H.I.T baby

If 9 out of 10 people come back stronger after a month’s holiday break, what are their strength levels during the programme? Are they better off without it? I don’t get it…

No they would have been stronger had they contined training… it’s just that they didnt lose any strength when they returned.

Hang on… you thought seanJos was my name ??

There are approx 80 CSCS in the UK (or that was about one year ago). You don’t get automatically inserted into the locator once u become certified. You have to enter your details yourself.

i’d like to see some data…oh well i guess i’ll have to wait until the next sHIT advocate comes along preaching a style of training inferior for track and field on a track and field board. But an average drop of .38 seconds in 12 training sessions, i could really dig that.

Ronnie Coleman and Dorian Yates and any other pro bodybuilder doesn’t just do 1 set to failure for every muscle group once a week, like anything that creates an amazing physical specimen, its a little more complicated than that…sorry dude, I am far removed from any position as a professional coach and I can tell you that.

Everyone presumed it was after you posted;

I wonderd why no one I spoke to within the sale establishment had heard of you…


Now you’re using the internet as a reference!!

You’ve gone too far. Even for you.

Here’s a story for you:


And when you’re finished, I’ve got some ocean front property in Arizona I want to sell you!!

Power, since you are in a mood of writing something, why don’t we start a rugby training thread? are you working with league or union players?

I’d be interested in reading your article on the congugate method which I use myself and for all my sport teams which I coach.

Yes, please.

“Sean Jos” is only 20 according to his profile, do you not require a bach degree to take the CSCS test?

Registrants must submit an original, official transcript of their academic work, showing attainment of at least a bachelor’s degree (BS/BA) or chiropractic medicine degree granted by an accredited institution.


Sean Jos is a boy of good will, who, enlighted by reading MM’s MMI (whatever that mean…) decided to make up some stories to make us believe and see the light as well. Of course, he needed something to give him credibility and decided for the “CSCS” credential.

Unfortunately he made such stupid statements that it was immediately clear that he was not a CSCS. What was the logic of someone going thru the hassle of getting the CSCS certification and then forget everything after reading one of Mentzer’s book?

Who needs a firewall?… just route any information through this forum and it will come out disinfected, clean and reliable :smiley:

So whenever they have a break, they start off where they left it?

C’mon everyone, don’t get so uptight about all this HIT nonsense; don’t worry about it. If it was really that good for track/field training, don’t you think the elite athletes would be using this method and that we would all know about it? The strongest and most powerful athletes (weightlifting, sprints, etc.) do not use the HIT method. We know this, so why are we even giving this topic (and the original poster) so much attention? The HIT method, as described here, will not provide us with any holy grail breakthrough in track/field training.

First of all - the claims earlier …

24lbs in 3 months is 8lbs a month, or 2 lbs a week

Not beyond belief at all.

In fact with a good hypertorphy training and nutritional programme that should/could be superceded certainly with younger males and using a HIT or other hypertrophy programme.

What would be more interesting would be the LBM details of the 24lbs.

As for using only bodyweight … wel now that’s stretching it.

As for increasing strength by 220% … well I had a similar argument with a CP disciple some time ago.
His claim was “I increased his power and strength by x%”
I asked

  • How did you measure it to start with and to finish?
  • How did you do it?

“Well when I tested him in his Front Squat at the start he could only do ‘x’ kgs”

I was impressed so I asked him how long the guy had been Front Squating or in fact weight lifting.
“He’d been lifting for almost 3 months and no he had never Front Squated before!!”

You can improve someone in anything if they’ve never done it before.

i didnt know that Mike Mentzer was dead?

Hey, since its now 2006, i was thinking,
its time for my yearly training session
one track session to utter failure
one gym session to utter failure
I will post my times and retest next yr.
Expect massive improvment.

I’m picking up your sarcasm…

and I like it!!

Hey, since its now 2006, i was thinking,
its time for my yearly training session
one track session to utter failure
one gym session to utter failure
I will post my times and retest next yr.
Expect massive improvment.

Just keep hydrated in the meanwhile…

I’ve had a revelation. It was the hot sausages that produced the 220% improvement!! Damn Conspiracy!!

In keeping with the spirit of revealing super secrets, I came across the double-secret method to Michael Johnson’s success. He cleverly placed it on page 31 in Slaying the Dragon, where only those “in the know” could ferret it out.
Here it is, for the benefit of CF readers(shhh, don’t tell your competitors):

“I can proudly say that I’ve never missed a scheduled day of training in ten years”.

Damn, wish I’d thought of that . . .