Last week or so we got a huge amount of snow here, right after my last split run workout, so I’m supposed to make the transition to speed endurance now.
Anyways, needless to say the track is FULL of snow…like 6-12" in that range
long stairs? or running drills on the spot?
“drill are always possible in any weather. Sometimes you can make the conditions work for you. Strength endurance -running As for prolonged distances/times (up to 120m or 90sec max per rep-time is probably a better guide under variable conditions -with 2-6 reps per session- can be done uphill in knee deep snow -provided perfect technique is maintained. Be careful that you know the terrain beneath the snow. These can replace special endurance runs for a significant period and they’ll get you in shape in a hurry!”
" Power-speed drills are of a short duration, while strength endurance uses the same drill over a prolonged period to develop endurance. For example, a SE running A drill is high knee runs with forward progress at a slow walking pace for distances up to 200, or even 300m in the case of 400m athletes. Such drills may take up to 3min, though they must never be done beyond the distance, or time, over which perfect form can be maintained. This is ideal training for bad weather environments. Strength Endurance is usually done once per week, though it can be done 2x/wk for short periods"