i'm climbing

Good job nic…

Do you have any goals on what time you want to run this year? If yes, What times are you looking for?

Also, Is that workout schedule your inseason workout? Or do you do the same thing all year?

If I get in some meets on the circuit I should run 10.05 give or take a little.

The Real Deal

Is that workout schedule your inseason workout? Or do you do the same thing all year?

Thats only a piece of my in season workout depending on how soon I’m running I’ll have to tweak it.

I see…

Good goals…It’s definitely achievable given your ability.

Godspeed, and will be looking at your progress:clap::clap:

BTW Nic what is your best squat/bench etc? Also what is your BW?

thanks man!

i’m 154 lbs(skinny) I’ve never really maxed on squats but I can do 3 set x 8reps at 390.

my max for the bench is 240

max on cleans 240


I was wondering if I could ask you two questions. First, what does your lifting program at Abilene look like? And second, what kinds of core exercises do you do on Wednesdays, and do you do any running, or just core work? Thanks a whole lot, and good luck this season!

day1) cleans, squats(half), leg press, reverse hypers, R.D.L’s amd biceps.

day2) back and shoulders

day3) chest and triceps.

we do about 10 different ab styles 25 reps each x 3 sets. we jog up 200m between sets.

Good stuff! that is a great workout split!!


Nic, can you post the picture again ?
I can see when i clic on the link page…