i´m preparing this weekend my GPP for this coming year ( starting next Monday, august 23th ).
I still having some doubts where i would apreciate if you help me on this.
Well, first i would like to tell that this GPP Program covered in DVD is just perfect to me, because, i have 7 more weeks until start a 1 year part time job ( a job from this October to Oct 05, 5 hours a day 8am to 13pm, 6 days a week).
Well, let´s talk about the GPP…
I didn´t wrote the sessions details here because i´m following exactly as described in GPP DVD.
But please, let me know if i´m wrong in any part of this ok ??!! 
Week 1:
Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Hill Work W1;
Weights Upper Body ( Graph 1- Beginner );
Sit-ups (abs exs).
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Tempo Session;
Weights Lower Body ( Graph 1 – Beginner );
Explosive Medicine Ball Throws ( Graph 1 ).
Week 2:
Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Hill Work W2;
Weights Upper Body ( Graph 1- Beginner );
Sit-ups (abs exs).
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Tempo Session;
Weights Lower Body ( Graph 1 – Beginner );
Explosive Medicine Ball Throws ( Graph 1 ).
Week 3:
Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Hill Work W3;
Weights Upper Body ( Graph 1- Advanced );
Sit-ups (abs exs).
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Tempo Session;
Weights Lower Body ( Graph 1 - Advanced );
Explosive Medicine Ball Throws ( Graph 1 ).
Week 4:
Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Hill Work W4;
Weights Upper Body ( Graph 1- Advanced );
Sit-ups (abs exs).
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Tempo Session;
Weights Lower Body ( Graph 1 - Advanced );
Explosive Medicine Ball Throws ( Graph 2 ).
Week 5:
Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Hill Work W5 ( Mon&Fri );
Speed Work ( Wednesday );
Weights Upper Body ( Graph 2- Beginner );
Sit-ups (abs exs).
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Tempo Session;
Weights Lower Body ( Graph 2 - Beginner );
Explosive Medicine Ball Throws ( Graph 2 ).
Week 6:
Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Hill Work W6 ( Wednesday );
Speed Work ( Mon&Fri );
Weights Upper Body ( Graph 2- Advanced );
Sit-ups (abs exs).
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Tempo Session;
Weights Lower Body ( Graph 2 - Advanced );
Explosive Medicine Ball Throws ( Graph 3 ).
Week 7:
Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Speed Work;
Weights Upper Body ( Graph 2- Advanced );
Sit-ups (abs exs).
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Tempo Session ( Tues&Thurs );
Hill Work ( Saturday );
Weights Lower Body ( Graph 2 - Advanced );
Explosive Medicine Ball Throws ( Graph 3 ).
Charlie, my 1st doubt is about the Weight Work schedule and the Graphs covered by the DVD.
So, basically what i´m planning is;
Graph 1 Beginner Circuit Weights for the first 2 weeks,
Graph 1 Advanced Stage Weights for the next 2 weeks,
so, Weights Graph 1, for the 1st 4 weeks
Then in week 5; Graph 2 Beginner Circuit Weights,
and for weeks 6 and 7, Graph 2 Advanced Stage Weights.
As you can see, i didn´t use the Graph 3 yet, because i´m thinking in use this days of total body weight work only in my SPP ( after the 7 weeks of GPP ).
Any problem with this ?
The other doubt is about the Plyometrics, so, when should they be performed ?
Tempo Days ? Hill Work Days ? Saturdays ?
3rd doubt;
why you called some weight exercises from “Primary Exercises” and “Secondary Exercises” ?
There is any order for the exercises each day ? ( Weights or Track First ? )
5th and last…
About the Weight Sessions:
What should be the number of sets, reps and the %of 1RM for exercises ?
Sorry for all this questions, but actually, for the first time, i spent some time in my chair, watching the DVD many many times, then thinking and planning about my first step career into sprint world.
Please, don´t let my poor english be a “hurdle” between my thoughts and the real knowledge ok ?!
Tks for the comments,