thru fri.

-took weekend off;
-caught cold with sore throat.

  • I will consider this part of GPP; including speed accl, and tempo.

I intend to get more of soon (at least once or twice a week.)
- speed - 30, 40, 50, 60 meters

How do I get the sprint distance up to get prepared for eventual 400meter events?

school out for 3 weeks.
hills 4 x 3 x 90m
speed: 2 x 3 x flying 30m: avg time: 3 sec.

tempo: 2x 2x 400m; 400walk btween, 800 walk between sets.
time: 71,72,75,85sec.

friday: hills
mon: hills
tues: 1 mile steady state: 6 minutes
wed: massage

thurs: hills - 2x 3 jog - 1x 3 sprint 90% with 5 minute recovery.

did my interpretation of KK’s speed work.

2x2x 40-20-20

from crouch on grass, no block:
-accel. thru first 40m
-max speed, flight, 40 thru 60m
-relax, form, 60 thru 80m.

5 min recov./ 15 min. btween sets
time avg: 10.15 sec

Continuing with KitKat’s advice for concurrent short and long training,
we went for the 200 reps. at target backend 200 speed.

-intended to do 2x 2x 200 at 25/26 sec. pace

-Joe did first 200 in 27 (on dirt track, running flats, standing start.
-3 min. recovery
-2nd 200 in 29sec.

complaining of sore glutes…and some nausea,

we chucked it in and ran 2 tempo 100s at 15/16 sec.
did a jog lap and quit.
taking tomorrow off and starting over next day.

Here is KitKat’s general schedule (400m event training) from another thread:

Eg: Day 1 (Rest Day);
Day 2 (Speed, maybe 3x block, stand, fly, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60m);
Day 3 (Specific 400m endurance, such as 6x200m in sub-24sec with 2mins jog-around recovery);
Day 4 (Rest Day);
Day 5 (Special Speed Endurance, such as 300m, 250m, 180m all max with 15min> recoveries);
Day 6 (Endurance, maybe long hills with jog recoveries);
Day 7 (Maybe temp, such as 2x5x100 for form, rhythm & relaxation, or pool session);
then the cycle of rest-train continues, hence Day 8 would be a Rest day again.

Joe’s PBs: 100/10.75fat 200/21.90fat 400/49.63fat (last May)
Joe’s goals: 10.65fat 21.50fat 48.60fat - mid May '05

After 4 months of GPP (less than gung ho, but reasonable), we have a month and a half before school team starts practice for mid March practice meets. I figure its time to get serious with a program like the above.

We sturmbled a little today on the specific endurance, day 3, but will give it a go for the rest of the week. If we fall short the first week, so what, we can improve the next; it all counts.
Main thing with a sched like this is as kk says, use lots of active recovery; spa, massage, etc.

yes falling a bit short of projection. but will pick it up next week.

intended to do max 300,200,100 with 15-20min in between;
Joe did 300 suprisingly quick, 36.07 hand, spikes, dirt track,
(there was a jv girls soccer team practicing on inside track field - there is no better motivation for him)

but couldnt recover or get the guts for more…I feel I could have, but
I didn’t push it, and we finished with 800 jog.

I consider it as a transition from mainly endurance gpp to speed and power endurance as we get within a couple months of mid comp.

Will do steady state, 1 or 2 miles tomorrow.

I imagine he can hit 48sec /400 on a good day this season.

THursday:endurance recovery steady state.

2x 1mile 30min recovery; pace: 6.5 min/6.8min


2x 600 ; steady state, endurance recovery, tempo pace

sat: will take off


speed work:

2x 70m, accel, max, relax
3x 50m, accel


tempo: 2x2x400