Joc's Journal for speed & endurance. Critiques welcomes...

ya a little bit. Na the match on saturday was pure depressing. We were dragged down to a crap level. Well i was anyway…

New job is ok. Gonna be very tough and i dont think i like the new house so much. im alergic to something in there that causes me to sneeze plus its a very loud old house in a very quiet area. Might consider another move…

Training last night:
poor warmup - felt sick and sluggish. heavy too. im upto 183lbs on my scale at 12.5% BF too. Need to get that sorted…
150’s - measured exact. barely scraped over 700 but i was wrecked and definite flu coming on
4 isorobic sprints - again im feeling demotivated. all this trainin on my own is tough. i mean its alnost a full 12 months since i trained into 3x a week or more on my own…
2x150s full. tough
static stretch + contrast showers and home to bed wrecked.

training is gonna take a shift for me now. i can definitely no longer do bench as it affects my skill levels and coordination but i dont think i’ll continue squat either.
i think my big 3 will be PC, bulgarians and push press and i’ll only do 2 days a week,
monday = heavy day, wed = light day. No weights for a while now either

What do you mean re bench? You mean for swinging your stick?
Why the no squats and no weights for a while?

Quick question a little off topic; I know you hurt your wrist catching the bar in the clean… What kind of stuff did you do to get it back to feeling normal again? I hurt mine about 4 1/2 weeks ago doing Hang Cleans, and it still is not right. I have to tape it up pretty heavily before I lift, but catching the bar in the clean just causes me a lot of pain still. :mad:

your sneezing and allergy problem is probably coming from MOLDS because the house is old. This will cause your training to suffer so take care of it ASAP.


ha ha :smiley: swinging my stick…
Yes this is exactly what i mean. When you do bench it puts your arms ALL out of kilter esp during the season. bench is ok in off season.

Im dropping squats for much the same reason. my legs felt very tired and heavy. I got great results from Bulgarian squats before so i’ll go back to them. They also help my grip a lot.

Im still going doing weights but definitely not 3x a week. maybe once or twice.

I feel your pain man…
When i did my wrist i had to take 4 weeks off any type of weight training. Then i got physio 4 or 5 times and worked it a lot.
Starting off with simple pushups and some Pnf stretching.
then some front squats and push press.
finally power cleans…
after about 6 weeks i was good as new.
I still havent done a full squat clean as i bit scared of the rack yet.
good luck

cheers mate!
I think i might be allergic to the house but im getting used to it now. I might move out anyway though as its a bit too quiet an area and miles away from my gym.
i’ll keep you all posted

BTW - went training with a local team last night. it was good running and effort but you could see that the guys there didnt have it
i was happy with the workout though. going again to another local club tonight.
btw incase you’re all wondering. i work 100+ miles away from my home club in an area weak at my sport. i only get to train @home at the weekend

another training session with a crap local side last night. ball work was only middling but it was good to get invloved with a team again.
long weekend coming and it looks like its gonna be a scorcher…

Sat 29 April
PC - 5@60kg with 2 pcs and pjerk
5 more at 70kg
3 at 80kg with 2 more + jerks
same at 90ks
attempted 100 but i was afraid to catch. i remember what happened in jan 10th when i lost a catch and destroyed my wrist…

bulgarian squat - 2x6@25kg

Sun 30 April 2006
Field Work
1 - 800m warmup + static + dynamic + core
2 - 4 isorobic
3 - 3x150s in runners
4 - 4 isorobic sprints
5 - static stretch

Gym Work
PC - 5@60kg, 5@70kg, 5@80kg, 5@90kg, didnt try the last set. v tired

Bulgarian Squat - 2x5 @ 27.5kg DBs

static stretch.

Sun 30 April 2006
Field Work
1 - 800m warmup + static + dynamic + core
2 - 10 isorobic
3 - 1 full 30m sprint
4 - 5 isorobic sprint starts with dial at 1
5 - static stretch

Gym Work
PC - 5@60kg, 5@70kg, 5@80kg, 3@90kg,

Bulgarian Squat - 5 @ 27.5kg DBs, 2x5@40kg DBs - didnt realise they were 40s til after 1st set! delighted with that.

loads of hypers and calf raises
static stretch. contrast showers

weight is up a lot. nearly 84kg. BF is still low though. Thats too heavy still. 80kg is my best weight even though sometimes i wanna just say fvck it and see what i can get to strength wise…
big game coming on friday so this is last weights session this week.
loads of running and dieting cming up

well on monday last i tested myself again on my 30m sprint.
last test was 4.8s in nov 22 2005.
Well this time i hit 4.1!! What an improvement!!! Im delighted…

So i only did a bit of skill work last night with the local team. good enough run out. working the guns a bit too and trying to cut BF for the summer as you can prob see from my avatar…

When does your hurling season finish? You gonna do track over the summer?

hurling season is only getting started. its pretty much may - october although smaller competitions run all year round.
I am seriously considering doing more track work though. Well upto 60m/100m anyway.
I think if i can break 4s for 30m then i should have the speed to do a decent 60m or 100m. All i need is some special endurance.
Its always been a goal in the back of my mind to do 100m sub 12s. Thatd be a great achievement for me considering i couldnt go faster than 15s for so long

Its hard to get in with a club though in my situation as i’d have to travel so far from work. I’ll seriously consider it come october though

did nothing last night. training at home tonight so i have to leave work early and battle thru 4 hrs of traffic for some crappy session.
match vs the county u21 team tomorrow. It should be interesting. Im still choked up a bit from my flu and unsure how my first touch is. I know im fast and strong though so im hoping everything else will fall into place as it has done before

BW back down to 176lbs @ 11.9% BF on scales.
I reckon there’s a 2% difference so this is good…

well training last night was VERY hard. loads of long sprints with very little rest. it was very poorly organised. our manager is sh!te, he hasnt any idea how to train athletes…

but anyway i was in a group with 4 or 5 others for them all. One of them would be the fastest on our team last year. another told me last year when he had a few pints “well joc if im not faster than you then i’ll do away with myself - you’re fair slow…” And i thought that was my lot for the rest of my sporting career.
Well last night i won each and every sprint by 5 yards at least. i even tried to rise them by taunting and they did try to beat me but couldnt. I was so delighted. Afterwards i was fvcked tho. Lactic build up was crazy!! so i got contrast showers and early to bed. did some shopping this morning, picked up 2 gorgeous armani jackets. im not looking forward to clearing my credit card tho…

match today was a disgrace. the whole team was fvcked from the hard week training. lots of injuries too. We got annilhated. i played well though i felt my legs at me from last night.

more training every day for the next 4 days. its crazy. tomoro at 10am. for more crazy runs. our manager believes it will “toughen us up” but it will only cause injuries. why oh why is he so behind times…

well i got thru the training session this morning. tbh it wasnt too bad. about 10 or 12 50m sprints - we all did it in one line, about 16 of the team and i won 7 or more. and they were easy…

now im tired but no worse than after any other sessions. im taking tomoro off and i’ll hit it again on tuesday

Am I reading this right? :confused:

You had an important match on Saturday yet had a VERY hard training session of Friday night and another session on Sunday consisting of about 10 or 12 50m sprints :eek:

Have any of year teammates asked why the improvement over last year in your speed?

ya thats about right, although the match wasnt that important. They’re training again today and tomorrow. I said it to the coach and he thinks it will “toughen them up”.

Already we have half our panel on the injured list…

Everyone has noticed the increase in pace but only 1 or 2 comment on it. My team are not very united and there’s a lot of jealousy running through it. They just laugh at my muscle’s, particulary my traps and legs. They dont understand how a power clean can make a person faster. Weighs slow you dont in their mind and thats that…

Nothing will every change some peoples minds…

well i was wrecked last night but i managed to make it to the gym for what was a great session.

I didnt warmup properly though and tweaked my left groin. Its not too bad now. I hope its not a tear…

monday 8th May 2006
PC - 5 @ 61kg, 5 @ 69kg, 5 @ 75kg, 5 @ 85kg , 5 @ 94kg!!! new PR for 5 - it was damn havey tho so i had to take little breathers during the set of a few secs. Roll on 100kg for 5 after 4 tough sets…

Bulgarians 2x6 @ 32kg - tweaked groin here

Calf raise
3x12 @ ?

seated row
2x8 @ ?

feeling good now. BF is down again. had a nightmare last night that i weighed 100kg. hate those ones

it’s obvious that 1/2 simply needed to harden up :rolleyes:

Good work on the PC’s, why calf rasies? :confused: