Ems for feet

Hi !
reading the CFTS i found that Charlie usually use EMS for weak feet. But i didn’t understand well how to position the electrodes…in fact i can’t understand if i have to put both of them under the feet (plantar), or to put one under and one over (dorsi).
What you think of a periodized approch 2:2 (2:1:1) as he was usually using for EMS ?


Place both electrodes on the sole of your feet one on the ball and one near the heel. Then stand on the electrodes. Experiment with the positioning if your toes start going into cramp.

As for periodisation don’t know what you mean. Usually 10-12 sessions of ems is enough in one go.

Perhaps you don’t need to periodise it, as this kind of work (i.e., feet) is usually for rehabilitation reasons… If this is the case, the best days to use such treatment are on easy days.

Hope it helps!

Ok, i’ll try.

tc>>As for periodisation don’t know what you mean. Usually 10-12 sessions of ems is enough in one go.

Looking at how Charlie was using EMS (CFTS) : 2 weeks on , 1 week off, and then another week off (the unloading microcycle);
I’am also using a 3:1 approach, so i think Charlie’s method would be effective.

NIK>>>Perhaps you don’t need to periodise it, as this kind of work (i.e., feet) is usually for rehabilitation reasons… If this is the case, the best days to use such treatment are on easy days.

I’ll use EMS because i have very weak feet (and also quite powerful calves ).
My training volume is quite low, i don’t think they are “tired”.


I didn’t mean to use EMS as rehab on easy days because volume might be high on others, but because overall intensity will be low on these easy days and it should suit your purposes better…