Interview with Tudor Bompa

Count the number of strides. He does 41 or so in a 100m race and he did 20 or less (depending on when you want to say he shut it down) in that video, so we’re talking 40m or so, could even be less (41 strides in a 100m, but the ones after 50m are significantly longer with ones at the beginning significantly shorter, so more plenty more steps for the first 50m).

Okay, let say that my PB over 100 meters is 10 flat. Can you, please ,advise me how I could get to 9.8? Jogging, run 400 meters in 55 and do some lifting in the gym? :cool:

Nah, do 10x200 in 28 rest 2mins. Make sure its on grass and eat your yams.

In all seriousness, if you look at what I have been posting, they are questions given the context of what is known and what has been seen, not a prescription for success. Maybe you missed that part.

I only went by time and general assumption. Regardless it doesnt matter.

I also dont think we should act like we know everything, we get a couple workouts, but its just that… couple workouts. Not a weekly template.
Just a little thing from MVP, from what someone told me on elitetrack, MVP does do some speed work over 50m-80m. Yes I know, franno saying no 60s or etc.

Please, do not copy Hart’s training. I know what are you talking about. However, even MJ did a lot of thinks over short distances and pretty fast. But Hart’s boys arent same like guys under 10 or even under 9.8. And for that you need to get 60m under 6.5 and running 10m under 0.85 and 10x200m in 28 is not good for that…

Having trained in Jamaica with Simeon Williamson, the British 100 metres champion, last winter, Powell believes sprinters from these shores are lazy. “When Simeon started doing practice he was actually dying,” Powell said. “It was the first time he’d trained that hard. We do lots of over-distance running so you build up serious lactic acid in your legs — 200s, 400s, 600s.”

Christ you don’t get it. Perhaps it is a language barrier, I don’t know.

So do you think that as a sprinter moves closer to running elite times that there should be a gradual shift away from the percentage of work done that puts an emphasis on height (overspeed) and a slightly higher percentage of work towards breadth? Not that you are entirely eliminating either, but just general shift the amount of each type of work?

He shut off effort at 5.7 to 5.8 sec from first motion. That’s not 40m
From first motion, they’d do about 6.2 sec for a 60m and allowing for lifting off the gas before the line…

Hard to answer that specifically because both ends are stressful but if you think of our final taper stimulus workout (4 x 30 bl st, 80, 100, 120, 150) it is an expansion of breadth based on speeds achieved in an earlier phase of the S-to-L approach.

charlie i remember you stating your athletes were able to perform in races as what they were doing was no different to that in training, this i strongly believe in.

if the training was geared toward submax surely the race stimulas to the body would cause major down time after each performance or even injury.

Charlie would or have you used an o/s stim as part of a taper to a major comp?

I’m curious as to your thoughts about how you would do the vertical-horizontal combination. Personally, I do 4X60/300+200+100 on back-to-back days early in SPP2 for the reasons Verkhoshansky lists (he has quite a discusssion about maximizing stimulus and protein synthesis in one of his papers). Would you consider adding a vertical stimulus to the 4X30+80+100+120+150? If so, any thoughts as to how?

Regarding using contrast as part of the combination, when I first saw Loren’s contrast stuff about 5 years ago, I followed it 2 days later with a workout like 2X4X100 (which is admittedly the hardest workout John Smith does)…and injured my hamstring on the very next workout. So, I think I’d be VERY cautious about using contrast as part of any combination approach; It is a very large stimulus and requires appropriate recovery methods. And I think there are some very valid comments about people going too far employing contrast methods. My experience thus far is that almost all the MaxV gain appears after one or two sessions and after that you are taking incremental risk for less than incremental gain.

Maybe… my apology… :slight_smile:

Summing up OS results this year?
AJ’s athlete, UKcheetah and LKH=?

LKH ran 15.0 in the 100m. Healthy. Not kidding.

I think he has been dealing with injuries…


Personally, the initial use of contrast appeared to give me a large performance boost 10 days out. However, this was after months of rehab and only around a month proper training, so maybe the performance boost was amplified. I also did a full squat 1RM test (failure) 7 days out from the initial PB. The season PB 10.70 came 1 week later. Prior use of it didn’t yeild much benefit, however I didn’t have favourable conditions, so not sure how much to take from it. Not sure how it would work with <10.5s, hopefully i’ll find out for myself next season :smiley:

On the other hand I was able to really experiment this season as nothing was expected after partial preparation… I used contrast in some reckless manners and didn’t get injured.

This season I will be implementing contrast in a manner similar to LSU, and to some of CF’s acc work (resisted, assisted graph) where sleds/mb accels are mixed with blocks. I may use OS only once, as a final stim before the 10-day taper.

Incidently, we would know the full extent of the LSU contrast training (apparently) if Fogelson would share it, rather than use it as an idol threat…

LSU’s use of overspeed is, at best, a misinterpretation from LKH that he made based off of a SINGLE powerpoint slide and I’ll leave it at that. They are not sprinting faster than race speed (overspeed) in these efforts when using the pulley/cable system. That isn’t to say there is absolutely no efficacy in such a system, but that Shaver’s protocols are not as described by LKH, simple as that.

I think you know the deal here: Fogelson doesn’t know anything, and just attacks other people (see Goose, and well as people other than LKH in this thread) to make himself look good.

From what I see in this thread, LKH didn’t post anything claimed to be from Shaver; The Shaver training that was posted was contained in a link (now dead) posted by Tamfb, and LKH linked some information from a Speed Dynamics video by Loren Seagrave (you can’t argue that it’s in there or that it’s from Loren). There’s more about contrast (at LSU) in the old Richard Thompson thread, which others have pointed out. I also found this comment about contrast training from Mike Young:

I’ve done something similar and found it can work quite well. I actually just prefer sticking to acceleration with this method if you’re going to use it as a contrast because acceleration and maximal velocity are so different in technique and physical demand that it’s basically like doing two different activities. If you wanted to do some version of this though in one clean quick format you could use a releaser belt that releases tension at 20m (or wherever you want) so that you are resisted through acceleration and then can fly at top end.

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Fogelson, actual training snippets from LSU containing contrast traning has been posted twice on this forum. You have claimed knowledge about Shaver’s training a number of times that what is claimed is wrong. But YOU have actually produced nothing. If you have something REAL, post it. Otherwise, I have to conclude that you’re just a bullshitter who belongs on everyone’s ignore list.