Joc's Journal for speed & endurance. Critiques welcomes...

didnt do much at the weekend apart from mess about with a weights set at home on sat and team training on sunday. more mind and body numbing endurance stuff. Honestly the coach hasnt got a clue about speed training, he only knows how to make fellas slow and he’s doing an excellent job of that

went training with the other team last night and i was playing some great stuff. touch is very good. In our relay runs(3 per team -everyone does 2x25m shuttle) i was last each time and won easily. Im so much faster than every other player its actually funny… I dont mean to be up in myself here but i was SOOO slow for so long that i think im entitled to a little bit of gloating.

Also i was talking to lads at home about training. our junior team got beten on fri nite by a much faster team and they were all complaining that you either have pace or you havent, you cant train to get faster. i said nothing but they knew as they said it that i was an exception to that. This time last year i was the slowest on our panel. Now im the fastest by a good bit. Stupid coaches cant improve players skill but good coaches can easily. My sport is FULL of stupid coaches. There are a handful of good coaches literally. I reckon i will move into coaching in a few years myself. Although maybe not. GAA players are notoriously lazy and stubborn. Id not like to deal with them.

sprints/weights tonight

:smiley: I agree, you have good reason to gloat a bit :stuck_out_tongue:

na - no more gloating. its not nice…

well our county team got HAMMERED at the weekend. the entire management team resigned. a new interim one is in place now. A man from my club is in there. I wonder will he give me a chance. i doubt it…

Last night
600m warmup + static + dynamic + core
4 36m isorobic sprints @ .8
4 36m isorobic sprints @ 1.0
2 @ 1.0

6 5m sprints @ 1.4

clean - 5 @ 60, 70, 80, 90
pulls 5 @ 100, 5@ 110

push press & 10 claps pushups - 3x5 @ 70

bulgarians half squat. 8 @ 23kg DBs, 2x8 @ 32kg

barbell curl - 3x10 @ 35kg - some other BB stuff then static stertch and home

been back on creatine mono this last week or more and im stronger than ever. Love creatine. hate its gritty taste though. I reckon my clean PR of 110kg could fall soon.

the plan is to get my pulls upto 150 - 160kg and it will bring on my clean
goal is of course a 2xBW clean so thats 160kg @ 80kgBW. Im only 50kg off :slight_smile:


Gloating in your log is ok, in public is different either way you have reason to be proud of your achievements.

combat style training again last night. I think im finally getting the hang of the footwork and guard needed. I only got 1 or 2 punches last night, blocked the rest :slight_smile: Even cracked off a few good shots myself.
It really is the best aerobic training ive ever done too. 2 hours in a hot basement with about 6 or 7 blackbelts pushing you on and hitting you if you slip in intensity! its brilliant.

Last night i was paired with the big boss man for a while. 40yrs+ a big man and blackbelt since 1984, i think he’s 8th Dan now. Really scary dude but a total gentleman. Well i had a 4" thick kick shield and still his kicks were SO powerful. I reckon he could clean cut the leg off an unprepared guy.
He’s an ex bouncer and he was telling us all about how gradings used to be done. 12 rounds against all the other black belts once a month for 12 months. If you can pass that you’ll literally gone thru hell and would be ready for anything. Well soon after there was a mini riot at his niteclub. All he could see was about 20 guys coming at him in the dark. Its common knowledge that he knocked out 14 guys in about 30seconds. 14 other men!!! The other bouncers had to stop him doing everyone left standing. Unreal…

more team training last night. touch was very good. I can only attribute this to the boxing etc ive been doing recently improving my coordination as ive not been doing much hurling. Its very wierd and not at all what i expected. It just goes to show that every sport can learn from a whole range of other sports and never discount something until you’ve tried it (within reason).
I was flying too, marking a guy who’s a regular on the team well i destroyed him. much faster stronger fitter everything. That combat training really is exactly what i needed as i noticed my aerobic fitness had slipped even though i was fast. Now im still getting faster and im as fit as whats there too. No one can compete with me for strength.

Physically im at the absolute peak of my life so far, im certain of it. 180lbs @ 10%BF, 30m sub 4s, VO2 max btw 56 and 60, clean 120kg approx. All i need is to be seen and i’ll make it. How can i ever get seen if we dont play matches? Im wasting away here :frowning: Just give me a chance…

team trainin on saturday evening.
weights sunday morning
clean, 5@ 60, 70,80, 3@90.

5@100, 110, 115



1 arm barbell press

seated row and curls

team training last night in the rain. i was terrible. touch miles off, but worked hard. lots of running.

I’m afraid both Limerick Hurling and Football are f*cked up completely at the minute - I’d take up Rugby kid!!!

I’ve never seen a collapse like that in Hurling before…

… as for the Footballers … for God’s sake a disaster too!!

ya i know. we’re a joke.
what would you expect though when you have clowns in charge? the physical preparations are nothing short of terrible. i train sometimes with lads off the panel and they’re pace, stamina, strength is just juvenile. No wonder they were beat so much…

I dont know where my future is leading now. hurling doesnt seem like the best option now to be honest…

I know nothing about football. Thank god. cant stand the sport!

Dave Mahedy has alot of experience.

Why not try rugby?

The Boyle twins with Shannon are about your age are they not?

Mahedy has expierence and a good track record but i dont agree with some of his methods. He has an open dislike of weights and uses SAQ stuff mainly. How can you prepare for a contact sport like hurling without some form of weights?
His training sessions are never too taxing - another thing i cant understand.
The players havent progressed in speed or strength in yrs at this stage. Where is the testing?
I dont know, im sure a lot of this is down to the players not being committed enough. If they were they’d do the training on their own. And its impossible to train lads who just dont want it.

There’s not much chance i’d give up hurling. I absolutely love the sport. Its the biggest buzz ever, playing in a big game. If i dont make it, well it’d be a pity but im still gonna love doing it. My time will come though, im certain of it. All i need to do is get seen and since we’ve not played a serious match yet this year i couldnt have gotten seen.
Remember that last year was a write off for me so i no chance of making the panel at the start of the year. Thisyear im really well prepared so im hoping to get called for trials or something at the end of the year and 2007 then will be my time.

Its such a pity i didnt get into all this when i was 18. im 23 now. still loads of time but its a saying - if you dont make it by 21 you’ll never make it! hope thats not true…

last nights workout.

600m warmup + static + dynamic + core
2x3 35m isorobic sprints. setting above 1 on isorobic
2x3 10m isorobic sprints. 1.4 on isorobic

front squat - first time in months!
8 @ 50kg, 8 @ 70kg, 5@ 100kg, 2x4@ 120kg, 2x2@130kg - better than previous bests!! only for my wrists not able for it i reckon i had 150kg in me. 2xBW front squat coming soon. im certain!!

cleans - tired now.
5 @ 60kg, 5@70kg, 5@80kg, 3@90kg, 5@100kg

standing DB press.
6 @ 20kg, 5 @ 25kg, 5@ 27.5kg 3@32kg

lat pull downs

some BB stuff!!

wed 28th june.
crazy combat training last night.
2 more hours of the hardest sh!te i’ve ever done. went thru 3litres of water. its great stuff though. i love it!
another major goal of mine is to get a blackbelt now!!

club training at home friday nite. more stamina & ball work
nothing saturday apart from some BB stuff at home
more club trianing on sunday evening

picked up a niggly ankle injury sometime. dont know what caused it. didnt twist it or anything. wierd. could still train last night but its sore now
v strange

Not necessarily, there was aguy who was just named in the All Blacks who never made any real impact at an early age. The excerpt below is from last year but gives a good background of him

[i]Hamilton rises from third XV

Aug 23, 2005
By Daryl Fenemor

All those youngsters who haven’t been able to crack it into their school’s first XV now have a player to look up to in Canterbury’s Scott Hamilton.

Hamilton is now a leading try scorer for the Crusaders and Canterbury from wing or fullback and even made the All Black trial this year yet he was never a first choice during his school years and didn’t make a representative team until the Canterbury under 21s.

“I was a bit of a slow starter, I was only third XV at school,” Hamilton revealed to TVNZ.

Hamilton debuted for Canterbury in 2002 but with a lot of All Blacks and talent in the side has been restricted to playing a lot of his games off the bench.

But he never let being in and out of the starting side get him down and has worked himself into now being an important part of the Crusaders and Canterbury machine.


thanks for the words. not much help though. im not even getting any oppurtunity to do anything or show anything. havent played a game of consqeuence in 11 months now.
CrAAAAZY system.

just saw the wind that shakes the barley and well im fairly shook after it. amazing film.

8xisorobic sprints

front squat

box squat approx parallel

[ush press

4x8 @ 85kg

leg press

some bbstuff

Here’s 2 All-Ireland medalists off the top of my head …

Ryan Mc Menamin
All-star and All Ireland winner - never played minor or U21 for Tyrone.

Tony Scullion
Multiple All-star, All Ireland winner and holds record for most Railway Cup medals never played minor or U21 for Derry before playing senior.

There’s alot more than you’d think …

i have played both minor and u21 - for 3 yrs. was involved in our 3 in a row @ u21.
Was cut loose in my last yr u21 and rightfully so. Any early promise i had shown to make myself a starter on our u21 team at 18 had gone due to lazyness, exam/college pressure, stupidity and injury.

At that stage i had had enough with some very bad injuries incl getting a finger sewn back on after some terrible foul play. No one cared though so i said fvck it. i wanted out and left. Drank myself stupid for 12months before i got back into it all again a year ago almost to the month. Just as i was coming right then in our biggest game i did my ankle and all chance evaporated.

Since then i’ve done nothing but train to get right and i will get back up there. next year i hope. if not i’ll find it very hard to keep doing what im doing. driving nearly 1000miles a week, training on my own, the whole lot - for nothing so far. That all counts for nothing if i dont have “it”. but i know im good enough. all i need is a chance

The first thing mate is cut the driving.

You dont’ want to hear it - but believe me drop it asap - for your own sake.

For a whole load of reasons it just won’t work long term - one of the fastest ways to burnout and get injured for a serious hurler or footballer.

I was just speaking to one of the top football trainers (they’ll probably make the All-Ireland final this year again) about this very point 2 weeks ago.

He does all the travelling to their players so they don’t have to and can recover properly.