Joc's Journal for speed & endurance. Critiques welcomes...

Yes :smiley:

Pleased the session went so well.

You’re looking pretty strong and lean in your avatar, is that consistent with other hurlers? :confused:

Thanks john.
Hurlers are strong and fit at the top level and have lightning fast reflexes but they wouldnt be “built” as such. More of a farmer strength. There’d be a few gym rats but not many - weights are kindof shunned a bit as they can affect coordination/skill a bit. gaelic footballers would be much more built but we all know thats not a real sport!!

I took it easy last night - had a few drinks. wrecked today!!!

You mean before they got flash tractors and farm bikes :rolleyes: …about 40 years ago the AB’s were predominantly farmers and the farm work was enough ‘training’ for them…mind you that was when men were men and pansies were flowers :stuck_out_tongue:

True john - they’re such lazy b@satards now!! :smiley:

Not a good weekend.

I strained my right adductor last tues or wedneday doing a new med ball drill!!! It wasnt too bad but during out training on saturday of ciourse we only did a crappy warmup so i strained it even more. It was fairly sore at the time but not too bad now. I hope it will be ok for next saturday but its gonna curtail my training this week bigtime - which is prolly a good thing since i normally do too much the week of a match and end up tired and stale.

On other news im looking ahead to the new season.
1 - I’ve ordered an eleiko training bar and 2x20kg bumper plates. Big expenditure but worth it methinks. I will prob get mick’s fancy roman chair too - my home gym will be called hamstring city :smiley: Also squat box and sled - im looking at about 1500eur but a decent investment as the stuff should last a lifetime. esp the roman chair - its not in any gym i know and hypers should be a stable of any athlete especially a quad dominant type like me. Marlies Gohr had hammers wider than they were long - that’ll be me…

2 - i placed a big order last night. namely gaba + a nice little rare concoction of arginine and ornithine which acts similiarly to gaba - increase hgh. also got calipers!!

3 - im gonna sell out too and order banana cyclone. Right i know its overpriced but i LOVE banana maximuscle. It has everything all in one. incl glutamine (another hgh promoter) and i got the best results of my life before with it. For €43 a tub, you cant really go wrong

4 - ordered 2 books of tudor bompa’s - cant wait to get stuck into those

So i just need a bit of luck with my groin and come saturday it should be full steam ahead…
win or lose i’ll be happy…

How on earth did you do that? :confused:

All that other news looks pretty sweet :smiley: home gyms rule :stuck_out_tongue:

you know the med ball leg raise where you grasp the ball btw your ankles??

very tough drill and i strained it there but it wasnt too bad.
our crappy warmup then aggravated it more…
home gym will be class but expensive. i dont know if i can really justify it…
ah well!!

im raging now - groin strain 5 days before the biggest match of the year. 12 months wasted i think… :frowning:

treament? :confused: I suggest you post about it inthe injury section.

been after it with RICE the last 2 days - physio tomorrow. no more i can do.
devestated here…

thank you for your concern though. much appreciated!

Physio where? Dublin or Limerick?
If Limerick I hope you’re seeing Johnson McEvoy or someone like that.
Dublin, try Alan Kelly Old Bawn Rd Tallaght

well - groin came ok in the end. After lots of painkillers :frowning: and massage and heat therapy it got thru the whole game and i even played well !!
we drew - replay next weekend. Should be at 100% then - ill prob play crap :frowning:

Gotta love the power of positive thinking :stuck_out_tongue:

last week was a disaster really.
went training on tues night and hurt my back. Obviously i was compensating for the adductor and something slipped out. i was laid up all week.

Match was on saturday and i got thru it again with painkillers and positive thinking. We lost. Ah well - im retired now :frowning:

new season started yesterday Smile

500m warmup + dynamic + static + core

clean pull + dynamic shrug
5@140kg straps from now on
5@170kg - happy with these once i get the bar a few inches off the ground - it flies up. But my hips always fly up - weak hams + glutes. have to work hard on rdl’s i think.

push press + 10 clap pushup
3sets of 5 @60kg

1arm BB press + curls

Loads of ice after for my poor back…

19th Sept 2006

400m warmup + static stretchin + dynamic + core + A’s B’s drills
jumps for height - 10 reps
double jumps for distance - 5
jumps for height - 10 reps
double jumps for distance - 5

box jumps onto 43" box
2sets of 8

back squat
3@150kg :frowning:
10@110kg - legs are shredded this morn

a little story about me and squatting. approx 12months ago i damaged cartildge in both knees from squatting. I think it was from excessive bounce at the bottom of an ATG squat or possibly too much forward lean at the knee. So i stopped squatting and havent squatted much over the last year. Back then my 1rm was 170kg a2g. So 3@150kg aint bad. Obviosuly LOTS of work to do though

Bench - Havent benched in ages - was expecting the worst since my arms are so weak and sore
3@90kg :frowning: crappy - long way to go on these. Long way from my 115kg best

3sets of 15
our calf raise machine actually makes a perfect hyper bench. Its more comfy than a 1000euro one ive used before. lol. score!!

medball core work and static stratch

started gaba supplementation recently.
It looks good though. ZMA, alpha male etc really hit my skin bad. Gaba actually seems to help my skin (fingers crossed). I noticed the tightness of breath, sore neck too. It did put me out like a light and for some reason i feel happier today (possibly because my skin has improved :slight_smile: )

Why not do box squats?

Why do the leg balst set at the end? :confused: I’m not surprised they are mush the next day :o

Anyway last night.
It was lashing rain so i coulnt run outside and do tempo.
TReadmill - 3mins at 18kph, loads of stretching and warmups to chake off the concrete off my quads (still stiff as f00k after squats)

did some back work
pullups - clean grip

seated rows
12 @ 10plates
2x10 @ 18plates
14@ 15plates
I think this is my new fav exercise - it works sooo much muscle

static stretch + core work + cold shower

still stiff today.

i didnt do box squats because i dont have a box !!!
I love them though so im looking to get a good one. It’ll look wierd me carrying in abox into the gym with me. Ah well im sure i look wierd already doing hypers in the calf raise machine and reverse leg presses :slight_smile:

It is one of the very few things I miss aboout a commercial gym. Agree it is a great exercise.

Just finished reading a cool rticle about Padraig Harrington

No prizes for guessing where the family is from loking at the names, father’s name Paddy, mothers Breda and boys Tadhg, Columb, Fintan, Fergal and Padraig. :stuck_out_tongue:

Harrington’s a legend alright. Such a nice guy as well as everything else…

House hunting recently - bit of a disaster. saw a place in donnybrook yest - perfect location but a bit shabby. only 20mins in from work last night at 6pm!!

last nights training
600m warmup + static stretches held for 5s + dynamic + core + A’s B’s skips for 40m

2 Iex sprints @ .6
2 Iex sprints @ .8
3 sprints 75m with full recovery

med ball jumps
double squat and throw
jumps for height
lateral jumps
1 leg split jumps

cleans - 5@50kg, 2@70kg, 2@90kg, 1@102kg

clean pull + shrugs - 7@112kg, 7@132kg, 2sets7@152kg

clean pull - 3@132kg no straps - bar is soooo crappy that it slipped straight out of my hand on 3rd rep. there was this beast of a bber training beside me and he was fairly surprised that i could doo all that

seated rows using legs back and arms
10@10plates - 5kg per plate i think
2x7@full stack 20 plates (i love this)

flat DB press
3sets 7@ 32kg

3sets8 @ BW only

medball work for 15mins then static stretch
i knew my back would be sore after so i brought calcium and vitc vite tabs with me to have with my pwo. seems to have worked the trick as the back is ok today. a bit stiff but not as bad as it used be after a session of dl’s - or maybe my back is getting used to the loads a bit more. im still disappointed with my ham strength. on a clean pull above my 1rm of clean my hips fly up and i end up “backing” the lift a good bit. need to start some gm’s or something. sh!t i forgot to do hypers last night. ahhh

I may have asked before but have you considered getting a coach and competing in Olympic lifting?

I did consider olympic lifting for a bit but there are no coaches in my country and very very poor facilities. My snatch and jerk are very poor. My clean is more of a bang off my thighs than a full extension so its not really a runner for me.

I love doing cleans though

Thurssdays training:
Box squat onto a verrrry low box - 12" or less


seated rows
3sets of 7 upto full stack

good mornings
3x15@40kg - still feeling this nearly 5 days later

some curls etc
loads of core work with medball
ate loads and loads all weekend - BF well up, BW nearly 85kg!!

Fridays training - active recovery
usual dynamic warmup
100m run, 50m walk for 8 with 2 200s in there aswell- hammers were fried from the GMs the day before. i mean deep fried…
core work - half an hours worth so at least 2000 situps of some kind or other

saturdays training
same as fridays with hammers still fried

hamemrs a bit better
6@24kg DBs
6@34kg DBs
6@40kg DBs
2x6@34kg DBs with 6 depth jumps after each

seated rows
3 sets of 10 upto full stack

1 arm barbell push press and curls
10 @20kg
10 @ 30kg

swim - steamroom - PWO - stretch then drove to dub…

Still fairly wrecked after all that