Joc's Journal for speed & endurance. Critiques welcomes...

ok - never heard of him (Mullins that is)

ridiculous session tonight

400m warmup + core + ballistic
6x150’s - < 700
3x150’s - 125 each time - lots of work to do here

box jumps
1 leg onto ~30" 5 each leg
2 leg onto ~44" 2 sets of 5
56" (pec height) - miss twice - sooo close. will get this as soon as i get proper space and balls to “go” for it. if you miss in ucd you could fall over the edge onto the basketball courts 25’ below. not nice.

hang p clean
5@70 - couldve clean grip snatched this i pulled so high. technique work is really paying off!!
3 sets of 3 @90 - strong, catch high

push press
2 sets of 8@ 80

lunge onto step - 2 sets of 6 @ 20kg dbs - not feeling these

bulgarians -
5@20kg dbs
3 sets of 5@32kg dbs - soo tough on the grip. was doing pauses at the bottom for like 5 secs!

core work


last week was mental in work. i was doing 12 -14hour days so training and diet suffered bigtime.
friday night - team training after 4 hour fight thru traffic. wrecked needless to say.
still we did loads of 40m sprints and i destroyed everyone one everyone of them!! there were 5 groups of 5 and at the end the coach took the winner from every group. In the final then in his words i won by a country mile. I think it was 3m back to the second! Over 40m i was delighted with that.
not so happy with my left knee though. Everytime i sprint i get a tightness/discomfort in it thats affecting me. I relly need to get it sorted asap. Its been niggling me on and off for about 2 yrs now. Seems to come and go. Very strange one

After training - snatch grip dls, db lunges. Hit the PC very hard
Woke up sat morning and my ass was killing me. I obviosuly pulled something slightly doing the lunges.

sat - off - watched the match

sunday - 400m warmup + core + ballistic +a’s n b’s drills
3 x iex sprints - ass still sore so left it at that

45" box jump
3 sets of 5

hang power clean 5 @ 60, 5@70, 3@80, 3@90, 3 sets of 3@95 supersetted with 3 front squats . nice lifting!!

snatch paused deadlifts. 5 @ 70, 3 sets of 3@90
push press 5@70, 4 sets of 5@85
lunge onto 16" step - 3 sets of 5 each leg
gms 3 sets of 10 @ 70

core work and stretch

This is the new job you got?

I thought your season was due to start at the weekend? :confused:

ya - well its the same work i’ve always done, just we’ve mad deadlines to meet for april. it should quieten down soon.

the season starts for real may 16th. we’ve a cup and a league to play for before then. our cup starts saturday week. we were sposed to have a friedly last w’end but it got called off

trainings going sh1te these days. working too long hours. not recovering at all. back of the left knee is sore, right glute is sore. not happy at all…

:frowning: as difficult as it can be try and stay positive.

update time i spose. been mad busy with work and everything recently so couldnt post much. Some niggly injuries and some fairly good bouts of training plus a very good diet (lots of flex work and pilates - rollers etc) for the last while have helped me on a anwful lot
tonight was testing night and i was very hahppy with the results

flexibility - 3/3 8 weeks ago(3/3)
vertical jump - 82cm 8 weeks ago(71cm)
agility - 14.9s 8 weeks ago(15.2s)
sprint - 10m = low1.7s 8 weeks ago(1.85s), 30m = low4.1s 8 weeks ago(4.29s)
150 shuttle - 770m 8 weeks ago(690m)

so im up in everything. sprint was still poor enough but it will do. the jump was out of this world. I did a second one and it felt much better but the damn machine didnt clock it. Im certain it was in the 40" territory. still 37" aint bad.
On the second one i felt like i was floating
Im down to about 82kg at the moment and the BF is approx 7-8% so i was hoping for good things there. squat is still strong. 195 the other night for a treble. probably questionable depth though on the last one. bulgarians only though now as c’ship is around the corner. worked well for me last year so more of the same please

delighted then with the shuttle test, even though i nearly died after it!!
all in all a good day. good diet and foam rollers ftw!!

was wondering yesterday what you were up to.

Good results.

82cm VJ is like 32.3 inches :confused:

serious? I thought it was divide by 2.2?? :o :o

1" = 25.4 mm

oops sorry about that! looks like im still a useless jumper. I knew it was too good to be true.
now im off to stick my head in the sand!

2.2 is for lbs to kg! :smiley:

anyway 32 inch standing VJ is not bad, not many people can do that

most of the NFL combine VJ when measured properly fall around there…get any NFL combined measured VJ of 36-38 and under and they are jumping no more than 33 inches and even less when measured properly and without cheating

it was measured using something very similiar to this :

so i hope that accurate.
any way my sprint was still fairly crappy but i’ve not done much sprinting in the last 6 weeks due to a slight tear in my glute (the absolute worst area to tear anything in terms of going to a physio!) So a few weeks now with my isorobic should bring me down a nice bit

a hip height or head height measured VJ is the least flattering of all the types of VJ measurement you can do

you don’t get the stretch induced inflation of the other methods

training this past week has been mostly team based skills work.
last tuesday - team training - the physical stuff at the end was not worth talking about. laps - ridiculous

wednesday weights -going easy on my newly healed glute
500m warmup + core + dynamic + drills
hang power clean - 5 @ 60, 5 @ 70, 3 sets of 3 @80.
setups onto 18" box - 3 sets of 5 + 20kg dbs
bulgarians - 3 sets of 10 + 20kg dbs
flat db bench - 10 @ 30kg, 3 sets of 6 @ 45kg
loads of core + foam roller

thursday - foam roller
friday - team training - crappy again but good ball work
saturday - foam roller - loads of mil press out in the fornt of my house in the sun, then drink and loads of it.
sunday - even more drink
monday - 2x as more drink
tuesday - match - played really well. feeling so lose and fresh. I LOVE FOAM ROLLER (after the event only though cause it so sore) Now i did a really stupid thing in the second half. I tried to catch a ball over my mans head at full tilt. I was fairly airbourne and grabbed the ball but what goes up must come down and the stupid cvnt wasnt watchin so i crashed right into his head. Basically put my back out - so im well stiff now. another game sunday evenin and i dont know if i’ll be able to play - loads of foam roller and ice and we’ll see

on other news - im almost permanent down in limerick. its great i love it down here now. All i have to do is get the word from the boss and i’ll rent out my now 2 month vacant room and move shannonside. After saying all that now he’ll prob ship me back to dublin first thing in the morning! I am due back up tomorrow nite for a rip in copper/flanns if my back holds up so if anyone’s out and about…

Not good re the back :frowning: have you seen a chiro?

Pleased you are enjoying it in Limerick, that helps :smiley:

v bad news. match last night (back was fine by the way john) and i took a bad knock on the knee when my man landed with his full weight on my leg.definite ligeament tear/damage, possible acl damage. things are not good. will know more as the week goes on…

shannon is good, work is good, training etc is crappy crap crap :frowning:

:frowning: damn not good