Hi, I am starting my first journal here. I have one on fortifiediron but that was mainly while i was lifting. I’ve decided to follow a different path now so here goes:
I play a sport with similiar demands on speed (30m dashes at most) with a greater demand for fitness (as our pitch is much bigger, lots of man marking) and strenght as its much more physical. Its called hurling and is our national sport here in ireland.
Anyways i’ve been lifting and training seriously for about a year now but have never really had the speed/endurance to last the full game.
my stats and goals by whenever really.
age : 22
bw : 82kg @ 11% bf
bench : 110kg - 125kg
parallel squat : 200kg - 250kg
full squat : 160kg - 200kg
front squat : 140kg - 160kg
OH squat : 90kg - 110kg
clean : 100kg - 130kg
snatch : 70kg - 100kg
mile : 5min 20 - 2mile sub 10mins
40yrd: 4.88 - 4.5
30m: 4.25 - sub 4
110m: 13s - sub 12
vert: 25" - >30"
so im going to follow a 2 phase scheme.
1st phase will last til xmas and will be more general. 2nd phase will bring me upto march and start of season.
1st phase:
Week One
Mon - dynamic warmup
- upto 3 km run
- explosive pull from hang
- pullup
- some kind of row
- SLDL 3x10
- calf raise
Tue - Endurance - 2 X 4 X 150 metres (23s or so) Recovery of 2 minutes/repetition and 5 minutes/set
- 3 x plyo set or 3 x stadium steps
- med ball throws
- explosive pull from hang
- push press upto 3x3 @ 85kg
- some kind of row 3x5
- SLDL 3x10
- some kind of bench 3x5
- calf raise 3x10 (ive tiny calves)
Thu Endurance - 2 X 3 X 200 metres (33s or so)
Recovery of 2 minutes/repetition and 5 minutes/set
- med ball throws
- explosive pull from hang
- front squat
- some kind of row
- pullup
Sat Endurance - 2 X 3 X 250 metres (38s or so)
Recovery of 2 minutes/repetition and 5 minutes/set
- complex of squats and jump squats
- complex of bench and clap pushups
- lunges
Sun Rest
Week Two
Mon - dynamic warmup
- upto 3 km run
- explosive pull from hang
- pullup
- some kind of row
- SLDL 3x10
- dynamic jump shrug
- calf raise
Tue - Endurance - 2 X 4 X 200 metres (33s or so) Recovery of 2 minutes/repetition and 5 minutes/set
- 3 x plyo set or 3 x stadium steps
- med ball throws
Wed - explosive pull from hang
- push press upto 3x3 @ 85kg
- some kind of row 3x5
- SLDL 3x10
- some kind of bench 3x5
- calf raise 3x10
Thu Endurance - 2 X 3 X 250 metres (38s or so)
Recovery of 2 minutes/repetition and 5 minutes/set
- med ball throws
Fri - explosive pull from hang
- front squat
- some kind of row
- pullup
Sat Endurance - 2 X 3 X 300 metres (45s or so)
Recovery of 2 minutes/repetition and 5 minutes/set
- complex of squats and jump squats
- complex of bench and clap pushups
- lunges
Sun Rest
Week Three
Mon - dynamic warmup
- upto 3 km run
- explosive pull from hang
- pullup
- some kind of row
- SLDL 3x10
- dynamic jump shrug
- calf raise
Tue - Endurance - 2 X 4 X 250 metres (38s or so) Recovery of 2 minutes/repetition and 5 minutes/set
- 3 x plyo set or 3 x stadium steps
- med ball throws
Wed - explosive pull from hang
- push press upto 3x3 @ 85kg
- some kind of row 3x5
- SLDL 3x10
- some kind of bench 3x5
- calf raise 3x10 (ive tiny calves)
Thu Endurance - 2 X 3 X 300 metres (45s or so)
Recovery of 2 minutes/repetition and 5 minutes/set
- med ball throws
Fri - explosive pull from hang
- front squat
- some kind of row
- pullup
Sat Endurance - 2 X 3 X 400 metres (60s or so)
Recovery of 2 minutes/repetition and 5 minutes/set
- complex of squats and jump squats
- complex of bench and clap pushups
- lunges
Sun Rest
I will then repeat weeks 1 to 3 but lower the times for each run accordingly and up the weights.
so theres a 6 week program designed to get me very fit by xmas so that i can start a more speed specific training plan after xmas.
What do you all think?
Thank you and all comments appreciated…