Good or another crap gimmick?

Read this on a website, any good or waste of time?

(In a nutshell, being pulled towards ground fast, with elastic ropes, and then the ropes are released or used as overspeed after the gound contact, in slightly differant direction. Or something.)

The application of AMT that I will cover in this article is an extension of a reactive-jump; in which I feel most trainees are familiar with already. The spin involves attaching band/spring resistance, which is less than 53%(at full extension) of your bodyweight. The athlete should attach these bands to a weightlifting belt around his/her waist, whilst standing on a box that is 100-120% of their maximal vertical jump (basing this judgment off of reactive jump height, electronically measured, but this is not absolutely necessary). The loose ends of the bands are anchored by a foot of each of the two coaches- pulled out and away from the box at a length equal the tension needed.

At this point, an Over Speed plyometric/Reactive (OSP) method is coupled with a Contrast Method (CM) to produce an alarming effect. The CM is achieved when the coach’s release the bands from underneath their feet just as the athlete makes ground contact. This happens very fast, since the athlete rapidly reverses moment force and propels himself upwards, as high as possible, into a vertical jump- ground contact should be as rapid as possible (anything exceeding 0.33 seconds on the first session warrants the cessation of the application for the day).
The observation/testing may be done on a reactive pad that is capable of electronically measuring jump height, or by a simple belt-tape vertical jump device that anchors the measuring tape/rope through and instrument on the floor. The vertical jump capacity of the athlete should be tested prior to engaging in AMT application, and then every third to fifth jump there after (with rest intervals between jumps being open-ended- for the athlete to decide- but there is a mandatory 4 minute rest interval between AMT and control jump scores). This procedure should be repeated until the desired fatigue (%) is found in commensuration with the athlete’s

AMT work should precede all other work for the day; the athlete must be fresh and be in a state of pre-elastic conditioning (associating warm-up).

The Proof is always in the Pudding (rapidity of results)

The proof is always in the pudding, and the rapidity of return is always associated with reliability of the recipe!

Athletes of any qualification will see a return of at least 18% in their first run with AMT work for vertical jump enhancement. If they do not, it was due to poor administration or failure to meet the list of pre-requisites. This method has also been used, in conjunction with other methods, to produce hundreds of pounds of improvements in squat poundages with dozens of advanced athletes (I am talking 635 lb raw squat to 855 lbs raw in under 60 days! (Only 5 sessions!)).

The reasons for this devastating return in performance are fruitful. However, instead of throwing superfluous science your way, I will opt to explain it in terms that we can all understand. Virtually anyone that was taken from this earth and placed on the moon could jump clear over an 18-wheel truck. The reason that we can achieve this is not completely applicable to earth since it is the same reason why we stay afloat- gravity (manipulations in gravitational forces). However, the speed of the bands create an augmented intra-neural-perception of the gravitational forces, the required response necessary to support and overcome this action upon ground contact, so a heightened arousal is found. The release of the bands at contact is critical since this action won’t remove the intra-sensations that our system has experienced- which is good since output will be appropriate to warrant the results that you are looking for. If the bands weren’t removed as anchored then the training effect would be lost since elastic-driven acceleration will be lost at toe-off, due to the band resistance, and frictional components will be brought in to assist movement. This is not advantageous for those seeking power via elastic function since frictional elements have been found to interfere with movement efficiency when programmed wrongfully, or manipulated in the short-term inappropriately (such as the effect that leaving the bands anchored would produce; i.e. loss in power production).

Note: the after effect isn’t present during the repetition in which bands were utilized. In fact, the results are transferred back to free-movement, thus only 3-5 rep groupings, which should be carried out in groupings about half as great as the AMT’s (this could be 3 with AMT followed by 2 with bodyweight). You will also notice that the results will grow rapidly until the drop off margin is found. It is hard to walk away when personal records are getting shattered so fast, sometimes, but that is what coaches are for. And, as expected, the results will be even greater upon returning the next training day- adhering to the frequency scale. We have seen an average 4.5% growth-carryover to the next session from the new personal best, not the previous, that was found from the five minute vertical jump solution (i.e. the results not only stick but are enhanced through the restoration process).

Sizing It Up

There is a major difference between the various applications of reactive jumps, and I will address some of those issues now. Before AMT, the athlete manipulated either drop-height or load (ex. athlete wears weight vest). Early findings clearly showed that an increase in drop-height was far superior to an increase in load; and AMT only extends these findings to the next level. The frictional involvement with loaded applications held back full power production as stated earlier; and this is due to the athletes preceding ND strengths, resultant from conventional strength training. Reactive jumps in which height was stressed over load resulted in much greater improvements (percent improvement varied per individual, based upon his/her deficiencies at the time) than loaded jumps. AMT was able to magnify the positive influences of this previous work, with the end product being nothing short of spectacular.
…end quote"

Any good?

Re: Any good?

Good for what?

Any reactive jump at heights of 100-120% of your best vertical will have ground contact times significantly greater than the GCT for sprinting. Especially if they are loaded!