Joc's Journal for speed & endurance. Critiques welcomes...

Last nights training…
800m warmup + static + core + dynamic (forgot to do drills)

3 @ .5 on Iex
1x60m free
1x80m free
1@.8 on iex
1@.6 on Iex
2@.5 on Iex

jumps the following done twice. first time with 10kg vest on, second time @ BW
10 double squat jumps for distance
10 jumps for height
20 lateral jumps
20 lunge jumps for height

hang clean
2x2@81kg - not happy with these, techniwue off so i had to drop lower than i wanted to catch them

loads at all different weight and techniques - still dont really know what im gonna do on bench since i train on my own its always a disaster - no spotter


core work on medball - 100s of reps

static stretch, cyclone and gaba before bed

What do you want to do with bench? You can make good gains without missing a rep.

great session last night.

800m warmup + core + dynamic + static + drills

3 @ .5
3 @ .8
1 @ .6
1 @ .5

3 free sprint - 70m, 2x50m

10 double squat jumps with 10kg vest
3 sets of 7 jumps for height with vest
2 sets of 12 lateral jumps with vest
2 sets of 12 lunge jumps for height with vest
2 sets of 8 43" box jumps

some 1st yrs on squat rack so i started with powerclean and FS (half a bear i suppose). First time ive ever seen young guys on squat rack Shocked they were only doing quarter squats though but its a start
5 @ 72kg
5 @ 92kg

5 @ 100kg
5 @ 140kg
1 @ 160kg
1 @ 170kg
3 sets of 3 @ 140kg -easy!! first time ive really felt “it” on squats in ages. Well it is only my 4th squat session in 6 months or so. i knew i was getting stronger with the bulgarian’s with 2 40kg dumbells but this just backed that up. I was just sitting back and letting my hams, glutes bring me back up. Box squats rule

seated row
10 @ some shitty weight
3 sets of 10 @ full stack
20 odd at 15 plates or something - love this exercise - really bringing on my back

Dumbell bench
7 @ 32kg DBs
6 @ 40kg DBs
2x12 @ 32kg DBs

RDL - some sprinter i think(who should know better) was doing more quarter squats in the rack so i couldnt do good mornings. Whats the story with quarter squats???
3 sets of 12 @ 65kg

some other BB’ing stuff like loads of dips, tricep work bla bla bla.

i weighed in at 176lbs so that squat last night was good imo. 200kg will fall by xmas. Id be up there already only all this running is affecting my lifting. Ah well i made my choice long ago to go with running as a priority. This lifting is only to supplement that. pity…

well i suppose i want to bench up in the 100kg range. i know you can make gains on bench without a spotter but its dodgy - dangerous.
i might just do dumbell bench/dynamic bench any night ive no spotter

I’m not expecting you’ll do something dangerous, but you can make good gains without risking missing reps except on days when you try a PR (my philosophy is to not miss reps anyway). I’m just saying you can still bench, you just have to make allowances for safety. One “self-spotting” trick I’ve done is to do all benching with the feet on the bench, then to put the feet down and arch a little if I felt I was possibly going to miss one. Your squat is so much better than mine I feel silly saying anything, I’m just saying you can maybe work through this apparent limitation.

Can you not bench in the squat rack? Surely there is someone who can give you a spot?

last nights training:
600m warmup + static+ ballistic

3 on IEx @ .5
3 @ .8
2 free runs - 60m - not used to the longer distance and nearly hurt myself - must get longer roope for the Iex
1 start @ 1.0

jumps with 10kg vest
10 double squat jump
2 sets 7 jumps for height
“”""""""" lateral jumps
“”""""""" lunge jumps
“”""""""" wall jumps - missed the last rep and cracked my shin off the wall :frowning:

5 @ 60kg
2 @ 91kg
2 @ 102kg

clean pulls
4 @ 102kg
4 @ 124kg

4 @ 144kg
5 @ 155kg
2 @ 165kg - crappy, but in fairness id have had way more only for my grip going and im putting that down to no chalk on a crappy bar. need to get this into the 200s strapless

pushpress and clap pushup superset - i invented this :smiley: . the best upper body power/strength/mass builder ever
3 sets 5 @ 72kg pushpress - followed immediately by 10 clap pushups where you aim to drop from as much height as you can in a cimiliar way to drop jumps - awesome exercise!! dont mind yer bench press

3sets 7 @ 50lbs dbs

calf raise - 3 sets @ ??

core work with medball + static stretch

one of the hardest sessions in ages. the pushpress clap pushups are a killer. long way to go to my previous pb of 6@85kg

in about 2weeks time, my gym that is currently living 7hrs away, will be back home. with it, is a set of safety stands, ie, when you bench, you can set the stands up so when the bar is just touching your chest, the bar is also just touchiing the racks, so, if you cant lift it, you dont get squashed!

Only some crazy Irishman who plays hurling would invent that :stuck_out_tongue:

lol - its an absolute killer john i swear. give it a go.

wrecked today so got an hour sleep after work.

400m warmup + static + ballistic + core + power speed drills - 2 a’s for 35m then 1 a’s with vest on

med ball accels - toughest workout known to man!!
5 sets of 2 double squat jump and throw and sprint after - sooo hard
2 sets of 10 medball throws for height
2 sets of 3 lie down roll back and jump throw and sprint after
2 sets of 3 underleg throws for distance

jumps with 10kgvest
double squat jump - 10
jump for height - 2sets 7
laterals - 2 sets of 7 eacj leg
lunge jump - 2 sets 7 eacj leg

2 @ 61kg
3 hpc @ 61kg
2 c @ 71kg
3 hpc @ 71kg
1 c @ 76kg
3 hc @ 76kg
1 c @ 81kg
1 hc @ 81kg
miss hc @ 81kg

front squat
3 @ 102kg
3 @ 122kg
1 @ 132kg - pb by 2kg and easyish so i got greedy and went too high for next one
0 @ 143kg - soooo close. wouldve been a new pb by 13kg. went below parallel and recovered to just below quarter squat position then lost it. ragin. ah well i’ll have 2xBW FS this year. i found my runners elevated the heels too much and forced me onto my quads too much and i lost it forward. might do it in socks next time

split jerk
2 sets of 3 @ 73kg - tough going for some reason

5 @ 67.5kg
5 @ 80kg
5 @ 85kg

widegrip pull downs
3 sets of 6 @ 80kg

4 sets of 7 @ 70kg - last 2 sets in socks only

some bb stuff and 2 sets of 10 dips

core work and stretch and medball work for 15 mins

need to start onto protein again. happy with fs but not overall strength esp overhead work

weekend was a rite off. locked fri and saturday :frowning:
but munster won so its ok!

training last night
800m run + ballistic swings + 100s core + 3x40m a’s

3 on Iex @.6
2 “”"""" @.8

then some old dude booted me off the field so i went up to a dark corner a bit to do jumps. meant to do another set of Iex and some free sprints

10 sets of bounds for about 30m (just getting the hang of em)
4 sets weighted bounds
5 sets of 2 double squat jump with vest
2 sets of 7 lateral jumps with vest
2 sets of 7 lunge jumps with vest
5 wall jumps onto 42" wall - wasnt feeling this so didnt bother with second set. tracky bottoms too tight or something to jump properly
2 sets of 7 backwards medball throws for height

some cleans @ 60kg to warmup

Front squat and jump squat superset
5@61kg -------- 5 @ 70kg
3@91kg -------- 4 @ 91kg
3@122kg--------4@111kg - tough out. FS easy enough. I reckon i’ll max at 2xBW in 6 weeks!! :cool:

Behind neck jerk
3 each leg @ 50kg
2sets of 2 eacj leg @ 70kg - jerk easy but bringing bar back down was tough on the shoulders

pushpress supersetted with 8 clap pushups
5 @ 70kg ------------------- 8 claps
4 @ 70kg ------------------- 8 claps
4 @ 70kg -------------------

good mornins in my socks
3@100kg - too heavy couldnt keep form
5 @ 80kg
12 @ 70kg

seated rows
3 sets of 7 @ 18plates

2 sets of 12

core work with medball for 20 mins then static stretch, pwo and home…

Good work on the FS, impressive as always :slight_smile:

Why did the old guy kick you off? :confused:

How long do your workouts take?

Cheers mate, Im not feeling as happy about it as you are though. My clean is still only ~110kg When i have 2xBW then i’ll be happy… maybe. lol. its a moving goalpost isnt it? i remember when i’d have loved an 80kg clean.

Oh just to let you all know but today is the 2nd anniversary of when i started “training” again. Previously i had trained a good bit but injureis and college and lazyness put me out I have the receipt and fitness report at home. 25th october 2004 i joined the glenroyal gym in maynooth for 3 months for €150. I was 22% BF! Couldnt run a km, or lift worth a sh!te. Ah the memories!!

My training usually starts at 7.30pm and finishes at 10pm. Running/jumps til about 8.30 then 30mins break before weights for an hour. Its not perfect by a long shot but its the best i can do for now and im getting good gains i think. weights are shooting up but i havent tested my sprints or jumps in 6 months. Time for a test soon i think. My BF is up a bit so i’ll wait til maybe december to test the whole lot.

I did have a nightmare a little bit last night. about my vertical jump. Ive been working it hard recently (in real life) and went to test with a mate (in a dream). He could only get 14" (which is his actaul score) but i couldnt beat it. 12" was my best(in the dream of course). I started crying and everything. Oh god. Mad dreams. And i didnt even take zma!!!

anyyyywwwaayyy, enough of my wierdness…
well active recovery day yesterday which is sposed to be ~2k of tempo runs but i swap in my own circuit. Well the whole idea of the day is to stimulate blood flow to all the muscles that were walloped the “power” day before to help recovery so what better way to increase blood flow than by a BB’in type circuit so thats what i did. I didnt have time for runs cause i was off to cinema.

2 sets 10 BW squats
2 sets 10 Bulgarian BW
“”"""""" curls
“”""""""" tricep extension
“”""""""" exaggerated shrugs

went to see the departed last night. Good show… but… Jack is way too big in it, some of it is very far fetched, some just did not fit with the way the film started and progressed. I’ll not ruin it but it def wasnt a classic. Good show though

Look at the first paragraph in the context of the 2nd one.

Starting training at 7.30pm :eek: stuff that.

hahahahaahaha re the dream.

The Departed opens here mid Nov I think.

True man - Ive come a long way since “chubby in the corner” but ive still got sooo far to go ya know?? Whats wrong with starting training at 7.30pm? I work 8am to 6pm mon-thurs so my time is limited enough. I just dont do AM workouts. I never have any energy. When do you normally train?

last nights training.

500m run + static holds for 5s + ballistic swings + core workx2 + 3xa’s for 40m with very strong stamp down

Iex Sprints
3 @ .6
3 @ .9
3 @ 1.1 - Very very happy with these. My legs are feeling soo much stronger these days wheter its the added BW or the squats or the jumps or the 10kgvest i dont know but im defo seeing great gains. 1.1 on the Iex is very strong (I was barely able to pull it with my hands) plus it was really wet/soft and the grass was long so thats a lot of resistance. Still all my strides were un exaggerated and my foot contact was crisp and on the balls of the feet.

2 backwards walk @ 1.1 - what a hamstring builder

No jumps tonight. I think 2x a week is enough for jumps. Less is more and all that when i comes to sprinting…

Power Cleans
5 @ 60kg
5 @ 82.6kg - lbs plates. now this is where the fun starts. Some IDIOT walks in behind me and starts doing rows with the worst form ever with like 30kg. Then with his big fat stupid dublin head stop s and talks to his equally stupid fat-head dub friend. Fine - i’ll wait a few mins. 5 mins later and this clutz is still there. Now this is a dude ive seen before and he has the worst form on everything and rarely does much more than look at everyone. I’ve helped him out a few times in the past too. So i asked could i do a set and he looks down his nose at me.
:evil: Fucking wanker. He moved back and I did my set and i assumed ok hes a wanker but at least we’ll go every second set and that’ll be fine. What does he do?? Move right back in behind me and talks again. AND STAYS THERE. For at least 15 mins. I waited about 10mins before i said fuck it and finished Power cleans. I dont know what he was thinking but maybe he thought it was a stand off and he needed to show how tough he is? What a fat fuckin idiot. I should’ve threw the weight down an inch from his toes and see his reaction. Did he not know that 100kg falling from 5 feet will really fuck him up?? wanker. I was raging after this and it really disturbed my workout.
3 @ 90kg
2 @ 100kg

Back squat a2g
5 @ 100kg
3x3 @ 140kg
5 @ 140kg

bench - hate doin this without a training partner. dude’s just dont know how to spot. My preferred way is for the spotter to be like 5 yards back just keeping an eye unless i struggle on the last rep. Not in under the bar deadlifting it for me
5 @ 60kg
5 @ 82.6kg
5 @ 89kg
20 @ 60kg

2 sets of 5 @ 32kg - wrecked for this for some reason

some curls and tricep extensions

hypers and calf raise
2 sets of 12 of each

core work with med ball, static stretch, PWO and the home to bed - wrecked.
My work capacity is no-where near is was last year when i could go 5 days straight. But saying that the quality of my workouts have improved no end and im much more powerful now. Onwards and upwards as they say

I usually get to work between 7.30 and 8 am then work through till 5 with no breaks unless you count 5 minutes for my lunch. I eat morning and afternoon tea at my desk.

VERY occasionally I train during the day (no more than 5 times this year) but usually start at around 5.15-5.30. Takes me 30 minutes to get home from the track and say hi to the family then weights take an hour, so track and weights day are a late finish at 8ish.

I’m guessing your dublin head mate pissed you off :stuck_out_tongue:

Tough weekend. nothing but booze.

sun mornin i did get some in though.

400m warmup + core + ballistic

power cleans
5 @ 60kg
5 @ 70kg
4 @ 80kg
2 @ 90kg - tried to switch to cleans but couldnt get my pulls right and i pulled so high i hit myself in the nose. so i just gave up doing cleans and went for something my head could handle.

front squat
5 @ 100kg
3x3 @ 120kg - easy-ish
1 @ 130kg - flew up
0 @ 140kg - i went all the way a2g and recovered then lost it at parallel. i lost it in the head not the legs and im sure i’ll hit it soon and be onto 150kg

DB Bench
7 @ 32kg
3 sets 5 @ 40kg

g’ms in socks
3 sets of 7 @ 70kg - one of the pl’ers said i had perfect form on these - delighted even though i coudl really feel the ham’s stretch so i had an idea i was on the right road

seated rows
3 sets 7 @ 18 plates

calf raise - 3 sets

some curls

wrecked for the rest of weekend so no point doing anything

800m jog + core + ballistic + 3xa’s for 40m - very tough

3x Iex sprints @ .6 - not feeling this so did no more

2 sets of 3 bounds for 40m - couldnt get the knee lift. i mean i was not even getting to parallel

5sets fo 2 double squat jump for dist with vest
2 sets of 7 lateral jumps with vest
“”""""""" lunge jumps “”"""""""""
medball throws for heihgt 2 sets of 7

PC - 5 @ 70kg
squat clean - 2 @ 90kg

clean pulls - 3 @ 110kg, 3 @ 130kg
deads - 3 @ 150kg, 1 @ 170kg, 0 @ 190kg - i wouldve gotten this if i had my straps. Lost the b@stards, must get new ones asap

jump squats - 5 @ 61kg
push press - 5 @ 61kg, 2 @ 81kg, 2@91kg, 2misses @101kg - just couldnt lock them out
2 sets of 5@61kg w 7 clap pushups,
Stepups - 6 @ 50lbs dbs - didnt feel this so mved to bulgarians
bulgarians - 2 sets of 7 @ 50lbs dbs
hypers - 3 sets of 10 with 10kg plate
calf raise - 2 sets
dips - 5@BW, 3 sets of 5 +25kg plate
core work for 20 mins

waaay too much volume there but im in a hypertrophy phase at the minute.
I dont think i can make the berrfest on sat cause our new manager for 2007 wants to meet with us. I dont really want to go but i might have to

asking people to give up part of their weekends…gee that will help get everyone on side :rolleyes:

i felt really really sh!tty last night. was supposed to do tempo recovery but couldnt move out of the chair. so i pretty much slept all night from 6pm til 8am this morning! now i feel much better. I’ve a 21st to go to tonight so i doubt i’ll get any training in apart from some weights at home which is probably best since im still feeling weak.

New manager meeeting on saturday night. No training or anything but he’s gonna suss us out and see if we’re up to the standard he wants. Hopefully it will be a better year for us next year…