How to improve hams

Hi guys,I have a question…What can I do to improve my hamstrings?
I mean it’ s not only a problem of strenght,cause I ’ d like to know how I can activate them correctly…
Thanks everybody…

I did have weak hamstrings for more than 6 years an cannot do anything about It (that’s what I was thinking at the time).

I was doing 450’s parallel squat
400’s Stiff leg deadlift

But still I had weak hamstrings, they are no longer my weakness now.

This is what I do:
Squat build up to 3 reps
leg curl warm-up 2x8-10
GHR 3-4x6-8 vertical integration ( build from incline to partial, then negative self assisted, then full reps)

If I can handle It I add some UNI ECCENTRIC leg curl lift the weights with two legs, then lower It with one leg, alternate forn 6-8 reps 3s count for the negative

The key hamstring strength is as an extensor of the hip and you don’t want to limit output there by linking it with flexion around the knee. Str leg deads, deeper squats, deads, cleans- all back dominant lifts are good

Are you talking about traditional str leg dead or rdl?

I understand the theory, I still don’t know why my hams didn’t get enough stimulation with hips extension lift. My form was texbook, my lower back was dead and my hams still fresh.

I have tried:
SQUAT (TO PARALLEL) lower back flexibility do not allow me to go down lower than that


Maybe the body is just really really smart and can work despite the weakest link in the chain

Any parallel or below parallel box squating?

What are your thoughts on GHR as opposed to hypes? When I GHR I do a hype first then add the knee flexion movement - I think most people flex the knee’s from the beginning… although obviously there is still extension of the hip.

Maybe I never got them right but I found that my output around the hip was limited by my strength around the knee.

I underline that it’ s not a strenght’s problem…How to “wake up” hamstrings?

Why do you think your hamstrings are not “activated”?

Activation is just as important the sequence of firing with the other muscles in the glute chain.

Maybe that is the issue? You could well be strong, but it is limited due to the ROM you get.

Hamstrings are only secondary muscle in hip extension, I believe, and the gluteals play the dominant role.

Just to be more precise with my point, the only safe ROM in the squat is the one you can get while still keeping at least a slight lower back lordosis, past that point and you’ll injure.

Before I knew that, I did ATG squat, my hams was not better.

“DMA QUOTE” Hamstrings are only secondary muscle in hip extension, I believe, and the gluteals play the dominant role. YOU ARE EXACTLY RIGHT!

My experience is that squat may be enough stimulation for quads/glutes, but the hams must be worked by Itself(maybe in case that there is no muscle imbalance (like most sprinters)) then hips extension might be all you need.

It seem that quads and glutes do the work to the place of the hams ones…


What about individuals with low back issues that limit their ability to do those back dominant lifts. What options other than leg curls exist for ham isolation?

Im curious how low back issues would stop you from during hypers, single leg hypers, plate drags etc?

I’m having an on-off low back issue, and hypers can create more tightness. I guess it depends on the kind of problem, I don’t know.

What are plate drags?

I love glute-hams on the GHR, although be careful with back.

Nikoluski recently brought up to me the eccentric leg curls (bring the load up with both legs and slowly bring it down with one leg alone).

Also try backward running…

If i had a lower back issue the last movement I would do is a leg curl.

Please explain…

I figure it is because in a lying leg curl your lower back is not in a ideal position.

Most leg curl machine make you tilt your hips and place an excessive motion on your lumbar spine.

Just some thoughts.

I struggled with leg curls and back extension with my lower back, but found reverse hypers manageable.