July 1, 2006, 6:21am
So “training under fatigue” is crap, and the real thing is “training to prevent too much of fatigue which can cause movement deteoriation”!!! Do not train to tolerate fatgue, train to prevent fatigue development!!!
But how we can achieve this “threshold point” increase or fatigue decrease? I can only speculate that the solution is to (a)train near that threshold, (b) improve working capacity with GPP means, which in turn “transfer” as lower fatigue levels at particual performance point.
Great contributions and effort!
Great point the first one above,I call it “the real thing”…
Solutions wise,I think we need to define undestand once for all what fatigue (not the most complex CNS Fatigue…just fatigue per se!) is really and build our training categories and models upon such a re-thinking process.
here are two scientific articles ( 1 , 2 ) outlining the use of poligons to develop soccer specific endurance.
I agree with your opinion that athletes with a lot of games usually don’t need more “aerobic” training. Is this the case with the kids too? Sport practice is enough “aerobic” stimuli?
Practice make permanent… poor practice make poor movement permanent!
How much poor practice makes poor movement permanent? What about a block of specific training for 4 weeks - training 3 times a week?
Re Sport practice/training for aerobic maintenance or improvement:
Do not train to tolerate fatgue, train to prevent fatigue development!!!
Great contributions and effort!
Great point the first one above,I call it “the real thing”…
Solutions wise,I think we need to define undestand once for all what fatigue (not the most complex CNS Fatigue…just fatigue per se!) is really and build our training categories and models upon such a re-thinking process.
Focus on the:
Management of fatigue
Consequences / adaptations of fatigue
The differentiation of fatigue(s) – although you can never truly distinghusih this vs that vs something as they are always on a continuum?
The definition is “irrelvant?”
July 1, 2006, 7:29am
I would say sport practice is stimuli enough by definition! Introducing a time factor,is it always optimal stimulus though?
July 1, 2006, 10:33am
Ok, now we hijacked the thread… TC is going to kick our areses
Here it goes:
What is the PURPOSE of fatigue? What is the PURPOSE of RPE (rate of percieved effort)?
As I allways recomend regarding fatigue, read this:
Roger Enoka, Neuromechanics of human movement. Humak Kinetics. 2002. Chapter regarding Acute Responses.
Noeakes etc. Various papers regarding Central Governor model. Aviable at
Gandevia, S.C. Spinal and Supraspinal Factors in Human Muscle Fatigue. PHYSIOLOGICAL REVIEWS Vol. 81, No. 4, October 2001. Aviable here for free!