Hi please can you give some advice on how to plan sprints of high intesity around my jumo training.
I have can only jump train on tues/ thurs eveings at the track. I currently use mon and wed or weights
my question is this how do i incorporate the right amount of speed stimulus throughout the week.
as monday is high int through weights tuesday i will do three quarter run up work out to 30m for 6-8 reps and the cyle is reapeated on wed and thursday, this leaves me with only saturday as a dedicated sprint session, what can you recommend in tersm of putting some more sprints into the microcycle
doing them on either moin/ wed means that both the tues and thurs sessions are high intesity and i wont be able to perform let alone recovere from the previous days sprints, i can’t do the sprints after jumps as i am already fatigued and similariuly i can’t do them before as it wipes me out for the junmps
any suggestions
once again my week looks like this:
mon weights
tues - 6-10 full app jumps + plyos
wed - weights
thurs - air taechique of ramp/ take off drills
and bounding
fri off - rehab sauna ems etc
sat speed/ speed endurance deicated session
sun light tempo 1000m/ off