
Box horses are the stackable boxes you used to jump over in phys-ed. (Or maybe it only applied to the codgers) You can see it in the GPP DVD, with a clear example of how to do the hyper/reverse hyper combinations. Once you see the boxhorse on the DVD, I suspect you’ll recognize it

There usually isn’t time for an EMS block in Phase 3. As for a ratio- that usually applies to the ratio between high and low intensity not between these two high-intensity componants. It will be entirely individual and the rise in vol will be moderate in all cases.

Charlie, why do you have the seated row has an exercise in the advanced stage wts on Mon/Wed/Fri in week one? Just curious why seated row is included as an exercise when you already have Lat-pulldowns on Mon/Fri and bent-over rows on Wed? :confused:

If for whatever reason you cannot do the hillwork bc there’s snow outside could do the regular GPP work inside on a flat track with the prescribed work? :slight_smile:

Charlie in your vertical integration chart you have a section labelled core conditioning work which I assume means the med ball core work and general ab exercises as shown in your GPP DVD. On the chart for example 4000 / week is in labelled at the beginning and ending of the twelve week period is this the total volume of both the medball core work and general ab work? To put it another way when you record these volumes into your daily log do you do so seperately or together?

Where do you see bent-over rows?

Your right there is not bent-over rows; however, I am still curious as to the seated row as an exercise selection instead of bent-over row for example. I also noticed that seated row is done on Mon/Wed/Fri is this bc this is just a secondary lift? My problem is that I can do 100 lbs over the 250lb max on the lat pulldown machine so I don’t do Lat-Pulldowns anymore and have substituted Lat-Pullups. As for Seated-Rows the wt stack maxes out at 300lb and I can already do 270lb for a max even though I’ve hardly ever done this exercise in my life, I will probably hit the wt stack max of 300lb in one month and so afterwards I will probably discard that exercise in favor of bentover-rows.

when doing exercises like Lat-pullups, Lat-pulldowns, Seated Rows, Bent-over Rows do you allow your athletes to use wrist straps to be able to pull more weight? Seeing as grip strength is not important in the 100m I would advocate using straps for all these exercises! With that being said I would not use straps in doing cleans, snatches, or jerks bc grip strength is very important in those lifts; furthermore, those lifts will promote grip strength far greater than anything else.

Thoughts? Comments?


Why do you have Primary and Secondary lifts? Why can’t a 100m sprinter lift heavy (i.e. make all exercises primary) for all the exercises after he’s done his speedwork? :confused:

For the end of the COMP II phase do you need a week of recovery or can you simply go into SPP III?

There is a limit to how far the CNS can be stressed in a program with so many high CNS demand componants present at the same time, so choices have to be made to focus efforts.

You need at least some period of recovery/restoration before resuming intensive training.

hye charlie i wated to ask u does the tempo capacity changes from the gpp to the spp and what are the primary and secondry lifts

The volume of tempo doesn’t change from the GPP to the SPP, but the capacity does, meaning that it gets relatively easier to do it. This fits with an ever increasing need for a bigger differential between sessions (as the CNS demand of the high intensity work gets higher, the low intensity work must get easier to handle to compensate, at least in a small measure)
You can see a graphic explanation of this ever-increasing differential and how it is manipulated on the GPP DVD.

so i was asking if u do sprits the wieght liftinf the upper body in the morning session the u do polys in the afternoon session is this ok(doesnt stress the cns)

This is ok even though it is a stressor on the CNS as you still have sufficient time till the next CNS stress almost two days later. (think of the whole day as one unit)

i wannted to ask u where do u train in canada as iam preparing a visit to toronto

If you wish to arrange something contact

thanks alot charlie,could u please tell me more about the precompetition preparation phase

In regards to the Plyo’s graph on the DVD,

I don’t know if going off the box is part of CFTS program but this was his answer to somebody asking whether you actually go jump off backwards and then forwards.