Joc's Journal for speed & endurance. Critiques welcomes...

:frowning: hopefully so

well i’ve had a disaster of a week.

done nothing but upper body weights like push press, pullups, clap pressups etc.
groin still isnt right though and we’ve a big game next week so im hoping for a miracle.
started doing glute hams and they’re unreal. a number 1 exercise

on a brighter note. i tried some cleans today and groin felt ok so i went heavier than i’ve gone in 2 months. 90kg c&j no problem. ireckon i had my previous pr of 110kg no problem too. all my glute ham work and hyperextensions have helped a lot i feel.
any ways its physio and hope im right for next sunday…
what terrible luck!

groin is finally starting to respond. hopefully i’ll be ok to train on thuresday. i hope…

in the mean time all ive been doing is biceps and triceps… ah well!

Ive been looking at some vids of my ol lifts and it looks like i have the strength to pull 100kg to the height required to snatch it. some of my power cleans have gone very high. so thats very encouraging. i think with some work i could get to 100kg snatch this year. its gonna be painstaking correcting my technique on my own but itd be worth it. all i need now is a place with a garage. not easy to find in dublin…

100kg snatch, impressive :smiley:

well i nailed a BW - 80kg snatch just before i got injured (wrist) about 2 months ago. And since then my back and ham’s have increased in strength no end due to hypers and glute hams.
So i think once i get over this groin strain i will be approaching that mark again in a few weeks.
I cant wait. This weightlifting bug has got me so bad…

thurs apr 6th 2006
finally i got back training and my groin was ok-ish. i didnt test it too much by turning but got in lots of straight line sprints and it was fine. hopefully i’ll be ok for my game on sunday…

800m run + dynamic + core
skill work
5 isorobic sprints
skill work
5 isorobc sprints
more skill wotk
static stretch

4x5 push press @ 60kg with 10 claps after each set - simple
5x3 power clean @ 60kg - easy as anything
static stretch

its great to be back but i cant take anything for granted in case i get a relaspe

friday 7 apr 06

800m warmup + dynamic + static + core
skill work
3 40m isorobic sprints
skill work
skill work
static stretch

power clean
2x5 @ 60kg with 2x5 push press
3 @ 70kg with 3 push press
3 @ 80kg with 3 push press

5 @ 70kg

good to be back but i still have to be careful with the groin. its not 100% yet but if i warmup enough i should be able to get thru sundays game

well on saturday i did a very light workout. just a few laps jog, complete stretch and warmup, some verym light snatches followed by complete warm down to set me right up for a big game next day.

so sunday 9th april 06.
biggest game of the yr so far. c’ship semi.
and it went great. we won but played shte. i played the best 30mins hurling ive played in ages though. iwas flying fast, fit strong. the whole lot.
only bad point was i started cramping up in the second half. i wonder why?
huge game comin now next monday. i cant wait…

ok, i bought bill starr’s book “the strongest shall survive” and its awesome. Possibly the best strenght book for game players ever??
Already ive changed my diet and my supplemention and really increased my vit mineral intake. I hope it works as well as he said it will…

ALso ive started doing his 5x5 routine. I reckon it could mean great things
I estimate my best lifts to be : PC - 80kg x5, Squat - 130kg x5 , Bench - 90kg x5.

Monday 10 April 2006
Field Work
1 - 800m warmup + static + dynamic + core
2 - skill work 10mins
3 - 150’s. got to almost 125 each time
4 - skill work 10mins
5 - 3x4 isorobic sprints 35m with ballwork in btw
6 - 2x150s. complete. Nearly died after this but it felt great to be able to train 100% again. My injury has really focused me on what i love and im more determined than ever now
7 - static stretch

Gym Work
PC - 5@60kg, 5@65kg, 5@70kg, 4@75kg(banged my knee), 5@80kg. great, so upto 82.5kg next time. v tough these though. Cardiovasculary too…

Squat - 5@100kg, 5@110kg, 5@120kg, 5@125kg, 4@130kg. not bad considering it was my first time BS’ing in ages.

Bench - 5@60kg, 5@70kg, 5@80kg, 5@85kg, 4 1/2@90kg. upto 92.5kg next week…

static stretch.
SO a great start to my 5x5 plan.
What a savage hard workout though. my body is aching as i type this…

Re ther cramps does that happen often? First thing I’d look at is diet and sodium levels.

Bill Starr’s stuff is solid I know a few people who have used his routines and found them beneficial.

Wed 12 April 2006
Field Work
1 - 800m warmup + static + dynamic + core
2 - skill work 10mins
3 - 150’s. only 2 - fvcked!!
4 - skill work 10mins
5 - 3x4 isorobic sprints 35m with ballwork in btw
6 - static stretch

Gym Work
PC - 5@40kg, 5@45kg, 5@50kg, 5@55kg, 5@60kg. light night. no problem.

BS - 5@60kg, 5@70kg, 5@80kg, 5@90kg, 5@100kg. again light night but i was getting tired. really flying thru sets

Bench - 5@50kg, 5@55kg, 5@60kg, 5@65kg, 5 @ 70kg. simple

static stretch. really wrecked now to be honest and more coming tomorrow. prob wont do medium night on friday as ive a huge game coming on monday

Cramps - no first time in ages. And ive taken drastic action. REally scrutinised my diet and supplements really and applied Bill Starrs recommendations.
So among other things i bought salt tablets (both sodium chloride & potassium chloride) and have been taking them recently. hopefully that will stop the cramps asap.

Id cant recommend that book highly enough. it has so much more than just a strength program for nfl. everything an athlete needs to know really. and any athlete from any field.

Bah - stupid team training tonight. Coach is old and hasnt a clue. Teammates are lazy and dont care.
I even had a chat with manager about what we were doing and gave him my opinion. He laughed at what i proposed. Apparently he believes a 1 hour continuous jog with a few “spurts” every few mins is the best type of training :rolleyes:
No idea what he’s at…

Anyway training was crap and only at 70% but it was sapping. Its really the total opposite of what you do in a match situation. We’d have been better off in the pub. Someday when my legs give up i’ll go into coaching and create some supermen. Fast and powerful. Until then i have to grit my teeth and bear it…

Anyway i was still wrecked after a hard week so it was fine to do nothing. Most importantly i got in my contrast shower after to speed recovery. Should be 100% tomorrow.

Well today i felt great. My new supplementation regime is really working.

Today was medium day but i decided to only do 2 exercises as i’ve a big game coming.

800m warmup + core + dynamic + ballistic + static
PC - 4@40kg, 5@50kg, 5@60kg, 5@65kg, 5@72.5kg. simple - i’ll surely be able for 5@85kg next heavy day.
Bench - 5@60kg, 5@65kg, 5@70kg, 5@75kg, 5@82.5kg. simple again. i reckon im going to aim for 95kg next time

static stretch, swim, sauna, contrast showers.

Now i feel 100%…

100% is good :smiley:

Sun 16th - more stupid crappy team training. its improving but still well short.
big match tomorrow called off. :evil:
had a few drinks last night

Mon 17 April 2006
Field Work
1 - 800m warmup + static + dynamic + core
2 - 2x4 isorobic sprints 35m
3 - static stretch

Gym Work - Heavy day!!!
loads of hyperextensions
PC - 5@60kg, 5@70kg, 5@75kg, 5@80kg, 5@85kg. still no problem. i reckon i could jump to 100kg. i wont though… 90kg next week

BS - 5@100kg, 5@110kg, 5@120kg, 5@130kg, 5@140kg. only got 3 on the last set. i will drop back to 135kg next night OR i might start doing box squat instead. we’ll see… actually im going to wait a few months before i do box squats

Bench - 5@60kg, 5@70kg, 5@80kg, 5@90kg, 5 @ 95kg. needed a spot on last rep so its 95kg again next week

static stretch. contrast showers.

i love this program…

Wed 19 April 2006
Field Work
1 - 800m warmup + static + dynamic + core
2 - 150’s - full set. got to 125 each time. not measured out though
3 - 4 isorobic sprints 35m
4 - some skill work
5 - 2x150’s - full about 35s with 35s rest
6 - 4 isorobic sprints
7 - 2x150’s - full about 35s with 35s rest
8 - 2 Iex sprints
9 - static stretch

Gym Work - Light day. i hate light day. all i want to do is lift as much as i can

PC - 5@50kg, 5@55kg, 5@60kg, 5@65kg, 5@70kg. no prob. done in 5 mins. mainly an aerobic workout

BS - 2x5@100kg, 2x5@105kg, 5@110kg,

Bench - 5@50kg, 5@55kg, 5@60kg, 5@65kg, 5 @70kg. simple

static stretch. contrast showers.

really tough running workout but its SO effective its not funny. my game is years ahead of the guys im playing against. they run 200m and miles all the time in training. its tough but not at all specific to the game. ah well, i cant help them when they wont eve listen to me…

Fri 21 April 2006
today’s my last day in current job so went out last night. not feeling 2 good today

Gym Work - Med day.

PC - 2x5@60kg, 2x5@70kg, 5@80kg. not much prob.

BS - 2x5@100kg, 2x5@110kg, 5@125kg,
last set was a bit tough but hit all 5.

Bench - 2x5@61kg, 2x5@71kg, 5@85kg. not that hard really. didnt even ask for a spotter

static stretch.
happy to get this over.
gotta league match tommorrow.

Sun 23 April 2006
played a stupid league match last night on a sh!t night, vs a sh!t team, on a sh!t pitch. i played sh!t , felt tired and heavy but did ok. prob cause i was out so much the last 2 nights
Gym Work - Heavy day.

PC - 5@60kg, 5@70kg, 5@80kg, 5@85kg, 5@90kg. tough very tough but i reckon i could do a few more kilos.

BS - 5@100kg, 5@110kg, 5@120kg, 3@130kg
knee got sore so i left it. im actually considering droppping squat in favour of bulgarians

Bench - 5@60kg, 5@70kg, 5@80kg, 5@90kg, 4@95kg need more work on this but i dont know if i’ll keep this up. it affected my skill levels on the match the last day.

static stretch.
very strong power clean. other 2 not so good
starting new job tomorrow.

munster a re bating the leinster ladyboys at the moment so its all good. new house is gorgeous and 10mins from beach!!! lovely day today too. life is great!!! :slight_smile:

Judging by the first and last sentences above I’m guessing you have wild mood fluctuations :smiley:

So what is new job?