what are some of your favorite hurdle mobility moves?
This is a hip mobility warm-up I recently designed for a guy with very tight hips. He is a rugby player in Auckland.
Begin with 5-10 min of general warm-up drills and dynamic stretches up and down the length of the training hall. Jogging, carioca, toe touch walks, lunge walks (emphasizing a big step out).
Around the World Lunges, 3 sets. With a barbell on your back, take a big step out to the front, perform one lunge and come back to the centre. Lunge out diagonally right, come back. Lunge straight out to the right, come back, etc. Around in a circle once is one set. The barbell makes sure he keeps the torso upright to give the hip flexors a good stretch.
Hurdle mobility drills (I set this up in the power rack). 2 sets of 6 each. Stepping over sideways from the right with medicine ball held high overhead (again to keep torso upright), stepping over sideways from the left, stepping over with hips facing straight forward.
We had to set the pins quite low as he was so tight and they were too low to do the ‘under’ drills with.
Finish with static stretches, held 2 x 30 sec each.
I plan to add some front squats to his program at some stage also.