How often can i use the Taper?


i did 3 comps this year(100,400m) and next week 100m/200m.

I used a 5-day-taper(for main comp 7-day-taper).

My question: How often can i use it. Can i use the taper before every competion or just before important ones(3-4 per season)?

Just before important ones up to 3 times a year

That’s very interesting.

So, how should i train with “normal” comp?

Sth like this:

Mo high intensity+ special endurance

Tu Tempo

Wed Rest / or high int.

Th Tempo+core

Fr 3x30m, 50 - 60 max



Sounds about right but generally Friday is sub max. So 2x60 sub max (acclerate to 30-50m) depending on ability. Its all gone into in depth on the Van04 DVD where CF discusses the differences in setup for an athlete running long to short and short to long.

im having the vid Van 04. By the way: Does anybody know about the downloadable graphs?

If you asking about how to get them, then Rupert is the MAN. I think you will have to mail with the heading Van DVD graphs.