Is this a good strength program for a sprinter?

Mon -(Speed day)
Clean - 5x5
Squat - 5x5
Bench - 5x5
Military - 3x10
S.L. Dead Lift - 2x10

Tues -

Wed - (Speed day)
Hang Snatch - 5x3
Dead Lift - 5x3
Incline Bench 3x5
Bar Curl - 3x10
Step Ups - 2x10

Thurs -

Fri - (Speed day)
Hang Clean - 5x3
Squat - 5x5
Bench - 5x5
Military - 3x10
Lunges - 2x10

Sat -

Not too bad except I wouldn’t go past 8 reps MAX and that depends on the phase you are training in. Everything else looks alright.

You could also consider dropping one or two exercises and do 3-4 exercises per session rather than 6. That’s personal preference, too, though.

Might be too much volume? 5 sets of cleans followed by squats is a lot of work (especially since you’re doing something similar on Wed and Fri).

thanks for the tips guys

also what are the percentages, on each of those
5x5 of cleans followed by squats at 85% + can be difficult.

it takes 48 hours for cns to recover

the 5x5 is at 80%, but im thinking of cutting the olympic lifts back to 3 sets.