Is this accurate or close?

GPP 100-200m
3000m tempo and 2000m of speed weekly?

2000m of tempo and 1500m speed weekly

1400-1600m of tempo
1000m speed weekly?

Are these the correct numbers?

i would say build up to 4000-6000 of tempo in both gpp and spp

because you have only responded to the tempo, I will assume the numbers for speed are about right. Thanks.

What is it specifically about these numbers Charlie suggests for speed that help. WHy not less or more. I am assuming it is about adaptation. :confused:

You want to do as much quality speed work as the individual can handle. For some this may be 800m/week… for some 2000m/week. 2000m of speed is alot! Especially for a 100/200m high school individual.

I have had 100m success with about 1000m of speed per week and 2500-4000m of tempo. A bit more tempo may benefit the 200m guys.

I have something similiar averaged over a whole competitive year, but if you follow Charlie’s periodization, it will vary quite a bit.

I have my training schedule as a spreadsheet, so I have some statistics. This is for the full triple peak and the SPP literally as 3-1-3 as Charlie has described it.

Over the whole year, I had 43118m of HI work over 48 weeks for an average of 898m/wk. This includes GPP and SPP, but also precomp (taper) and competition periods.

For GPP1 last year, I had accumulation from 300m to 1010m of HI work.

For SPP1, I had 1050-1320m of HI work for the 3 week periods, with 400m for the unload week.

For SPP2 (replacing 4X4X60 with 2X3X80), I had 720-1160m HI work with 440m during the unload week.

For SPP3 I had 920-1240m of HI work over 4 weeks, cutting to 360m
for the final taper (10.39 FAT).

is it okay that as of Nov, for some, we are in SPP?
How long should SPP1,2, and 3 each last?

The season begins Mid-March.