How Much Tempo Per Week?

How much tempo do you do per week?

I realize this may vary over the course of your season, so give me what you are currently doing.

Also, do you think you are doing too much, too little or about right?

I do my tempo workout three to four times a week. I do them in between my speed/power days(two times a week). I have a few different circuits I can choose from, long, short, 100’s, or water running. Total distance varies from 1000m to 3000m per workout.

I really doubt that im doing too much or too little, as this is what my coach has asked to be done:D Tempo is pratially for recovery, so can you really recover too much?

xlr8, whats your current tempo week look like?

My tempo work is pretty non-traditional at the moment. I’m training for a plethora of sports activites right now…this summer I will be playing semi-pro football, running a handful of track meets as well as entering some fencing tournaments and tennis tournaments. So, I’m doing very little traditionaly tempo, but I’m getting in a lot of tempo-like work (with respect to intensity of effort.)

I’m still working on how to manage all of the activities I need to complete on a weekly basis (sprints, weights, skills, team practices, bouting, matches and tempo!) and can’t say that I have come up with a satisfactory solution yet.

xlr8, you make a good point about tempo-like work, which comes in various forms which cannot always be measured in metres or feet. For example, certain types of core work can be considered as being part of a “tempo” workout. Doing complex lifts at a lighter weight and for a certain duration can be considered “tempo”. Swimming, doing drills specific to a sport (soccer, basketball, hurdles) can also be considered to be “tempo.”

smarrs, you can do too much tempo, and with your comparison of tempo being synonymous with recovery, you can therefore have too much recovery. What can be considered to be recovery under certain conditions can, under other conditions be seen to be overtraining, or detraining. It is a fine balance.

ahem only partially synonymous. I knew that there was a lot more to a tempo workout (or i like to think i know) than just recovery, so thats why I didnt say it’s soley for recovery. Speaking of recovery, I totally just finished JRR Tolkien’s On Fairy-Stories… :rolleyes:

Anyways, I totally understand the idea of over- recovery now, im right on balance.

i m doing it the same way.
2 high intensity days a week per average. Yesterday i did a h-i-day with one day off between them and a strained my hammy…

is there anybody who is doing 3 times of h-i-days?
Charlie said Ben was doing it at some times, but my feeling is that its very dangerous.
what do you think?

As soon as final exams are over for my athletes they will be doing 3 high intensity days per week. It isn’t dangerous at all if you are doing proper recovery in between and you build up to it. More accurately, we will go back and forth between 2 and 3 hi days per week, but for the most part we will be doing 3.

How do you quantify the volume of this type of tempo work? I tend to use time as the basis (e.g. 30 minutes, 45 minutes, whatever…) However, I guess you could look at number of med ball throws, number of balls hit, etc. What works for you guys?