GPP Blocks

Ok so I figured 2-3 blocks of GPP would be optimals to loose bodyfat, get in shape(develop the “core”, strength, and loose body fat). How does this look, the emphasis is on tempo because of my need to loose body fat.
Block 1
Day 1-Short Acc(10-15m), weights, high rep med ball exercises(around 10 exercises at 50 reps each in this part),
Day 2-Pool Tempo, Abs, push-ups, pull-ups
Day 3-Pool Tempo(in place of a special endurance session), Weights, 10 med ball exercises at 50 reps each,
Day 4-Pool Tempo, Abs, Push ups, pull ups
Day 5-Short Acc(10-15m), weights, 10 med ball exercises at 50 reps each

Block 2
Day 1-Short Acc(20-25m), weights, 10 med ball exercises 50 reps each
Day 2-600m tempo, push ups, pull ups, abs
Day 3-600m tempo, weights, 10 med ball exercises 50 reps each
Day 4-700m tempo, push ups, pull ups, abs
Day 5-Flying 10’s and 20’s, weights, 10 med ball exercises 50 reps each
Post session is ice bath, contrast showers, and a little message, maybe ems

If needed repeat block 2(every 2 tempo sessions in block 2 add 100m to tempo). Also may use light plyo(tuck jumps, bounds, hops, skips and things like A and B skips/runs on days 1 and 2). Thoughts…?

By the way, Charlie got the book last night, its excellent, every part of it, especially interesting is the recovery and regeneration chapter as well as the sports phsycology(spelling?), both are very interesting subjects that I knew little about(as well as periodizing the sprint training along with everything else). Again great book, hope to get the DVD soon.