HS Short Sprinter's Training Journal

What is + and ++ and what should the tempo be for 110 and 220m?

I do the tempo on a football field which happens to be 120 yards long (~110m). The + signifies that i would walk the short length of the field(sideline to sideline) between reps. And the ++ signifies that i would walk the long way (end zone to end zone) between sets.

And can you rephrase your second question, I’m not exactly sure what you are asking.

What is the intensiti of these 110 and 220m runs.

I cant give an exact percentage because these are on grass in trainers and my pr in on a track in spikes, so those are 2 very different things, and i also dont time these. But basically i try to do extensive tempo so im guessing about 70% given the surface,. i just try to stay relaxed and stride it out.

I did do a workout at some point that was 7x200m on the track in trainers with 200m walk recovery and i timed these between 34-37 seconds

So you do this extensive tempo to recover from a speed workout and prepare for the next one ?

basically yes, there is a thread on this somewhere that goes over the benefits of extensive tempo

Monday October 12


Week 7
Tuesday October 13

2x30m Blocks
3x20m Finish/ 40m Accel
3x60m Blocks

Clean Pull 2x3
Clean 2, 1+Fail, 2
Squat 3x3
abs- 200 reps

Wednesday October 14


Push Ups - 2x20
abs- 300 reps

Foam Roll

Its starting to get cold out very fast :(. Over the past few weeks its been getting noticeably colder and last week it was 60s which is tolerable and not too bad but this week it skipped over the 50s and is like low 40s, I’m used to it so its not awful but i miss the warmer weather especially like during the summer where i could start sweating before i even started to warm up.

Thursday October 15

2x30m Blocks
[4x55m (30+m)] R: 3
Running A’s 3x30m

Clean 4x3
Squat 3x3
abs- 200 reps

Today I utilized the indoor track and its very clear to me that the warmer conditions easily outweighs all of the negatives of being on the indoor track.

Friday October 16

Ultimate Frisbee


Saturday October 17

20 Min Light Bike Ride

Bench Press 5,4,3,2,1
Weight Circuit 2x12
abs- 300 reps

Sunday October 18


Week 8- Start of Maintenance Weights
Monday October 19

3x30m Blocks
3x60m Blocks

Clean Pull 3,2
Clean 3x2
Squat 3x3
Bench Press 3,2,1,Fail
abs- 200 reps

I have a lot to report today. I have really underestimated my upper body strength. The most I have ever tried benching was 170 but my training partner noticed how easily i was doing 2x165, so for the rep of one I wanted to try 185, and I did that comfortably, so then I tried 200 and it was the closest fail possible, I think if i were to try again i could have gotten it.
Also today I video timed some of the 30m Blocks and 60m (through 55m) Blocks. I wasn’t very happy with the times (4.32, 7.20) but after I account for the cool weather (high 40s). slight headwind, and where I am in the training cycle, I don’t think the times are too bad, i guess ill just have to wait and see…
My training partner who was about .3 faster in the 55 last year was only .2 faster today, so I guess that’s a good sign, although i would like to beat him or at least close that gap more.

Tuesday October 20


Wednesday October 21


Weight Circuit 2x12
abs- 300 reps

Thursday October 22

20 min Light Bike Ride

abs- 300 reps
Push Ups- 80 reps

Friday October 23

2x30m Blocks
2x[3x60m (30+m)] R: 2.5/15
Running A’s

Clean 3x3
Squat 3x3
abs- 200 reps

Saturday October 24


Sunday October 25
