How often do you squat heavy?

Edit: I can’t change the poll question and I messed this up but: How often do you squat/DL heavy (above 80% 1RM) in a week during Max Strength blocks?

what if we do sq twice and dl once?

Vote for twice, I guess, though the load would be the equivalent of 3 x/wk with the squat alone.
I wonder what the results would be if we asked the question another way? What if it was asked: “Would you prefer to do the EXACT SAME number of lifts over 3, 2, or 1 session?”
If you are already warm and the preliminary lifts aren’t a problem, doing a few lifts up to working weight and then, as in our case, doing 2 sets of 6 and gone (less reps in the taper phase).

so r u saying during 2x6 each session with same % etc? i still dont see how 2x6 build strength.

i squat heavy once, dl heavy once, and the other squat workout is med-light, which may change to a speed squat soon

This is in the strength phase, but does it really build strength?- or is it a stimulus inducing reflection of the strength already gained from the truly highest stimulus, the sprinting itself?
We’ve had a number of discussions about this in the archives and I’ve always maintained that the weights follow the sprint power and don’t lead it. Ben, at his max speed was putting out 3500 Watts at the hamstring, single leg (121,000lbs one foot in one minute) and doing it a significant number of times in a single speed session.

damn, if i were doing 2x6 it would probably be at 75-80% which is not heavy enough for strength gains even if the sprinting is high.

Look at it in reverse. If your lift numbers are under control, your speed goes up. If your speed goes up, your lift numbers go up.
This is why sprinters lifts are always better than you might expect from their lift schedules.
I’ve seen it over and over!!

cf it sounds all good, and if that was the case why all sprinters dont squat 400, like carl lewis and brian lewis etc

if you’re DL’ing over 80%, count that as you would a squat.

too late, I voted 1 hard, 1 light

with DLs it would be 2 hard, 2 light

This is a good point. Many of the 2-3x a week squatters I see do much more volume per week than I personally do, even though their volume per session is a tad lower. Thus when I tried that type of setup recently, I got incredibly weaker in 4 weeks.

Same volume, spread it out.

live and learn.

NOOOOOOOooo. it doesnt get any easierrrrrr.

like i told u before look at ur overall program

Just because you don’t doesn’t mean you can’t.

CF do you think it is a concern if the squat numbers for a sprinter go down or stagnate, but numbers in other lifts like PC go up significantly? What would you make of that situation and should there be any concern?

Theoretically sets of six should allow an intermediate trainee to get stronger. The older the training age the lower the reps and heavier the load is necessary to promote additional strength gains. The average college athlete should be able to get stronger performing sets of six. Zatsiorsky feels this to be the case anyway.

i see big strength gains when during 1-3reps. anything over 3reps feels like 10reps to me. lol

depends on what ur running looks like, bc as cf said the speed at times make up for ur lifting. just bc ur squat is down doesnt mean u r weaker in the squat, i bet if u taper for 7-10days and test ur squat u may be surprise.

Well when you full squat over 500lbs I would expect that to happen UT… then again I get tired after 3 and I don’t full squat near 500lbs. I noticed full squats are much more difficult @ higher reps than parallel squats. That’s from my experience at least.