Joc's Journal for speed & endurance. Critiques welcomes...

Power hour… Please explain… Just a guess, but is that where you take 1 shot for every minute??? I hope not… haha…

ya. nail on the head. that part of my life is over now. i rarely drink anymore and never get drunk.

after watching the video of my injury i see that my knuckles o my left hand bent the whole way back and touched my forearm. Im damn lucky i didnt clean break it off…

i nearly got sick looking at it. some ppl thought it was great viewing though :frowning:

Im so lucky!!

on another point we had a big meeting today in my club. a group of players are trying to split our team up. they are lazy and have huge ego’s. lots of talent too but they have most of it pissed against a wall at this stage. this is terrible for me. i have worked so hard to rebuild whatever it was i once had. i had banked on us getting a ggod manager and doing well so i can progress onto a higher level team. now i might not even have a club team.

maybe i should transfer? well not this year. i will give them one more year but in 07 im out unless they start to look like they want to progress. all they want to do is talk, drink, praise themselves and argue with others instead of train and work. honesty is a word that is long dead in my club and county. its so frustrating but there nothing i can do. unless i go back to college and i dont think i want to. yet.
im desperate for sucess so id not rule anything out. im 23 this year and soon i’ll not be capable anymore. thats if im capable at all…

this is what happens when you clean and arent 100% concentrating

Ouch! Your wrist on that picture… I cringe looking at it… Hey Joc, that power hour would knock me on my ass… I don’t think I could get to the 15 minute mark without calling quits. I once took 21 shots of Jim Beam on New Years '04… Worst night of my lifeI didnt do power hour, it was over the course of an hour or two, but god damn I was only 172 lbs…I never have taken shots since. Oh and I dont turn 20 til Friday, so you got at least 3 years on me :smiley: … Haha…

ya i cant look at that pic myself but i will leave it there as a reminder/lesson to me.
i was lucky this time. i’ll be back running tomorrow. on another day id be seeing a surgeon for 6 months…

the power hour was supposed to be with shots of beer but for some reason i thought it’d be funny to try tequila. it wasnt…

Ohhh it’s with beer? I think I could possibly do that… Haha… Hard Liquor, let alone tequila?? Ughh… bad idea

here’s me missing a 70kg snatch. my camera’s screwed up so i couldnt capture my good lifts.

but you can see i have the weight up high enough to catch but just lose it forward slightly. not bad since it was my first time snatching in months. as soon as my wrist heals i will concentrate solely on snatch for a month or so.

any help appreciated…

think first pull is ok.
second pull i start to bend my elbows too early which is common with my clean also
im catching too high. possible flexibility is an issue here. maybe im scared of getting too low as well. it was my first time snatching in months though so i was happy that i could get the weight up with out much problem. the number of lost catchs out in front was disturbing though…

tues 24th jan

full warmup
5 min run hard enough, cals, static stretchs held for 3s, ballistic swings, skipping a’s b’s

6 x 50+m
6 x 40+m
6 x 30+m

static stretch

didnt feel too good today.
mainly because i ate too much too close to training. wont happen again. also i took painkillers for my wrist and i belted out the first set in under 10mins. i was so anxious about the upcoming season that i wanted to push myself harder and harder. (our first team session is 2 weeks away) i pushed too hard on first set and nearly killed myself.

i had recovered by the 3rd set and really felt flying. i think its time to test myself again.

good news today on club front. we;re after getting a new player to bolster our team. 3 players have left us and they’re good but lazy and troublesome so we are better off without them…

managed to fix my camera’s lcd.sometimes its good being an engineer!!

just dug up my old journal from Forums
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joc_06 07-21-2005 09:23 AM
Joc’s journey from “chubby in the corner” to animal

Ok lads here goes.
Im from europe and play a sport similiar to hockey with more contact. If you were looking for an ideal sportsman for my sport it’d be a cross between Richie Mccaw (Allblacks) and Roy Keane with a hockey player thrown in for good measure.

So its an extremely skillful/fast field sport (Far far more skillful than football or rugby or any field sport at all really).
Also while 40 time and VJ are important, its much more important to be very fit and light on your feet, so i cant pack on too much muscle or bulk. 13st is heavy for a player in my sport, even the tall guys.

Now about me. I have no athletic god given talents. I was always the smallest slowest fattest child and this continued til about age 18 when i started to sprout and had 1 very very good season and made quite a name for myself. However a combo of injuries and lack of committment saw me slide back to the lowest depths again last season.

So it was mid July 2004 and iwas washed up at 21 as my coach told me. I gave up and drank and swore id never play again. I joined a gym with the intention of doing a bit but not much. I was 5’10" >22% BF approx 14st.
I moved away from home for the first time

This moving away changed me forever. My diet went to sh!t and i lost 2 stone or so. ALmost all my fat was now gone by December 2004 but i was still training very pooorly and not sport specific.

The call to arms for my club came over the Xmas when we appointed an excellent coach and he asked for 1 huge effort from everyone.I said id give it a go for a year and stayed tipping away in the gym.

Now from reading here about NFL i had become obsessed with improving 40 time and power and was lifting biggish and relatively smart but i have no records of what i was doing.

I started taking records approx June 2005 and i am now as you read it intent on becoming the best athlete in my sport by this time next year.

I will post my progress, training, diet etc etc here.

Its more so keep me focused than anything else.
Thanks for reading…

joc_06 07-21-2005 09:29 AM
First day i have taken record is : 10/6/05

I didnt measure my weight.

I ate 3 pieces fruit for B’fast,
2 wholewheat bagels for lunch
wholemeal chicken and tomato bap for dinner.

Went for a training session with a team. played 3x30 mins matches in blistering heat.
No other records apart from going to a bbq after and gettin v drunk.

W - 185lbs @12.9% BF 6pm
F - sick after las nite, so ate couple bowls porridge
T - Warmup 400m in 90s

1200m in 4:13 approx splits 79, 87, 87
Bodyweight squats and lunges 2x10 of each
Rocket, tucks and lunge jump plyos 2x10 of each
40yrds sprints 5.46 5.32 5.28 5.4 5.3
clap pushups 20, 15 ,15

Full body stretch to finish

joc_06 07-21-2005 09:41 AM
Monday 13/6/05
W - 181.4 @ 12.6% BF @ 8am
F - almonds and tea, bown bagette with chicken, tomato onion for lunch, porridge at 6pm
T - 800m Warmup in 3:30,
200m sprint 27.8, 28.3
shoulder press 32kg DB’s 5x5
O head squat 6 @ 55kg, 6@60kg, 6 @70kg
1 leg squat with 60lbs DB’s 8 , with 70lbs DB’s - 3x5
Glute Ham raise 7, 6,6,6
Lat Pull downs (strict, touch chin) 3@95kg, 4@90kg, 6@85kg
claf raise 3x8 @60kg
dips, BW+50kg, 4 reps, BW +25kg 8 reps
DB Swings 3x8 @ 40lbs DB

joc_06 07-21-2005 09:47 AM
tues 14/6/05
W - 179.2 @ 12.2 % BF @ 8am
V (vits) - Cod oil + Multi Vit + Protein + Creatine
F - Brown Bagette +chicken + tomato + onion for lunch
porridge @ 6pm

T - Bench 6@ 60kg, 5@80kg, 4 @90kg, 3@100kg, 4@90kg, 3@90kg
21’s 50lbs starting off, then 20kg then 35lbs
hangcleans 4 @60kg
Fly’s 6@45lbs, 6@40lbs
21’s again with 45,40,35 lbs DB’s
latpulls 3x7 @75kg

W - 179.4 @12.3% @11pm

Fullstretch at end of each workout most nights

joc_06 07-21-2005 09:48 AM
Wed 15/6/05
W - 180.4 @12.3 @8am
F - Hotchicken roll, wedges for lunch
porridge for dinner
before bed 1 slice brown bread

T - Skillwork plus full stretch

joc_06 07-21-2005 09:49 AM
thurs 16/6/05
w - 181.6 @12.4% F

Friday 17/6/05
Pigged out, ate bagels, latticey things cheese etc etc til it came out my ears.
Did skill work in the afternoon after 150mile drive home

Sat + Sun 18th +19th. No record but skillwork on sun morn.
Guaranteed i made a pig of myself again cas i was at home and my ma serves up huge amounts of food. Its grand when im away working cas i dont buy the food, but when its in front of me. I have to eat it, just have to.
Thats why moving away from home was so good for me. I have huge control over wht i eat and when
My Metabolism is so bad though that i cant let myslef eat. It just turns to fat asap. I know guys half my size who can eat way more and it never shows. I can eat huge amounts of food but i have to work it off extremely hard

joc_06 07-21-2005 10:01 AM
Monday 20/6/05
(fill later)

Tues 21/6/05
(fill later)

Wed to Sunday no record but i presume i pigged out again. Possibly played some matches and skillwork at home

joc_06 07-21-2005 10:02 AM
mon 27/6/05
(fill later)

tues 28//6/05
(fill later)

Wed 29/6/05
(fill later)

Thurs to Sunday no record againbut i presume i pigged out again. Possibly played some matches and skillwork at home

joc_06 07-21-2005 10:03 AM
Mon 4/7/05
(fill later)

Tues 5/7/05
(fill later)

Wed to Sunday no record but i presume i pigged out again. Possibly played some matches and skillwork at home

joc_06 07-21-2005 10:07 AM
Mon 12/7/05
(fill later)

Tues to Sunday no record. Big C’ship match on friday changed at last min to Sunday destroying all preparationa and plans.
Played ok, dropped high balls and not happy with fitness/stamina. Won by a big score and now into quarter finals so it all good. Plus i got a big wakeup call…

joc_06 07-21-2005 10:08 AM
Mon 18/7/05
Well after the match yesterday and my lack of fitness, I was told i played really well and i did reletively but i want to be the best ya know. Anyway after the game i did some serious thinking and i realised that i’ve spent too much time looking for straight line speed and for one burst only aswell ie the 40. My 40 time is now round about 4.8 HT (Im currently making yes making my own electronic timer gates to measure my time exactly)

So off i pops and realised that my Vo2 max is the most important factor i should be looking at. I got this beep test here
anf fully intend doing it once im rested again.
Today i weighed 178 @ 12.1%BF 8 am
I ate a ham and cheese brown bagette, 2 bananas and a tin of beans. Had a very sore shoulder so no training and early bed.
Beep tst tomorrow.

Tues 19/7/05
W - 178 @12.1% F 8am
F - Bx wedges, hot chicken roll, mars bar, 2 banana’s, protein + creatine
T - Did beep test. only got to 11.5 before i nearly died, but was still tired and had poor warmup and did it on bad patchy grass slightly uphill so i know i’ll improve
Then did a form of illinois drill 5 times.
sprints (no time and approx dist uphill) 3x50m, 1x70m, 1x50m 3x25 from a reverse crouching stance
did usual plyo’s again

Wed 20/7/05
W - 181 @12.2% 6pm
F - Dinner of potato’s, chicken ,cabbage, then bagel + snickers, 2 xbanana + flapjack, protein + creatine 15 mins after training.
Berocca vits
T - 400m warmup
beep test to 12.5 (nearly died)
rest and stretch then beep test from 13 to 14.5

squats 120kg 3x5 ass to grass
150kg 3reps parallel i think
160kg x 2 close ish to parallel
dead lifts 120kg 3x3 (need big time work here, prolly tired tho)
sigle leg squats 32kg DB’s 2x8 each leg
GH raises 2x8
depth jumps 2x8

joc_06 07-21-2005 10:53 AM
Thurs 21st July 2005.
So now i am almost upto date. I apologise if i havent laid it all out ok but i just want to get what i have down so i dont let it slide.
Doing no trainin today and going out after work so its gonna be a bad day here. Tired after last 2 days but very determined to clean up my act.
Its really only when you start to write it all down here that you see the holes in what you’re doing. I kinda following WS4SB2 by defranco but not close enough. Im very afraid of puttin on too much bulk and that’ll kill me in the last 15mins of a game so im trying to lose wieight. hence the poor at best diet

Started off the day with tea and almonds and water and multivits. going for dinner around 12.30 so that’ll be fine

joc_06 07-22-2005 10:41 AM
drank a skipful of beer last night and ate a manky chicken baggette and chips after so im feeling a bit ropey this morning. hopefully once the head clears and i get a bit of work done i’ll be able to bang out a decent training session tonight.
I plan on doing smolov program for my squat this winter and a similiar one for my bench. Just as soon as the matches finish up.
Also i bought some 6" bamboo canes to use for illinois drill yest. Should help improve my turning and sidestepping.
Now my head is spinning from looking at the screen so im gonna leave it. Oh no have to work, but that looking at this damn screen too…

Ok slept til 8 after work then banged out a decent session i reckon:

W - 2x400 80s each
Stretching and drills
4 x Illinios drill with 10 canes. 20.3, 20.2 19.8 19.8 The times dont matter (as my course always differs slightly) but the progression is very encouraging
400m 73s (striding)
2xIllinois 20.2,19.5
200m 29.8 (striding)
5x50m tyre pulls
tucks, rockets, lunge jumps 2x10 each
20 clap pushups (shoulder still sore after match)
15 on fingers pushups
5xstadium steps (30 steps. first time doing this but def not last time)
full body stretch.

Finally starting to feel ok again after last night. possibly more beer tomorrow but hey its summer. i need a break every now and again.
Honourable mention must go to absolute stunner that trained on track at same time as me. seen her before, hope to see her again!! Anna Kournikova look alike…
Pity i didnt have the balls to talk to her. Did catch her looking at me a few times though but that was prolly only to see how fat and slow i am :-((

PolPow53 07-22-2005 05:16 PM
what is the sport you play?

joc_06 07-22-2005 10:27 PM
it is called hurling
info here:

Its by far and away the fastest field sport in the world and only ice hockey would rival it really. Its fully amateur though yet still the finals attract crowds up to 90k ppl.

joc_06 07-23-2005 11:00 AM
Sat 23/7/05
W - 181 lbs @ 12.3% BF. AM
Must add here that my BF monitor grossly over rates my BF as i’ve dont it before at approx 9%. The reason i keep using it is for consistency more than anything else.
I can seea full 6 pack while sitting down even so im fairly ripped.

Today is my day off. gonna do a car treasure hunt and have a few beers. Bye…

joc_06 07-23-2005 11:18 AM
ok max lifts and times here:
age: 22
height: 5’ 10"
weight: 178lbs approx 12%. not accurate though. i reckon closer to 10%

training since. well if you include training smart then only 3 months or so.
times and goals
30m - 4.4s (sub 4)
40 yrds - 4.86 (sub 4.5)
100m - 12.7 (sub 12)
200m - 27.5s (sub 25)
400m - dunno, dont care
1200m - 4:10 (sub 4)
mile: 5:40 (sub 5)
VJ : 24" (over 30")

Bench: 110kg (goal 150kg) Literally i’ve only benched 5 times in a yr so i reckon once i get defranco’s video and a training partner this is a goal i can get to in 6 months.
Squat: (ass to grass) 140kg (i think) goal 200kg (as fast as i can)
deadlift 140kg (200kg)
clean 90kg (100kg) also improve techngue
hangclean 70kg (90kg)

thats about it for now.
Id appreciate some input here though please. what do you all think of where im at. i know im not laying it out as clearly as i should but it’ll improve the more organised i get.

Gez 07-23-2005 03:14 PM
^^ Well I think you drink too much beer, especially during the season, so you can’t be that serious. Not trying to offend or be nasty even though that’s how it appears, that is just what I think.

joc_06 07-24-2005 05:11 AM
i’ve drank 20 pints since march 17th. and i’ve had 2 matches since then too. you dont or understand the mindset over here. some of the best players drink 10 pints a night 2x or 3x a week. my sport is more about skill than anything physical. Ben johnson or his ilk would never ever make anything of them selves in it wothout 10+ yrs of training. to even make an underage team requires a level of skill far beyind anything in football.
I have a decent level of skill and im trying to bridge the gap. believe me im doing far more then any other person in this sport, also remeber we are all amateurs and work 8to6 every day at least

PolPow53 07-24-2005 05:31 AM
does the ball travel more often on the ground or in the air?

OLP 07-24-2005 05:32 AM
What game do you play??

Gez 07-24-2005 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by joc_06
i’ve drank 20 pints since march 17th. and i’ve had 2 matches since then too. you dont or understand the mindset over here. some of the best players drink 10 pints a night 2x or 3x a week. my sport is more about skill than anything physical. Ben johnson or his ilk would never ever make anything of them selves in it wothout 10+ yrs of training. to even make an underage team requires a level of skill far beyind anything in football.
I have a decent level of skill and im trying to bridge the gap. believe me im doing far more then any other person in this sport, also remeber we are all amateurs and work 8to6 every day at least

You obviously haven’t played Australian football, and before you start on about hurling/gaelic football players making the switch successfully, you have to remember they are then professional, and still usually takes 2 or 3 years to master the skills practicing 24/7 under the absolute best coaches involved in the 3rd largest football code (crowd average wise) in the world (Behind the NFL and the German Football League and they sometimes are over taken by the English Premier League).

I do understand the mindset of the Irish re. drinking, however that doesn’t make it an excuse. Skills are even hampered from the intake of alcohol and maybe even moreso than ‘physical abilities.’

joc_06 07-24-2005 10:28 AM
well i dont want this thread to become about my drinking (which really is nothing) or the difference btw skill levels in hurling and any other sport (you just cant compare)
Thank you for your input though.
As soon as i get up im gonna hit the trank and gym hard i hop but they both close early today i think so its gonna be soon if iever do. still wrecked though

Gez 07-24-2005 12:16 PM
Ok, if you don’t want that to happen don’t make comments such as-

Hurling is Far far more skillful than football or rugby or any field sport at all really… especially if it isn’t open to debate.

And about the drinking, how can you possible expect to ‘bang out a decent session’ when 2 or 3 days of each week your body is recovering from excess alcohol consumption. You say you want to be bigger, stronger, faster and more skillful, but don’t seem that committed really. You will have the next 60 years after you finish playing hurling to drink skipful’s of beer, so you really aren’t missing out on that much if you don’t do it now.

Another thing is you asked what people thought, and I’ve said what I think, is there something wrong with that?

joc_06 07-24-2005 02:42 PM
well you can debate it so if you want.
Football is football, there can only ever be 2 skills. kicking and catchin or a variant thereof. Granted the ball is a funny shape but so is a sliothar as it has rims. I’ve watched setanta and kennellly trying to make it over and it seems the physicality is the main obstacle. I really only see the bounce ans shape of the ball as being the only skill factor to overcome.
My sport is like 15 baseballers runiing around. you can catch, strike out of the hand, strike overhead without catching, hook, block, put spin on the ball, pull underhand, strike left and right while sprinting etc etc. the number of skills to master is enormous and all must be done while sprinting and under intense pressure from some guy with a stick who’s well entitled to break it off you if the ball is there.

About drink that was my first session in ages. it will be my last. i dont want to get any bigger though. im as big as anyone with my weight/height ratio. there really arent many lads over 14st at the top level and it gives little advantage to be any bigger really as you’ll get turned easily.

about your input ive already thanked you for it and i thnk you agin now. i appreciate it

joc_06 07-24-2005 02:55 PM
here are some clips. not the best

joc_06 07-24-2005 10:11 PM
ok heres tonight training:
different drills as warmup.
800m in 2.54 felt v stronf here and could have done 2:30 easily
more stretching
illinois longer sprints than before but same general course: 19.7,19.64,19.51, 18.96 yeah baby…
2 x120m sprints 14.5 13.57
30m 4.25 (new PB really ripped it up, delighted!!) 4.38x3
40 yrds 5 flat. knees tightened up here so i stopped. not sure what happened so just did a stretch and went home.
Ate 2xbananas, drank about 5litres water, had3xscoops of protein and 10gms creatine 15mins after training so good day all in all.

bad points were slightly sore knee and gym closed early. knee is fine now. must have been the hard track. doing some light weights at home now with 20kg DB’s
lunges 3x12 @40kg
21’s 20kg
DB swings 20kg
1 arm tricep extensions 11kg 2x7

all done while watching Big brotha. christ that orlaith one is savage and mad for cock id say. what a bird…

now batman returns is on. michelle pfeiffer. what a bird…

joc_06 07-24-2005 10:26 PM
1 Attachment(s)
ok things i need to learn:
i watched a decent sprinter warmup and she was doing loads of different striding drills etc. i really need to figure out what these are and get cracking on them as my technique is still relatively poor although improving all the time. i mean i’ve gone from being a 5.4 40yrds in march (and being wrecked after it too) to a 4.25 30m. its obvious im doing something right but since ive only been training seriously for a few months its obvious theres room for lots of improvement. over to for technique drills.
i have a good pdf here can some help me with it? it has 3 drills described but i cant get them exactly right. would anyone have some tips or even videos’ or more of the same drills. thanks…

back to clean living tomorrow.

PolPow53 07-25-2005 04:31 AM
the sport is insane, oh and have you ever heard of lacrosse, it is almost identical, a litle smaller field and different stick, but nearl identical.

joc_06 07-25-2005 10:41 AM
Yes i’ve heard of it but it uses a net on the top of the stick to catch the ball and hold which takes a considerable amout of the skill away from it. It is still a very skillful fast sport though.
Shinti (scottish) ice hockey are the only sport to rival this skillwise and even they dont allow catching or overhead striking
Also the funny thing about the sport is that at the highest level where the intensity is ferocious and rivalries at their highest there are very little injuries. Its just that players are so skillful the hurleys is like an extension of their arm. A lot of players are described as “sleeping” with their hurley as they never seem to put it down. Thats why fitness etc is not so important in the sport. Its so damn hard. Balls fly at over 100MPH ALL the time

joc_06 07-25-2005 11:00 PM
W - 178 @ 12% even first time ever!! Its shows too in the mirror. 8 pack for the first time and deep cuts on my pelvic harness if thats what its called. i reckon <10% with calipers

F - Steak bagette with chips and apple pie (i know i know). thats all i ate all day tbh apart from my 3scps protein and 10gms creatine 15 mins aft training. just not hungry
Multivits etc

T - 800m warmup (started apprx 8pm)
2x200m 30s each
beep test from 7 to 12.2
2 min brk - 13 to 14.4
2 min brk - 13 to 14.7
2 min brk - 13 to 14.6 (improving all the time)
illinois 20.95, 20.88, 20.73, 20.4 (yeah !!)
6 x stadium steps
finished approx 9 pm

70kg x5 ass to grass with pause
100kgx7 same
120kg x5 fast to parallel
140kg x5 fast to parallel
160kg x3 not so fast but to parallel (a new PB for joc - felt v strong and i know i have 200kg in me this side of xmas)
140kg x4 fast to parallel

deads (bane of my life) 90kgx5, 110kgx3, 140kgx1, 110kg x5. I have a terrible problem with my technique. My back arches all the time onthe way down. should i just drop it?? I’ll look into this
o head squats 2x5 @70kg
dynamic shrugs 2x5@70kg
weighted situps 2x15 @25kg
side to side’s 2x20@10kg
farmers walk 2x1min@50kg
full body stretch.

comments: It has to be my technique thats holding me back in terms of numbers. also my deadlift.
my fitness is improving all the time and im very pleased with how little recovery time i need. my illinois drill is very sharp and im pleased with my turns and explosiveness.

The main thing is that now i really am training smart and with a few yrs of this i will rise to the top. I mean i can bang out a 4.25 30m but after that it falls apart. thats where i need to work on technique.

tomorrow is skill work and maybe some plyo’s and sprints. we’ll see how im feeling

joc_06 07-26-2005 10:45 PM
W - 180lbs @ 12.2%
F - Tea and nuts and vit’s, dinner chicken, potatoes,veg. protein and crea after training. need to up the food a bit but my metabolism is so crap that i get fat if i do…

T - Mostly skillwork tonight but lots of running involved. too complicated to explain but finished up with sprints. And man did i own them. against some guys i was winning by 4m over 40m!! Then in grps of 3’s over 40yrds i didnt lose one sprint and these guys are fast. won 3 joint secondfor the rest.
Finsihed up with catching practice, my weakest skill and at the end of the session i was catching balls regularly with lads lashing sticks off me. delighted. need much more practice at this but now i realise every situation is different but you always keep the eye on the ball and time it right i should improve. the world of lads are too afraid to go up and you wouldnt blame them really as lads are always breaking fingers but the benefits are simply unreal. it will propel my game to the top. i know it. everything else is coming together nicely. overall im delighted with the last few days even allowing for the few drinks. tomorrow i’ll work on sprint technique for the first proper time ever. what i wouldnt give for a sprint coach. I feel i have the strength for a 4.6 40 but not the technique. if i could get that sorted my speed would rocket.
also bought the forum review of charlie francis 2002 so that’ll keep me occupied tomorrow.
thanks and good night…

joc_06 07-27-2005 04:52 PM
Well i took the plunge and plumped up the 80euro for the charliefrancis GPP dvd. I really cant wait to get this.
Im not at all afraid of hard work but i need to work smart to see improvements and im hoping this will kick start my rise to another level ie low 11’s in the 100m

A guy im in contact with bought it 18months ago when he was 25 and could only do 15s. now he can do 11.28 handtimes after following the dvd for just a yr and a half. 4.5s in a yr and a half!! If i drop 1 i’ll be ecstatic, 2s and i’ll seriously consider competing over here. The irish record is 10.5 i think. 18 months and 2 secs will have me at 11s please God. Thats my ultimate goal in life. to run in the 10’s…
As well as bench 500lbs squat 650lbs and dead600lbs. So im half way there on all counts…

Tonight im very undecided. Worked hard 3 days in a row and tomorrow and friday, saturday are gonna be the same so i reckon some upper body today even though i dont think i need it.

joc_06 07-27-2005 10:53 PM
ok tonight hit the legs real hard.

warmup not the best but a nice bit of stretching.
squats. worked up to 144kg 3 sets of 4 to parallel and fastish
deads 90kg 3 sets of 5. light but trying to work on form. still rounding back though. Hate doing deadlifts, really do. My hams are very weak compared to my quads.
Lat Pulldown (strict to chin or lower) 4@90kg, 4@80kg, 7@70kg
GH raises 3 sets of 5 . again hate my hams. not strong enough by half
Lunges 50kg 3 sets of 14
H cleans 50kg x8 60kgx3
21’s 45lbs
Farmers Walk up steps and for 30m with 50kg. x2
decline situps 2x15 @50kg

Bowl oatmeal,
chicken bagette, wedges, choclate bar,
2x bananas,
protein and crea after training
flapjack after training

joc_06 07-28-2005 10:35 PM
Ok upper body day:

Flat Bench: 90kg worked up to 3x5 (technique getting better)
DB Incl press: 30kg 3x8
Fly’s 20kg 3x8
Wide grip chins: 2x5
21’s 20kg
meant to do dips but shoulder slightly sore
worked on technique with deadlift. I think i just started too heavy. Going do a lighter weight for a few weeks to strengthen up certain areas. humble pie for me.

Ate a lot the last few days. need to back up a bit or it might turn to fat.
Happy with bench press though. going up to 100kg for reps soon. im gonna hit 150kg just the same as im gonna hit 200 on the squat and dead!! Just give me time

joc_06 07-31-2005 02:30 AM
skill day: 29/7/04
loads of skills at 75% pace but for 1.5hrs so stamina work it was perfect.
ive realised ive crossed the boundary from the bb’er to the athlete. i’ve 2 much useless muscle built up thru idiotic routines. once i get the gpp dvd i’ll be sorted but tbh id hate2 give up my current upper body, its the only good thing i have going for me

joc_06 08-02-2005 01:52 PM
Traning Last night: 1/8/05
Loads of drills and stamina work, skill work.
Game near the end. Felt v strong and fit and kept going all the time. Still loads of room to improve as im still not the fittest i can be but i’ve time to work on it. Felt very stong under the high ball too and my technique is almost perfect. A few more sessions and i should have it sorted.
Only bad point was my back. It gets very sore from deadlifting so im sorry to say i giving up that great exercise. I really cant get the technique right and it kills my back then when i run.

More skill work tonight hopefully some sprints too and i’m hoping to do my first 150. It’s very hard and i’ll be doing well to break 700. We’ll see though

joc_06 08-03-2005 09:39 AM
W - ?
T - 150’s
did 3 at slow pace to warmup, then stretch
did til 5mins 30s got 130m, 120m, 120m, 110m, 110m = 590m with one to go. possibly could have broke 700m but only barely
did 6 150’s 34s, 34s, 4x35s
illinois drill (very tight turning area) did 6 reps off each foot untimed.
Plyo’s rockets, tuck, lunge jumps 2x10 each
10 clap pushup (shoulder still at me)
8 stadium steps (30)

Ohead squat 3x8 @ 60kg (felt strong)
fast squat 3x7 @ 110kg
dips 1x8 (shoulder again)
farmers walk +50kgs 2x1min
weighted crunches + 25kg 2x20
side to side’s + 15kg 2x20

Im really working hard on my stamina these days and its paying off bit by bit. the fat really is dripping off me. Im hoping to get well into the 700’s on the 150m test but its extremely hard esp on the quads and lower back. back was a bit stiff but as im not deadlifting again i expect it to be fine in a few days. DEADLIFTING is the DEVIL for my back. Just cant do it. Might try get a trap bar to do them or something else its back to the leg curl machine for me

W 176lbs @ 11.9% BF 8am

davethedog 08-03-2005 08:32 PM
Hurling is the most insane thing I’ve ever seen. It takes a particular kind of madness in a person to play it I think :slight_smile:

joc_06 08-03-2005 08:49 PM
but its not though. it really is safe. apart from breaking a finger or two a season it really isnt that dangerous if you wear a helmet. trouble is loads of guys never wear a helmet or any protective gear at all.
Its an art form at the top levels. the stick is an extension of some lads arms. they are wizards and never cause harm unless they want to. thing is sometimes they really want to hurt you

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joc_06 08-08-2005 11:02 PM
ok aint posted here in a while. slow ass dialup at home.

friday 5/8/05
drove 120m home for training. back was killing me from combination of driving and terrible form on deadlift. couldnt push at 100%. did loads of skill drills and stamina work

sat 6/8/05
ate all round me and slept all day. really tired. lashed rain all day so couldnt even do some active recovery.

sun 7/8/05
match at 1. v hot and humid. felt fit and fast. not as fit as id like to be but did well on my man who didnt score while i was on him then he got 2 points when moved off me. even caught 4 balls over his head. still dropped a few but getting very close to mastering this skill. fluffed a few balls that i would have eaten up last year. only thing is last yr i would have been so far off the pace i wouldnt have even seen the ball!!

mon 8/8/05
Food today. My best ever days eating. I finally feel my metabolism is burning fast as i can eat the same as normal people and not get fat. I have to work out a bit extra but im happy now with my diet
Brekkie - oats
lunch - chicken breat, bread, cheese, lettuce, choc bar
snack 2x banana’s
1 hr before training - more oatmeal
15 mins aft training - protein + crea

W -400m in 80s
full stretch and drills
4x200m 33,31 30, 30 with 1 min break in btw.
4x150’s 30s
illinois 4 x18s 2x20s
finished off with ladder work and full stretch
starting to feel more flexibility in my hams

did some OH squats 2x8.
full stretch.

Weight this morn was 176@11.8% BF WOOHOOO!!!
Metabolism is burning and fat is dripping off…
well this is tomorrow’s but i know what it’ll be
loads of ball work and stamina work.

match coming up on saturday evening so cant do too much with tis week

joc_06 08-12-2005 10:10 AM
My hands have been killing me all week after the match last sunday and only came ok last night so i got a good skill session in and am pleased with my first touch and catcing. caught 5 balls in a row last night off a guy whos a really good catcher but not as strong as me. i have the technique of shielding off a man perfected now and i doubt there’s many that could shove me off the ball. only thing is im getting the plam to the ball but not actually catching it all the time. my eye isnt full in yet. anyway game tmorro night so eating lots of good carbs and stretching so im nice and lose for it. cant wait…

malty 08-14-2005 04:58 PM
your diet needs a lot of work. You need to eat protein at every meal. You also need to eat more than 3 times a day. You want to constantly have healthy food in your system. I haven’t read through the whole thing here, but if you’re “chubby” you want to speed up your metabolism by feeding it more often, the way your diet is right now your metabolism is probably really slow.

joc_06 08-15-2005 02:36 PM
Im less than 10% BF on calipers and less than 12% BF on my scales.
My diet isnt the best but i get about 200gms of protein every day

I find that im greedy and when i go to the trouble of buying and preparing food i end up eating it all striaght away and get fat even though it might be good food. So all i do is eat porridge and baggettes every day. a dinner would be better but i prefer to be lean

joc_06 08-15-2005 06:46 PM
light run out the night before match. some stretching and team announced.
got charlie francis gpp dvd today and i must say its excellent. pity its scratched or something. i’ll watch it a few more times and take notes but basically i need to find a good size and incline hill plus a medicine bal. seems to be the way forward.
so heres to becoming as fast as possible over the next year or so

match day. lied on in bed til 12 then watched tv til 4. has last meal after 4. oatmeal.
game went very well. i dint fell so energetic b4 game but didnt waste energy on shouting and jumping around like a madman. played it very cool and ended up playing very well. dropped a few ball but caught 3 or 4 too including an excellent catch of a guy notmally excellent under high ball and about 6foot 2 and 15st. so overall im happy. picked up a few knocks and a touch of a flu so training tomorrows out and possibly til tuesday…

joc_06 08-16-2005 06:34 PM
Monday 15/8/05
Knees slightly sore and a bit of a cough so i didnt do any running tonight. instead i did my first upper body session in ages and was pleasantly surprised to see i hadnt lost any strength even though im 10 lbs lighter than i weeks ago.
Weighed in at 176lbs @11.9% Bf this morning.

DB incline press
40lbs x8
75lbs 3x6

Flat DB press
90lbs 3 only (tired here)

3x6 @ 40lbs

3x6 BW + 30kg

lat pulls

3x5 @60kg - technique improving all the time here. i think i may be able for up to 90kg for 1 rep. cant wait til seasons over so i can get really strong again.

DB curls
21’s - started at 50lbs and did about 50 strict reps at least until i was down to 20lbs and weak as a kitten

situps, decline
+50kg 2x15
side to side +15kg, 26, 20

neck curls with 25kg on head. 10 reps in all 4 directions

finsihed off with full body stretch

very happy with tonight

tomorrow will be skill and stamina day.

joc_06 08-17-2005 11:01 PM
ball work in park + some 150’s and illinois + stretching.
harmless enough. still dogged by flu and touch was well off. not happy at all

5x150’s in slow pace
A B C drills, 2x25m each with walkback. first time doing these but going to do them every time. didnt stretch too well though

150’s managed to break 700. got to 705m in 6mins 30secs. delighted seen as im still sick. did 125, 125, 100, 125, 100, 130. just paced myself better. still miles off the 750m barrier but i’ll get there.

plyos’- rockets, tucks, lunges and skips.
10x stadium steps

1 leg squats. 2x8 each leg at 34kg.

Overhead squats. 70kg 2x8

hangclean 5 @ 70kg

quads really are huge now and getting well defined. very happy with them. not so happy with my hamstrings though. im gonna start doin tyre flips instead of deadlifts as these kill my back

joc_06 08-22-2005 01:53 PM
still very choked up with flu. did some skill work in the park but not much. eating too much these days considering im not training sa much and i think ive put on a few pounds. cant wait to shake this flu.

flu going but still affecting me.
started training at 7.30
did 400m warmup (heels very sore for some reason esp my right one. this has been doggin me for ages)
A, B, C technique drills
light stretching
2 x150’s to warmup
6x160’s about the 700m mark again
2x illinois but too choked up to continue
speed ladder drills (need lots of work on these)
7 x stadium steps to finish

feeling very fit these days but flu holding me back. have to hit 750m on the 150’s before i’ll be content

weights -
OH squats 60kg 2x8
Military press 60kg 1x6
Stepups + 50lbs DB 2x8
farmers walk 50kg 2 x 1min
situps + 50kg 2x15
side to sides +10kg x 15
full body stretch

watched minors advance to AI final. Exceleent stuff by our young lads.
ma fell and broke a bone in her back so spent rest of day in hospital. shes ok though

watched the champs and favs for this year topple. was delighted.

challenge match this evening. felt very poorly in warmup. heels ver sore and tight but once the ball was thrown in i was flying. covered every balde of grass and hit loads of abll.was caught out under the high ball a few times but made up for it with loads of good clearances and interceptions.
getting there bit by bit. need to work more on the high balls

joc_06 08-23-2005 08:43 AM
Put on a few lbs with my flu so its gone or almost i need to work a bit of it off. was 181lbs @12.1% this morn so getting there.
W - 800m jog.
drills and stretching
150’s - 110,125,125,125,110,130 = 725. a new top score for me!! confident i can hit 750 soon
foot speed ladder drills

Military press, 8, 6 @ 60kg
OH squats 2x8 @ 60kg with depth jumps onto bench in between
1 leg squats 2x5 @ 75lbs with depth long jumps in btw
hang clean 5 reps @ 60kg
full body stretch

Gez 08-23-2005 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by joc_06
Put on a few lbs with my flu so its gone or almost i need to work a bit of it off. was 196lbs @12.1% this morn so getting there.
W - 800m jog.
drills and stretching
150’s - 110,125,125,125,110,130 = 725. a new top score for me!! confident i can hit 750 soon
foot speed ladder drills

Military press, 8, 6 @ 60kg
OH squats 2x8 @ 60kg with depth jumps onto bench in between
1 leg squats 2x5 @ 75lbs with depth long jumps in btw
hang clean 5 reps @ 60kg
full body stretch

20lbs is a hell of a lot to put on in a week or two.

joc_06 08-23-2005 09:17 PM
taking tonight off. might go home for training tomorrow. biggest match of the yr fixed for next friday week the 2nd. have to have to have to win this. its knock out now so its do or die really

joc_06 08-29-2005 06:51 PM
went home 120miles for training wednesday 24/8/05
lots of ball work, drills followed by lots of tough running.
same friday 26/8/05

some light stretching and running and drills on saturday

more skillwork on sunday but harmless enough.
biggest game of yr approaching so its winddown time.

bought zma, tribulus and muscle milk and neck harness so i have all the required equipment anyway

joc_06 08-31-2005 11:31 AM
light workout and stretch, drills, speed ladder work and full body stretch.

lots of ball work and some running and stretching

taking tonight off

Gez 09-22-2005 02:28 AM
Bump. What’s happening mate.

joc_06 09-22-2005 09:30 AM
couple a things.
we lost so its end of season.
i did my ankle at the start of the game so only now getting back into training.
a few guys let us down again. im not going anyplace with this team and there isnt really an alternative to transfer to. a few bust their ass all yr but our panel is so small that if even 2 guys get injured we are fvcked.

Im re evaluating where im going now with my career. will i pack it in, change to a different sport, transfer to another team miles away. None are too appealing and i know whatever it is im still mad for training. Possibly an olympic lifter. I’ve really grown into those lifts and might have a future.
Either way this journal is over.
Thanks and good luck

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Fortified Iron > Online Journals > My Road to a 250kg Total…

Posted by: joc_06 Sep 14 2005, 07:26 AM
Hi everyone.
Im 22, 5’10", 80kg @ 10%BF, irish and new to OL. However not new to training but always trained for team sports and only did small amouts of weightlifting and never did OL lifts.
Now i have discovered i am pretty good at these so i am going to pursue my goal of 150kg in C+J and 100kg snatch. I hope to achieve this goal sometime around June July 2006. This is optimistic but i know im strong and my technique is really really bad so i think massive improvement s can be made in a short time once i get a coach.
Im hoping to join the Hercules gym for this
I also like sprinting so i hope to keep up some running work. I bought Charlie francis gpp dvd and will do a lot of his med ball and tempo work to keep me fit. possibly not the best for OL lifting but i like being able to move too

At the moment my definite lifts are (comments in brackets) and these are for reps.

Clean - (never actually done one as i dont catch low enough yet to be classed as one. once i learn to catch low i could possibly do upto 130kg straight away)
PowerClean - 85kg (ido this for reps so i believe i can do as much as 100kg)
Hangclean - 70kg (again for reps so possibly 80kg)
snatch - 60kg (technique terrible, only ever done it twice)
Front squat - 100kg (started doing these last night and my wrists were the only thing holding me back. Quads were very stong though so i think my 1rm is close to 140kg)
Back squat - 160kg (havent done this in months but was quite easy at the time)
Deadlift - 150kg (definite my 1rm, working on technique more at 110kg cas my back was killing me after this. needs alot of work, esp my grip as i drop the bar a lot)
Push press - 80kg (for reps, possibly 100kg)
Bench - 110kg (do this like three times a year so not bad)

I’ve no idea what kind of program to run so i’ll look over some journals and maybe head over to Hercules for some help. Thanks for reading…

Posted by: Dan H. Sep 14 2005, 02:20 PM
Hi, nice start to your journal. I just have a few comments -

For most lifters with good technique, the snatch is around 80% of the CJ (actually a little higher, like 83%). So maybe shoot for something closer to that ratio than 100/150.

When you front squat, the wrists should feel very little pressure. The weight of the bar should be felt almost entirely on your front delts, with the bar nestled deep in the base of your throat. (It’s NOT like the start of a military press.)

About your grip, do you use the hook grip, together with chalk? That should give you a very secure grip.

As far as a routine, I would learn how to do the lifts first.

Good luck!

Posted by: joc_06 Sep 25 2005, 11:48 PM
ok well it turns out that i was very mislead about my current abilities. my best squats were to parallel arent really worth a fvck in OL terms so im well behind where i thought i was and my PC’s are more of a reverse muscle wrist forearm curl than a clean.

i hooked up with some good guys in a club and they really helped me out and get me started. I’ve since picked up schmitz manual and awaiting his video and dreschler’s encyclopedia and most importantly a broom handle.

At the mo im doing loads of stretching esp in ankle, wrist, shoulders, arms etc as i find both overhead squats and front squats tricky to get ass to grass on. also i’ve an injured ankle thats not fully healed.
also im in the process of joining a proper lifters gym with platforms etc even if it is a bit of a dungeon.

So basically i’ve a long long road ahead of me, ive poor flexibility Little coaching NO technique NO speed but good strength. But i am willing to do this as i think its a great sport

so its time to get working.
i havent an actuall routine yet. im doing streching, 30 mins technique, stretching, max strength on simple exercise like OH squat and F squat and loads of pull ups and a kind of row with the barbell in the corner of the wall to address my MASSIVE muscle imbalance btw upper and lower back.

basically my lower back muscles, tendowns and ligaments have hypertrophied to a huge extent as a result of my terrible form on deadlift. it was more of a front good morning than anything else and explained the terrible pain i got while running in another post. hopefully with some work i can sort this out.

so thanks and hopefully by xmas i’ll have some progress made…

Posted by: joc_06 Sep 27 2005, 10:45 PM
called to hercs last night but you cant drop weights after 7pm due to a noise court injunction so im staying in my old gym.
last night’s training was basic.

some technique work and dynamic warmup.
tricky because the more i read the more confused i get about what technique i should be doing. really really need some coaching.

OH squats -
3x3 @ 60kg
2x2 @ 70kg (had to lift ankles slightly as flexibility isnt perfect yet)

Front Squats
3 @ 60kg
3 @ 80kg
2x3 @ 100kg (wrists v sore after this. quads can def handle more weight though)

bent over rows
2x7 @ 30kg

pull downs (shpulder width grip)
2x6 @ 75kg
2x5 @ 85kg

some core work and stretching

Posted by: joc_06 Sep 27 2005, 10:51 PM
tonights session.

heavy medball work, dynamic warmup.
no technique work as im totally lost now…

Drop squat.
2x3 @ 50kg (first time ive done this so worked upto 50. found weight ok but balance was a prob. did a slight knee dip before the drop. not sure if this is allowed, but again im lost as regards technique in a lot of cases)

Back squat.
3x3 @ 140kg (at last something i know how to do. although im not even sure about that anymore. should i have my back locked into an arch the same as when i clean???)

7 @ 75kg
6 @ 85kg
5 @ 90kg (v strong at this)

some core work and static stretching

Posted by: joc_06 Sep 28 2005, 01:56 PM
Just going to put down some of my best lifts so far:

C&J - never done one.
Snatch - same
PC - same
PS - same
Back squat - 140kg (can do this for reps)
F Squat - 100kg (can do this for reps but wrists get too sore)
OH squat (can do this for reps but still finding balance a bit tricky)

Bench (100kg x3 - not that i’ll be doing it again for a while as i have flexibility issues)

40 yrd time is approx 4.9 HT so as you can guess im slow as sh!t
100m time is about 13s. again im slow as a wet week but hope to improve
VJ is approx 25" which isnt too bad
mile time is approx 5:30. not too bad either

Basically my aims for March 2006 are as follows:
C&J - at least 100kg with good technique
Snatch - 80kg again with good technique
NOt aiming to learn any Power movements
B Squat - 180kg 4 plates each side ass to grass
F Squat - 140kg with no pain in my wrists and good flexibility
OH squat - 100kg
Bench - may try to improve this if my flexibility improves but at the mo not interested in it
40 yrd. would love to see something under 4.7 and i will work on this in tandem with my OL lifts
100m time - 12.5
VJ - closer to 30" if possible but not a priority
mile - just hold it steady. no point being fast and strong and powerful if you cant jog a mile in a decent pace. again not a priority

Also i hope to keep my approx 10% BF figure but maybe add a kilo or two. I want to improve my diet even though it is pretty clean and also most important limit the booze to less than 3 pints a week.
As a bit of backround i used to do a feast or famine type approach to beer and it was really afecting me in a lot of ways. I was a pure glutton for it and drank only to see how drunk i could get. and i drank lots and lots basically for 6 months in the winter and gave it up for summer. It was affecting everything and now its gone i feel like i can improve a lot as an athlete instead of just struggling along…

Posted by: joc_06 Sep 29 2005, 08:58 AM
wed 28/9/05
a great session for me.
Was doing technique work. one of irelands top 100m sprinters came in and we got chatting and he said my technique was fairly good!! he obviously mustn’t know much about it cause my technique is crap crap crap but i felt good last night.

I think a prob for me before was that i was working with either too light a barbell. Once i had 50kg it felt much better.

Hand Snatch mid thigh
3x2 @ 50kg (catching reasonably low) shoulders 2 inches ahead of bar, chest out, back locked in an arch. initiate with a shrug then jump into it and spread feet and drop locking arms.

Hang Clean mid thigh
2 @ 50kg
2 @ 60kg
2 @ 70kg
1 @ 80kg
0 @ 80kg (still not managing to rack correctly) same technique again except i was catching with hands as opposed to racking. thats gonna take some practice

Back Squat
6 @ 60kg with 2 breath pause
6 @ 80kg with 2 breath pause
6 @ 100kg with 2 breath pause
4 @ 120kg
4 @ 130kg
2 @ 140kg

Front squat
loads @ 50kg (hoping to improve wrist flexibility but no improvement yet. still killing me)

Calf Raises in leg press.
3x10 @ not sure (just noticed i have no calves and big quads. It doesnt look right so i need some work here. It should help some bit anyway)

Bench press.
6 @ 60kg with 2 sec pause
6 @ 70kg with 2 sec pause
5 @ 80kg
4 @ 90kg
3 @ 102kg (new pr and easy too. First time benching in 6 months or more. Just did some while i was waiting for leg press. I reckon if i work at it as much as i work squat i could bench more than i squat. And thats def not good… )

Finished with core work on ball and hangin leg raises, full static stretch.

Also picked up a sport UCD booklet where it mentions they have a high performance centre and a full time strength coach who competed in OL. I sent her a mail so im hoping she might help me a bit with technique. That’s be excellent.
Also plan to buy my own barbell for home so i can train on weekends. I really need to improve my squat. Its by far the best in my gym but its still crap. I HAVE TO get to 200kg and about 150kg on FS asap

Posted by: joc_06 Sep 30 2005, 09:23 PM
thurs 29th - off, had a few drinks. and a small bit of late night cardio if you know what i mean ;-))

Friday 30th.
FIrst time doing my new hatchdome inspired warmup and i realise my dynamic ROM is terrible. needs lots of work

Pull Cleans
6 @ 60kg
6 @ 70kg
5 @ 80kg
5 @ 90kg
2 @ 100kg
2 x 5 @ 60kg (trying to get technique right. i can pulla much more than 100kg but my back really hurts me after. i need coaching help with this)

Front Squats.
5 @ 70kg
5 @ 80kg
5 @ 90kg
3 @ 100kg
2 @ 110kg new PR and guess what?? very little wrist pain. i think i have this mastered at last. also looks like my goals for mar 06 of 140kg could be hit much earlier!! delighted!!!

calf raise on leg press
4x10 @ ??

2x5 @ 90kg

core work on ball

full body stretch.

comments - nice tidy fast session, done in an hour. still unhappy with lower back but delighted with FS pr. also bought a heap of maximuscle so i’ll see if it is as good as it claims to be after a few weeks. expensive sh!t though

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 1 2005, 04:17 PM
Sat 1/10/05

had 2 beers last night. prob shouldnt have but at least it was only 2. before it would have been 10 washed down with a few vodka’s and a dirty kebab and chips.
really feel like im turning a corner here booze wise.

started off with matt bruce’s dynamic warmup. this is really excellent. plus some static stretches.

Hang Snatches.
3x2 @ 50kg technique still not perfect but improving
0 @ 56kg
0 @ 56kg
1 @ 56 kg
0 @ 56kg
1 @ 56kg

technique and balance improving all the time.

OH squat
2x4 @ 60kg
4 @ 66kg
2x3 @ 71kg new PR!! delighted. hit rock bottom on them too. i realised my prob was my grip was too narrow. once i widened it (which is hard to do as i have to powerclean the bar then push press to get required position as my gym has no stands) felt easy enough too roll on 80kg!! I think an exercise i saw koing do has helped me here. the one leg squat with other leg in front. excellent for balance and recovery from bottom position. thanks koing!!

Calf raise on leg press
3x8 @ 59kg

core work with 5kg medball and leg raises

full body stretch

finished off workout with usual protein but now its cyclone. i’ve a feeling this is a much superior product to what i had before. only time will tell.

Really feeling good and back prob’s are almost gone thanks to the guys in UL!!
Hitting new PR’s every week

Posted by: AMG Oct 2 2005, 10:22 AM
Looking solid, good luck with your goals.

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 2 2005, 01:17 PM
Thanks. good to know someones reading anyway.
The 250kg total is a long term goal. like 2 yers time or more
At the moment im just working on max strenght and technique with low weights

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 2 2005, 05:06 PM
sun 2/10/.05

dynamic warmup, situps, some static stretching

clean dead
6 @ 70kg
5 @ 80kg
3x3 @ 90kg (no back pain!! corner has been turned i think. this is the best thing about my workouts now. im delighted with this more than any Pr’s)

Front Squat
5 @ 70kg
5 @ 80g
4 @ 90kg
3 @ 100kg
2 @ 110kg
1 + 0 @ 120kg (was going for 2 in the set but missed second lift forward) Another new PR and im half way to my 140kg goal already!! gonn hit 140kg before xmas im sure. Also very little pain in my wrists. using full fist grip too!!

arm got really sore so i did no more heavy stuff

some core work like twists and medball throws and sit up and reach with my 5kg medball that i absolutely swear by. anyone who doesnt have one should invest. best way to build a strong core and you can do so many exercises with them

static stretching and cyclone and about 6 chicken breasts afterwards.

All is well !!! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 4 2005, 01:23 PM
mon 3/10/05
taking today off as i hurt my right shoulder yesterday, Its not sore unless i lift my arms overhead but i need a break anyway. My right shoulder is much tighter than my left for some reason. need to get this looked at.

tues 4/10/05
going to take this off too, just in case and hit back into the training hard again tomorrow

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 4 2005, 10:39 PM
tues 4/10/05
was gonna take this off due to sore right shoulder but said id work on back squat instead and no upper body.

started off with dynamic warmup (where has this been all my life??) core work and some static stretching

Back squat
5 @ 70kg with 2 breath pause
5 @ 120kg with 2 breath pause
3 @ 143kg
2 @ 151kg (new pr)
1 @ 156kg
0 @ 161kg
1 @ 161kg (another new PR)
0 @ 161kg
3 @ 141kg
3 @ 120kg (legs truly wasted now but delighted. really physched myself up for the 161 and it flew up. even heard a few gasps in the gym. weighed in at 81kg so it wasnt a 2x BW squat but close enough)

Calf raise on leg press
3x10 @ 63kg

surprising this didnt hurt my shoulder so i suspect its nothing bar a small strain.
had no spotter so decided to do bottom up’s with a light weight
4x7 @ 70kg with 2 breath pause on chest

core work with 5kg medball and on gym ball
static stretch

Time to update my sig again…
those goals arent looking so far off at all now. as soon as my technique improves i’ll post some OL goals…

Posted by: Tom Oct 4 2005, 10:46 PM
Nice workout!

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 5 2005, 10:00 AM
Thanks Tom. I having trouble getting up off my chair today. Legs are still tight. I love this feeling though.

I spose i find it kind of funny what i consider a big weight. Only 12 months ago i would have thought a 160kg full back squat was a MASSIVE weight but now i realize its barely a 2x BW squat and in the scheme of things its crappy crap crap. 3x BW would be a good squat and thats what im working for now plus a 2.5x BW Front squat. I got that mindset from training with guys who have no potential or ambition. Now i train solo and i aim much higher. and then i come and read here and guys who hit 300kg for 5 reps in the squat. I still have a long long way to go…

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 5 2005, 09:44 PM
wed 5/10/05
shoulder still a bit sore so didnt do much.

dynamic warmup plus core plus static stretching

clean dead and jump shrug
5 @ 70kg
5 @ 90kg
3 @ 100kg
2x3 @ 110kg
3 @ 100kg

kinda felt sorry for myself so i left it at that. shoulder wasnt too bad but i reckon i’ll take tomorrow off and then i should be perfect for 3 hard sessions over the weekend.

Im fairly depressed with my power in the clean dead. how can i ever expect to snatch 100kg when i can only barely get it to my chest level. I spose at the same time my back isnt hurting me as much now and i did hit 110kg which i spose is a PR but im just not happy with it. i can bench more than i can deadlift FFS!!! not a happy camper…

oh meant to add that i was walking past the wall where i measured my VJ about 5 months ago and my chalk marks were still on it so i said id give it a try and see if id improved. Id not expected to see any improvement but guess what i was an easy 3-4" above it. At least one good thing came from that workout. VJ is somewhere between 25 - 30" i think now as opposed to 20" only 6 months ago. Roll on 30"+

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 7 2005, 01:32 PM
Ok im at my wits end with my clean dead so i’ve done loads of reading and turned up some great articles that i had read in the past but ignored.
namely this one :
Basically im gonna drop my clean deadlift from my program for a while and work on good mornings, deadlift from blocks, deadlift from racks, GH raises and reverse hypers (if i can find a place to do the last 2).

Im hoping this will strengthen my lower back and quads and enable me to shift some serious weight. at the moment i can squat about 70kg more than i can deadlift comfortably and this is a serious deficit considering the quads are an “all show no go muscle group” pretty much. From qhat i’ve read my dead should at least be equal to my squat and prolly 20kg more than it.

Note shoulder still sore so only lower body work tonight as outlined above

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 7 2005, 09:27 PM
started off with some running and being honest i was disgusted. it was my first time in 4 weeks since my ankle went but thats not much of an excuse. my back was extremely tight from deadlifting and being honest if i can run then theres no point to the whole thing so im giving up that sh!t. good morning, hypers but not deadlifting.

150 drill.

what a crap result. i could have hit 700 plus only a few weeks ago now barely 400

did a 40yrd run then and hit a crap 5.3 i know my back was stiff and i’ve gained a few lbs but thats so slow its nearly reverse.

from now on im running at least 2x a week. no point being strong if i cant move

gym work

good mornings
2x10 @ bar only
10 @ 40kg
3x10 @ 50kg

calf raise
3x10 @ 63kg

3x6 @ 80kg with 2 breath pause

core work with medball and static stretching

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 10 2005, 12:18 AM
sat 8th october
1 - running part

dynamic warmup + core work + static + med ball throws.
lots of sprints of different distencs and starting points ala gpp dvd

back felt much looser today but hams took a pounding yest in Gm’s so not too concerned. happy to be able to run with no pain again

2 - weights
good warmup

some technique work

Hang snatch
3 @ 50kg
2x3 @ 56kg
1 @ 61kg new pr
0 @ 61kf
1,0 @ 61kg
3 @ 50kg

OH Squat
5 @ 60kg
5 @ 70kg
2x3 @ 81kg new pr

2x5 @ 90kg

calf raises
2x10 @ 65kg

incline bench
2x8 @ 60kg with 2 sec pause

core work with medball

static stretch

good workout. delighted with 2 new pr’s. im still miles away from hitting a plateau so its great to be taking things slow and still watch the numbers rise week by week…

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 10 2005, 10:35 PM
mon 10th october.

well what a training session. my best ever i reckon. i felt very tight in my hams due to the blasting i gave them on GM’s on sat but i recovered with a bang

dynamic warmup + core work + some static ala matt bruce

hang power cleans
5 @ 60kg
5 @ 70kg
5 @ 80kg

hang cleans
1 @ 93kg new PR
0 @ 101kg
0 @ 101kg
0 @ 101kg (so close to getting this. i got under it but lost it forward on the way up)
0 @ 95kg (ah well great new pr anyway

front squats
5 @ 70kg
4 @ 100kg
2 @ 121kg (new pr for reps)
1 @ 131kg (new pr)
1,0 @ 131kg (first on easy but lost the other forward. it was more a mental thing i think though cas i almost had it)

Good mornings
2x8 @ 50kg
5 @ 60kg

calf raise
3x9 @ 77kg slow with pauses
15 @ 77kg very fast

incline bench
2x6 @ 70kg with 2 breath pause

core work with 5kg ball

static stretching. really trying to hit a side and front splits so working hard on this.

well what now. im elated. my numbers and goals are getting closer and closer and im only a month into my program!
once i better all my goals i will post vids of me for ye all. i know ye prob dont care but im delighted anyway. 6 months of hard honest work should see me put up some impressive numbers…

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 12 2005, 10:47 PM
tues 11th oct

wed 12th oct
ireland draw with swiss so no world cup next yr :-((

training went crap. no food all day, work really hard, sore arms before starting even

hang snatch
2 @ 50kg
1 @ 61kg
1 @ 64kg
0 @ 64kg
0 @ 64kg

arm got really sore now and felt drained

back squat
10 @60kg
7 @ 70kg
5 @ 100kg
2 @ 140kg
1 @ 161kg
3x0 @ 166kg. should have got the first of these was halfway up but lost my nerve. fully rested and fed i would have hit this

Posted by: Badrock Oct 14 2005, 02:22 AM
great workout brother

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 14 2005, 10:27 AM
ok its clear to me that i’ve reached a sort of plateau on my squat at about 160-170kg. I mean i was gaining 10kg a week for the last while but this was on account of me getting used to the new technique’s etc

Its clear to me that all the technique work in the world is no good if i cant back it up with some strength and so looking at my numbers they just wont cut it. To become a decent lifter my front squat must be around 200kg and this means my back squat must be about the 222kg mark. Im a long long way short of these figures.
Its now the 14th of october so thats 10 weeks til xmas. I want to see a 200kg BS by xmas so my work is cut out for me. Looking at my options i can continue as i am and prolly gain another 10 kg or so by xmas or i can go for a specialised program like westside or smolov. I like the look of smolov as ideally id like to be over 200kg before i attempt westside.

so i think my mind is made going to do the 6 week intense smolov workout. my 1rm is 161kg so here it is:

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 14 2005, 10:38 AM
week 1
friday 3x105 4x121 3x4x137 5x137
mon 3x97 3x113 4x129 3x3x145 2x5x137
wed 4x105 4x113 5x4x129

friday 4x97 4x113 4x129 3x145 2x4x145
mon 3x105 3x121 4x137 3x3x145 3x153
wed 3x105 3x121 4x137 4x5x145

friday 3x97 3x113 3x129 5x5x145
mon 3x97 3x113 3x129 2x3x153
wed 3x105 3x121 3x137 4x3x153

friday 3x113 4x129 5x5x145
mon 3x113 3x129 4x3x145
wed 3x121 4x145 3x4x153

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 14 2005, 10:39 AM
oh i dont like the look of this. its gonna be so so hard. i cant wait though…

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 14 2005, 11:50 AM
i’ve just read some bad reports about smolov so maybe i’ll complete the base cycle first.
either way here it is…

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 14 2005, 11:55 AM
heres the equivalent russian plan:
mite do this instead. decisions, decisions

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 14 2005, 11:18 PM
ok im doin a modified version of the russian squat program.

friday 14th oct. been eating a lot of crap recently. need to watch diet again.

dynamic warmup + core work plus statci stretch

complex of PC, FS, jerk
2 @ 60kg
2 @ 70kg
2 @ 80kg
1 @ 90kg
0 @ 100kg was under it but lost forward as arms not used to shock of catching yet.

Back squat
6x2 @ 140kg real easy to be honest. 1 min break btw sets

2x5 @ 70kg. legs dead straight

calf raise
2x15 @ 77kg real fast ones

incline bench
2x5 @ 70kg with 2 breath pause

core work with ball

static stretch

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 14 2005, 11:28 PM
ok i got a calculator off and entered various combos. the most ive actually ever lifted on an ass to grass squat is 161kg but i reckon my 1RM =175 or thereabouts so im gonna use 175kg and here’s what i turned up. i did my first workout lastnight 6x2@140kg and it was easy enough so i think 175 was accurate. i dont really see a problem in this until week 5 day2 which is 3x3 x165 but by then i should have gained a lot ore strength.
by the end of this i should have hit 6x2x185 which should put my 1rm very close to 200kg which is my goal by this xmas

My Final Squat Program after previous trial and error’s

… Day 1…Day 2… Day 3
Week 1 6x2x140 6x3x140 6x2x140
Week 2 6x4x140 6x2x140 6x5x140
Week 3 6x2x140 6x6x140 6x2x140
Week 4 5x5x140 6x2x140 4x4x140
Week 5 6x2x140 3x3x165 6x2x140
Week 6 2x2x175 6x2x140 6x2x185

I will be completing this program over the next 6 weeks in an attempt to hit 200kg BS and hence bring my FS upto about the same by summer 2006. I will be continuing my technique work at the same time but wont be lifting too heavy until my back sorts itself

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 15 2005, 04:48 PM
sat 15th october

running part

dynamic warmup
explosive medball throws 6x100m
3x 10m slow 20m fast 10m slow 20m fast

weights part

Back squat
6x3 @ 140kg i know i should wait a few days but it was easy enough

incline bench
70kg x 5 with 2 breath pause
80ks x 5 with 2 breath pause
85kg x3
90kg x3
95kg x2
100kg x1 new 1rm and could have done more

calf raise
4x10 @ 77kg 2 fast 2 slow

weighted decline crunches @ 50kg

hanging leg raises

static stretch

felt good. running still isnt the best but my squats are getting very strong. definitely hoping for 1rm @ 200kg by xmas. also have to start watching my diet as i let it go for a week there and ate buckets of chocolate which made me weak and was bad for my skin.
all in all im still delighted with my training. making great gains and im by far the strongest in my gym regardless of BW. not a great claim as its a crap gym but it makes me feel like a big dog even if im weak as water in reality. im getting there tho…

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 16 2005, 06:17 PM
sun 16th october
had a few beers last night. ah well…

running part

400m jog
drills + dynamic stretch + static stretch

5x100m @ 80% about 14s each with 100m walkback in between
actually felt really good doing these. shoulders nice and high, raising knees, running on balls of feet. need a lot more work but a good start. ideally i should be doing 2000m in total 3x a week

attempted some tyre drags but tyre kept flipping. need to make or buy a sled

weights part

bench press
3 @ 80kg
3 @ 85kg
3 @ 90kg
funny but im stronger at incline bench flat flat bench. i dont really care but its a bit wierd…

complex of PC, FS Jerk
2x2 @ 60kg

2x5 @ 60kg
5 @ 70kg

SDL’s first time doing these but they felt good
3x5 @ 60kg

core work with ball,
weighted decline crunches + 50kg
static stretch

feeling really good after this workout…

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 17 2005, 09:52 PM
monday 17th october 2005.
well what can i say. what a session

dynamic warmup + core work + static stretches

The bear - 5 reps at 60kg

hang snatch
2 @ 50kg

power snatch
2 @ 50kg
2 @ 60kg
1 @ 66kg new pr!! back started to get tight here. i must be rounding again

back squat
2 @ 120kg
6x2 @ 140kg as per my russian program - easy enough

front squat
1 @ 120kg feeling strong
1 @ 134kg a struggle but a new PR
1 @ 141kg an almightly struggle but after a hard workout, and 2 hard one the previous 3 days this is an excellent result for me. i had it in my mind to hit this by next march but i hit it 5 weeks in!! Im so delighted after this.

calf raises
4x12 @ 77kg

static stretch - i can almost do the front splits with my left leg forward. my aim is to to do front and side splits sometime next yr…
anyway i can hardly type im so tired. time to update the sig again. im setting new goals as i’ve achieved almost all of them so far…
no training now til thursday. i deserve a rest. trainined really hard over te last week…

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 20 2005, 08:32 AM
wed 20 oct 05
running session

marked out a 100m stretch in grass under the lights in ucd so i can run now any time i want. It was lashing rain last night so i was very happy with these few runs even though i did tweak my left groin slightly.

dynamic warmup + static stretching
5x100m @ 14s - really feeling good technique wise. Im going to build this up to 4x5x100m @ 14s. then i’ll be happy im fit enough to sttempt some speed work after xmas

weights part.

warmup @ 60kg
6 @ 90kg
6 @ 92.5kg

6 @ 95kg
7 @ 90kg

2x10 @ 30kg - trying to strengthen up my lower back

my bodyweight is back down to 81kg again after being about 85kg recently. I think im going to cut to 77kg over the next few weeks. not for a comp or anything but to help with running.

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 20 2005, 10:09 PM
thurs 20 oct
great session tonight.

Loads of technique on snatch. im still abit confused but getting there.

dynamic warmup + core + static

3 @ 50kg
3 @ 60kg
2x2 @ 70kg - new pr. not the best technique on all 4 but ok on 1. catching high enough too so i think i have more in me soon

back squat
6x4 @ 140kg. oh my god. hardest squat session ever. next time im doing nothing else on hard squat day or the night before but man i felt happy after getting through this. Delighted. Considering this was my 1rm only 3 weeks ago…

static stretch including all important lower back work that ive never done before. this is why my back is so sore i think. hope it’ll improve

fri 21 oct. taking this off. well deserved

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 22 2005, 09:05 PM
22 oct 05
dynamic warmup + core + static.

technique work on clean.

b squat
6x2 @ 140kg


core work on ball with ball

static stretch + lower back work.
back is feeling much better these days

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 24 2005, 08:22 AM
sun 23/october

technique work on snatch

worked up to 70kg snatch but form was horrible

good mornings
worked up to 3x6 @ 60kg

Its time for a reality check here. I can probably back squat upto 180kg, f squat upto 150kg yet i havent cleaned 100kg yet. So why am i doing a squat program?? Well the reason is to hit 200kg but what good is that going to be to me? None because my hams and lower back are much weaker than than. Its tme to face facts and address my imbalance between strength and technique/balance. And also between quads and hams/lower back.

So the squat program is being canned and replaced with GM’s and RDL’s. Im buying a good digital camera and im going to get decent technique. There’s a comp coming up in April next year so im setting all my goals around that now.

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 24 2005, 11:43 PM
mon 24/10/05

running part

dynamic warmup + static + drills

8x100m in 14s each - tough not fit

5x50m all out

5x30m all out

3x20m all out

150 shuttle run x5


technique work on first pull

6 @ 50kg
6 @ 60kg
3x6 @ 70kh

first pull to above knee
3x6 @ wait for it 30kg!!! im such a strong bastard!! im really weak
in hams and lower back so it time to swallow the pride. ditch the squats and pull often and light with good technique. hopefully this will sort my back pains…

core work and static to finsih a great workout

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 26 2005, 10:21 AM
tuesday 26/10/05

dynamic warmup + static

technique work on first pull, clean from hang above knee

full squat clean
5 @ 50kg
5 @ 60kg
3 @ 70kg
2 @ 80kg
1 @ 90kg
1 @ 100kg - new Pr and easy as pie too
0 @ 110kg - misssed ofrward but i was under it no probs
0 @ 110kg - same again but im gonna hit this next week

snatch balance
6 @ bar only
2x5 @ 30kg
5 @ 40kg
2x4 @ 50kg still not comfortable with the bar moving so fast but getting there

core work on ball + static stretching.

back to 80kg again after gorging myslef for the last few weeks. The goal is now to be 77kg next april and to snatch 100kg and c&j 130kg. I can see myself doing the 130 but i cant see the snatch happening. well happy days. 110kg is only around the corner i know it. Then i’ll have to start upping my squat again.

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 26 2005, 10:21 AM
Oh yeah - video’s are coming soon. Possibly in the next 2 weeks of all my lifts for ye unbelievers…

Posted by: uk machine Oct 26 2005, 12:11 PM
training going well mate

Posted by: joc_06 Nov 1 2005, 07:18 PM
friday 28th october.
dynamic warmup + static stretch

technique work on snatch and first pull upto 60kg
snatch pull - 3x 5 @ 80kg
hang snatch up to 60kg

clean push press and overhead squat.
5 @ 50kg
5 @ 60kg
3 @ 70kg
3 @ 80kg
2x3 @ 90kg not hitting rock bottom though

front squat
worked upto 4x2 @ 130kg

calf raise
3x12 @ 81kg

core work on ball with static stretch

sat 29 october
work on clean first pull and clean upto 60kg

OH squat
3x3 @ 80kg

5 @ 60kg
5 @ 70kg
3 @ 80kg
2 @ 90kg
0 @ 100kg

Back squat
2 @ 140kg
2 @ 160kg
0 @ 170kg almost had it though slow as hell

12 @ BW
5 @ +5kg
5 @ +10kg

core work on ball with static stretch

sun 30th
3 @ 50kg
2x3 @ 60kg

5 +5kg
5 +10kg
3 +15kg

3x6 @ 60kg

core work on ball with static stretch

5x100m about 14s each. nearly died though. very choked up with a cold. need to work a lot on my fitness…

Posted by: joc_06 Nov 1 2005, 11:39 PM
tues 1st nov
warmup 1 mile jog @ 10mph on treadmill. back got sore but need to keep doing this
was very stiff and sore after this. fitness gone back a long way.

5 @ 60kg
5 @ 70kg

3x2 @ 60kg some misses. not feeling good at all

snatch pull
5 @ 70kg
5 @ 80kg

full back squat
3 @ 110kg
3 @ 150kg

parallel back squat
2x3 @ 170kg
2 @ 180kg
1 @ 190kg
1 @ 200kg]
1 @ 200kg first time doing these in ages and i know i could do more so happy enough

i really need to start getting organised though. i just arrive at the gym and do whatever i feel like so i need a cycle page 2

Posted by: joc_06 Nov 3 2005, 03:07 PM
wed 2nd november

dynamic warmup + core work + static stretch

1km on treadmill @ 16.5kph @ 1degree incline. (about 4 mins hard running)

technique work on snatch

3x2@ 60kg

bar only



1 leg bulgarian squat
7 each leg @ 20kg DB
7 each leg @ 90lbs DB

incline DB press
5 @ 20kg
5 @ 32kg
5 @ 36kg
5 @ 38kg
5 @ 90lbs flat - new pr in these. havent done them in ages so a good result.

core work and lower back work with 5kg medball

static stretch

Posted by: joc_06 Nov 4 2005, 11:30 AM
thurs 3rd Nov.
dynamic warmup + core + static

4mins 30 on treadmill @ 17.2kph = 1.3Km or something. Feeling better all the time running longer distances. This is part of my general preparatory phase and will continue every time i train for until Xmas. Then i will mix in some shorter 100m, 60m, 20m speed specific stuff so come next season in March i will be fit, stong and hopefully fast. Can’t really see the fast part happening as im the SLOWEST shit ever.

Incline bench.
2x3 @ 80kg
3 @ 90kg
2 @ 95kg
3 @ 80kg

4x12 @ 40kg (only using small plates to get full ROM) Its swallow the prise time here for a few weeks so i can build up my hams and lower back.

3 @ 110kg - full
3 @ 150kg - the rest are to parallel
3 @ 160kg
3 @ 170kg
3 @ 180kg
2 @ 190kg
2 @ 200kg
0 @ 210kg - almost a new PR but couldnt find the gas to get back up

Box Squat followed by depth jump
6 @ 60kg followed by 6 off bench
6 @ 70kg same

core work with ball + static stretch

Lower back feels good today. Hooray. Prob take tomorrow night off

Posted by: joc_06 Nov 6 2005, 06:11 PM
friday 6th november 2005

very lazy did no real warmup

incline bench 85lbs DB’s

4x12 @ 50kg on 2 plates for full rom

explosive shrugs
7 @ 60kg
7 @ 70kg
7 @ 80kg
7 @ 90kg
7 @ 100kg

lat pulldown
3x5 @ 90kg

core work and static stretch

saturdays workout
running part.
800m warmup + drills + static

2x4x200m all about 32 - 34s into a strong wind and on a wet track so maybe closer to 30s. break of 2mins between each rep and 5 mins btw each set. goal is to do all these sub 30s by xmas.

weights part.
push press
5 @ 60kg
5 @ 70kg
3 @ 80kg
2 @ 90kg

2x5 @ 60kg all arms though

front squat
2x4 @ 110kg

static stretch

taking tomorrow sunday off

Posted by: joc_06 Nov 8 2005, 12:11 AM
as i explained in the thread on athletic development in the ol section ive decided to move to pastures new on and abandon my ol’ing career (and what a career it was :-)))
Thanks to all and good luck

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Fortified Iron > Online Journals > My Road to a 250kg Total…

Posted by: joc_06 Sep 14 2005, 07:26 AM
Hi everyone.
Im 22, 5’10", 80kg @ 10%BF, irish and new to OL. However not new to training but always trained for team sports and only did small amouts of weightlifting and never did OL lifts.
Now i have discovered i am pretty good at these so i am going to pursue my goal of 150kg in C+J and 100kg snatch. I hope to achieve this goal sometime around June July 2006. This is optimistic but i know im strong and my technique is really really bad so i think massive improvement s can be made in a short time once i get a coach.
Im hoping to join the Hercules gym for this
I also like sprinting so i hope to keep up some running work. I bought Charlie francis gpp dvd and will do a lot of his med ball and tempo work to keep me fit. possibly not the best for OL lifting but i like being able to move too

At the moment my definite lifts are (comments in brackets) and these are for reps.

Clean - (never actually done one as i dont catch low enough yet to be classed as one. once i learn to catch low i could possibly do upto 130kg straight away)
PowerClean - 85kg (ido this for reps so i believe i can do as much as 100kg)
Hangclean - 70kg (again for reps so possibly 80kg)
snatch - 60kg (technique terrible, only ever done it twice)
Front squat - 100kg (started doing these last night and my wrists were the only thing holding me back. Quads were very stong though so i think my 1rm is close to 140kg)
Back squat - 160kg (havent done this in months but was quite easy at the time)
Deadlift - 150kg (definite my 1rm, working on technique more at 110kg cas my back was killing me after this. needs alot of work, esp my grip as i drop the bar a lot)
Push press - 80kg (for reps, possibly 100kg)
Bench - 110kg (do this like three times a year so not bad)

I’ve no idea what kind of program to run so i’ll look over some journals and maybe head over to Hercules for some help. Thanks for reading…

Posted by: Dan H. Sep 14 2005, 02:20 PM
Hi, nice start to your journal. I just have a few comments -

For most lifters with good technique, the snatch is around 80% of the CJ (actually a little higher, like 83%). So maybe shoot for something closer to that ratio than 100/150.

When you front squat, the wrists should feel very little pressure. The weight of the bar should be felt almost entirely on your front delts, with the bar nestled deep in the base of your throat. (It’s NOT like the start of a military press.)

About your grip, do you use the hook grip, together with chalk? That should give you a very secure grip.

As far as a routine, I would learn how to do the lifts first.

Good luck!

Posted by: joc_06 Sep 25 2005, 11:48 PM
ok well it turns out that i was very mislead about my current abilities. my best squats were to parallel arent really worth a fvck in OL terms so im well behind where i thought i was and my PC’s are more of a reverse muscle wrist forearm curl than a clean.

i hooked up with some good guys in a club and they really helped me out and get me started. I’ve since picked up schmitz manual and awaiting his video and dreschler’s encyclopedia and most importantly a broom handle.

At the mo im doing loads of stretching esp in ankle, wrist, shoulders, arms etc as i find both overhead squats and front squats tricky to get ass to grass on. also i’ve an injured ankle thats not fully healed.
also im in the process of joining a proper lifters gym with platforms etc even if it is a bit of a dungeon.

So basically i’ve a long long road ahead of me, ive poor flexibility Little coaching NO technique NO speed but good strength. But i am willing to do this as i think its a great sport

so its time to get working.
i havent an actuall routine yet. im doing streching, 30 mins technique, stretching, max strength on simple exercise like OH squat and F squat and loads of pull ups and a kind of row with the barbell in the corner of the wall to address my MASSIVE muscle imbalance btw upper and lower back.

basically my lower back muscles, tendowns and ligaments have hypertrophied to a huge extent as a result of my terrible form on deadlift. it was more of a front good morning than anything else and explained the terrible pain i got while running in another post. hopefully with some work i can sort this out.

so thanks and hopefully by xmas i’ll have some progress made…

Posted by: joc_06 Sep 27 2005, 10:45 PM
called to hercs last night but you cant drop weights after 7pm due to a noise court injunction so im staying in my old gym.
last night’s training was basic.

some technique work and dynamic warmup.
tricky because the more i read the more confused i get about what technique i should be doing. really really need some coaching.

OH squats -
3x3 @ 60kg
2x2 @ 70kg (had to lift ankles slightly as flexibility isnt perfect yet)

Front Squats
3 @ 60kg
3 @ 80kg
2x3 @ 100kg (wrists v sore after this. quads can def handle more weight though)

bent over rows
2x7 @ 30kg

pull downs (shpulder width grip)
2x6 @ 75kg
2x5 @ 85kg

some core work and stretching

Posted by: joc_06 Sep 27 2005, 10:51 PM
tonights session.

heavy medball work, dynamic warmup.
no technique work as im totally lost now…

Drop squat.
2x3 @ 50kg (first time ive done this so worked upto 50. found weight ok but balance was a prob. did a slight knee dip before the drop. not sure if this is allowed, but again im lost as regards technique in a lot of cases)

Back squat.
3x3 @ 140kg (at last something i know how to do. although im not even sure about that anymore. should i have my back locked into an arch the same as when i clean???)

7 @ 75kg
6 @ 85kg
5 @ 90kg (v strong at this)

some core work and static stretching

Posted by: joc_06 Sep 28 2005, 01:56 PM
Just going to put down some of my best lifts so far:

C&J - never done one.
Snatch - same
PC - same
PS - same
Back squat - 140kg (can do this for reps)
F Squat - 100kg (can do this for reps but wrists get too sore)
OH squat (can do this for reps but still finding balance a bit tricky)

Bench (100kg x3 - not that i’ll be doing it again for a while as i have flexibility issues)

40 yrd time is approx 4.9 HT so as you can guess im slow as sh!t
100m time is about 13s. again im slow as a wet week but hope to improve
VJ is approx 25" which isnt too bad
mile time is approx 5:30. not too bad either

Basically my aims for March 2006 are as follows:
C&J - at least 100kg with good technique
Snatch - 80kg again with good technique
NOt aiming to learn any Power movements
B Squat - 180kg 4 plates each side ass to grass
F Squat - 140kg with no pain in my wrists and good flexibility
OH squat - 100kg
Bench - may try to improve this if my flexibility improves but at the mo not interested in it
40 yrd. would love to see something under 4.7 and i will work on this in tandem with my OL lifts
100m time - 12.5
VJ - closer to 30" if possible but not a priority
mile - just hold it steady. no point being fast and strong and powerful if you cant jog a mile in a decent pace. again not a priority

Also i hope to keep my approx 10% BF figure but maybe add a kilo or two. I want to improve my diet even though it is pretty clean and also most important limit the booze to less than 3 pints a week.
As a bit of backround i used to do a feast or famine type approach to beer and it was really afecting me in a lot of ways. I was a pure glutton for it and drank only to see how drunk i could get. and i drank lots and lots basically for 6 months in the winter and gave it up for summer. It was affecting everything and now its gone i feel like i can improve a lot as an athlete instead of just struggling along…

Posted by: joc_06 Sep 29 2005, 08:58 AM
wed 28/9/05
a great session for me.
Was doing technique work. one of irelands top 100m sprinters came in and we got chatting and he said my technique was fairly good!! he obviously mustn’t know much about it cause my technique is crap crap crap but i felt good last night.

I think a prob for me before was that i was working with either too light a barbell. Once i had 50kg it felt much better.

Hand Snatch mid thigh
3x2 @ 50kg (catching reasonably low) shoulders 2 inches ahead of bar, chest out, back locked in an arch. initiate with a shrug then jump into it and spread feet and drop locking arms.

Hang Clean mid thigh
2 @ 50kg
2 @ 60kg
2 @ 70kg
1 @ 80kg
0 @ 80kg (still not managing to rack correctly) same technique again except i was catching with hands as opposed to racking. thats gonna take some practice

Back Squat
6 @ 60kg with 2 breath pause
6 @ 80kg with 2 breath pause
6 @ 100kg with 2 breath pause
4 @ 120kg
4 @ 130kg
2 @ 140kg

Front squat
loads @ 50kg (hoping to improve wrist flexibility but no improvement yet. still killing me)

Calf Raises in leg press.
3x10 @ not sure (just noticed i have no calves and big quads. It doesnt look right so i need some work here. It should help some bit anyway)

Bench press.
6 @ 60kg with 2 sec pause
6 @ 70kg with 2 sec pause
5 @ 80kg
4 @ 90kg
3 @ 102kg (new pr and easy too. First time benching in 6 months or more. Just did some while i was waiting for leg press. I reckon if i work at it as much as i work squat i could bench more than i squat. And thats def not good… )

Finished with core work on ball and hangin leg raises, full static stretch.

Also picked up a sport UCD booklet where it mentions they have a high performance centre and a full time strength coach who competed in OL. I sent her a mail so im hoping she might help me a bit with technique. That’s be excellent.
Also plan to buy my own barbell for home so i can train on weekends. I really need to improve my squat. Its by far the best in my gym but its still crap. I HAVE TO get to 200kg and about 150kg on FS asap

Posted by: joc_06 Sep 30 2005, 09:23 PM
thurs 29th - off, had a few drinks. and a small bit of late night cardio if you know what i mean ;-))

Friday 30th.
FIrst time doing my new hatchdome inspired warmup and i realise my dynamic ROM is terrible. needs lots of work

Pull Cleans
6 @ 60kg
6 @ 70kg
5 @ 80kg
5 @ 90kg
2 @ 100kg
2 x 5 @ 60kg (trying to get technique right. i can pulla much more than 100kg but my back really hurts me after. i need coaching help with this)

Front Squats.
5 @ 70kg
5 @ 80kg
5 @ 90kg
3 @ 100kg
2 @ 110kg new PR and guess what?? very little wrist pain. i think i have this mastered at last. also looks like my goals for mar 06 of 140kg could be hit much earlier!! delighted!!!

calf raise on leg press
4x10 @ ??

2x5 @ 90kg

core work on ball

full body stretch.

comments - nice tidy fast session, done in an hour. still unhappy with lower back but delighted with FS pr. also bought a heap of maximuscle so i’ll see if it is as good as it claims to be after a few weeks. expensive sh!t though

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 1 2005, 04:17 PM
Sat 1/10/05

had 2 beers last night. prob shouldnt have but at least it was only 2. before it would have been 10 washed down with a few vodka’s and a dirty kebab and chips.
really feel like im turning a corner here booze wise.

started off with matt bruce’s dynamic warmup. this is really excellent. plus some static stretches.

Hang Snatches.
3x2 @ 50kg technique still not perfect but improving
0 @ 56kg
0 @ 56kg
1 @ 56 kg
0 @ 56kg
1 @ 56kg

technique and balance improving all the time.

OH squat
2x4 @ 60kg
4 @ 66kg
2x3 @ 71kg new PR!! delighted. hit rock bottom on them too. i realised my prob was my grip was too narrow. once i widened it (which is hard to do as i have to powerclean the bar then push press to get required position as my gym has no stands) felt easy enough too roll on 80kg!! I think an exercise i saw koing do has helped me here. the one leg squat with other leg in front. excellent for balance and recovery from bottom position. thanks koing!!

Calf raise on leg press
3x8 @ 59kg

core work with 5kg medball and leg raises

full body stretch

finished off workout with usual protein but now its cyclone. i’ve a feeling this is a much superior product to what i had before. only time will tell.

Really feeling good and back prob’s are almost gone thanks to the guys in UL!!
Hitting new PR’s every week

Posted by: AMG Oct 2 2005, 10:22 AM
Looking solid, good luck with your goals.

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 2 2005, 01:17 PM
Thanks. good to know someones reading anyway.
The 250kg total is a long term goal. like 2 yers time or more
At the moment im just working on max strenght and technique with low weights

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 2 2005, 05:06 PM
sun 2/10/.05

dynamic warmup, situps, some static stretching

clean dead
6 @ 70kg
5 @ 80kg
3x3 @ 90kg (no back pain!! corner has been turned i think. this is the best thing about my workouts now. im delighted with this more than any Pr’s)

Front Squat
5 @ 70kg
5 @ 80g
4 @ 90kg
3 @ 100kg
2 @ 110kg
1 + 0 @ 120kg (was going for 2 in the set but missed second lift forward) Another new PR and im half way to my 140kg goal already!! gonn hit 140kg before xmas im sure. Also very little pain in my wrists. using full fist grip too!!

arm got really sore so i did no more heavy stuff

some core work like twists and medball throws and sit up and reach with my 5kg medball that i absolutely swear by. anyone who doesnt have one should invest. best way to build a strong core and you can do so many exercises with them

static stretching and cyclone and about 6 chicken breasts afterwards.

All is well !!! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 4 2005, 01:23 PM
mon 3/10/05
taking today off as i hurt my right shoulder yesterday, Its not sore unless i lift my arms overhead but i need a break anyway. My right shoulder is much tighter than my left for some reason. need to get this looked at.

tues 4/10/05
going to take this off too, just in case and hit back into the training hard again tomorrow

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 4 2005, 10:39 PM
tues 4/10/05
was gonna take this off due to sore right shoulder but said id work on back squat instead and no upper body.

started off with dynamic warmup (where has this been all my life??) core work and some static stretching

Back squat
5 @ 70kg with 2 breath pause
5 @ 120kg with 2 breath pause
3 @ 143kg
2 @ 151kg (new pr)
1 @ 156kg
0 @ 161kg
1 @ 161kg (another new PR)
0 @ 161kg
3 @ 141kg
3 @ 120kg (legs truly wasted now but delighted. really physched myself up for the 161 and it flew up. even heard a few gasps in the gym. weighed in at 81kg so it wasnt a 2x BW squat but close enough)

Calf raise on leg press
3x10 @ 63kg

surprising this didnt hurt my shoulder so i suspect its nothing bar a small strain.
had no spotter so decided to do bottom up’s with a light weight
4x7 @ 70kg with 2 breath pause on chest

core work with 5kg medball and on gym ball
static stretch

Time to update my sig again…
those goals arent looking so far off at all now. as soon as my technique improves i’ll post some OL goals…

Posted by: Tom Oct 4 2005, 10:46 PM
Nice workout!

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 5 2005, 10:00 AM
Thanks Tom. I having trouble getting up off my chair today. Legs are still tight. I love this feeling though.

I spose i find it kind of funny what i consider a big weight. Only 12 months ago i would have thought a 160kg full back squat was a MASSIVE weight but now i realize its barely a 2x BW squat and in the scheme of things its crappy crap crap. 3x BW would be a good squat and thats what im working for now plus a 2.5x BW Front squat. I got that mindset from training with guys who have no potential or ambition. Now i train solo and i aim much higher. and then i come and read here and guys who hit 300kg for 5 reps in the squat. I still have a long long way to go…

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 5 2005, 09:44 PM
wed 5/10/05
shoulder still a bit sore so didnt do much.

dynamic warmup plus core plus static stretching

clean dead and jump shrug
5 @ 70kg
5 @ 90kg
3 @ 100kg
2x3 @ 110kg
3 @ 100kg

kinda felt sorry for myself so i left it at that. shoulder wasnt too bad but i reckon i’ll take tomorrow off and then i should be perfect for 3 hard sessions over the weekend.

Im fairly depressed with my power in the clean dead. how can i ever expect to snatch 100kg when i can only barely get it to my chest level. I spose at the same time my back isnt hurting me as much now and i did hit 110kg which i spose is a PR but im just not happy with it. i can bench more than i can deadlift FFS!!! not a happy camper…

oh meant to add that i was walking past the wall where i measured my VJ about 5 months ago and my chalk marks were still on it so i said id give it a try and see if id improved. Id not expected to see any improvement but guess what i was an easy 3-4" above it. At least one good thing came from that workout. VJ is somewhere between 25 - 30" i think now as opposed to 20" only 6 months ago. Roll on 30"+

page 3

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 7 2005, 01:32 PM
Ok im at my wits end with my clean dead so i’ve done loads of reading and turned up some great articles that i had read in the past but ignored.
namely this one :
Basically im gonna drop my clean deadlift from my program for a while and work on good mornings, deadlift from blocks, deadlift from racks, GH raises and reverse hypers (if i can find a place to do the last 2).

Im hoping this will strengthen my lower back and quads and enable me to shift some serious weight. at the moment i can squat about 70kg more than i can deadlift comfortably and this is a serious deficit considering the quads are an “all show no go muscle group” pretty much. From qhat i’ve read my dead should at least be equal to my squat and prolly 20kg more than it.

Note shoulder still sore so only lower body work tonight as outlined above

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 7 2005, 09:27 PM
started off with some running and being honest i was disgusted. it was my first time in 4 weeks since my ankle went but thats not much of an excuse. my back was extremely tight from deadlifting and being honest if i can run then theres no point to the whole thing so im giving up that sh!t. good morning, hypers but not deadlifting.

150 drill.

what a crap result. i could have hit 700 plus only a few weeks ago now barely 400

did a 40yrd run then and hit a crap 5.3 i know my back was stiff and i’ve gained a few lbs but thats so slow its nearly reverse.

from now on im running at least 2x a week. no point being strong if i cant move

gym work

good mornings
2x10 @ bar only
10 @ 40kg
3x10 @ 50kg

calf raise
3x10 @ 63kg

3x6 @ 80kg with 2 breath pause

core work with medball and static stretching

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 10 2005, 12:18 AM
sat 8th october
1 - running part

dynamic warmup + core work + static + med ball throws.
lots of sprints of different distencs and starting points ala gpp dvd

back felt much looser today but hams took a pounding yest in Gm’s so not too concerned. happy to be able to run with no pain again

2 - weights
good warmup

some technique work

Hang snatch
3 @ 50kg
2x3 @ 56kg
1 @ 61kg new pr
0 @ 61kf
1,0 @ 61kg
3 @ 50kg

OH Squat
5 @ 60kg
5 @ 70kg
2x3 @ 81kg new pr

2x5 @ 90kg

calf raises
2x10 @ 65kg

incline bench
2x8 @ 60kg with 2 sec pause

core work with medball

static stretch

good workout. delighted with 2 new pr’s. im still miles away from hitting a plateau so its great to be taking things slow and still watch the numbers rise week by week…

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 10 2005, 10:35 PM
mon 10th october.

well what a training session. my best ever i reckon. i felt very tight in my hams due to the blasting i gave them on GM’s on sat but i recovered with a bang

dynamic warmup + core work + some static ala matt bruce

hang power cleans
5 @ 60kg
5 @ 70kg
5 @ 80kg

hang cleans
1 @ 93kg new PR
0 @ 101kg
0 @ 101kg
0 @ 101kg (so close to getting this. i got under it but lost it forward on the way up)
0 @ 95kg (ah well great new pr anyway

front squats
5 @ 70kg
4 @ 100kg
2 @ 121kg (new pr for reps)
1 @ 131kg (new pr)
1,0 @ 131kg (first on easy but lost the other forward. it was more a mental thing i think though cas i almost had it)

Good mornings
2x8 @ 50kg
5 @ 60kg

calf raise
3x9 @ 77kg slow with pauses
15 @ 77kg very fast

incline bench
2x6 @ 70kg with 2 breath pause

core work with 5kg ball

static stretching. really trying to hit a side and front splits so working hard on this.

well what now. im elated. my numbers and goals are getting closer and closer and im only a month into my program!
once i better all my goals i will post vids of me for ye all. i know ye prob dont care but im delighted anyway. 6 months of hard honest work should see me put up some impressive numbers…

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 12 2005, 10:47 PM
tues 11th oct

wed 12th oct
ireland draw with swiss so no world cup next yr :-((

training went crap. no food all day, work really hard, sore arms before starting even

hang snatch
2 @ 50kg
1 @ 61kg
1 @ 64kg
0 @ 64kg
0 @ 64kg

arm got really sore now and felt drained

back squat
10 @60kg
7 @ 70kg
5 @ 100kg
2 @ 140kg
1 @ 161kg
3x0 @ 166kg. should have got the first of these was halfway up but lost my nerve. fully rested and fed i would have hit this

Posted by: Badrock Oct 14 2005, 02:22 AM
great workout brother

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 14 2005, 10:27 AM
ok its clear to me that i’ve reached a sort of plateau on my squat at about 160-170kg. I mean i was gaining 10kg a week for the last while but this was on account of me getting used to the new technique’s etc

Its clear to me that all the technique work in the world is no good if i cant back it up with some strength and so looking at my numbers they just wont cut it. To become a decent lifter my front squat must be around 200kg and this means my back squat must be about the 222kg mark. Im a long long way short of these figures.
Its now the 14th of october so thats 10 weeks til xmas. I want to see a 200kg BS by xmas so my work is cut out for me. Looking at my options i can continue as i am and prolly gain another 10 kg or so by xmas or i can go for a specialised program like westside or smolov. I like the look of smolov as ideally id like to be over 200kg before i attempt westside.

so i think my mind is made going to do the 6 week intense smolov workout. my 1rm is 161kg so here it is:

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 14 2005, 10:38 AM
week 1
friday 3x105 4x121 3x4x137 5x137
mon 3x97 3x113 4x129 3x3x145 2x5x137
wed 4x105 4x113 5x4x129

friday 4x97 4x113 4x129 3x145 2x4x145
mon 3x105 3x121 4x137 3x3x145 3x153
wed 3x105 3x121 4x137 4x5x145

friday 3x97 3x113 3x129 5x5x145
mon 3x97 3x113 3x129 2x3x153
wed 3x105 3x121 3x137 4x3x153

friday 3x113 4x129 5x5x145
mon 3x113 3x129 4x3x145
wed 3x121 4x145 3x4x153

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 14 2005, 10:39 AM
oh i dont like the look of this. its gonna be so so hard. i cant wait though…

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 14 2005, 11:50 AM
i’ve just read some bad reports about smolov so maybe i’ll complete the base cycle first.
either way here it is…

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 14 2005, 11:55 AM
heres the equivalent russian plan:
mite do this instead. decisions, decisions

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 14 2005, 11:18 PM
ok im doin a modified version of the russian squat program.

friday 14th oct. been eating a lot of crap recently. need to watch diet again.

dynamic warmup + core work plus statci stretch

complex of PC, FS, jerk
2 @ 60kg
2 @ 70kg
2 @ 80kg
1 @ 90kg
0 @ 100kg was under it but lost forward as arms not used to shock of catching yet.

Back squat
6x2 @ 140kg real easy to be honest. 1 min break btw sets

2x5 @ 70kg. legs dead straight

calf raise
2x15 @ 77kg real fast ones

incline bench
2x5 @ 70kg with 2 breath pause

core work with ball

static stretch

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 14 2005, 11:28 PM
ok i got a calculator off and entered various combos. the most ive actually ever lifted on an ass to grass squat is 161kg but i reckon my 1RM =175 or thereabouts so im gonna use 175kg and here’s what i turned up. i did my first workout lastnight 6x2@140kg and it was easy enough so i think 175 was accurate. i dont really see a problem in this until week 5 day2 which is 3x3 x165 but by then i should have gained a lot ore strength.
by the end of this i should have hit 6x2x185 which should put my 1rm very close to 200kg which is my goal by this xmas

My Final Squat Program after previous trial and error’s

… Day 1…Day 2… Day 3
Week 1 6x2x140 6x3x140 6x2x140
Week 2 6x4x140 6x2x140 6x5x140
Week 3 6x2x140 6x6x140 6x2x140
Week 4 5x5x140 6x2x140 4x4x140
Week 5 6x2x140 3x3x165 6x2x140
Week 6 2x2x175 6x2x140 6x2x185

I will be completing this program over the next 6 weeks in an attempt to hit 200kg BS and hence bring my FS upto about the same by summer 2006. I will be continuing my technique work at the same time but wont be lifting too heavy until my back sorts itself

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 15 2005, 04:48 PM
sat 15th october

running part

dynamic warmup
explosive medball throws 6x100m
3x 10m slow 20m fast 10m slow 20m fast

weights part

Back squat
6x3 @ 140kg i know i should wait a few days but it was easy enough

incline bench
70kg x 5 with 2 breath pause
80ks x 5 with 2 breath pause
85kg x3
90kg x3
95kg x2
100kg x1 new 1rm and could have done more

calf raise
4x10 @ 77kg 2 fast 2 slow

weighted decline crunches @ 50kg

hanging leg raises

static stretch

felt good. running still isnt the best but my squats are getting very strong. definitely hoping for 1rm @ 200kg by xmas. also have to start watching my diet as i let it go for a week there and ate buckets of chocolate which made me weak and was bad for my skin.
all in all im still delighted with my training. making great gains and im by far the strongest in my gym regardless of BW. not a great claim as its a crap gym but it makes me feel like a big dog even if im weak as water in reality. im getting there tho…

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 16 2005, 06:17 PM
sun 16th october
had a few beers last night. ah well…

running part

400m jog
drills + dynamic stretch + static stretch

5x100m @ 80% about 14s each with 100m walkback in between
actually felt really good doing these. shoulders nice and high, raising knees, running on balls of feet. need a lot more work but a good start. ideally i should be doing 2000m in total 3x a week

attempted some tyre drags but tyre kept flipping. need to make or buy a sled

weights part

bench press
3 @ 80kg
3 @ 85kg
3 @ 90kg
funny but im stronger at incline bench flat flat bench. i dont really care but its a bit wierd…

complex of PC, FS Jerk
2x2 @ 60kg

2x5 @ 60kg
5 @ 70kg

SDL’s first time doing these but they felt good
3x5 @ 60kg

core work with ball,
weighted decline crunches + 50kg
static stretch

feeling really good after this workout…

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 17 2005, 09:52 PM
monday 17th october 2005.
well what can i say. what a session

dynamic warmup + core work + static stretches

The bear - 5 reps at 60kg

hang snatch
2 @ 50kg

power snatch
2 @ 50kg
2 @ 60kg
1 @ 66kg new pr!! back started to get tight here. i must be rounding again

back squat
2 @ 120kg
6x2 @ 140kg as per my russian program - easy enough

front squat
1 @ 120kg feeling strong
1 @ 134kg a struggle but a new PR
1 @ 141kg an almightly struggle but after a hard workout, and 2 hard one the previous 3 days this is an excellent result for me. i had it in my mind to hit this by next march but i hit it 5 weeks in!! Im so delighted after this.

calf raises
4x12 @ 77kg

static stretch - i can almost do the front splits with my left leg forward. my aim is to to do front and side splits sometime next yr…
anyway i can hardly type im so tired. time to update the sig again. im setting new goals as i’ve achieved almost all of them so far…
no training now til thursday. i deserve a rest. trainined really hard over te last week…

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 20 2005, 08:32 AM
wed 20 oct 05
running session

marked out a 100m stretch in grass under the lights in ucd so i can run now any time i want. It was lashing rain last night so i was very happy with these few runs even though i did tweak my left groin slightly.

dynamic warmup + static stretching
5x100m @ 14s - really feeling good technique wise. Im going to build this up to 4x5x100m @ 14s. then i’ll be happy im fit enough to sttempt some speed work after xmas

weights part.

warmup @ 60kg
6 @ 90kg
6 @ 92.5kg
6 @ 95kg
7 @ 90kg

2x10 @ 30kg - trying to strengthen up my lower back

my bodyweight is back down to 81kg again after being about 85kg recently. I think im going to cut to 77kg over the next few weeks. not for a comp or anything but to help with running.

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 20 2005, 10:09 PM
thurs 20 oct
great session tonight.

Loads of technique on snatch. im still abit confused but getting there.

dynamic warmup + core + static

3 @ 50kg
3 @ 60kg
2x2 @ 70kg - new pr. not the best technique on all 4 but ok on 1. catching high enough too so i think i have more in me soon

back squat
6x4 @ 140kg. oh my god. hardest squat session ever. next time im doing nothing else on hard squat day or the night before but man i felt happy after getting through this. Delighted. Considering this was my 1rm only 3 weeks ago…

static stretch including all important lower back work that ive never done before. this is why my back is so sore i think. hope it’ll improve

fri 21 oct. taking this off. well deserved

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 22 2005, 09:05 PM
22 oct 05
dynamic warmup + core + static.

technique work on clean.

b squat
6x2 @ 140kg


core work on ball with ball

static stretch + lower back work.
back is feeling much better these days

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 24 2005, 08:22 AM
sun 23/october

technique work on snatch

worked up to 70kg snatch but form was horrible

good mornings
worked up to 3x6 @ 60kg

Its time for a reality check here. I can probably back squat upto 180kg, f squat upto 150kg yet i havent cleaned 100kg yet. So why am i doing a squat program?? Well the reason is to hit 200kg but what good is that going to be to me? None because my hams and lower back are much weaker than than. Its tme to face facts and address my imbalance between strength and technique/balance. And also between quads and hams/lower back.

So the squat program is being canned and replaced with GM’s and RDL’s. Im buying a good digital camera and im going to get decent technique. There’s a comp coming up in April next year so im setting all my goals around that now.

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 24 2005, 11:43 PM
mon 24/10/05

running part

dynamic warmup + static + drills

8x100m in 14s each - tough not fit

5x50m all out

5x30m all out

3x20m all out

150 shuttle run x5


technique work on first pull

6 @ 50kg
6 @ 60kg
3x6 @ 70kh

first pull to above knee
3x6 @ wait for it 30kg!!! im such a strong bastard!! im really weak
in hams and lower back so it time to swallow the pride. ditch the squats and pull often and light with good technique. hopefully this will sort my back pains…

core work and static to finsih a great workout

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 26 2005, 10:21 AM
tuesday 26/10/05

dynamic warmup + static

technique work on first pull, clean from hang above knee

full squat clean
5 @ 50kg
5 @ 60kg
3 @ 70kg
2 @ 80kg
1 @ 90kg
1 @ 100kg - new Pr and easy as pie too
0 @ 110kg - misssed ofrward but i was under it no probs
0 @ 110kg - same again but im gonna hit this next week

snatch balance
6 @ bar only
2x5 @ 30kg
5 @ 40kg
2x4 @ 50kg still not comfortable with the bar moving so fast but getting there

core work on ball + static stretching.

back to 80kg again after gorging myslef for the last few weeks. The goal is now to be 77kg next april and to snatch 100kg and c&j 130kg. I can see myself doing the 130 but i cant see the snatch happening. well happy days. 110kg is only around the corner i know it. Then i’ll have to start upping my squat again.

Posted by: joc_06 Oct 26 2005, 10:21 AM
Oh yeah - video’s are coming soon. Possibly in the next 2 weeks of all my lifts for ye unbelievers…

Posted by: uk machine Oct 26 2005, 12:11 PM
training going well mate

Posted by: joc_06 Nov 1 2005, 07:18 PM
friday 28th october.
dynamic warmup + static stretch

technique work on snatch and first pull upto 60kg
snatch pull - 3x 5 @ 80kg
hang snatch up to 60kg

clean push press and overhead squat.
5 @ 50kg
5 @ 60kg
3 @ 70kg
3 @ 80kg
2x3 @ 90kg not hitting rock bottom though

front squat
worked upto 4x2 @ 130kg

calf raise
3x12 @ 81kg

core work on ball with static stretch

sat 29 october
work on clean first pull and clean upto 60kg

OH squat
3x3 @ 80kg

5 @ 60kg
5 @ 70kg
3 @ 80kg
2 @ 90kg
0 @ 100kg

Back squat
2 @ 140kg
2 @ 160kg
0 @ 170kg almost had it though slow as hell

12 @ BW
5 @ +5kg
5 @ +10kg

core work on ball with static stretch

sun 30th
3 @ 50kg
2x3 @ 60kg

5 +5kg
5 +10kg
3 +15kg

3x6 @ 60kg

core work on ball with static stretch

5x100m about 14s each. nearly died though. very choked up with a cold. need to work a lot on my fitness…

Posted by: joc_06 Nov 1 2005, 11:39 PM
tues 1st nov
warmup 1 mile jog @ 10mph on treadmill. back got sore but need to keep doing this
was very stiff and sore after this. fitness gone back a long way.

5 @ 60kg
5 @ 70kg

3x2 @ 60kg some misses. not feeling good at all

snatch pull
5 @ 70kg
5 @ 80kg

full back squat
3 @ 110kg
3 @ 150kg

parallel back squat
2x3 @ 170kg
2 @ 180kg
1 @ 190kg
1 @ 200kg]
1 @ 200kg first time doing these in ages and i know i could do more so happy enough

i really need to start getting organised though. i just arrive at the gym and do whatever i feel like so i need a cycle

Posted by: joc_06 Nov 3 2005, 03:07 PM
wed 2nd november

dynamic warmup + core work + static stretch

1km on treadmill @ 16.5kph @ 1degree incline. (about 4 mins hard running)

technique work on snatch

3x2@ 60kg

bar only



1 leg bulgarian squat
7 each leg @ 20kg DB
7 each leg @ 90lbs DB

incline DB press
5 @ 20kg
5 @ 32kg
5 @ 36kg
5 @ 38kg
5 @ 90lbs flat - new pr in these. havent done them in ages so a good result.

core work and lower back work with 5kg medball

static stretch

Posted by: joc_06 Nov 4 2005, 11:30 AM
thurs 3rd Nov.
dynamic warmup + core + static

4mins 30 on treadmill @ 17.2kph = 1.3Km or something. Feeling better all the time running longer distances. This is part of my general preparatory phase and will continue every time i train for until Xmas. Then i will mix in some shorter 100m, 60m, 20m speed specific stuff so come next season in March i will be fit, stong and hopefully fast. Can’t really see the fast part happening as im the SLOWEST shit ever.

Incline bench.
2x3 @ 80kg
3 @ 90kg
2 @ 95kg
3 @ 80kg

4x12 @ 40kg (only using small plates to get full ROM) Its swallow the prise time here for a few weeks so i can build up my hams and lower back.

3 @ 110kg - full
3 @ 150kg - the rest are to parallel
3 @ 160kg
3 @ 170kg
3 @ 180kg
2 @ 190kg
2 @ 200kg
0 @ 210kg - almost a new PR but couldnt find the gas to get back up

Box Squat followed by depth jump
6 @ 60kg followed by 6 off bench
6 @ 70kg same

core work with ball + static stretch

Lower back feels good today. Hooray. Prob take tomorrow night off

Posted by: joc_06 Nov 6 2005, 06:11 PM
friday 6th november 2005

very lazy did no real warmup

incline bench 85lbs DB’s

4x12 @ 50kg on 2 plates for full rom

explosive shrugs
7 @ 60kg
7 @ 70kg
7 @ 80kg
7 @ 90kg
7 @ 100kg

lat pulldown
3x5 @ 90kg

core work and static stretch

saturdays workout
running part.
800m warmup + drills + static

2x4x200m all about 32 - 34s into a strong wind and on a wet track so maybe closer to 30s. break of 2mins between each rep and 5 mins btw each set. goal is to do all these sub 30s by xmas.

weights part.
push press
5 @ 60kg
5 @ 70kg
3 @ 80kg
2 @ 90kg

2x5 @ 60kg all arms though

front squat
2x4 @ 110kg

static stretch

taking tomorrow sunday off

Posted by: joc_06 Nov 8 2005, 12:11 AM
as i explained in the thread on athletic development in the ol section ive decided to move to pastures new on and abandon my ol’ing career (and what a career it was :-)))
Thanks to all and good luck

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25th jan

1200m warmup in 4.21 (need to see sub 4 for this…)
ballistic swings + kicks
static stretch held for 3s
skipping a’s and b’s
hurdle hip mobility x8

200’s intensive tempo
33s rest exactly 2m
32s …
32s …
33s …

4min rest
32s. (nearly died from lactic. was trying to do 8 reps in 32s but had to go meet my dealer (supp’s) i reckon i had another 32s in me but not the full 8. well its something to work to anyway )

static stretch

back squat. it was all i could do due to sprained wrist. hadnt Back squatted in ages so i didnt know what to expect.

5 @ 70kg
5 @ 120kg
3 @ 150kg new pr for reps
1 @ 160kg
0 @ 170kg - i had this one but didnt believe in myself, felt lightish. i reckon i have 180kg in me soon if i start squatting again

feeling really good now all over. slight tight right achilles but im sure its nothing. i sure do love the feeling after tempo. (doesnt feel so nice during it…)

bad sh!t went down last night. i got drunk, a couple of guys tried to break into my car…

ended up in the cop shop. not good at all…

ok things sorted now i hope. really need to sort myself out. doing crazy things…

sat 28th
full warmup as usual
2x (4x50m)
static stretch

sun 29th
600m warmup in 2mins
ballistic swings, core work, static stretch, hurdle mobility, a,b skips

med ball accels
10x squat jump throw
6x double squat jump throw

static stretch

2x6 bulgarian squat with 50lbs DBs followed by 6 depth jump
6 bulgarian squat with 32kg DBs followed by 6 depth jump

3x8 with 30kg DBs

calf raise on leg press
3x10 each leg @ 60kg

static stretch

measured standing long jump today. around the 9 feet mark!! not bad at all i reckon considering it was my first time ever testing it!

also i took video’s of my complete training and i would like some critiques on it please?
stuff like my warmup, ballistic swings, a,b drills, hurdle walkover, med ball accels etc. i’ll post soon…

weighed 176lbs this morning. aiming for a constant 77kg so about 170lbs if i can. well on my way after being about 185lbs at xmas. havent lost any strength. in fact im stronger than ever now!! as soon as my wrist heals fully i will snatch my bodyweight

Jo, snatching bodyweight is a great short term goal and I’m sure you’ll nail it when your hand heals up properly. Just don’t let that number loom to large in your mind. Know that you can destroy it.

I was stuck forever on snatching 77.5kgs. My bodyweight was 80kgs and I just kept on missing with bodyweight. I took two weeks off and did absolutely no lifting at all and just hung out on the beach with my woman. I came back to lift two weeks later, and nailed 82.5kg. I went on to get 92.5kgs (at 79kg bodyweight) before I moved away and had to stop lifting with my club. After that I thought, “how did I ever struggle with 77?”

Good work on losing the extra bodyweight. As strong as possible while being as light as possible?

thats the goal anyway.
i didnt get my weightlifting shoes yet so maybe they can help me with my goal of BW snatch.
I hit 70kg easily enough last week (jus before i sprained my wrist) and that was my first time snatching in 2 months!

I dont get hung up on numbers in the gym anymore! That period of my sporting life is over. Lifting is just a sideline to me now. I do miss the extra weight a bit though. girls like big chest and arms even if they are useless pretty much. :wink:

I’ll get over it though if it allows me to go under 4s for 30m. Testing soon. maybe next week…

here is a training montage from sunday:
id appreciate comments.

it has everything i did apart from ballistic swings.

there are comments and questions there already
The most crucial question is why cant i achieve full extension on my med ball accels?
anyway any help appreciated
Thank you

went to a new gym last night. Its all machines and shapers. crap.

didnt do much because my calves and hams were sore from sunday.
got in a lot of core work and some rows to chin
stretch, swim and sauna.

back team training on sunday morning and i cant wait. All i’ve worked for since october. we wont have a game for another few weeks but i still cant wait.
I think im going mad. some nights i get bad dreams where i show up for a big game 2 stone overweight and slower than “molasses flowing uphill” to quote a wise man.
That freaks me out. sometimes i get up at 3am and do some work when that happens. not good as i know i need my rest but i just cant let this year go by again without making some serious progress. I’ll be 23 this year. I reckon by 2007 i’ll be past it :frowning: