eye twitch

Today my right eye was twitching when I started my workout. It continued a few times throughout the day. Charlie had mentioned it a few times. What would the implication be of the twitching? Change the training ect…?

Thats a classic sign of central nervous system fatigue. Drop the volume and intensity for 7-10 days.

I have gone through that several times, I went to the eye doctor thinking it was something bad and he was just like, “its stress!” phew… :stuck_out_tongue:

Its not always CNS fatigue, if you had a bad night of sleep, it can also cause the twitch.

i’ve also heard something about low levels of magnesium.


the doctor and the others are right. Stress, lack of sleep or overtraining can all cause such twitches. You should know best which one of those might be the cause in your specific case.


Be careful. DMA could be in the next lane and could get the wrong idea :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll keep my eye open! :smiley:

How many hours a day do you spend looking at a computer screen?

Depends on my training. 1-3hrs. Somedays not at all when I have to do longer workout plus work. The days I have off are when I read the most.