three full body workouts a week is charlies recomendation, but if you do this you cant do ME method, i did one limie leg and upper workout a week, worked well for me. you dont need to do anything, the strength will come, but remember the goal is speed…and plus uneeded mass can be a speed killer…
Hmmm, do you really think ill gain well strength wise just hitting upper body and lower body with weights once a week each? I mean, i know it worked pretty well lower body. I just did a 10 week routine(ended up doing 8 lower body workouts) and i potentially added 40lbs to squat and 35 to deadlift in abouit 10 weeks(i will make it official August 18th)…so i guess ill be fine?
Thanks man, now that i got my routine set out, would it be best that i pre plan all of my workouts? Or should i make it up as i go along?
yes you will, i went from 22x2(275 max) to 265x2(max unknown, but Im guessing i can crack 300) in the stint i did and squat went from 450-500. preplan but make adjustments as needed, and it will work because recovery is the key.
AWESOME dude, full squat or parallel(or below?) ?
I cant wait to start trainin the 100m
i switched up between snatch grip deadlift and full squats, sometimes if i felt real good i would do both, its up to you really what you feel comfortable with
Oh alright. But i was asking you how low you took 500
full, thats all they judge at my schools power meets, ass to grass
Damn dude, thats really impressive! Best ive done was 325 on a really bad day, possibly had 335-345 well rested and up to it. But im going for 365 a little below parallel this wednesday, hope i get it!