Joc's Journal for speed & endurance. Critiques welcomes...

hey man, you said static. Does this mean you do static weights, what is this.

How do you do them, and why, what do they benefit.

Thanks man
Keep it up

static = static stretch.
sorry should have typed it all out…

mon 5th dec
another freezing night here in dublin. what i wouldnt give to live in california!!
actually no cause then i couldnt play hurling…


5 minute jog
drills + static + dynamic + ballistic warmup
2x100m @ 75% just to make sure i wont tear something

hills W1
10x10m easy
10x20m getting harder, taking longer breaks but feeling good.
10x30m - harder again but still feeling good, much better than whe i start these only a while ago. much looser. prob not much faster but getting there

med ball work
10x squat up wards throw
10x front throw and accel - starting to feel tired now so leave it at that. remember ive 12 hrs work done already today so i’ve a lot done. no need to risk injury so early in the year. actually its late in the last season. this is by far the earliest i’ve ever gone back training. i was ok last yr and i didnt even start running until may and at that it was half hearted. im already fitter this yr than i was in high season. really cant wait for the chance to show my skills @ 100% fitness as opposed to 75% or less. it doenst matter how skillful you are if you cant get to the ball!!!

static stretch + stomp

viewing room again tomorrow so i doubt ill get to train. maybe some tempo or weights but not both. ill see how i feel and the weather. sposed to be a cold one tomorrow so maybe weights ;-)) man i do love lifting!! just for fun the other day i said id show off a bit in the gym. there was this big huge guy shoulder pressing 75lbs DBs and he was roaring so everyone was watching. it looked impressive i must say but he was about 17st. i slipped in beside him on the next bench and went straight for the heaviest DBs in the place - 90lbs. I hadnt shoulder pressed in ages but they flew up with no spotters or anything. banged out 6 cleans reps, fvcked the DBs out on the floor and walked away. yer man just left that area in the gym straight away. i laughed my arse off…

no training last night. had to show ppl around the house. i hate doing that.
plus little niggly injuries still at me like the neck on my right side and slight strain on the left shoulder. im not sure where this came from…
so last night was to be a tempo night so im unsure what to do tonight. the missed tempo runs or hills week 2.
prob go with hills week 2

Jo, how has your hill training affected your training overall up to this point? Are the “flat” ground reps getting much easier?

That’s one thing I have noticed since I started doing reps on long hills. After I recover and to the track, my 100m reps seem to be getting easier, especially toward the 70-100m portion. I don’t feel as wiped out as I did prior to hill work. It’s been a slow, painful process. It hurts to be fast, doesn’t it?

well im not fast so i dont know about it hurting but it sure hurts a lot more being slow.

I have only completed Week 1 of the hills so far so the longest i’ve done is 30m uphill.
tonight is 4x4x40m as far as i can remember

I havent actually sprinted 100m in a while so im sure how much easier or harder it has gotten. I have been doing a lot of tempo work though so maybe that helps more than the hills.

Its too early to tell yet but I think the main improvement has been in my technique and flexibility. its now almost second nature to run on the balls of my feet and im trying to include “step over knee and cock big toe” as much as possible.

I was usually ok in the 100m up until the 70m point. after that id die away as i was so tight. maybe now with the hip mobility drills i will be looser.
only time will tell…

Aint that true :o that said I think you may be pleasantly surprised how things pan out. You have good strenght levels and with all the work you are doing improvement is inevitable. :smiley:

I do think i will be surprised. just tonight i brought a friend running hills. he was always faster than me and especially over >20m sprints. i beat him in most of our 18 40m runs.
i think a few more weeks of this and i will no longer be the slowest man in the world.

maybe still in the slowest top 5 but at least not the slowest!!!

wed 7/12/05

dynamic + static + drills + ballistic as always
2x100m @ 80%

hills week2
3x(6x40m) felt really good doing these. ground contacts were very crisp and on the balls of the feet. staying loose and “feeling it”

shoulder/neck still sore so no medball work

static stretch then home…

Have a look at that neck
Don’t let it linger for too long

720m of hill sprints! wow man thats some volume, and im assuming are all run full out. So is this your max volume/average volume per session, and whats your weekly sprints volume generally. keep up the work man

yes all as fast as i can with probably 1-2 mins btw reps. keep in mind my top speed is considerably less than any others
I dont find it that hard. Probably because i cant run that fast.

This will be the hardest week of hills in my gpp. I’ve another 2 days of this to go. next week will be 4x(4x40m)

Also it looks like ive scored myself an isorbic exerciser!! cant wait to get my hands on this little baby…

going to physio tomorrow.
tried a light PC @ 70kg last night and it was sore so i reckon it’ll not cure itself.

8 / 12 /05
Xmas party in work tonight so i was a good boy and started work really early to allow me to make it to UCD for 4 o clock.

800m warmup + dynamic + static + ballistic + drills

Hurdle Hip mobility - standard setup - 10 hurdles @ 2nd setting which just touches my crotch.
4 x over and under
4 x over and under with ball
4 x straight thru
4 x straight thru with ball

6x200m in 34-35s with 90s break. track was like an ice rink so times a bit disappointing but better than falling. Have to get spikes.

weights part
tried some Pc’s but neck still sore

1 leg squats
3x7 @ 50lbs DBs big leg spacing with 7 depth jumps btw each set

1 leg sldl
3x7 @ 35lbs DBs


incline bench
7 @ 70kg
7 @ 75kg
5 @ 80kg
4 @ 90kg
3 @ 95kg
2 @ 100kg for some reason my shoulder was fine doing these

static stretch and off to the xmas party. Was a good night. probably drank too much but hey i needed a few to relax. havent drank in ages…

I’ve noticed my physique changing a lot now that im a few weeks into gpp. BF is down (wasnt that high before) but especially on my legs. my quads are much more pronounced and cut. i know im not a BBer but its much better than my fat stumps before. I think the 1 leg sldl and squats have brought my legs on enormously. When i do regluar dl’s or squats i must have been using my back too much or something but i find the 1 leg lifts excellent as i can hit the “sprint position” much more with them. Maybe this is bull but in my head the 1 leg lifts are much more specific to sprinting / running.

10 th december.

was out late last night so it took me a while to get going today. was in for physio early on my neck and she said it was in spasm. she tried to loosen it out so i’ve another appointment next week. it only affects me on power clean and medball throws.

warmup as usual
2 x 100m @ 80%
3 x (6 x 40m) - found the first set hard but “loosened” out a bit for the 2nd and 3rd. i was clenching up a lot early on. i still have to learn the balance between going fast and being loose. at the minute my best times are when i “fight” my way through the run but im starting to learn to run loose.

static stretch. gym closes @ 5 at the weekend so no weights today.

sun 11th 2005

very tight today. some niggling injuries wtill affecting me. neck is fine now but left shoulder has started to ache, also a slight pain at the back of my left knee. only affects me sometimes in sprinting. not during weights

800m warmup
static + ballistic + drills
Hip mobility drills
4 x straight thru
4 x same with med ball
4 x over and under
4 x same with med ball

was very tired after a tough week so i said id just test myself out to see if i’ve improved any on my best 100m (13.6 or so)

2 x 100m @ 80%

1 x 100m @ 13s flat!! happy with this even though it still means im about 13.5 electronic. its a start anyway. another few months and i might be closer to my goal of sub 12s FAT

weights part

Hang clean
2 x 5 @ 60kg with 3 power jerk per set
5 @ 70kg

7 @ 60kg
2x7 @ 70kg

Full B squat (just for fun - first time since my knee healed)
5 @ 70kg
5 @ 110kg
3 @ 140kg
2 @ 150kg
happy enough with this as my best before injury was 161kg ass to grass. would like to get to 200kg but its not a priority

5 x BW
2 x 5 + 11kg

1 leg sldl
2 x 7 @ 35lbs DBs

1 leg squat
2 x 7 @ 50lbs

lower back work plus core work plus static stretch

hey hey, what a week for purshases…
got powerlifting bands, 3 pack dvds from here, world champioship weightlifting vcds off a guy on fortifiediron and to cap it all an isorbic exerciser off ebay for only $46!! what a steal. i hop i get them all before Xmas.
i also hope i can afford to pay for em all and still eat over xmas too. ah well i have meant to cut back a bit on the food intake recently so this is as good an excuse as any…

With a muscle spasm you should be able to stretch it a little yourself.
Just 2 quick ones to try out …

  • Bend neck forward and rotate chin to shoulders and with a gentle push on your chin see if you can find a tightness/stretch.
  • Bend neck to side and rotate chin upwards and with a gentle push on your chin upwards see if you can find tightness or stretch.

John, just a quick word too, meant to say it earlier, sounds from a few things you’ve been saying like you might be starting to begin overreaching slightly.

Just be careful and watch the intensity/volume.

i think the neck is ok now. was powercleaning on saturday and it was fine. pity my technique wasnt. the 10 days off have put me back a bit.

my training plan is the same as on the gpp dvd. maybe i am going too hard but im desperate to do this. im going to do what ever it takes to get to where i want to be. its all i think about 24 7 even now in mid december.

plus i just hate sitting in for an evening watching tv. Its something i associate with fat women. if im not training in some form or another i just start to feel fat and weak and guilty. i spose i’ve always been harder on myself than anyone else.

12th dec 05

track was actually frozen!!
ran on grass anyway.

800m warmup
static + ballistic + drills - high knees, butt kicks + A’s Bs’ - badly done though…

hurdle mobility. cause it was so cold and track slippy these were tough.

10 or so x 100m @ 75% so all between 18s - 15s with about 30s rest. getting much fitter at these anyway…

pullups - ladder 1,2,3,4,5,6 only got to 3 on 6th set

push press
5 @ 60kg
4 @ 70kg
4 @ 80kg with 10 clap pushups btw each

core work with ball

static stretch