Joc's Journal for speed & endurance. Critiques welcomes...

well not so bad as i initially thought. most of the blood wasnt mine. my nose isnt broken or any other bones i think. both hands are badly cut up and bruised but no damage. Loads of cuts and scrapes on my body but nothing too serious. i managed to knock the knife away before it was used. thank god.

It turns out they were trying to rob me but they got more than they bargained for. all i got was a bloody nose and some cuts. one of em was out cold the last i saw and the other wasnt happy. the third ran and i wasnt going after him. my gpp for the night was over. took me a while to scrub the blood off the walls and my matress is destroyed. have to buy a new one.

but anyways. was back training today.

warmup as usual
800m in 2:43

400m in 67s
200m in 32s

150s - did about 6 but was wrecked. im faster than last year but not as fit yet. got some work to do.

did my SLJ again this time in a sandpit. 8’5" bang on.!!! from front of toe to back of heel.
i was delighted. reckon i can get to 9 feet this year hopefully.
did some hurdle mobility but track was too wet.

later in gym.
5 mins on treadmill, 1.4km @ 17.4kph. so thats about 5mins 30 for a mile. i wanna get sub 5mins if possible.

2x6 with 50lbs dbs followed by 5 depth jumps
2x5 with 32kg dbs “”"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
2x4 with 40kg dbs

sldl with dbs
3x8 with 40kg dbs

seated row
3x8 @ 50kg

7,6 - was in no form for these. dunno why

calfraise 1 leg
2x8 @ 50kg

core work with ball and static stretch

been eating well these days too

i’ve gotten two bad bouts of DOMS the last 2 weekends mainly down to lots of hamstring work in SLDL’s and reverse hypers plus no cold showers afterwards.
I need to watch that. missing 3 days isnt good at all especailly as this is a crucial period of the year for me.
should be up and running tonight

Wow… you seem alright and everything it sounds, but damn… Careful with that ! Sounds like things could’ve gotten a bit worse, but you stood your ground… :cool:

ya it was dodgy alright. nothing i could do really.

tonight i did some light jogging, stretching and ball work.
it was VERY cold.
DOMS still affecting my hams slightly

some light running, stretchin and drills tonight.
first game of the year this saturday!!

also did some front squats withe bar only!! sos sore on my wrist which is very tight.
its gonna be a long way back to 140kg x3 on Front squat from here

had a match last saturday. it went well. was fit and touch was good but speed still leaving me down. Time to get some serious work in on the first 5 yards.
Got stood on so training was a problem for the last few days.

Sunday - jog, static, swim, contrast showers. legs very stiff

monday - jog, static, ballistc. snatch pulls upto 3x3 @ 95kg. need to work a lot on this. still cant catch with my wrist but its coming.
seated rows - upto 180lbs 3x5
swim + contrast showers + static

leg relatively ok.
jog + static + ballistic warmup - it was COLD + snowing
150’s x3
12 x 40m isorobic sprint. setting at just above 1/2. What an apparatus. definitely my best purchase in ages
static then home!

nothing last night. went to see sweden get walloped 3 nothing by Ireland. great game…

-4 degree’s last night.
i think im developing shin splints!! even though i havent ran on a track in ages!!

good warmup
catching drills, rising drills, 5 isorobic sprints at 1

repeated this set of drills and sprints 4 times so got lots of work done. i really dont know how i trained without my IeX before…

static and core work in gym.

damn shins are sore!!!

match today. went ok. we won but played poorly.
i didnt have much to do but felt very good.
gonna start putting in much more match based work these days like agility and skill work.

monday 6/march/06

800m warmup + dynamic + static
6x150’s approx 700m

3x3 40m isorobic sprints with skill drills in btw

3x150’s - full length


snatch pulls
70kg 3x5

32kg dBs 6 each leg
40kg 2x6 each leg

sldl with dbs
32kg 2x6

3x6 @ 90kg

seated row
2x8 @ 70kg

core work + static stretch

wed 8th march 06

800m warmup + dyamic + static + core + a’s

6x150’s - beat up tho. not a good score. lactic build up huge

3x3 40m isorobic sprints.
3 40m sprints - i felt i was moving so fast i was flying. i love my isorobic. pity my nylon rope is so crappy. need to get better stuff

drills - not much though


clean pulls - 2x5 @ 70kg, 2x5 @ 80kg
ladder set pullups upto 5

static stretch

How are the shins?

fine now thanks. lots of ice and no more track. its all grass from now on.
pity its still so wet here though.

friday 10th march

10min+ run
warmup + ballistic + static + core

150’s - decent result. >700
3x3 35m isorobic sprints
2x150’s full length

front squat - bar only :frowning: still havent gotten full strength in wrist yet but its coming
pushpress - 5 @ 20kg, 5 @ 30kg 5@ 40kg 5 @ 50kg 3x5 @ 60kg - very happen my wrist held up to this

static stretch

sunday 12th march 2006
stupid team training
7 @ BW, 7@ 20kg, 7 @ 30kg
bulgarians 3x6 @ 35kg dbs
clean pulls - upto 3x5 @ 80kg

static + swim + contrast showers

monday 13th march
absolutely lashing rain :frowning:

decent warmup - still have the same old low back ache when i run for more than 400m. really baffling. it goes away after i stretch out…
core + static

2x150s - full. no time

approx 15-20 isorobic sprints. im definitely faster than before but i still pump my legs too fast and havent lengthened my stride but its coming. give me another 6 weeks and once the ground hardens i will be flying…
static stretch

front squat - mastered correct technique anyway where i keep my low back tight and drop with my hips before my knees. no knee pain from them yet. touch wood
5 @ 20kg
5 @ 30kg
etc til 60kg
2x5 @70kg - wrist couldnt take anymore

5 @ 60kg
5 @ 70kg - wrist couldnt take anymore so static stretch then home

the day is approaching when my wrist will be 100% and then i’ll get back to the big numbers.

remember my FS was 140kg, i want to see 2x BW this year. also push press well over 100kg

had a big game this friday on paddys morning so i did nothing all week except play poker!!!
got a new job too so its been a great week.

So anyway. this match was a big game for us against a v good local team. Well it went great!! I played v well but not only that i was flying. felt v fast and strong compared to last year. We lost but it doenst really matter.

sat 18th match
mile jog - v stiff and dehydrated after paddy day :wink:
loads and loads of stretaching and wamrup to loosen out
then just worked on snatch for an hour getting technique down. only light weight. hang snatching 50kg

played another game this morning and it was more of the same. v well physically prepared. Except our warmup was crap and i tweaked my left groin quarter way thru. still played on and did ok but was minding it
Gonna be a great yr i hope…

monday - got physio on wrist and groin. neither too bad.

some upper body weights
push press- 5 @ 60kg, 5 @ 70kg, 2x4@80kg - great to be back doing my fav exercise
seated row. 2x7 @ ???
pullups 3x8 @ BW

swim + sauna + contrast showers

short jog. still need to go easy on groin.
push press - 5 @ 60kg, 5 @ 70kg, 3 @ 83kg, 2x3 @ 90kg!!! the tonne is coming soon…
seated rows 3x8 @ ??? 140
pullups 10, 8 6

well recent news - got a new job so im looking for a new place in dublin. last night i spotted a huge house with loads of garage space. so possibly i could set up my own olympic lifting place. long long overdue too. facilities in dublin are CRAP!!! got a guy up norht to supply me. gonna cost a grand to get setup at least… :frowning:

Why pretty much the exact same workout 2 days running? :confused:

slight groin strain prevents me from doing a whole load of exercises.
its ok today so tomorrow i’ll be back training 100%

thurs march 23rd 2006

tried out the groin last night and it was still at me so i didnt do much running
800m jog + ballistic + core.

push press
5 @ 60kg
5 @ 70kg
2x4 @ 85kg

2x8 @ BW
5 @ BW + 25lbs
4 @ BW + 35lbs disc

seated row
2x7 @ 140lbs i think

static stretch

hopefully groin will be ok for this weekend…

well groin wasnt ok so i took weekend off and went away. great craic.

monday 27th march 2006
800m run + static + swings
loads of skill drills
some isorobic work - groin still at me a bit so i stopped

hang clean
5 @ 40kg
5 @ 50kg
5 @ 60kg
4 @ 70kg
4 @ 75kg

push press
5 @ 70kg
3x4 @ 85kg with 10 clap push ups in btw

5 @ BW, 2x5 + 25lbs

some bb stuff like fly’s and curls

static stretch.

groin still not 100%. going for physio tomorrow and i hope it will be ok for this weekend