thurs dec 21st
3min jog + ballistic + core
5x 40m sprints
jumps trying to touch basketball rim - I hit the rim. Lovely. Thats 10" feet and im like 5’10 so that was about 3’ of a jump. Fvckin delighted with that. I neeearly dunked a squash ball that was lying around. Another few months…
1 leg jumps onto 16" box - 6 each leg
1 leg jumps onto 18" box - 6 each leg
cleans - trying to get my speed and technique down. failing horribly
5 @ 60kg
3 @ 70kg
2 @ 80kg
4 @ 90kg - still using way too much arms, not exploding at all right, banging off the bar with my hips. everything is wrong
squats - 5 @ 60kg 5 @ 110kg
jumpsquats 3 sets of 6 @ 40kg
military press - 3 sets of 10 @ 60kg
DB incline bench 6 @ 32kg, 2 sets 6@ 36kg
ghr - 3 sets of 6
core work
last sarurday the 23rd - cant exactly remember but the highlight was 3sets of 5 bulgarian squats with the 48kg DBs. nice and deep. tough goin though.
since then ive not done so much apart from some BB work with my one single 25kg DB at home and a 7mile road run for charity on stephens day. i took it nice and handy and cam it around the 50min mark. last year i was at 47mins but im nearly a stone heavier this year and havent done any running in the last 6 weeks to speak of. its all planned though casi peaked way too early last year
hang clean - 5 @ 60kg, 5 @ 70kg, 3 sets of 3 @ 80kg. nice and light just trying to work on timing and long arms and full extension and speed all in one. lol
front squat. 5 @ 60, 5@ 100. 3 @ 120, 1@130, 1@140, 0 @150 bah. 2 sets of 5 @ 100
incline bench 5@ 60, 3 sets of 5 @ 80
depth drops into lunge 2 sets of 5
1leg jumps onto 20"box 2 sets of 5
ghr 3 sets of 5 + 5kg disc - first time ive ever added weight on a glute ham woot
gms 5 @ 60kg, 2 sets of 5 @ 90kh
as i was leaving one of the strongest dudes in ireland walked in. 275kg box squat for 2 as i was leaving. looked good for 300+ Shocked
sundays 31stdec training.
snatch from hang technique work. along way to go to get back into this. i dont think its worth the time to be honest. i’ll stick with cleans.
push press - 5@60, 3@70, 3@80, 3@90, 2@95, 2@100 nice, 8@60
pullups 12,8,6
1 hand bar press 5@20, 5@30
bar curl x@20, x@30
core work
prob some more than i cant remember but i wasnt too interested really
BF is down, weight is down too though. I seem to be stabilising around the 85kg mark now which will do fine for the year. time to get ripped/fit now.