Joc's Journal for speed & endurance. Critiques welcomes...

no can do unfortunately. it closer to 500miles a week than 1000 but its still a lot. i totally agree that its v bad but i have a good job/life that id not have back home.

You’ve seen how bad our hurlers are. I know im as good as whats there. All i need is to be seen. Unfortuantely our club championship wont start until the county team are out so i cant get seen this year. Its a terrible system that doesnt happen anywhere else.
Maybe thats why we’re bottom of the pile.

I just need to get seen…

Come on - you know how many jobs there are in your line in an near Limerick - it’s not Silicone valley sure - but it ain’t the Sahara either!

Shannon, Plassey Technological Park etc.

True the Hurlers are very poor, though I don’t know who exactly to blame - management or the players.

Haven’t you got a little pull from anyone?

4th July 06

2x3 sprints .8 1.0

5@60, 5@70. 5@80, 3@90

box squat onto 17" -paralell

db push press
3x6@ 60lbs


some other bb stuff

Well today is a huge day. Start of OXEGEN. Biggest festival in ireland. And i just got my ticket last night so for the next 3 days, no training, no vitamins, no protein, no sleep and loads of the good stuff.

Last night
ankle has been at me for the last week so i didnt do any running

box squat to parallel. my 14" adj box will be here in a month i hope so until then this will have to do
140kg 6sets of 2 with 1 min rest - easy enough. can really feel my hams getting stronger. an excellent exercise

loads and loads of BB stuff considering its festival time. if id known for sure i was goin then the last 2 weeks would have been like a BB prep. ha ha - what a shaper!!

Enjoy the weekend people. I know i will

great weekend, saw some great bands, drank loads. no decent food, no protein, no vits minerals, sleep anything.
not too bad now though. lost a few lbs even!!

just some dumbell stuff at home last night and about 15hrs sleep!!!
just about recoevered now!

15 hours :eek:

well i only got about 3 hrs a nite since friday.
i was at the biggest music festival in ireland all weekend
great craic but im so drained now!!

standard dynamic warmup.

Iex runs
1 @ .6
3 @ .8
3 @ 1.1
3 @ 1.2
2xstarts @ 1.3

there was a guy on the squat rack so i did some cleans first. experimenting with a new technique where i keep ass down and bar behind shoulders much more. it seems to be working. these were easy enough even with the WORST bar ever made


front squat to warmup
2 sets 5@100kg

box squat to 14" - 2" below parallel
7 sets of 2 @ 155kg - loving this. hams so much stronger now. feelin it in sprints too.

push press supered with 10 clap pushups
3 sets of 5 @ 70kg

1 arm barbell press
5 @ 20kg
5 @ 30kg
5 @ 35kg

chin ups

some BB stuff and thorough stretch

its good to be back

combat training last night

neck cleared up during the course of the day/warmup

Xfit style circuits.
1 set is X pushups, Xsitups, Xsquats, 2 mins joggin on spot with high knees, 3 stair runs + 2x20m sprint
4 sets with X= 25, 20, 15, 10

very tough going!

punching and pad work


more circuits

locks, holds, takedowns

2hrs 15mins in total and it was rough going, even though i feel my fitness improving ALL the time. my punches/guard are much better. kicks improving but need loads of work. locks are terrible and im afraid of getting my arm ripped off again

all in all - loving this. really like the boxing part. i can see myself sticking at that way more as soon as the season finishes

nothing thursday.
team training friday, match saturday, nothing yest.

turns out a niggly ankle injury was a dislocation which i hope is back in now. it feels much better. match in 2 weeks. loads and loads to work on. no weights and gotta lean up.

180lbs @ 12.4% BF this morn. wanna see 10.x% this time next week.

2.4% in a week? :eek: is that realistic?

well no but i know that im actually mid 11’s at the moment. i was all bloated and full after the weekend. Its defo possible to lose 1% in a week though. All i need is will power to stay away from the Sh1te i eat. sunday to thursday im clean as a whistle but friday and saturday i eat jaffa cakes and muffins etc by the box. If i just skip that this week i know i can lose a percent and get to high 10’s

my scales is approx 2% above what a caliper reading gives so i think im just about 10% right now. So hopefully 10% on the scales will actually be under 9%

I know what you mean, that is one of the original reasons I changed to a split that starts on a Wed. Sat and Sun are training days for me :smiley:

I’ll be interested to see how you got on this time next week.

well im doing ok on the clean diet. %BF isnt shifting though yet.

team training monday and tues. lots of skillwork and running. exactly what i need

havnt posted here in a while,
done nothing but team training and skill work so not much to report.
we lost a big game and i got pissed off bigtime after that. starting to get it back now.
match this saturday. if we lose we’re out and im retiring from the sport.
its done nothing for me and ive had no luck being stuck at a sh!te team.
gonna try my hand at rugby maybe or bbing or anything apart from that sh!te sport.
rugby i think…

last night.
started thinking that im increasing weights etc but i havent gotten faster or jumped higher in ages so im going back to basics and having a rethink of my entire program.

tues 22 aug 2006
xplode before training.
500m run and dynamic warmup
jumps - loads. mainly double squats for distance ala matt bruce. and jumps for height with med ball
found a lovely wall to jump onto. its about 40". did 3x10. some guys playing soccer thought i was mad. they might be right :slight_smile:

5 mins on treadmill @ 17.7kph
more jumps for height and distance this time. up onto the third step of a stairs from 2 feet away. did 3x10.
1 leg jumps onto 2 step - 2x7 each foot.

jump squats - 2x20 @ 80kg
seated rows - 2x7 @ ??
loads more core work and static stretch


How are you performing those?

quarter squat then jump. similiar action i suppose to the triple extension in a clean.

Now - last night. well it came back to me how much i love training. Last night was awesome…

1km warmup - easy pace.
static + dymanic + core + a’s b’s drills
150 drillx6 - again approx to 125 each time. A top intercounty player / rugger bugger would get about 780 so my 750 is fairly good considering i’ve no one to drive me on and it was done in long grass
skill work - 15mins
Iex sprints - 2 @.6 felt much harder though cause of long wet grass
sprints - 3 @ 40m - full recovery btw. i think i was moving so fast that if my lats were much bigger i could have taken off. never moved so fast. im sure i was sub 4s for these - even on long grass.
skill work - 15mins
sprints - 2 @ 40m
skill work - 15mins
static stretch

i found a piece of the wall last night that was 43". it took a bit of mental prep to actually get myself to jump onto this but i did it
3 set of 7 with 5 medball jumps for height in btw.
i had a bit of an audience at the end of this. soccer guys that were just finished and some hockey girls. off putting to say the least.

core work
i did a full 50 mins of core work and situps last night!!
using my usual med ball circuit. i must have done 3000 reps at least. if i could only lose some BF id have a nice 6 pak i think. also
weighted delcine crucnes -
Bw + 50kg - 3sets of 10
farmers walk with the 2x25kg discs - walked all over gym - up n down stairs loads a times
static stretch

Ive been posting my journal on another site recently, i must keep up posting here too.