Joc's Journal for speed & endurance. Critiques welcomes...

Hi, I am starting my first journal here. I have one on fortifiediron but that was mainly while i was lifting. I’ve decided to follow a different path now so here goes:

I play a sport with similiar demands on speed (30m dashes at most) with a greater demand for fitness (as our pitch is much bigger, lots of man marking) and strenght as its much more physical. Its called hurling and is our national sport here in ireland.

Anyways i’ve been lifting and training seriously for about a year now but have never really had the speed/endurance to last the full game.

my stats and goals by whenever really.
age : 22
bw : 82kg @ 11% bf
bench : 110kg - 125kg
parallel squat : 200kg - 250kg
full squat : 160kg - 200kg
front squat : 140kg - 160kg
OH squat : 90kg - 110kg
clean : 100kg - 130kg
snatch : 70kg - 100kg
mile : 5min 20 - 2mile sub 10mins
40yrd: 4.88 - 4.5
30m: 4.25 - sub 4
110m: 13s - sub 12
vert: 25" - >30"

so im going to follow a 2 phase scheme.

1st phase will last til xmas and will be more general. 2nd phase will bring me upto march and start of season.

1st phase:

Week One
Mon - dynamic warmup
- upto 3 km run
- explosive pull from hang
- pullup
- some kind of row
- SLDL 3x10
- calf raise

Tue - Endurance - 2 X 4 X 150 metres (23s or so) Recovery of 2 minutes/repetition and 5 minutes/set
- 3 x plyo set or 3 x stadium steps
- med ball throws

- explosive pull from hang
- push press upto 3x3 @ 85kg
- some kind of row 3x5
- SLDL 3x10
- some kind of bench 3x5
- calf raise 3x10 (ive tiny calves)

Thu Endurance - 2 X 3 X 200 metres (33s or so)
Recovery of 2 minutes/repetition and 5 minutes/set
- med ball throws

- explosive pull from hang
- front squat
- some kind of row
- pullup

Sat Endurance - 2 X 3 X 250 metres (38s or so)
Recovery of 2 minutes/repetition and 5 minutes/set

  • complex of squats and jump squats
  • complex of bench and clap pushups
  • lunges

Sun Rest

Week Two
Mon - dynamic warmup
- upto 3 km run
- explosive pull from hang
- pullup
- some kind of row
- SLDL 3x10
- dynamic jump shrug
- calf raise

Tue - Endurance - 2 X 4 X 200 metres (33s or so) Recovery of 2 minutes/repetition and 5 minutes/set
- 3 x plyo set or 3 x stadium steps
- med ball throws

Wed - explosive pull from hang
- push press upto 3x3 @ 85kg
- some kind of row 3x5
- SLDL 3x10
- some kind of bench 3x5
- calf raise 3x10

Thu Endurance - 2 X 3 X 250 metres (38s or so)
Recovery of 2 minutes/repetition and 5 minutes/set
- med ball throws

Fri - explosive pull from hang
- front squat
- some kind of row
- pullup

Sat Endurance - 2 X 3 X 300 metres (45s or so)
Recovery of 2 minutes/repetition and 5 minutes/set

  • complex of squats and jump squats
  • complex of bench and clap pushups
  • lunges

Sun Rest

Week Three
Mon - dynamic warmup
- upto 3 km run
- explosive pull from hang
- pullup
- some kind of row
- SLDL 3x10
- dynamic jump shrug
- calf raise

Tue - Endurance - 2 X 4 X 250 metres (38s or so) Recovery of 2 minutes/repetition and 5 minutes/set
- 3 x plyo set or 3 x stadium steps
- med ball throws

Wed - explosive pull from hang
- push press upto 3x3 @ 85kg
- some kind of row 3x5
- SLDL 3x10
- some kind of bench 3x5
- calf raise 3x10 (ive tiny calves)

Thu Endurance - 2 X 3 X 300 metres (45s or so)
Recovery of 2 minutes/repetition and 5 minutes/set
- med ball throws

Fri - explosive pull from hang
- front squat
- some kind of row
- pullup

Sat Endurance - 2 X 3 X 400 metres (60s or so)
Recovery of 2 minutes/repetition and 5 minutes/set

  • complex of squats and jump squats
  • complex of bench and clap pushups
  • lunges

Sun Rest

I will then repeat weeks 1 to 3 but lower the times for each run accordingly and up the weights.
so theres a 6 week program designed to get me very fit by xmas so that i can start a more speed specific training plan after xmas.

What do you all think?
Thank you and all comments appreciated…

Hey man, what’s going on? I like the setup on your lifting, but as long as you’re able, I would try to keep heavy full, butt to the ground back squats in your program. I also like the multiple sets of low reps on the OL’s. Are you trying to focus on sprinting as your primary events? If so, then it looks like you’re on the right path for general preparation. If you want to run 2 miles in under 10:00, then you’ll need to really change up your program.

Overall, I like the blend of conditioning and weights you have for the short term. I would say that if your focus is sprinting, then your workouts should be centered around the appropriate running drills, speed sessions etc. with the weight lifting as a supplement. I think you’ll progress faster on your sprints if you decide that you’re a “runner first” with lifting as secondary. Of course, this is just my experience. I was a lifter first for a while, now I’m a trackster first, with lifting used to supplement the track workouts; I can tell that this has made a big difference in my running with my OL’s only suffering slightly. Anyway, just take this for what it’s worth to you.

“Them boys are trapped like two foxes in a hen house with a sack fulla eggs.”

Its all for my sport which demands a good mix of speed (upto 30m) agility, stamina and strength and thats before any skillwork. my sport is acknowledged as the fastest field sport in the world and as fast as ice hockey.

for ages i was just a lifter and i put up some nice numbers like 170kg ass to grass squat at 80kg but it was slowing me down and i had no conditioning so im cutting back the squats and working more on a general phase until xmas. I was too good at squats compared to my hamstring strength hence more SLDL’s than squats

my speed work will come after xmas. I am using weights as a supplement (before i lifted 7days a week and no running at all)but there is a comp in April and i hope to compete so im keeping it up if i can.

6 workouts a week. thats not too bad and for a gpp phase it should be ok. there are lots of guys who excel at my sport who solely run 1 mile in sets in training so its a very stamina orinetated sport

ok i made a decision last night to drop the ol’s and just do explosive pulls from mid thigh.

discussion here:

so last nights training:

dynamic warmup & static (hold 3s at most) & core work

5 mins on treadmill @ 17.3Kph - about 1.4Km

technique work on snatch - waste of time really. got no where
upto 6x2 @ 40kg

upright rows
6 @ 40kg
5 @ 50kg

speed SLDL - ostanding on blocks for full rom
10 @ 40kg
3x12 @ 50kg - just trying to build up weak lower back and hams for a few weeks before i hit big weights

explosive pull mid thigh
7 @ 60kg
2x7 @ 90kg
2x4 @ 102.5kg - need to get straps

pullups - as always palms facing away

calf raise
3x 12 @ 40kg

decline sits
2x15 +25kg disc

static stretch


I was reading your other thread in the strength section and thought of this. Have you considered adding overhead squats into your routine? You could save yourself a lot of time in the weightroom if you would make overhead squats one of your primary lifts. It’s one of the most single effective moves there is and it’s the one lift I do when I don’t have time for a full workout.

For more check this if you’re interested out:

“…I’ve been to Georgia on a fast train honey
I wudn’t born no yesterday…Got a good Christian raisin’ and an eighth grade education…Ain’t no need in y’all a treatin’ me this way…”

I’ve been doing them for quiet a while although only once every fortnight or so. I can hit rock bottom with 70kg and to parallel with 95kg for reps.
My gym however has no movable squat stands and our rack has a lovely pillar about a metre behind it getting in the way so i have to PC the weight to my neck then press overhead which gets very hard as i approach 100kg. I suppose you could call this a complex but i prefer to give 100% concentration on each exercise and dislike complexes aprt from when im specifically supposed to be doing them
I agree its an excellent exercise but isnt it a bit slow? I mean with the balance requirement you cant go so fast on the way down unless you want a sore head and its hard to explode back up too. Thoughts?

ok last nights training.

800m WU plus dynamic drills + ballistic & some static

2x4x150m all around 24s with 2 mins break btw rep, 5 mins btw set
track was wet (no spikes yet), it was dark and into the wind so with spikes possibly around 22s mark. I mean i didnt get really sprinting until about 30m in for fear of slipping

loads of med ball throws ala gpp dvd
static stretch

so does anyone want to pass some comments on my proposed training plan?
Is it good bad indifferent?

At the minute i run every now and again with a guy who is regarded very fast in our sport. He’d not have great 100m pace but his game pace is excellent and he always tells me i can beat him hands down over 20m. He says i 've a great “take off”. I feel this myself. After the 20m though it all goes wrong and he normally zips past me.

So in my runs now im really concentrating on form and increasing my stride. last night in the 150s I started off very slowly and built til 50m then opened up with a full stride and as good form as i can and i was really feeling but the only thing is i died after 30 or 40m of this.

So i know i’ve a decent start upto 20m and i can do 30m at top pace but the prob is stringing them together. When i start off at top pace i find it hard to get into the groove for the next 30m. Its as if im constantly trying to accelerate and i end up seizing up and getting a headache. This is something i need to work on a lot. I need to run the entire distance smoothly not chopping between good technique for some and crap for the rest.

Also another thing is when i do high knee drills i find it very tough (to get the necessary height, and im out of breath after 20m of high knees. always hated the drill) but butt kicks are fine. I’ve no prob getting heel to ass. Does this suggest something to all you? Im working hard on flexibility both dynamically and static so im hoping this will improve.

Last thing is i read stefanie’s journal and she described diffferent drills - butt kick and high knees i know, but i dont know A’s B’s and the combo of butt kick and high knee.
Could someone point me to info on these?? I will search now too.


I don’t reckon that the overhead squats are meant to be explosive in the same manner as power cleans, snatches, etc., however I think you can add an element of explosiveness coming up, provided the weight isn’t too much. One of the main benefits of this exercise, at least in my experience, is flexibility, particularly in the hips and hamstrings. It also builds great supporting strength.

I don’t think overhead squats are meant to be a pure strength builder like heavy back squats or deadlifts, but it does seem to fortify my lower back, hamstrings, and shoulders. I suppose holding the weight overhead is a form of isometric contraction, if you wish to look at it that way, while the squat portion is more of a standard movement. I typically use bodyweight (around 78kg) or less for this exericise and always power jerk the weight up overhead, then extend my hands out to a snatch grip, then go rock bottom. Many OL coaches will have beginning lifters work on overhead squats in preparation for and instruction for snatch technique, but I think it’s a good move to use regardless.

As for the good start/poor finish, I like what you said about beginning slowly, then going faster around 50m while working on holding your form. That’s what I’m working on also. Try to also think about knee lift and arm movement. I like to think about driving my elbow downward very hard. The imagery helps me to not flail my arms everywhere when sprinting. Just keep up the form work as well as the 150’s-200’s and you’ll be able to hold up better in the latter stages of the sprints.

“…I’ve been to Georgia on a fast train, honey…I wudn’t born no yesterday…Got a good Christian raisin’ and an eighth grade educashun…ain’t no need in y’all a treatin’ me this way…”

sorry i havent posted here in a while. I damaged knee cartlidge slightly last week and havent been able to train since. Might try it out tonight.
Its nothing serious like…

ok here goes.
wed 16th nov 2005

800m warmup + swings + drills

6x200m all under 33s. 2 min break btw first 4 then 5 mins off then 2 mins.
damn cold is still choking me up a lot so this was real tough…

weights part - same day

1 leg split squat.
BW 2x6 each leg
45lbs DB 2x6 each leg

Push press
5 @ 70kg
5 @ 80kg
3x3 @ 90kg with 10 clap push ups immediately after each set.

3x12 @ 62kg

1 leg SLDL
3x12 with 10lbs DB’s - balance was tough here but a great exercise. gonna work hard on it.

10, 7,6 @ BW

core work + static stretch

What type of pullups? Narrow/Wide grip supinated/pronated?
Maybe put the single leg SLDL before the 2 leg SLDLs?
You could move core work to next (or tempo) day.
I’d also drop the overhead squats- probably not best bang for buck.

Jo, if you want to try a different approach on your pullups, look in Moe’s journal for my post on the “ladder” method. As for the overhead squats, that is the one exercise I would do if you only allowed me to do one movement. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

“Oh, Susanna, oh don’t you cry for me, for I come from Alabama With my banjo on my knee”

i dont think i’ve overhead squats in anywhere there…
its a good exercise but i only did it while i was working on my snatch a lot.

i do clean grip pullups with palms facing away for the moment but i normally change exercises about every 3 weeks or so but i will look at that thread.

I’ve been injured slightly recently so i cant really squat and i found the 2 leg sldl hard enough so i switched over to the 1 leg type. i hadnt planned on doing them but i’ve found them to be great so i’ll definitely keep them up over the 2 leg type

I like doing the core work as much as i can and i feel i can take it really. the abs etc can take quieta pounding without hurting.

friday 18/11/05

dynamic warmup

6x100m 14s each with 1 min rest in btw. nearly died doing these. still relatively unfit and flu still choking me up.

1 leg squats each set followed by 6 depth jumps
7 @ 40lbs DBs
7 @ 75lbs DBs
2x4 @ 90lbs DBs

1 leg sldl
3x8 @ 35lbs DBs

Push press followed by 10 clap pushups
5 @ 70kg
4 @ 80kg
3 @ 90kg

Pullups clean grip Ladder set

static stretch & core work

sun 20/11/05

speed session

dynamic warmup
10m - 1.88 1.89 1.76
20m - 3.15 3.07 3.19
30m - 4.35 4.27 4.32
40yrd - 5.07x2 5.01 5.07x2 4.96 5.07x3

all done with min recovery on wet grass. times were hand timed by me so whether id be faster or slower electronically i dont know but the times were consistent anyway. im sure on a track with spikes and a 2nd party to time me id be faster possibly about 4.8 for the 40yard which is ok since i was 5.5 only 6-7 months ago.

I will work up to 40m next week and then add 5m a week or so until im able to sprint at that pace til 60-70m

PC - 6x2 @ 60kg light weight so working more on form.

exaggerated lunge -raising knee high. 6 depth jump after each set.
3x10 @ 60kg

1 leg sldl
3x8 @ 14kg DBs

Push press followed by 10 clap pushups
4 @ 80kg
2x3 @ 85kg

static stretch and core work

my runs above are from a standing start so it looks like my splits are like this:

0 - 10m 1.9s 1.9s
10m - 20m 1.3s 3.2s
20m - 30m 1.1s 4.3s
30m - 36.xm .7s 5.0s

now thats not too bad considering its on wet turf so obviously loads of room for improvement.

the main things are :
1 - lengthen stride - raise knees much higher
2 - dont tighten up. i try to continue accelerating and sometimes end up clenching teeth so hard i get a headache. i found when i loosened up i go faster at times but its going to take lots of time

If anyone wants a good laugh then here a clip of me powercleaning with crappy technique.
comments welcome.
I am improving but still use arms too much, no DKB, shoulders not in front of bar enough yet.

Here it is:

Just click that link then scroll down and click free. The next page is a countdown queuer so wait about 20s and you can then dl the file.

For anyone willing to see the extent of how slow i am and how much work i have a head of me then look at this clip of me doing 30m in about 4.9 seconds…
Fast or what???
Well i was as tight as fvck so i know i can go a good deal faster but man am i slow. im slow, slow slow slow slow…
Its almost funny how slow i am…
Well i’ve loads of work ahead of me.
If anyone cares to look then can you spot anything glaringly obvious. Keep in mind that i have no dynamic flexibility and struggle with high knee drills but i was especially tight tonight after a really hard session on sunday.
Just click that link then scroll down and click free. The next page is a countdown queuer so wait about 20s and you can then dl the file.

tonights session.

i really shouldnt have trained as my legs were like concrete after sunday but anyway.

dynamic warmup + drills. must improve these a lot…
8x100m: 14s with 1 min rest

4x30m sprints

static stretch.

Oh my god im slow. its depressing…
well i’ve a start made anyway. but its a gonna be hard to progress if i ever do.
i really need to lengthen my stride, improve technique, flexibility everything.