Joc's Journal for speed & endurance. Critiques welcomes...

last night

4-star drill 2x10 1 minute rest
Low squat ankle jump 2x20 1 minute rest
Rhythmic lunge jumps 1x8 (per leg)
1,2,3 jump 1x5/leg
20 yard sprints - 5
deadlift - 5@100kg, 3@140kg, 1@180kg, 0@200kg grip went just below the knee - with talc, chalk id have had it easy
3sets of 5 @ 162kg
military press 8 @ 70kg
bench from bottom up in squat rack. 3 sets of 3 @100kg
gulte ham 3setsx5
Low depth jump - 2 sets of 8

core medball work for 20mins

So it looks like im leaving the sticks and back into the city centre. Handing in the notice today (not looking forward to it). It close to micks new gym so that’ll be class. it’ll be good to be back in town.

Being in the city will have advantages, it appeared to me you were unsettled where you are right now.

tonight - workout b in my plan.

4 star drill - 2 sets of 10
ankle jumps - 1 set of 15
rhythmic lunge jumps - 1 set 10
20 yard sprint - 5 reps
jump squat with loaded bar - 3 sets of 10 with 35% 1rm squat - 60kg
barbell lunge - 2 sets of 8 each leg - 60kg
bench - 5 @ 70, 3 @ 85, 3@90, 2@95, 1@100,1@105,1@110,1@115,0@120 - booo. new pbs though. my goal of 140kg might come sooner than i think
chinups+10kg disc - 6,5,4
glute ham - 3 sets of 5
14" box depth jump - until you can jump to max about 3 sets of 6 usually - forgot to do these

thats true, plus the best gym in dublin will be opening about 100m from my new workplace. its gonna be class to have the use of a reverse hyper, glute ham, and esp power rack again

Where’s that?

its a new gym opening just off camden st. i know the guy who’s opening it. he’s also opening his own gym gear shop. apparently 50000kg of weights and racks etc are arriving from china any day now.
At long long last i’ll be able to train as i want instead of improvising constantly. Plus i can do weights in the am on certain days and my running in the pm instead of lumping it all into one big session. Bliss or what??

oh ya i just started back on mono as off tonight. all previous pb’s will fall in jan/feb. 30" vert for sure. I love mono :smiley:

did nothing last night. donated blood and wasnt able to wink after it. really deflated and weak feeling. But thats my good deed done for xmas so it was worth it. It was supposed to be an off day anyway

Combat training last night. I must say i felt very deflated after the blood donation too but i got through it and everything seems to be coming together. Im still way too rigid and tight but getting there. Maybe in a years time i’ll be ready to get a belt of some kind. Id love that!!

Fairly wrecked last night.

3min jog on treadmill
usual core ballistic warmup

4-star drill 2x10 1 minute rest
Low squat ankle jump 2x20 1 minute rest
Rhythmic lunge jumps 2x8 (per leg)
1,2,3 jump 2x5/leg
20 yard sprints - 5

squat - 2@60kg, 2@110kg, 2@140kg, 1@150kg, 1@160kg, 1@170kg
4sets of 5 @ 140kg. bah was hoping for 150kg but i knew id not get that esp after last night

military press 8 @ 60kg and some cleans at 60kg wiating for bar
chinups + 15kg disc 5,4,4 - 8 with BW only
gulte ham 3setsx5
Low depth jump - 1 - cramped in my calf on the first one so called a halt to it
Some BB stuff

core work for 15mins, mainly rotations

Giving Blood will do that mate … take it easy.

training on friday - just some easy stuff since i was training in a new and fairly pprimitve gym. front squat - 5 sets of 5 @ 110kg, DB bench 3 sets of 5 @ 40kg, pullups 3 sets to failure

been drinking way too much recently. going to limit it to 4-5 pints a night now for the xmas then cut completely from jan on. It has to be done over xmas though

training last night. Legs felt like concrete for some reason.

3min warmup + ballistic
4 star drill - 2 sets of 5 each way
lateral jump over 2 steps - 2 sets of 12
depth drop into lunge stance off 2 steps - 8 each leg (a bit low)
depth drop into lunge stance off 3 steps - 8 each leg (a bit high!!)

snatch pull 5@60kg, 3 sets of 5 @ 100kg, some holds at 100kg in the various key positions
bulgarian squat - 2 sets of 6 @ 32kg DBs (nice and deep)
ghr - 3 sets of 6 (loving this)
bench from bottom up - 3 @ 100kg (nice neck cramp too), 2@105kg, 2@110kg. (I reckon i’d be good for a nice 125kg bench soon enough)
chinups til failure 14,10,5 :frowning:
core work like leg raises and twists with discs etc. BF is still a touch high but there’s time enough to strip all that off in the new year. Now im just eating sensibly

thurs dec 21st

3min jog + ballistic + core
5x 40m sprints
jumps trying to touch basketball rim - I hit the rim. Lovely. Thats 10" feet and im like 5’10 so that was about 3’ of a jump. Fvckin delighted with that. I neeearly dunked a squash ball that was lying around. Another few months…
1 leg jumps onto 16" box - 6 each leg
1 leg jumps onto 18" box - 6 each leg
cleans - trying to get my speed and technique down. failing horribly
5 @ 60kg
3 @ 70kg
2 @ 80kg
4 @ 90kg - still using way too much arms, not exploding at all right, banging off the bar with my hips. everything is wrong

squats - 5 @ 60kg 5 @ 110kg
jumpsquats 3 sets of 6 @ 40kg
military press - 3 sets of 10 @ 60kg
DB incline bench 6 @ 32kg, 2 sets 6@ 36kg
ghr - 3 sets of 6
core work

last sarurday the 23rd - cant exactly remember but the highlight was 3sets of 5 bulgarian squats with the 48kg DBs. nice and deep. tough goin though.

since then ive not done so much apart from some BB work with my one single 25kg DB at home and a 7mile road run for charity on stephens day. i took it nice and handy and cam it around the 50min mark. last year i was at 47mins but im nearly a stone heavier this year and havent done any running in the last 6 weeks to speak of. its all planned though casi peaked way too early last year

hang clean - 5 @ 60kg, 5 @ 70kg, 3 sets of 3 @ 80kg. nice and light just trying to work on timing and long arms and full extension and speed all in one. lol

front squat. 5 @ 60, 5@ 100. 3 @ 120, 1@130, 1@140, 0 @150 bah. 2 sets of 5 @ 100
incline bench 5@ 60, 3 sets of 5 @ 80
depth drops into lunge 2 sets of 5
1leg jumps onto 20"box 2 sets of 5
ghr 3 sets of 5 + 5kg disc - first time ive ever added weight on a glute ham woot
gms 5 @ 60kg, 2 sets of 5 @ 90kh

as i was leaving one of the strongest dudes in ireland walked in. 275kg box squat for 2 as i was leaving. looked good for 300+ Shocked

sundays 31stdec training.

snatch from hang technique work. along way to go to get back into this. i dont think its worth the time to be honest. i’ll stick with cleans.

push press - 5@60, 3@70, 3@80, 3@90, 2@95, 2@100 nice, 8@60
pullups 12,8,6
1 hand bar press 5@20, 5@30
bar curl x@20, x@30
core work

prob some more than i cant remember but i wasnt too interested really

BF is down, weight is down too though. I seem to be stabilising around the 85kg mark now which will do fine for the year. time to get ripped/fit now.

ucd closed last night 2/1/07. what a joke of a gym.

400m warmup + core + ballistic + cal’s incl chasing off 2 guys who were about to rob my stuff
3 x 40m power skips aka “a” drill
4x20m sprints
4x20m fast, 20m easy, 20m fast.
5x40m bounds getting knee nice and high
2 sets of 8 oh med ball thows
8 slj’s

static stretch

nice session, feeling very fast but out of condition. that will come.
a club in dublin has been onto me a good bit about transferring up here. I would be so good for me sports wise but i dont think i could… down yesterday so i couldnt post!

combat training last night 3/1/07. easy enough compared to the monster 30+min circuits we were doing before xmas, more technique work. the tough stuff will come soon. 83kg this morning @ 13%.

its plainly obvious that i have as much strength as i’ll ever need. what i need now is to concentrate on actually running but i just dont want to do that. its so boring and i still havent front squatted 2BW.
so i’ll just tip away at running 2x a week and lift 3x a week and 1 combat session for another while. then try fit in a match and 2xteamtraining sessions. oh thats gonna be fun!!

friday no training but a lesson learned. amstel doenst mix well in a protein shake

this morning - great session
800m warmup + core + ballistic + cals
5 x 40m a’s
10 x hurdle stepovers. my hip mobility is v good these days esp in my left hip, right hip not so good yet

agility day so
2 sets of 4 20m shuttle
1 sets of 4 40m shuttle
1 sets of 4 illinois type shuttle. felt fast but conditioning still lagging.

2 sets of 8 medball throws doe height
6 medball accels
5 x 40m bounds, nice knee lift
2 sets of 12 lateral jumps
2 sets of 10 depth drops into lunge off 25"

p press 5 @ 60, 5@ 80, 3@ 90 2@ 100, 25 @ 60 nice. 110 comin soon
pullups 8,5,5 +12kg disc 8@ BW only
2 sets of 30 core swings with 20kg disc

good session, bit tired after it though and tonight still to come. if i could only get out of drinking id be flying it. ah fvck it

great to meet everyone on sunday and a greatg lifting session. a bit dissapointed i didnt get 135 but 130 was good. thanks for the spot lads!

no warmup :frowning:
fsquats 5 @ 60, 5@80, 5@110, 2@130, 4sets of 3@130, 2@130. was sposed to 5 sets of 3 but being a weak ass i missed last rep :frowning: 1@140,0@150 - still havent got 150. it will be end of jan before i get the chance again

gms 2 sets of 6 @ 60kg
bulgarians - 1 set of 8 @ 30kg dbs

some failed gms in between

500m warmup + core + ballistic + 4 x a’s drill

tempo receovery day so:
100 + 100 + 100
100 + 100 + 200 + 100
100 + 200 + 100 + 100
100 + 100 + 100
need more work!!

upper body liftin (mainly)
hang clean - 5 @ 60, 3@70 3@80 3@90
behind neck press - 5@50, 5@70
ghrs 5sets of 5
pullups palms out 12, 7 5
inclin press 5@60 5@ 70 5@80 5@90
1 arm bbell press 5@20, 6@30, 6@35
disc twists with 20kg

nice but waaaaay more running needed over the next few weeks so its time to pare back my lifting sessions to 2x a week. dammit but it has to be done

i dont know man maybe its just placebo but this is the first time ive really adhered to the recommended for both mono and zma for a sustained period and well… read on to see what its done for me

sprints day today. usually id be beat up aftert the week but there aint really any stopping me these days
500m warmup + core + 4xa’s drills + ballistic. nicely interrupted by stupid team who think they own the place.
2 sets of 3 60m sprints. strong, nice extension, still not enough though

5 sets of bounds for 40m, not getting knee high enough. some sprinters were also training. guess who’s coach bought ALL of charlie francis’s stuff. i wonder does he claim he made all the stuff up himslef?

hang clean above knee
3@90 - grip gone

i indulged myslef now and chose a squat box that was to parallel. i hadnt done this in a while so i didnt know what to expect. if i did id have gotten a better bar!

2@60,2@90,2@130,2@150,2@160,2@180,2@200,2@220,0@240 - bar bent and broke. crap but good in a way. hope no one saw
1leg jump onto 24" box 2 sets of 5 each leg
bulgarians 6@32kg dbs, 6@40kg dbs
gms - 6@60kg 6@80kg
core work

im getting there, while im not cone=centrating on stength it comes on more and more. very wierd.

Impressive squat :smiley:

Looks like strength isn’t holding you back at this point but I gather you are on to that with more of a speed training focus. I’m interested to see how you improve.

thanks man, ya im concentrating more on speed&power work these days but ive a long way to go before season starts so another 10 weeks should see me flyinh!

usual warmup + core+ballistic
Tempo (Big Circuit)
100 + 100 + 100 (300 total)
100 + 200 + 100 + 100 (500 total)
100 + 100 + 200 + 200 (600 total)
100 + 200 + 100 + 100 (500 total)
100 + 100 + 100 (300 total)

a little about this type of training:
75% of max speed so if 200PB = 30s, ALL 200 time’s should equal 37.5s etc
All reps at same pace, tiring but not CNS intensive

  • represents 50m walk or jog
    Breaks between sets is approx 100-200m walk or jog

its tough v tough but part of bompa’s theory of supercompensation and very necessary to increase the energy envelope available to the athlete. a great fat burning session too

hang clean
3sets of 3@ 60kg

push press
3@60,3@80,3sets of 3@90. something is most definitely up, i dont know what it is but i like it cause this was easy. im guessing mono+zma. soon i’ll be repping over 100

flat bench 40kg dbs - 2 sets of 6
pullups + 15kg - 4 sets of 6
twists with 20kg disc

nice session. feeling brand new. anyone that trains in ul should be an animal. my training is at another level all this week since i came down here. if only there was something comparable in dublin. its fvcking so sh!t that there isnt. how the fvck is anyone supposed to excel at any sport in this stupid country without a serious indoor running arena??? must change subject cause im getting pissed off here

havnt updated this much due to the server probs but ive been training away very well and am improving a good bit.

friday - team meeting with new manager/trainer. could be good, we’ll see…

usual warmup
some vertical jumps. my old chalk marks are still on the wall in ul. i was able to get to about an inch or 2 above them so happy enough with that. this is the year for 30" + so i reckon im about 28" now. lots to do…

150s - first shuttles of the new year
6 - got to about 125 each time -
2 more full ones.

hang clean + OHS 3@60, 3@80, 5 sets of 3@ 90. video’ed the first set of these. will post on youtube as soon as i get out of dialup land.
attempted 100kg but tried behind neck jerk and couldnt lock it out. shouldve just pressed it instead.

bench 5@70, 5@90, 5@100, 5@90
1 leg jump onto box 2 sets of 6
depth jump 2 sets of 6
pullups + 15kg disc - 6,5,4
ghr - 3 sets of 5

good news with work, my new company has an office in shannon and they want me to work out of there for a few days a week for a few months. might even be a full transfer down. starting there tomorrow so i can train to my hearts contect in UL. god i love that place so much. i reckon if i was down here fulltime id be 20% better athlete with the facilities. we’ll see how it goes