Joc's Journal for speed & endurance. Critiques welcomes...

Explode upwards/vertically more, flex your hips and knees and drop under the bar better.

yeah im working hard on my technique in both weight room and my running.
But i spose the most important thing for me is improve dynamic flexibility especially knee lift. i have none…

anyway. taking tonight off. just some stretching…

thurs 24th november 2005
5 min jog + drills + ballistic + static

5x100m @ 80% 1 minute btw. concentrating on bringing foot over support knee and then cocking toe for contact. it was tricky but i found it felt great when i got it right

5x30m with 20m build up

static stretch

good session. found a new area with a nice grassy hill. maybe a bit too steep but its the best there is. it’ll do me for the next while.
trying to concentrate all the time on technique like foot over knee and cocking toe. its tough but when it does come together it really feels good…

I feel alot of these thing might come together for you better and faster if you concenrated on developing your flexibility perhaps a bit more.

Yeah thats what im trying to do.
I’ve always static stretched and before considered myself flexible (I can almost do a front splits with left lef forward)
The thing is the stretching i’ve been doing hasnt really addressed my inflexible areas or the areas i need most for sprinting. I mean i find it hard to do a high knee drill for 20m. Right leg is especially tight in the high knee drill and barely breaks parallel.
I’ve an idea this wasnt helped by my weightlifting past.
Now running and flexibility (both dynamically and statically) are my goals but it will take time. That last video you saw was me at my tightest. Im normally looser but by how much i dont know.
Possibly on sunday i will be much looser and will then take another vid…

Friday 25th Nov
Dynamic Warmup + static
Power Clean Technique work
10x2 @ 60kg
2 @ 70kg
2 @ 75kg
2 @ 80kg
1,0 @ 85kg - most i’ve done but slow as hell so i’ll not be doing this too much more until i can get the speed up a bit. i feel a faster explosion is better than more weight.

1 leg squats
2x10 @ 50lbs DBs with big knee separation

Depth Jumps
2x7 after each i leg squat

Med Ball work
static work

Saturday 26 Nov
Dynamic work + static
4x220m on indoor 220m track @ 35s with 90s btw reps

Technique work on PC
10x2 @ 60ks

6 @ 60kg
6 @ 70kg
6 @ 80kg
5 @ 90kg
3 @ 95kg
2 @ 100kg
1 @ 105kg
0 @ 110kg - would have been a new PR but just couldnt get over sticking point. i reckon if i was a bit fresher i had 115kg in me. not bad considering it was like my 2nd bench press section in 3 or 4 months, Aiming for 300lbs next yr sometime…

Ladder Pullups with my bro.
1,2,3,4,5 hit 3 in 6th set. bro was long gone and he could ALWAYS beat me at pullups when we were young so im doing something right!!!

2x10 @ 60kg

1 leg sldl
2x10 @ 15kg DBs - balance still the hardest part

some time later did a few 30m sprints for camera on indoor track. hit approx 4.5 so happy with that. i can see a 4s flat coming after my gpp and with spikes. Hope springs eternal

static work.

Taking sunday off for a well earned rest before my first full week of the gpp…

mon 28th nov 2005
dynamic warmup + some static + drills esp high knees which im very weak at.

3x100 odd metres @ 75 % to try warmup a bit. it was -2 on the thermometer in the car!!

4x30m (right quad a bit sore - not torn but a bit tight or something)

med ball throws
jumping on balls of feet
lunge jumps
static stretch

Oh my god it was cold.i must truly be insane now. I had to avoid deers while running!! this is crazy. worst thing is i kinda enjoyed it apart from my right quad. im turing into a right lunatic these days from work and training and the solitude i suppose. im getting so physched for next season its unreal. its gonna be my best ever. it has to be.
last yr was decent and i didnt start running til april. all i did was BBer type lifts. this yr i will be infinitely fitter, a good bit stronger, 3or 4kg lighter, .5s faster over 30m. I cant wait…

OK, its not that bad.

Starting position is pretty good. You need to get your knees back under the bar more before you initiate the second pull (from hang position) - this is known as the double knee bend. This could be achieved by as little as waiting a fraction longer before pulling. At the moement you are pulling straight up as soon as the bar reaches your knees - the second clip is better in this respect.

Also you don’t make full use of the shrug motion. Although i can’t quite see your shoulders i have the feeling you could shrug for longer to really accelerate that bar and keep it moving. To achieve this think about bringing the shoulders up to your ears rather than pulling backwards.

Practice deadlift to shrug action from the floor going right up onto your toes for the shrug before putting it all together into the clean (see the GPP DVD for clips of this or the Speed and Strength 1 DVD).

As No23 says you need to drop under the bar better at the moement you are curling it slightly with your arms rather than letting yourself drop under it. See the Speed and strength dvd for Derek’s ideas on how to improve this by concentrating on the foot movement.

Also check this sites for more info:

Ya my DKB is non existant but improving as i use my camera more and more.
I have some more from last weekend that are much better.
I PCed 85kg recently but it was slower than my others. I wonder is it better to use a lighter weight and concentrate on the explosion or go heavier even if it does mean a drop in the explosion. It should still be the same power output shoudlnt it.
I suppose i will do a mix of both. Heavy one day and fast another…

I also think there are also some flexibility issues there too from what I can remember seeing - such as the rocking back on the heels - could be tight adductors or calfs.

tight/weak calves is definitely a possibility.
For ages i presumed that i didnt need to work them as everyone says if you do train properly then they should get worked as part of that. The thing is i never trained properly so my calves are now lagging horribly. I have 25" or 26" thighs and only 14" calves. I know that number only matter to BBers but i do need to work on them. I mean my forearms are nearly bigger than my calves!!

anyway i have much better 30m vids of me that i’ll post soon as i get my website up.
also cant train tonight as we’re showing ppl around to rent a room. we’ve had some right nuts in so far. Why cant we get a 6 foot blond that loves gingers??

Not weak - tight.

No need to work calves

I may have missed it but what soprt do you play?


Calves are both tight and weak and non existant. :wink:
Im gonna include some jump squats in my workout off the balls of the feet with as little knee bend as possible to get my calves going.

Wed 30th Nov.
Was meant to play 5 a side soccer tonight so said id get a quick workout in the gym first. I dont normally play games like these as i feel they’re not part of a plan but i was going to go tonight to see how i;ve progressed in terms of fitness and speed. unfortunatley i got injured in the weights room so couldnt make it.

1k run on tredmill
dynamic warmup + ballistic + static

some squats to warmed up.
2x3 back

1x3 front

3x2@ 70kg

PC + Power jerk
2x2 @ 70kg
2 @ 80kg
2 @ 85kg
2 @ 90kg (new pr in PC) but pulled a muscle in my neck on the first rep. being a stubborn bastard i just continued on with the jerk and then finished the set.


1 leg sldl
2x7 @ 50lbs DBs

1 leg squat
2x7 @ 32kg DBs

jump squat
10 @ 40kg
10 @ 60kg
10 @ 70kg

calf raise
3x10 @ 80kg or so

static stretch

i didnt realise how bad my neck was til i got out of gym. Now im in agony. slept little last nigha dn cant really look straight ahead. as soon as traffic dies down im going home and to the doc. might need a week off work. doing anything fast causes lots of pain.

Other than that im delighted with my PC form and ham strenght. 90kg felt easy enough even after 7 lighter sets. I reckon i’ll have the tonne before xmas and possibly 110kg soon after. All thanks to patience and hard work and my digital camera!!
No more back pain after loads of assistance back work, decent form. Its all coming together. possibly because i now only lift 3x a week at most. before it was 7 times a week and i think i was killing myself…

:eek: I hd a feeling you would say that crazy sport :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope the neck comes right soon.

friday 2nd december
neck not feeling so bad. prob because im full of painkillers so here goes.

dynamic + ststic + drills + ballistic
6x100m under 15s with 1 min in btw. pitch very wet so decent times. still slight pain in right quad when i try for full exttension
I’ve gotten a bit fat too. only a kilo or so but i noticed it. must keep an eye on this.

1 leg squats
7 @ 40lbs DBs
7 @ 50lbs DBs
7 @ 40lbs DBs

3x7 @ 40lbs DBs

calf raise
3x10 @ 60kg

sat 3rd dec
800m or so warmup
dyn + static + drills + ballistic - really concentrating on high knees these days.

hills week 1 - felt v good on these

med ball work but neck got sore so stopped
static + stomp

sun 4th dec
800m warmup
dyn + static + ballistic + drills

hip mobility drills - where have these been all my life. exactly what i need!!!
4 x step over @ second height on hurdle
4 x step over with ball
4 x step over step under
4 x step over step under with ball

8 x 100m tempo with walkback


1 leg squat
7 with 40lbs DBs - 7 depth jumps after
7 with 50lbs DBs - 7 depth jumps after

1 leg sldl
7 with 30lbs dbs
7 with 40lbs dbs

ladder pullups
got to 6th set did 3.

calf raise
3x12 @ 80kg

static stretch

comments : hip mobility drills are excellent. will be doing these 3x a week from now on on tempo days.
tempo is improving all the time. getting much much fitter. hope to start adding in some more 200m in there soon. goal is 8x200m under 30s each with 30s rest in btw. a high goal but worth it since it’ll improve my game endurance beyond belief

neck is still a bit sore and is stopping me from doing as much in the weight as id like. also my medball work is suffering. so maybe next week it’ll be ok i’ll get cracking again.

but overall feeling exceelent now after training. hips are so lose after the hurdle drills in unreal!!