Joc's Journal for speed & endurance. Critiques welcomes...

Who is he John? Anyone good?

Its Tom Ryan - he managed Limerick during our last glory days of 94-97. He’s a quality manager but might need a physical coach with him that i doubt he will bring.
All will be clear this w’end

A great man! Shrewd brain and lots of experience.
You never know who he might bring in … he has a lot of contacts … including Mahedy … you never know - but that’s a damn good start.

No doubt he is - he’s an absolute mad man too. (in a good, funny way)
He was in charge of limk u16 team i was on and brought a sick calf with him to training in the car and tied it onto the goal post while we trained. I swear i nearly died laughing.

Some of the funniest sayings ever too. Ye wouldnt bate the sisters of mercy or that oul stick wouldnt bate sukey calves off a bucket a lick…
Ah im in stitches here… :smiley:

sucky calves - brilliant!

He’ll bring alot of good comon sense to the team set-up too.

Hope it works out well.

hahahahahhahaha LOLOLOLOLOLOL I thought you meant Manager at work hahaahahahahahaha :rolleyes:

well im still kinda half sick so yest i got a lifting only day in and what a difference it made

box squat off teenchy box
5 @ 60kg
5 @ 100kg
3 @ 120kg - my previous 1rm
5 sets of 2 @ 130kg - very strong. 140kg coming soon. when i hit 160kg on these i’ll do 200k free squat for sure. hopefully for xmas

5 @ 60kg
5 @ 80kg - still hate these without a spotter

DB flat bench
5 @ 32kg
3 sets of 5 @ 32kg

7 @ 60kg
3 sets of 6 @ 80kg

some curls and that was it - short and very sweet. very happy with the box squats and gm’s my hams and PChain are getting very strong

today was tempo recovery so i did a circuit of BW squats, pistols, bulgarians, DB snatch, medball work, pullups, curls and tricep extensions. good work

on other news my clean bulk is going well. im 85kg now with a full 6 pack and every strip of my deltoids showing so im happy enough. another 5kg - 8kg to go to get me to my ideal weight for next year of 90kg ripped. So much protein in me i feel im gonna burst. eggs, high quality lean beef , organic chicken and loads of whey a day are helping out a lot. I’ve had enough of watching my weight for the last year ~77kg and have the big fat lads able to push me around. there wont be many able to move me once i hit 90kg+ BW. lol - bring it on…

No more sh!te food is my resolution from now on. After watching some programs last week about where most of our chicken/beef comes from i will now never eat from a chipper / crappy restaraunt again. It was really sickening.

So hopefully i can start with a good diet again now. its really really lagging behind the rest of my training.

Starting today-----

09.30 - 100gms oats ~ 400 Cals - 11gms p, 70gms C, 6gms F + 2 fried eggs in EV olive oil ~ 150cals - 12gms prot 15gms fat
11.30 - 80gms protein from Big whey shake in water ~ 400cals - 80gms P, 6gms C, 6gms F
13.15 - 300gms lean mince in EV olive oil - 510 Cals 60gms P, 15gms F + 2 peppers ~ 60cals - 9gms C + 2gms P + half onion + lightly boild head of organic broccoli ~ 60cals - 1gm F, 7gms P, 20gms C
14.00 - 10mils fish oil with omega 3 Epa , DHA - 80cals - 10gms F
14.30 - 1gm Vit C , 400IU Vit E
17.00 - another 100gms of the beef/peppers/onion mix 200cals - 20gms P 5gms F, 20gms C + an organic apple - 100cals - 25gms C 1gm P

And thats me for the rest of the day with solid food. I still have my PWO of cyclone to come so im at approx. 2000Cals : 200gms P, 150gms C 50gms F (Apologies if my maths are out anywhere but i had to estimate the weights/breakdowns in some cases) all the food was bought fresh and organic from Dunnes this morning

This is actually the very first time i’ve ever accounted for every piece of food ive eaten over a day. 50% protein 37.5% carbs 12.5% Fats.
so now i really need to buy a little scales so i can figure out the weights of all my foods. im sure woodies will have something. must get an electric blacket too actually

Final word is - im not eating sh!t food again. I dont care what ppl say or think at work.
Thinking back on what i used to eat i dont know how i used get by at all

I take it you’re not eating shite food anymore :stuck_out_tongue:

lol - yeah i wonder what gave you that idea. Im counting on you guys to keep on at me to post my diet every day to force me to keep on eating clean (and calculate cals). If you are what you eat then i should be a gigantic tub of sh!t by now.

My fooking virus is still at me. Another evening sitting in watchin stupid soaps (god i hate that charlie character) and a nights sleep spent sweating like a mofo. Feeling better today but i dont think i’ll be able to get training yet though - feeling all weak.

anyway ate no more last night (apart from a cup of tea) so finished up with the final tally of 2k cals for the day

08.30 25 gms Almonds ~ 150cals - 6P 2C 14F
09.30 80 gms Oats + tiny amount of milk ~ 320 Cals - 9P 60C 5F
09.30 60gm boiled egg ~ 90cals - 7P 1C 6F
11.00 100gms Whey shake in water ~ 390cals - 76P 6C 6F
11.30 25 gms Almonds ~ 150cals - 6P 2C 14F
11.45 60gm clementine ~ 23cals - 0P 5C 0F
13.00 500gms beef in olive oil + pepper + half onion ~ 900cal - 110P 20C 70F
15.30 15ml Fish Oil ~120 Cals - 14F
19.00 Mixed 1 scoop Cyclone with 2 litres water for my workout ~ 125Cals - 15P 8C 2F

~2225Cals - 230P 108C 132F

My RMR = 8115.3 + 679 = 1918
Lifestyle daily factor = 1.4
1918 = 2685
Then later today i did 2.5hours high intensity training so i reckon add another 1000cals

So for maintenance i should be eating about 3500cals on my high intensity day. I ate 2225 and felt stuffed all day as well as actually putting on weight i think. Hmmmm my body is fcked up bigtime!!!

The during workout shake is absolutely the way forward!!!

Last nights training

5 min jog + core + ballistic + 3xa’s for 30m with intense foot strikes (wrecked after these)

Iex Sprints
3 @ .5
3 @ .8
1 @ 1.0
1x10m @ 1.1
0 @ 1.3 - the difference in resistance seems to be exponential between 1.1 and 1.3 and when i put it to 1.3 i actually pulled the posts out of the ground with me. They were a full size set of soccer posts hammered down :eek:

5 sets of 2 double squat jumps with 10 kg vest
7 jumps for height with vest
2 sets of 6 lateral jumps
2 sets of 6 junge (alternating) jumps

weights 30mins later
5 @ 60kg
3 @ 80kg
2 @ 90kg
1 @ 100kg
1 @ 105kg - easy enough but i get afraid or something when i get close to 1rm - remember in january i shattered my wrist ona 1rm. not worth it. Im dependant on a mirror these days too.

seated DB Shoulder press
3 sets of 8 @ 32kg - couldnt find the other 36kg one - some idiot was using it as his foot rest :mad:

5 @ 100kg
2sets of 2 @ 140kg
1 @ 150kg
1 @ 160kg
1 @ 170kg

6 @ 60kg
2 sets of 6 @ 80kg

10, 10 @ 15kg disc

some calfraise, dips
core work for 10 mins with medball

I drank a shake during workout. It kept me unbeliveably focused. My new diet is the sh!t. Loads and loads of energy…

Energy is good :smiley:

right well the less said about the w’end the better. nothing but drink and crap food - great laugh though.

training 13th nov 2006
jump squat
5 @ 60kg
5 @ 100kg

front squat
5 @ 100kg
3 @ 120kg
2 @ 140kg - new PB
0 @ 150kg - just missed. only 90s rest btw sets.

4 @ 110kg
4 @ 150kg
3 @ 170kg
1 @ 183kg - with straps
0 at 200kg - couldnt budge it - need better straps

5 @ 70kg, 80kg, 90kg - 4 @ 100kg, 13 @ 70kg

shoulder press dbs
2 sets of 7 @ 32kg

2 sets of 5 @ 32kg

widegrip pull downs
3 sets of 7 @ 75kg

2 sets of 10 @ 20kg plate

core work for 20mins + dips

yesterday i ate shite - today back on track. in fairness i did bring animal paks and 100gms whey shake per day with me to manchesta so i didnt lose much muscle i hope. the food in uk is SHITE SHITE SHITE.

09.45.00 2 fried eggs in olive oil ~ 150cals - 12P 15F
10.00 80 gms oats + some milk ~ 320cals - 9P 60C 5F
12.00 100gms Whey shake in water ~ 390cals - 76P 6C 6F
12.15 15ml Fish Oil ~120cals - 14F
13.15 - 300gms lean mince in EV olive oil - 510 Cals 100P, 30F + 2 peppers ~ 60cals - 9C + 2P + half onion
16.00 25 gms Almonds ~ 150cals - 6P 2C 14F
20.00 PWO ~ 200cals - 30C 20P 4F

1840 cals - 223P 107C 88F

AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH - still not enough calories by a mile. Im sure i underestimated lots of my meals so im surely up into the 2000cals range. I hope - need to get a prebedtime meal sorted now too. maybe some cottage cheese and avocado??? euuugh i hate avocado. i like cottage cheese though but does it have enough protein? and the right kinds. i need a certain amount of whey plus a certain amount of casein. suggestions welcome

active recovery training will gill last night - great session
warmup - should have been better but i was fried tbh

tempo runs
100 + 100 + 100 +
100 + 100 + 200 + 100 +
100 + 100 + 100 +

backwards Iex drags
3 reps - very tough on the hams

handbalancing and kicking g in the head :oops:

good session.

I would probably add some more protein along with your oats. You can eat protein with every meal. If you add protein to the meals where you are just consuming the almonds or oats, you should see your caloric intake increase. Maybe an additonal 60-80g worth wouldnt hurt?

Cottage cheese is mainly casein. Looks like you should be fine if you add that in.

Also, I don’t really see many carbs in there. Are you doing that on purpose? If not, maybe after your workout for post-workout #2 meal, consume an additional 60-80g carb, 20-30g protein.

tough session last night

5mins jog + 250 approx core + ballistic swings/kicks.
3 x stomping a’s for 40m - very tough

Iex sprints
2 @ .5, 1@.7
2 @ .7, 1@.9
1 @ .9, 2@1.0 - highest ive ever gone sprinting i think - loads of resistance.

I love my Iex but i also know the limitations of it. It forces me to stay in drive phase for about 20m and allows me to build savage power on take off. But it also inhibits my top running speed. I think this is ok since rarely if ever will i sprint more than 40m. Maybe however i will start to add in another set of flying sprints to make sure im not crippling myslef too much

Jumps - as usual with vest on. f00ked now

weights - yet another bar broken. that only 4 left between the 3 benches, t bar row, deadlift. aaarrrggghhh - what a sh!te gym

i was fvcked now so i didnt expect much.
5 @ 70, 5@100, 5sets of 2 @ 150, 0 @ 160 - the 160 was cheeky.

push press
2 @ 70, 2 @ 80, 2 @ 90, 2 half ones @ 95

2 sets of 7 @ 70

stretch then home - wrecked

weights and sprinting on the same day is a killer. itd be great if i could do an am session aswell but i cant nor do i really want to as im usually weak as a kitten in the am.

I need to get a better gym i really really do. ucd is soooooo crap and i cant box squat in there or use bands/chains. hmmm time for a think about where im going. i think maybe a move to cork/limk would help me out. i mean im spending all my time thinking about trainin yet the best thing i coudl do would be move closer to home. there are a few companies that want me to go for an interview. maybe i will. we’ll see…

Eugh - whey + oats = horrible. i usually eat eggs / nuts in the morning so i think thats a nice bit of protein

Yes im deliberately keeping carbs down to just veggie’s / pwo / oats / some fruit.
I dont really see any point to eating them. good fats and protein are much more important.

the new diet is going well. Im leaning out but getting bigger (i think) and feeling better. i’ll do a BF test in a few weeks and see then.

right - the diet is going well. 13.75st with my runners on and shorts in ul on saturday . another stone to go. still reasonably lean and fit. getting faster and much more powerful.

first day of CAD

box squat
4sets of 3 @ 120kg

5 @ 70kg
3 sets of 5 @ 80kg

40kg - sets of 1xpower snatch, 3xhang power snatch
50kg - sets of 1xpower snatch, 3xhang power snatch
55kg - sets of 1xpower snatch, 3xhang power snatch
60kg - sets of 1xpower snatch, 3xhang power snatch

first time snatching in aaaageeess

jump squat
3 sets of 10 @ 30kg

depth jump
3 sets of 8

2 sneaky sets of 5 DB benchpress @ 44kg

CAD seems to v good for rfd improvement and hopefully should stop me over training.

i will do 1 lower ascending, 1 upper, 1 lower descendin a week. we’ll see how that goes

first day of new program and my god was it miserable last night. v cold and v windy and wet and dark (lights off in ucd). first night that really tested my will power but i went and did it anyway.

5mins jog + core + ballistic
3x40m a’s - very hard stomp on balls of toes. loving this but f00k me its hard!

Iex sprints
3 @ .6

free sprints
2 @ 20m - cold got the better of me and i slightly strained my left groin. so i stopped running. its not bad and i knew i could lift but i couldtnt sprint. Sad

hang power clean
2 sets of 5 @ 70kg - too light
5 @ 80kg - still too light. just feeling my 5rm. havent done this one in ages. If i keep my arms straight i can do so much more. But i tend to bend elbows waaay too early. As coach hatch says. Arms bend - power ends!!

gym was packed btw. full of idiots doing bicep curls. I mean seriosuly how can 50 odd youngesters think that bicep curls can help them at anything? For fvck sake i dont even do curls and ive way bigger arms than them from chinups/pullups. Some guys were doing the most intricate curls ive ever seen. Pity they only weighed 10stone. ah well - they’ll learn, and if they dont - i hope to play against them sometime. lol

5 @ 110kg to warmup
3 sets of 5 @ 152.5kg in my socks, no straps. loving dl’s these days. i reckon i should be about 170kg for 3 sets of 5 but this week is all about finding the numbers

military press - havent done this in aaages. usually push press. it was surprisingly easy too.
3 sets of 5 @ 70kg - well able for 80 or more i think

chins - palms in with 25lbs plate. again havent done this in ages - usuallly pullups with palms out
3 sets of 5 - i think this was my max

3 sets of 5 @ 85kg - grand

core work for 20 mins after

comments - dissapointed with the groin but im sure it was nothing. lifting was good. very good. the best thing about this program is it will keep me from overtraining which im soo guilty of in the past. there can be no supercompensation when you bleed the well dry every time. hang power cleans were great when i locked my arms out. dl’s were good, well able for more

overall - very happy. i dont think i’ll deadlifting again this week though. prob box squat instead

did nothing tuesday.

last night - 22nd. combat training. first time in ages and god was it hard. i felt like puking a few times through it mainly out of lack of conditioning but thats to be expected at this time of year.

putting on quality weight seems to be very very hard. i was 183lbs this morning. I was hoping to get much higher. What i think ill just settle for is to just eat clean and see what happens. Its very hard to put on weight while eating so clean.

Good call :smiley:

Sorry if I missed it but what program did you end up going with?