Joc's Journal for speed & endurance. Critiques welcomes...

you know i dont really know. im very confused about the whole program organisation.

i want to gain some weight, get fast, fit but i also want to stay fresh enough for next year. our season doesnt really start for another 7 months like!! its confusing about how to fit all that in…

i do think the tier system is the way forward but i cant really understand it yet. i swear i will by this weekend. i off 2 france and the 3 hour flight should give me loads of reading time

Don’t make it too difficult. Just use the following as a simple guide

T1 = Strength or power
T2 = Speed or strength
T3 = Volume
T4 = Assistance for T1
T5 = Assistance for T2

3 x pw you go

Day 1
T1 = T
T2 = L
T3 = U
T4 = T
T5 = L

Day 2
T1 = L
T2 = U
T3 = T
T4 = L
T5 = U

Day 3
T1 = U
T2 = T
T3 = L
T4 = U
T5 = T

P70 & 71 have useful charts and P64 will help set up an 8 week program to give upper body balance.

Hope this helps.

i was absolutley shattered last night and seeing as i got 2 hours intense cardio in the night before and my groin was a bit at me and it was soooo cold (alright im a lazy b@stard) i didnt get any running in last night

weights only
hang Pclean
5 @ 61, 5 @ 71, 5 @ 81

power clean - 2 @ 91, 1@96

front squat
5 @ 61, 5 @ 101, 4 @ 111, 3 @ 132, 1 @ 144 new pb, miss at 150

military press - 2 sets of 5 @ 61kg
push press 3 @ 71, 2@82
bench - 5@61, 5@71, 5@81, 2@86, 2@92

hypers - 2 sets of 7

core work

bit of a wierd workout. i have totally lost faith in my ability to put a program together. and now im just stumbling from workout to workout lifting whatever and usually going for 1rms on everything. i really need to sort something out. the last 3 programs i have tried have been criticised as not good so now im stuck. i have joe kenns tier system book and i really need to get thru it.

Also during the workout i did a phone interview. Wierd or what?? strangely enough the guy that interviewed me was in the gym too. so i have 4 interviews comin up in the next 2 weeks, france on monday, dublin on tuesday and 2 in cork monday week. apart from the france one im interested in em all but im seriosuly thinkingabout cork.

There’s very little to keep me in dublin during the week. Ive been here nearly 3 years and had the time of my life but now it might be time to move on. Cork is only an hour from home and ive lots of family down there (not so many friends - but ive not many up here either). At work i cant stand my boss and another guy in here, it doesnt look like the company is gonna skyrocket and float on stockexcahge any time soon.

diet is going great. im eating it seems every minute of every day and i love it. i love food and now ive found the joys of clean food it seems i can eat all i want and not get fat. Im at about 188lbs now up from 175lbs about 4 weeks ago. My scales say i’ve gone up about half a percent of BF but i dont think even that. i still have the full 6 pack. still loads more eating to go though 200lbs by xmas is the target. but its all good so far. i havent cheated in 3 weeks now!!

so lots and lots and lots to think about but most importanyly is the weights program, the timing of it and the percentages.i cant lift til 1rm every day.

oh and if i get the cork job, i’ll be kitting out a home gym. oh id love that!!!

thanks man that is a good help.
hopefully i will start into it next week

:mad: I hate you :eek: … :stuck_out_tongue: seriously though that is great.

Don’t stress over the programme but I know EXACTLY what you mean and to some extent I’m there a bit with my 400m training. Kenn’s Tier isn’t the Holy Grail of training just a decent way of putting it together. at the end of the day try and keep it simple. I get the impression you will make good gains regardless of the programme. …another reason to hate you :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like you have plenty of things on the go job wise, what do you do?

Have you read stuff by Kelly Bagget? He’s got some great programs/templates I’m sure you could look at and help put something together. When in doubt, keep it simple!

JoC - Like I told you before just keep it simple and remember that weight training is only a small part of the bigger complete picture.

In fact getting too caught up in the systems and programs of others is foolish as you have no idea what they are considering as part of a complete system.

Not knocking the two Joes systems or Kelly’s even, but this ain’t object-oriented training - you can’t (to use a phrase your probably very familar with) ‘plug and play’ these systems or elements of the systems and expect them too work.

thanks for the help all, if only i was able to pursue it all. im afraid im born physically inept and even though ive spent the last 2 years as hard at it as anyone im still stuck as a lower than low club player. i posted a topic on another board about doubt and i not only dont think anymore that ill make it - im certain i wont. so really in my heart of hearts if im to be honest its over, might as well do what i like doing now

btw im a digital design engineer to answer johns q. been working on the new pentium lately. cool but geeky

is that how you managed to make your upper body look so Massvie??? :stuck_out_tongue:

I think you are underselling your physical capabilities, not many people can make the progress you have made the last few years and look at the gains you are making on this clean diet. Remember back to the start of the season and you were blitzing everyone in training, maybe you just haven’t had the breaks to move up, sadly that is how it goes sometimes. :frowning:

There’s two things there John - the fact it was the start of the seaosn - not the middle! (that’s nto a dig mate - just being honest) and the fact that in some counties it’s who knows you not how good you are …

The first problem is hard to manage by yourslef … the second impossible

cheers lads - i was away for a bit there. more on that later.

now to this post. you’ll see the time - about 4am. i was well jarred and feeling a bit sorry for myself. But now im not and im as determined as ever. never mind that oul crap.

ill keep plugging away and get something eventually

bold - youd be surprised how much muscle you can build typing.:smiley: my mates always tell me to give up running and be a bodybuilder since muscle comes naturally to me for some unknown reason. pity speed doesnt - lol

now as for being away. i was in nice on the french riveria for an interview. i think ive a chance of getting it which does leave me in a dilemma. do i take it??
well thats a problem for me only to solve but what i would like to know is how the price of living is over ther? so anyone with expierence of the nice area please step up and tell me about car price? house price to rent or buy , food price etc etc etc
anything else i should know about the area?
merci boucoup - tbh i dont think ill be taking it unless the salary beats my current and i dont think it will from what i hear of the french economy.

BF% is well up now- thats not good. gotta watch total cals intake and clean diet. still managed to knock out 14 clean chinups.

last night - feeling serious lack of motivation these days

3mins jog warmup + ballistic
approx 8 sets of 8 jumps indoors

3 @ 60kg
3 @ 80kg
3 @ 90kg

military press
5 @ 70kg
5 @ 80kg
5 @ 85kg (more of a push press)

5 @ 70kg
3 sets of 4 @ 120kg

chinups in lat machine
3sets of 6 @ full stack

5@ 70kg
5 @ 90kg

an ok session. i will buy some of kellyb’s books soon to have a look see whats the fuss.
my mini bulk is now over. im approx 190lbs currently and only up a % of BF. Now its time to lean up and hopefully hold around 187lbs and lose that percent or more

weight yesterday a whopping 90kg in ther gym. still with a bit of a 6 pack and not carrying much fat. soon it will be time to lean up.

i was WRECKED so i didnt feel up to much. first day of kellyb’s program.

500m warmup + core + ballistic + 3xa’s 40m
3 sets of 20 lateral jumps
4 x60yard sprints - feeling fast
2 sets of 5 each leg. jump onto box
squats - 6 sets of 3 @ 130kg
rdl - 5 sets of 5 @ 100kg

bench - 5 sets of 7 @ 90kg

Which one?

mon 4th december

VJ test day - fairly wrecked after a tough day of interviews and saturdays workout but i hope the numbers are accurate.

500m warmup + core + ballistic
some jumps

VJ - 24" 25" 26" - i reckon 26". i was just jumping up and using chalk so it wasnt exact and maybe an inch or two higher but i’ll take 26".
VJ off 12" box - about the same 25"
VJ off 24" box - less maybe 23"

squat 1rm ~ 180kg @ 83kg BW approx so thats 2.17BW that was my max about 3 weeks ago

So its fairly obvious that im strong enough and should concentrate on reactive strength and speed.
So no more 1rm work. Power/speed, sprints, jumps, plyos will be the key over the next 12 weeks

Tonights workout
4 star drill - 2 sets of 10
50 yard build up sprints - 4 reps
side to side box jump - 4 sets of 8
Snatch then 3 hang power snatch - 40kg, 50kg, 2 sets @ 60kg
box squat - fast. 5@60kg, 5@ 100kg, 5 sets of 3 @ 120kg
glute hams - 5 sets of 5 @ BW
bench iso hold - 10s @ 60kg, 3 sets of 10s @ 100kg

Sorry john - missed this question.
im trying the advanced program off his VJ manual + 1 upper body exercise each night.

After doing some testing as per kelly’s advice its plain that i need to work more on rfd and plyos that limit strength so im thinking about changing to the intermediate reactive program.

Really i must say that kelly’s stuff is excellent and i love it. It has helped me an awful lot with general approach.

Last night the 6th was combat training and it was sooooo hard. Really i dont think ive ever done anything as physically challenging in my life. 2 hours of non stop flat out effort. I love it

Good call, from your stats I would have expected your VJ to be higher.

What was the outcome re the job?

i got offered a few jobs. mostly though i wasnt interested in them. But one company has popped up which an old boss of mine works in and they are very progressive. it would be probably a slight pay cut but they have other incentives lets say.

Now its decision time. This will be my 4th job since graduation in 2004. That wont look good on my CV. But on the other hand its in dublin city centre - cool - and they have an office in shannon plus they might float on stock exchange and make money eventually.

career wise it would be a great move for me. ah fvck it i cant decide. i was never good at decisions. am i movin just for the sake of moving??

well back to something i can think about. my VJ - ya its crap but remember its nearly doubled in a year and a half. it was 14". Now that im kind of clued into what i have to do to improve it im hoping it will jump again pardon the pun