Joc's Journal for speed & endurance. Critiques welcomes...

took the last few days off. i cant say it was great or relaxing. it just wasnt me. did a bit of swimming but nothing much else.

did a bit of weights today and im going to start back into gpp tomorrow.
todays weights

3 x 3 @ 60kg
3 @ 70kg
2 x 2 @ 84kg + 2 x 2 power jerk - left shoulder / bicep still gets sore with any pressing motion so no more til after xmas. It might help me shift some of this useless upper body muscle too. I look a lot heavier than my 80kg which is never a good thing i think.

Full Back squat
6 @ 60kg
6 @ 80kg
6 @ 100kg
4 @ 120kg
3 @ 140kg
2 @ 150kg
0 @ 164kg - would have been a new PR but i was a bit tired. this is my first heavy squatting session since i hurt knee cartlidge doing quarter squats so i was happy enough. id love to get to 200kg but im a nice bit off yet.

7 @ 70kg
7 @ 90kg
2 x 7 @ 85kg

1 leg sldl
8 @ 30lbs dbs with 6 depth jumps
8 @ 35lbs dbs with 6 depth jumps

farmers walk - with 50kg 2 x 1 minute

weighted decline situps
2x15 @ 50kg + BW

static stretch

ok its getting close to new year so its time for some new ideas.

first is getting my diet sorted. its clean enough but i dont eat enough fresh vegs so im going to drop most of the pasta/bread/refined_carbs and replace with more beneficial carbs. this might also help me to get the BF down to under 10% and least make me look a bit more like a runner and not the big slow a$$ i am now.

after that i spose its continuing my GPP and increasing my stamina. id love to see a sub 4s 30m but i doubt it’ll happen next year.

ok havent posted in a while with xmas but i’ve been training away.

done 3x tempo sessions, lots of hurdle mobility and flexibility stuff but nothing too taxing. trying to clean my diet too.
I did a 10k charity run yesterday. 48mins. not bad considering thats by far the most i’ve ran non stop since last xmas when i could barely break 60mins. if id a bit more practice i could have won. (42 mins) not that id want to. its an awful terrible idea and im definitely not built for it being about 3 stone heavier than most of the guys in the race.

most importantly i got in some great recovery work in. flexibility and contrast showers so im fine today kind of…

weights today.

dynamic warmup
2x2 @ 60kg
2x2 @ 70kg
2x2 @ 80kg

Push press after PC’ing the weight - each set followed by 10 clap pushups
5 @ 60kg military press (legs totally locked!!)
5 @ 70kg
5 @ 80kg
3 @ 90kg
(a guy who has c&j’ed 120kg @ 77kg or more was watching me doing these and he said it was very impressive! id be a good bit stronger than him even though he can lift more cause his technique is so smooth. a good guy though. great help with PC technique)

ladder set.
1,2,3,4,5,6. first time getting a full set of 6. might start doing some wieghted ones now for a while

lunge followed by 6 dpeth jumps
10 @ 40kg
10 @ 60kg

static stretch then sauna and contrast showers. hopefully crack into my gpp again tomorrow or the day after.

well the madness of xmas is now over so its down to some serious training.
I’ve got in a good bit of tempo training/medball throws/weights but no hill work in a few weeks.

Most notably i cleaned 110kg just 3 days ago. Unfortunately i didnt get it on camera and missed the jerk but i caught my 100kg PC and P jerk today.
Im feeling really strong here on cleans. I think i have some big numbers ahead of me in 06. cant wait…

also i’ve not touched a supplement in 6 or so weeks so once i start back into it tomorrow im hoping for some good strength gains in the next month or so…

back to hill work at last…

warmup jog + ballistic + static stretch + skipping a’s and b’s + core

3 x (6 x 40m) with shortish recovery. 1 min btw reps, 3-4 mins btw sets

full static stretch

im feeling very good on these sprints now. injurires all cleared up i hope, feeling loose and relaxed, most importantly both my legs point forward all the time instead of going off out to the left and right. i think i lost lots of power before by doing this. you can clearly see it happening in my video.

also ate very clean today and im goping to keep this up now all year and get down to 6-7% BF if i can. back on cyclone and zma as of today too

Jo, good to see you back at it. Those are some good numbers on the clean.

Thanks. not as good as yours yet though. I still have some biggish technique flaws and the lack of a coach/proper equipment is holding me back but im getting there bit by bit.

I’ve altered my gpp plan to be a little less demanding.
monday - hills
tues - hurdle mobility, tempo, med ball throw, weights
wed - hurdle mobility, med ball throws
thurs - hills
fri - hurdle mobility, tempo, med ball throw, weights
sat - hills
sun - off or just some light flexibility work / weights

basically my workload was too much before xmas and i started getting niggly injuries which were setting me back a week or 2 each time. Also the fact i didnt have proper cold weather gear wasnt helping.
so i splashed out €250 on the proper thermals and im reducing my workload a bit. with proper nutrition/rest this should see some good gains. possibly end of january i will test myself again in a race and see if i’ve progressed…

BW back down to 179lbs @ 12.1%BF. Previously i would have been 179 @ 12.5% BF so my muscle bulk has increased. Id ldeally like to see sub 170lbs sub 10% BF.
Keep in my my scale overestimates BF by as much as 2%

light stuff tonight. i was feeling a bit tight after my first night back on the hills.

800m warmup + ballistic + static +skipping a’s and b’s + situps + pressups

hip hurdle mobility with 10 hurdles
6 x straight walk through.
4 x same with med ball overhead

med ball throws and run through
10 x single jump and throw
6 x double jump and throw

static stretch

weights part.
power clean
2x3 @ 55kg
2x2 @ 60kg
2 @ 70kg with 5 push presses + 10 clap pushups
2 @ 75kg
2 @ 83kg with 5 push presses + 10 clap pushups
2 @ 90kg with 1 push press
2 @ 95kg

bulgarian squat
6 @ 25kg DBs with 6 depth jumps
6 @ 32kg DBs with 6 depth jumps

8 , 6

core work with med ball

1 leg sldl
2x6 @ 50lbs DBs

thorough static stretch

again ate clean today
oatmeal for brekkie
salmon onion and lettuce in a brown bagette for lunch + veggie soup for lunch
salad bowl + 2 bananas evening meal
cyclone drink after workout

my metabolism is crap so if i eat too much more i get fat. what can i do with genetics…

took yesterday off. had to buy a laptop and a pc for members of the family. xmas isnt over yet is it…

friday 6th jan 2006
had a great day @ work today. finished this sh!t hot perl script that calculates how our companies share price is doing with loads of bells and whistles. the price is on the up and up. getting ready to sell mine soon…

800m warmup + ballistic + static + skipping a’s b’s.
my drills are really improving. whether this has any affect on my speed i dont know but it has to be some help.

med ball accels
single hop + sprint through
double hop + sprint through

front squat
4 @ 100kg
3 @ 120kg
3x2 @ 130kg - first time front squatting in ages and i’ve actually improved. previous best was 140kg but that was 1rm and a struggle. i’ve only ever done 1 @ 130kg before too. my arms were slipping down i noticed on these today. gonna work hard on front squats now for a month. see if i can get to 160kg and 2x BW.

incline DB bench
7 @ 32kg
2x5 @ 36kg

bulgarian split squat
2x6 @ 32kg DB’s

core work with medball

thorough static stretch

sat 7th jan 2006
800m warmup + ballistic + static + skipping a’s b’s.

2x3 @ 60kg
2 @ 70kg
2 @ 80kg
2 @ 90kg
2 @ 100kg
0,0,0 @ 105kg - pissed off, but fried after last nights front squats so not too bad

Bulgarian squats
2x6 @ 20kg DBs


shoulders sore, legs sore , everything sore so static stretch then home

sunday 8th jan
same warmup
swim + stratch + sauna/steam room, contrast showers

i’ve been taking it easy this week.

monday - off
tues - hills - 3x (6x50m)
wed - off
thurs - hills - 3x (6x40m)

im starting to wind down my hill work in the next few weeks and will begin to transition to speed work & isorobic stuff & specific agility/endurance for games.

i’m changin my week around slightly too. not so much weights during the week. more weights at the weekend. because at tweekend i go home and the best gym in my county is like 2 miles away and it has 50m pool + sauna/steamroom/full eleiko sets/ contrast showers. my normal gym is so bad i get injured using their bars!!

friday 13th
800m warmup + ballistic + static

3x2 @ 60kg
2 @ 70kg
2 @ 80kg
2 @ 80kg
2 @ 95kg
2 @ 100kg
0,0 @ 105kg. its wierd it seems like every second go i hit a perfect clean and rack and the weight flies up. then other times i make a balls of it and i struggle with 80kg
also i noticed that 100kg felt light really light but then the 5kg jump and the weight felt so heavy!!
also it was funny but i had the 105kg racked but i mistimed the squat and ended up nailed at bottom position. now i tried to bounce out of it but i was wearing my kayanos and they went from under me an i slipped backwards!! the bar came with me and rolled an inch over my nose!!! crazy or what. everyone in the gym thought i was dead!! i did too. laughed my ass off at it tho.

static stretched and went home!!

sat 14th
stupid wedding convention on in the gym so i couldnt run
went light today. only working on technique
did 2x100kg to finish up

12, 8, 6

static stretch then went home

sun 15th
what a session!!!

1200m in 4.25, ballistic + static + core + drills

6x200m in 32-34s with 2 mins recovery. did last one in 31s!! all were done on wet track into a strong wind with kayanos so i was delighted with these runs! i suppose you could put this session down as an intensive tempo but man oh man did i feel good after it as i do now. just so loose and relaxed. i could actually feel my jaw flopping around as i was running i was so relaxed!! im definitely on the right track.

weights part.
light again today.
worked upto
2x2 @ 90kg

did some snatch work then with a good lifter.
he helped me out with technique but i was really feeling it.
3x2 @ 40kg
2x2 @ 50kg but it wasnt really that impressive tbh. must start working on these. there’s a comp in march and as soon as i get my shoes and cut to 77kg then i might just compete!! that’d be crazy…

bulgarian squat
2x6 @ 25kg with 6 depthjumps after each

8, 8

static stretch, swim, aqua joggin, sauna + contrast shower.

Its actually crazy how good i feel now after the session. i mean floating good. i’ve never felt like this after training. i spose this is what its all about. i hope i can continue like this…

Jo, just curious, what kind of shoes are you wearing in your photo? Those aren’t jogging shoes are they? If they are, please be careful!!

ya they are. asics kayano’s.

did you read what happened me last friday? i fell backwards with the bar racked and it came with me. rolled over my head. missed my nose by an inch or two!! banged my head off the platform. i could have easily done some serious damage to myself…
Laughed my ass off for 15mins once i picked myself up…

So i’ve finally decided to take the plunge and get the proper shoes. didnt think id need them but its kind of essential now that im working with biggish weight you know.
should have them next week hopefully…

fortifiediron’s shoes are on the way. only €80 aswell. not bad. cant wait to see if they’ll make a difference to my lifting. i hope they do. I have a dream of a 2x bodyweight clean and jerk. I know im like 40kilo’s off it but i reckon a year or two should see me much closer to it. i mean i only started cleans seriously 6 months or so ago so im not doing so bad.

in terms of training, i’ve dramatically cut down my workload and im really reaping the rewards! i feel so much fresher and better all round. im training about 5x a week.

its going something like this

monday. hills
tues. off
wed. either (1 mile, plus intensive tempo + med ball work) or hills depending on where im going for the weekend
thurs. either off or hills depending on where im going for the weekend
friday. either hills or tempo/weights
sat. weights
sun tempo/weights/swim

i know this means that my weekend is fuller than my weekdays but why not. im always wrecked from work during the week and also at weekends i have access to best gym in my country for a pittance, access all areas incl pool, sauna, steamroom, track, contrast showers. Id be mad not to use this.

tues 17th january.

crap day at work today.

training going well though

warmup as usual

3x (6x45m)

med ball thqows, squat oberhead throws and squat jump and throw.

static stretch.

these are feeling really good and easy now. i dont know if im any faster than when i started but i sure am fitter. soon very soon i will test myself again

hope you all like my new avatar!!
Its me last night at possibly my lowest BF% ever…

anyone care to guess what im at? around 10% or so?

I’ve also attached a photo of me at my unfittest / fattest.
I was taken about 18months ago and i reckon i was about 25%BF @ 14.5stone. I couldnt run much or lift much or do anything really apart from drink and get in rows, which i could do really really well. Tequila was my favourite tipple. I remember doing a “power hour” with a bottle of tequila. I got to 23 minutes in before collapsing. Its on video someplace. You all know what a power hour is?

I went back to my college’s nightclub recently only to be told i had a permanent banning order on me going back the whole 18months and more. Lets just say the last week of college was eventful, very eventful. Some of the bouncers there wont forget it for a while more i reckon…

damn. didnt come through. maybe later…

had a great day at work today. solved a problem that being holding up our entire design. it was something i should have spotted much earlier if i had more expierence but i hope now my design will work and i can start writing some code…

thing was i was in early and stayed late. havent been eating properly either even for me!!

only did some weights today cas it was so late when i got home.


2x2 @ 50kg
2x2 @ 60kg
2 @ 70kg
2x2 @ 80kg
2 @ 90kg
2 @ 100kg
0 @ 105kg
1 @ 105kg
0,0 @ 110kg
1 @ 110kg - these all felt sooo light. my problem is racking it. from doing crappy power cleans my arms are too slow to whip under and catch but my first pull is so strong. i think with some improvements in technique i can shift some serious weight. i reckon i can hit 140kg this year. i know you all are going to laugh at me but im serious. i know im strong enough to shoot up the weight if i can just sort my technique…

12, 8 ,6

1 leg split squats
2x5 @ 32kg with 5 depth jump in between

a little bit of core work with ball and a small bit of static stretcing but i was feeling tired and hungry so i just went home…

20 jan

servers crashed at work so i went home early. didnt realise how tired i was and went for a nap. been working crazy hours recently

1200m warmup in 4mins 30. it was very windy
usual warmup

hurdle step over drills

4x200m 33s with 2 mins rest. did last one in 31s. ran into the wind too so these were good times

static stretch and home

went for a few drinks last night. got fairly drunk too. first time in a month. was feeling very sick in my stomach this morn but im fine now…

sat 21st jan.

full warmup

5x2 @ 40kg
5x2 @ 50kg
3x2 @ 60kg
3x2 @ 70kg
did Loads of these. feeling really strong but technique lacking. hitting 60kg easiliy. 70kg felt so light but i was losing them out in front a lot. i have vids whih i’ll post soon. some technique work and i reckon i have another 20kg in me…

3x2 @ 60kg
2x2 @ 70kh
2 @ 80kg
2 @ 90kg
2 @ 100kg
0,0,1 @ 105kg
0,0,1 @ 110kg
injury @ 115kg - sprained my wrist catching this. i thought i had actually broke my wrist clean in two here for a second. caught it on video too. wrist wrapped up now. didnt get to a doc yet but RICE has been applied.


taking a few days off work and training now. wont be able to lift for a few weeks i reckon. disgusted as i was doing so well :frowning: