Joc's Journal for speed & endurance. Critiques welcomes...

surely you have a mate who has some IT nous who can sort it for you :stuck_out_tongue:

Good news re Shannon.

i meant server problems.i coudlnt get on for like 2 weeks!

here is the vid of my ohs, it was my last set done after my 5 work sets so i was wrecked and hence missed the last rep and didnt really get the depth i wanted. No laughing either btw…

i felt like i was gone underground i got so low then looking at it on vid - i barely broke parallel. its really the balance more than the strength. once i can lock a weight out overhead i can easily squat it with the legs but any slight move forward or back and you ditch the weight. especially with a clean grip. snatch grip is prob easier balance wise but harder of the elbows/shoulders

that video session was worth an awful lot.
its official - my clean technique is rubbish. bent arms, no shrug, no full extension, speed under the bar rubbish, pulling way too high. my rack is ok though most times. As you’ll see when i upload the vid
a FS of 140x3 should mean i have the strength to c&j 130+ yet i have still to get much above 110. its all technique issues. 130 as an 85 would be very good, not far off commonwealth min standard.
i need an awful lot of technique work

comments please?

i realised tonight why i couldnt hit rock bottom on ohs - my pants was too tight. :oops:
tonight with a much looser tracky bottom i got rock bottom easy. the recovery wasnt as easy.

tempo big circuit. (dave you asked me about this before - did i answer or not? its basically intervals - run 100 walk 50 etc for 2200m. its money in the bank sessions that add to your work capacity. charlie francis stuff. )

hang clean +ohs - 5@60, 5@80, 5@90, 8@60 - all rock bottom. 90 was tough but 60 was so easy and fast after it. a bit more practice and i’ll be flying it. if you go slow its way harder, but if you go fast you lose balance. once it get the balance right i’ll be up in the 100s for sure

some core work

first team training tomorrow so nice easy session tonight.

ya its tight, but i like the tracksuits now since so i’ll stay with them.

400m warmup + ballistic + core + drills
2x40m sprints

hang cleans 3@60, 3@80, 1@90 - tired so ,left it at that

front squat
2@60 2@100 2@120 2@140 1@150 0@155
new pb - only 16kg off 2BW fs - nice, 155 was heavy though

10 mil press @60

db bench, 5@34, 2 sets of 5 at 44, 10@32

pullup + 10kg disc - 7,5,5

gms 5@60, 2 sets of 5@80

core + bb stuff

testing tonight. very official and all electronic.

first off i started work at 7 and worked til 7pm so i was well tired, then our warmup was crap. 10 laps and loads of static stretching and pressups. disaster

weight - 14stone - waaaay too high. i will be 13stone come next test in 8 weeks
height - 5’10 n a bit

vertical jump - 32.5" WOW thats like a pb by nearly 6 inches and only 4.5 inches off the highest every recorded in ul. if i lose 14lbs then we’ll see some jumps. i was shocked with this really. 27 inches was my best if i was to be generous.

flexibility - 3 on both legs but i need to work lots on this. 3 is the best but still im not at all flexible

30m sprint - 4.2s :frowning: at this stage i was freezing again and stiff and had no practice runs. my previous pb was 4.1 but now im heavier and bla bla bla. still about the best though but not happy at all

agility -15.1 (illinois drill) won this by a country mile. next best half a second behind. happy but no reference as ive nevre done before

150 - not sure but i doubt i broke 700 by much. ragin with this. lots of work to do but my quads had seized. it was 2hrs since our warmup at this stage, joke shop.

SO - no more heavy weights, everything is low weight high speed and explosiveness. we didnt do any squat or bench or cleans test but im sure i would have doubled or even trebled the best anyone could have had in the group for either clean or squat. this mean im strong but i cant convert that to power effeciently. and im too heavy. the only guy to challenge me was a 17yr old sprinter in the group who weighs like 10stone soaking wet and i still out jumped and out ran him

So in 8 weeks time i aim to
be 13stone and no alcohol touched since, lose no muscle or very little
vj - beat 37"
flex - get infinitely better
agility - beat 14.5
30m - below 4
150 - as close to 800 as possible (riumour has it ronan o gara did 900 - i doubt until i see but interesting none the less) i got 1 full 150 at the start then 125,120,100,100,100 at abslute best - maybe 700. a clean mile behind where i want to be

but the good news is its january, im a stone over wieight, have no running done and have lots of hunger for the fight

Whats the 150?
Who was doing the testing?

its a shuttle run type test where the total distance is 150m
you get a score based on metres runs in 30s, then you’ve 30s rest and repeat. do this 6 times in total.
max score =900.

2 of the arena workers were doing the tests. all ecectronic, the vj was done on that mat thing so it was accurate to the mm nearly
i still cant get over it 32.5" -thats class for me anyway
the 30m time was pedestrian at best. if i lose some of the adipose i built up over the last while i should improve a good bit.
looks like my plan of not going too hard at it pre season (as i did last year) might well work out

last night.

440m warmup + ballistic + core
4 x a’s high knees
10 x easy 40m sprints concentrating on getting knee’s high and not fighting. these felt so easy but slow at the same time. I really need to find the right balance bettween longstrides/highknees and speed.
How do you figure this out???

alternate leg bounding - 5x40m
depth jump off knee high box - 3 sets of 5
depth drop off slightly higher box into deep lunge - 2 sets of 5 each leg
squat jump - 3 sets of 5 @30kg
clap drop pushup off raised platofrms ala archuleta - 3 sets of 7
chinups + 15kg disc - 7,5,5
loads of core work

Time everything and experiment. Just carrying a stopwatch in your hand would be fine.

friday - team training - good stuff. out after, no drink so crap food - happy with myself!!

sat off - out sat nite, again no drink and no chite food. proud of myself. got a right slaggin for not drinking. fvck em…

today - 500m warmup, + ballistic + core
3x a’s 40m
3x40m sprints - fullextension - sore something in the back of my knee so i stopped
depth jumps - 3 sets of 5
1 leg jumps on to box - 2 sets of 5
shock lunge landings - 3 sets of 5 each leg
snatch dl’s - 4 sets of 5 @60kg - very strict on these, made sure i didnt cheat by backing the lift. felt great on the hams
jerks - 3 sets of 3 @60kg
chins + 20kg disc - 6,5,3
some core work

lol - i had heard that strict (ie no round backing) snatch dl’s would transform your hind quarters but i didnt reall believe it until yest when i went with very tight low back and exaggerated the strain on the hams. well my a$$ is burnt today :oops:
id highly recommend them

last night - sh!tty crappy night. i had my usual fortnightly allergies problem and my head was haywire - shouldnt have gotten out of bed not to mind work or train

500m warmup + ballistic
stupid shannon were playing headers on the track so i couldnt run - joke.
dead hang cleans - working on my speed under the bar. loads @ ~60kg
hang cleans - 2 sets of 3 at 80kg - still bending arms
pushpress - 10@80kg
150s - 1 full, 1x125
1 min break 2x125
1 min breal 2x125

stretch then home to reverse into the fvckin pebble dash wall. scraped the bumper nicely. soo pissed off - should a stayed in bed. bah

Feeling so slow these days. that 30m i did the other day really knocked the confidence out of me. :frowning:
weight is down to 82kg again now. still loads of BF to shift though…
looks like my bulk wasnt worth a fvck
fitness test tomorrow night with the team so easy night tonight

500m warmup + ballistic + core + drills
had to do weights first tonight since some team was hogging the track again
parallel suat - set the pins to just below parallel so id be sure of depth

snatch dl + holds
5@60, 2x5@70

3 @BW@20kg, 2 sets of 3@BW+25kg, 14@BW not sure about depth on this set of 14 but all the others were from rock bottom dead stop. nice! the rope nearly cut the a$$ or me though!!

Iex sprint
3 @ .6
2 sets of 3@.6
1 free sprint

felt about as fast as molasses rolling uphill. disgusting.
i need help :frowning:

last friday nite - team training. highlight was 2x 6min runs - shit. pissed off

last sat
loads of sprints and agility /mobility work over hurldes etc

depth drops into lunge
depth jumps

snatch dls 3 sets of 5 @ 70
puhs press 5@60, 5@80, 3 sets of 5@90. last set hurt my neck upper back. v sore and stiff now like a crick in the neck. cant really turn or anything
gms 2 sets of 5

pissed off

last night : Yest was productive even if i couldnt really train with my neck. Found a lovely hill right beside my work. About 100m, grassy and nice incline. The new me for the year starts there tomorrow after work.
Also i realised im weak as sh!t. my strict dl is shocking. i used to “back” every lift. no more of that…
oh and how do i know if my glutes are active? must look into that
used my home gym for the first time last night.

last night
loads of b march’s - flex is sh!te
snatch dls - 5 @ 50kg, 5 sets of 3 @ 80kg - i only have 15kg plates so far Sad
loads more flex and core work. abs stronger than ever

That may be a slight exaggeration :cool:

well im unbalanced anyway. I could prolly squat 80kg for 100reps but snatch dls feel heavy for 5. Hell i could overhead press it for about 20reps. Thats what i need to sort out and “get my butt in gear” as eric cressey says.;jsessionid=F8DF0B3CE73EC6885B3B67FE49305202.hydra?id=495189

weight training from now on will follow this style. strict dls, bulgarians etc

last night team training. good enuf. saq type stuff first, some ball work, a 9 min run for distance, more ball work.
followed by 5 sets of 3 snatch dls @ 80kg at home
loads of core work

ya thats the trainer but he’s a serious man, he’s half mad and everyones more than half afraid of him. he’s good all the same though.

wed off - had 4.5 hr drive after work, no time for anything.
thursday - wrecked so slept most of the evening then just did db work at home, bulgarians etc
friday - team training, good stuff. did 6x30m sprints where we were organised in groups according to how we did in the testing recently. won every one of em, some by 3m!! absolutely flying.
a 9min 30s run then. boo
after wards snatch dls - 3 sets of 5 @ 80kg, bulgarians very deep 3 sets of 5 @ 50kg

feelin very explosive these days. first match next weekend i think

All he best for the season.

I understand what you meant re balanced strength.

cheers man, fingers crossed and all that.

today - 400m warmup + core + basllistic
2 sets of 3 40m isorobic @.5 on grass
4 free 40m sprints vs my bro. won easily. there was a time when he was waay faster than me. i was the fat kid and he was the fit one. times have changed. im 7kg heavier, .5s faster over 40m, and much fitter. lol

bulgarians, very deep off a low box, huge stretch in the hams glutes.
3 sets of 6 @ 26kg dbs. excleent stuff

2 sets of 5 - sore behind left knee cap - need to get that sorted. dont know what it is

incline bench
5@50, 5@70, 5@80, 5@90

chins + 20kg - 6,5. free chins 10

nice session

Who is doing the training John?

today was my own session. tom ryan’s the team manager and he has a pe teacher called diarmuid mullins in training us. Originally from laois i think and won a minor AI afaik.
Very nice guy and good trainer too. A bit off on some things (like 9min non stop runs) but way better than any trainer ive had before