Incorporate Sprinting/Plyos

Where in my off-season football program can I incorporate a sprinting and plyo program? Thanks.

Squat- 4x6
Lunges 4x6
Calf Raises- 1x20,18,16,14

Bench Press-1x12,10,8,6
Military Press-4x6

Power Clean- 4x6
Bent Over Barbell Rows- 4x6

bump…charlie francis? anyone?

I do speed work about 2 times/week before weights. Tempo on the inbetween days.


You can do speed work on any of your lifting days. Monday and Friday should ideally have a few hours between speed work and strength. If you can’t do that do Speed work before weights. Tuesday and/or Thursday and Saturday can be your Tempo Days. Use the Search. There are lots of threads and posts on Football specific training on the website.

Football Coach

thanks alot.