Okay, today was pretty much the last straw. I had a very sub-par performance at a track meet, I had just been worked to death, and so I approached my coach. My coach isn’t anywhere near as compitent as he should be, and he knows this; he understands this, and is willing to let me produce a program for the last 11 weeks of this year that we can both go over together. He wants final say, but he wants me to do the work. (which kind of shows how he may be enthusiastic about he sport, but how hesitent he is to actually put in the work). Interesting guy, my coach is. Anyway, I’ve gained an incredible amount of info these past few months, -Joel, Pakewski, Nikolouski, and of course Charlie have all helped me rethink and revise my training philosophies. And so I present this fairly polished (POLISHED!! HAH!) 800m schedual of my last 11 weeks coming up to state finals. (PreComp/Comp Phase, and Champ phase) Take note that I’ve got a lot of races, and so must “train through” a number of them, though I’m not going to put a “hard day” the day before a race, I’ll have them 2 days from a race.
I’d like every single day of my schedual scrutinized, but that’d mean a MONSTROUS post. I’ve got the entire thing offline, and am working with it in word, so I’m going to post about 3 weeks from key points.
Each practice follows this same template, but I don’t see the need to repeat it 100 times. The template like this:
800m team “warmup”, static stretches, duckwalks, toe-walks, A-B skips, Highkneed-Buttkickers, 10 min run (warmup), WORKOUT, 10 min run (cooldown) stretches, contrast shower/Ice bath/Hot or Cold shower (depending on workout and my condition), Roller-Massage on legs
EDIT: Just saved your scroll finger some work
Yah… that took me like 2 and a half hours to make. God, danm. Help please guys. This is real urgent!